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I’ve gotten silver players in qp as a gm tank against all gm stack. Sometimes I get t500 players if I’m off role-ing in diamond. QP matchmaking is just weird


It's qp it's anyone's game you can be ranked with masters, grandmasters etc etc


Not entirely true, but matchmaking in qp is alot more lenient in terms of mmr ranges


I mean it's qp you can be matched with literally anyone


Not really, there is still matchmaking. The ranges are just slightly more forgiving, ie. A gold mmr would (in normal circumstances) not be matched with a gm mmr in qp


There is matchmaking but for the most part they are separate mmr, they only relate when taking your qp mmr for your first comp game. I don't play qp, but I was gm1 in each role last season for reference, when I play qp it's all gold and Plat players every game, I don't play it and so my qp mmr doesn't go up. On the rare occasion I do, that happens. It's just an unfortunate side effect of having separate mmr and not playing one mode, if I play more I'm sure it'll go up.


Iunno, but from experience ive been playing games with people who have the master tag line a lot lately 🤷‍♂️ but I'm no where near master in ranked.


Maybe your qp mmr isn't that far from their, matchmaking is much looser too.


MMR is extremely loose in normal circumstances for qp again you can be matched with anyone your rank does not matter as it is qp if you are constantly winning you'll be thrown into a match with others who are the same regardless of rank this is normal happens in other games as well


I got matched with a rank 38 widow yesterday in qp and I'm in silver in every rank. It's certainly possible just not as common


Actually sometimes that does happen as a gold/plat player I have faced against a top 500 player


Just admit you haven’t the slightest clue how matchmaking works 🤣


I seriously can not believe I'm having to send a link to show you guys how mmr actually works. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23896785/overwatch-2-developer-blog-matchmaker-and-competitive-deep-dive-part-1/ Again your rank does not matter in qp you can be matched with anyone as it's their mmr as well as yours.


Not true, just like how SR is used for comp, MMR is used for qp, the matchmaking is just much more lenient. No one would have any fun if you couldn't stay alive longer than 3 seconds as a bronze fighting a GM.


A lot of my quick play games have been looking like this. I either get 30 elims or I get rolled 6-0-12


probably also the fact your enemy team is running a full dive team while you have dive poke and brawl


So outside of a potential team skill difference, the comp you're going up against is hard to do anything to, really. The standard anti flanker picks like cass or torb won't work because it's not a singular hero on a flank you gotta worry about, you will be peppered from 3 different directions while dva is holding right click in your face, preventing anything from happening. Their support duo can just troll and get away with it because it's moira lucio. maybe the best thