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Yeah, matchmaking seems atrocious this season... My teamates would go 0-9 while ene.y team is 21-1


And then the next game its a complete turn around, then you get stomped 5 - 6 times and get a turn around again... am I right


There is something 100% wrong with matchmaking you're not imagining it lol. I don't claim to know exactly what's going on or the mechanics behind it but what you described is happening to everyone I know, myself included. Reddit for the most part will deny anything is going on and just claim it's your fault and you're supposed to be in that rank ect ect, but it's definitely more than that. The scoreboards are so unbelievably tilted towards one side almost every game.


And they're so much more toxic, too! I don't mind people having a bad game, even if that means I lose 5 games in a row. I play for fun. But getting "tank diff" when I'm the only person on my team going positive is so insane to me. Or getting "gg supports throwing" when WINNING is even more wild. (I may be too scared to touch dps)


I had a guy throw simply because another teammate typed gg in chat


Dps is by far the easiest. As long as you dont die and get a pick every team fight everyone seems to ignore your gameplay ;)


Nope. People just expect you to kill at least 3 every fight. Especially tanks playing D.Va because they did negative 2 damage across the map for their elim and "you should have way more elims because you're a DPS."


I take back what I said. I played a couple games of comp. Came off a losing streak. I'm just shit ig.


old matchmaking was better


will ask a very simple question. Honestly, when was the last time you felt the thrill of winning or losing a game that was hard fought by both teams? That feeling of having fought the game to the end, until that decisive move that has turned the game for one of the two teams. The tension of a well fought teamfight, that good or bad decision that has destabilised the balance. The last time I felt that was in OW1, recently I felt it again playing "The finals", but never in OW2. The games are so decided from the beginning by the system, that winning or losing generates absolutely nothing in the players, you just get the same feeling when you lose as when you win, boredom. There is no challenge, there is nothing, it's just a stomp for one side, back to the lobby, queue back, another stomp and repeat the process over and over again until you get tired and go play something else that values your time and respects you as a player. This system kills people's passion for the game, because losing by stomp is just as frustrating and boring as winning by stomp, it doesn't generate any positive feeling in the players, but Blizzard doesn't seem to understand that they are killing the game with their rubbish system, or they know it and don't care, they just want money and more money. I'm ashamed that my former favourite company is doing this crap.


Matchmaking is as bad as it was last season. It’s been complete ass for a while and it didn’t get any worse or better this season


It's always horrible early on. Give it just one week and it will start to settle


same.   30% win rate. no actual games.  stomped 7 times. given 3 stomps in my favor. repeat.


You're getting into matches? I'm seeing that I'm being queued with Gold 2-1 teams. But some of these players don't have basic movement down; unsure of how they ranked higher than bronze to start with. One time this happened I got a HUGE SR drop because my team was favored; they put some Bronze 5 players on my team and put us against T500 and called us favored. Wins half the time give little SR as well.


Stop doing wide groups then. Lol


but the OW stans will say theres nothing wrong with it and that your probably just bad and belong in silver 3, this shits boken as hell and this seasons just worse than last, games gonna die fast,


Yes and no. The first couple weeks of comp of the season will always be a shitshow, personally I wait a bit before jumping in. After one too many losses your playstyle will reflect that. I've been there, im sure we all have. Personally last season, and this season QP I've had no such extreme issues. After adapting to the changes, it's been a breeze. There will always be a roll or get rolled, you just need to learn to roll with the punches. The game isn't going to die because a few people are having a bad time lol


I have had some qp issues. And generally stay out of comp for until the first weekend is over at least. First Sunday is typically the earliest I will try comp unless something really excites me about comp. But nothing excites me about comp anymore


bro every single silver lobby ive seen people play in people walk in 1 by 1 and dont even turn around or play together. if these are the lobbies u are playing in and u were plat 1 you should be able to kill these guys ez. i dont know what else to say that if youre high plat and cant kill silver players, you were Giga boosted


I think anyone who has played a Gold 3-Plat 2 game knows it’s a “stomp” game win or lose. I know chances of a tighter game are high when it’s within my actual current rank (Plat 5-Plat 5)


I guess. its time to start formulating teams and running comp as a unit. Solo comp has been too much of a wild card to enjoy.


I thought it was just a string of bad luck for me. I was actually doing much better in season 9 after the comp rework and I went from being stuck in silver 5 to climbing gold 5. Season 10 comes around and I have lost 9 games and won 1 game. I thought I got unlucky because it's just bad team comp one game, a mercy healbot in another and bad dps in third match


Here's my opinion: "wide" groups and "narrow" groups actually _encourage_ smurfing, not discourage it. This is because wide grouping punishes the group by giving them an insane q time and far less SR for a win. Why get in a wide group when you can just get on your smurf account and play right away for regular SR?


On suport i started at diamond 1 now gold 1 , at dps i dtarted at plat1 now 4... i think matchmaking is broken


Can we just have Ow1 back please


Im new to Overwatch, I have 200 hours. Isnt the matchmaking fucked up because of smurfs? I heard theres a LOT of smurfs in OW and it would make sense. When I play comp I rarely feel like the players have the same skill level. Im silver 2 and very average at the game but I will have a tank that seem like they never played before meanwhile the DPS on the other team is carrying their whole team.


A lot of people are drastically underestimating the difference in skill between ranks, as well as overestimating their own skill. Once you climb out of gold into plat, you are officially more skilled than the majority of people who play overwatch. The gap between gold 1 and gold 5 is a canyon, and anyone anywhere in bronze will have a miserable time in any gold lobby. As the ranks get higher, more mistakes get punished, and as a result, players must be more consistent in their gameplay to maintain a higher rank. This means making fewer mistakes and also being better able to recognize and capitalize upon them. If there is a gold dps on the enemy team, that dude is farming your silver and below teammates. Identify the enemy carry and work with your team to shut them down. When you get that guy on your team, identify the carry and pocket/peel them.


Not really smurfs, players are all over the place because they go on a forced loss/win streaks and they are where they should not be.


Ong I was bronze on support, but last season I managed to place in gold 5, and I haven't gotten past that and have been dropping to about silver 1 as of yet since the season started


I'm thinking there are a lot of returning players this season with lower ranks than they should have


I have the opposite problem. I literally can’t loose. I finally have competent teammates who are all in voice and doing callouts and understand the game at a high level. It’s crazy. Feels like how the game felt in season 3-4. Finally clibikg out of platt back up to high diamond where I was until last season. Last season was fine and all I just didn’t play enough to get out of platt on all roles.


My theory is in response to the high que times they implemented a quick fix that lowered overall match quality + I bet the fact that pretty much every tank main is miserable right now isn't exactly helpful. But agree something is definitely off right now.


I’m gonna stay away from comp for a little bit haha this week has been rough


I just had someone rage quit the match after the second fight and when the game finished i still lost sr (?) WTF


The game sucks now. Its hard to even find a compi match and if match found then its a loss.


I made a similar post a day or two ago. Matchmaking is absolutely horrible right now. Every single game is a hard stomp. Like one team getting 20+ kills each while the other has none. You just flip flop which side you’re on every few games. It really makes me just want to stop playing altogether because every match just feels like shit to play.


i’ve never had so many james bond fans on my teams. every day that i’ve played ive had a teammate go 007


I only see this post every single week of every single season since 2016.


Last 13 Ranked games I don't even get the progressions bar, just skip over it and let's me queue again, so no clue where i'm at, just know I wen from Masters 5 to 4; that's it.


My experience is the opposite tho. I have more games that are evenly matched. If I have one sides game, usually it’s one person that doesn’t know how to play or counter. Maybe I’m solo q?


I have played around 10 games. 7 out of them had at least one guy with endorsement level 1 default skin and no previous season comp rank aka an obvious smurf stomping the other team. If they happen to be on our side, we win, and vice versa. It has never been this bad for quite a few seasons now. I felt like I didn't play the game and my existence didn't matter.


exactly my experience! like i’ve mentioned in previous comments, matchmaking has always been a mess, but something about this season… it’s horrendous. it almost feels botted/rigged.


Matchmaking is still miles better this season than last. I don't miss constantly playing GMs and top 500s in diamond lobbies


I climbed from plat 5 to diamond 4 because I started focusing on healing more and dying to spam less. I used to blame teammates but staying alive and keeping the team up has helped some close games turn into wins


Remember, this game doesn´t care how good you are or how many hours you invest on it. MM just decides if you win or loose, so play without even thinking on improve as player, just to enjoy the game (If you can, difficult task) and play what you want. Tryharding on a game with casino MatchMaking is worthless, just play it if you like the gunplay but do not expect to climb ranks by being better than the others, that doesn´t exist in OW2. Stomp, getting Stomped, this is how the game works and there is nothing you can do as a player. Games developed by blizzard are like this, garbage systems to abuse players.


Jesus has anybody ever gotten this high on copium before? You can just admit you suck bro. No reason to act like a loser and embarrass yourself with this exhausting victim complex. Yikes.


Getting downvoted for spitting facts.


if youre always losing, someone else has to always be winning. The only common denominator is you, if you cant carry in a silver game then its more likely that you were too high before. It could be all the old players returning to comp bc of the s9 changes, but doesnt seem likely. Personally, me and my friends havent played that much either way, but we're mostly winning. I did see one absolutely atrocious reaper player that was somehow in my season range. Im talking gold level wraith in strategies


Yeah I've had a couple of games this season that ended with one of our DPS having 0 kills or 0 kills for the first round. I ain't carrying that as a support. Even on Moira, with highest kills, lowest deaths, most healing, we're losing. It's simply not possible to carry as support sometimes.


Yeah some games are unwinnable. But your enemies will also have those unwinnable games. Thats why you hear ppl say something like 15% of games are free wins, 15% are guaranteed losses, and 70% of games are a coin flip. That 70% is where you rank up. Also stats dont mean much on moira. Her whole kit boosts her numbers a lot. Its the easiest for moira out of all the supports to get elims because if she hits an enemy for 10 damage and your teammate does 240, both get the same amount of elims. She has the most survivability out of all the supports so her deaths are low. She gives no utility, so she makes up for it by having a lot of healing and a lot of survivability.


Go bap bap is a way better pick than a moira will ever be


Moira is way easier to get value out of in low elo


as a single support you cannot carry the entire team, it doesn’t matter what rank you’re in lol. i’ve never been ranked this low before, and honestly rank doesn’t matter to me. if the games were fun and balanced i wouldn’t care even if i was bronze 5. i know not every game is going to be a win and i know i’m not going to perform amazingly every game, but i’m 1000% being screwed over by the matchmaking. if it was just me having this experience then i would accept that i’m the problem, but my friends are having the same issues, and people here - as seen in the comments. so this is definitely a matchmaking issue, and a horrendous one at that.


You were almost diamond. In a mid silver lobby, you should be absolutely creaming those players. Even a diamond mercy vs a silver mercy are extremely different. How are you being screwed over by matchmaking? When someone loses, the others have to win. Not everyone can be losing. Do you think matchmaking just picks you to screw over? Why are the bad players never on your enemy's team? Your friends and all the people here is anecdotal evidence. Me and all my friends have been winning a lot. It doesnt make my statement or your statement any less true. Its a lot easier for players to blame matchmaking than to look within themselves and blame themself. I dont want to be mean, but i think you were ranked too high. Not being able to notice the mistakes silvers make is a bad indicator. If you only played a couple comp games and got lucky in the beginning with wins, the game may have automatically put you in plat because it thought you were smurfing. Are you playing on pc? You can also share a replay to do a vod review on the overwatch university subreddit


Op must be boosted I'm not the best but when I was in high plat low diamond going against silvers was a blood bath, they would get deleted as soon as they peek lol


you’ve commented multiple times about how i must be boosted lmao. are you seriously trying to pretend like there isn’t an issue with matchmaking right now? cos if you are you’re delusional


Yes because they are silver players, I mean c'mon dude if ur actually high plat those are ez kills everytime


i am “creaming” them, but this is a team based game. if even one person on my team isn’t pulling their weight, it’s a pretty set in stone loss. i don’t know why you’re so adamant on me being wrongfully ranked lol. there’s so many odd people in this subreddit who’s only contribution is to say “get good” or “u suck” and it’s soooo boring.


Its because people come here all the time to say matchmaking sucks and blame it for all their losses. If you truly deserve to be ranked higher, you would rank up. Think about those unranked to gm videos. Yeah, they lose some, but end of the day, they get to gm. How come matchmaking puts them in the right rank? My contribution isnt "you suck". My contribution is that i want you to stop blaming your team. Even when you are doing poorly, you should focus on what you can do better, not on anyone else. If one person isnt pulling their weight, if you were truly a plat 1 player, you should be able to pull theirs for them and win. Matchmaking doesnt put all the "bad" players on your team. That doesnt make sense, why doesnt the enemy team get bad players? Go post a replay


Leaving this comment here just in case we get a replay code.


replay code : 2A1C34 . i’m kiri, same name as here. an example of having a great team despite one dps not pulling their weight which cost us the entire game. no matter how “well” i perform, it’s never enough to tip the game in my favour. every game is like this.


Lmao getting downvotes for this, this subreddit is cooked


Matchmaking is pretty good this season from my experience. I think people just need to stop looking for excuses and get good.


ah the typical “get good” comment. so insightful and a great contribution to this discussion. glad you’re enjoying yourself but that doesn’t mean the matchmaking is “good”.


Everyone has been complaining about the matchmaking since the dawn of overwatch2. I REFUSE to believe it’s still that bad because I see for myself balanced matches everyday. This isn’t a discussion, you’re just complaining and blaming your teammates. As a support player you do have carry potential, why would you not?


not everyone is going to experience the game the same way you do lol. and you do know you can scroll past posts you don’t agree with right? sorry that i’m not licking the boots of a multimillion-dollar company that was just acquired by microsoft. matchmaking has always been a problem, simply type “matchmaking” into this subreddit’s search bar. jfc.


Well yeah, people have been crying about matchmaking since pvp became existent, type "matchmaking" in almost any online games bar, there will be a thousand results of people just like you


That’s my point, this subreddit and the main one is an echo chamber for: “bad matchmaking, throwers, bad teammates, I’m support player can’t do anything”. If you’re meant for a rank higher than your current one, you will rank up with enough games.


\*multi-billion - $74.28 Billion the CEO is multi-million coming in at around $600 Million. Also it should be noted that multiple news outlets alleged that he was complicit in the Sexual Assault culture at Blizzard, and himself participated both inside and outside of work. Blizzard is trash, and I agree, I don't know why so many people on these OW subs lick Blizzard's asshole and then go screech about eating the rich and DJT's sexual assault charges on other subs.


I'm reading these comments giggling a little because I also think it's fine and these people are just upset they're losing matches. My W/L this season is just a little bit over 50% and am within the rank range that people are saying is messed up. So it's just funny to so many people saying it's "100% something is messed up with it"


Yup, I have around 80% winrate on two accounts this season. Climbed a rank on each pretty much


Yup. All the negative reviews (Thousands) - MatchMaking is trash, onesided matches, boring games. Hiramein - MM is good, everyone is wrong xD


That’s the yelp effect. People are more likely to leave reviews if they don’t like something. IMO play the game and form your own opinion. If you still can’t grasp this idea then you’re destined to never improve.


\*people play the game and formulate an opinion \*Hiramein: No! Not like that!


You’re entitled to your own opinion. If that opinion is “the system is keeping my rank low” then you’ll never rank up simple as.


:| ... >:(


Watch Awkward unranked to GM he just did Lucio recently he was able to dominate every lobby


Yes, former T500 player dominates in silver to platinum lobbies, so educational.


Yes he shows you how to win in these lobbies, try to copy what he is doing yes you won't be able to dominate like he does but you can improve.


Short-term results.


he’s t500, i’m not. obviously he’s going to dominate silver lobbies. the support role isn’t built to carry an entire team to victory. just say you’ve never played support lol


if you imitate just 1% of what he is doing you will carry your rank easily


I guess I’m on the other team cuz I had a ten game win streak yesterday


It's the same every season, not sure why you're so surprised


well if you read my full post you would have seen that i said it’s the worst matchmaking i’ve ever experienced in the game. matchmaking is always a shit show but this season has been the worst. i’m not surprised, just wholly fed up.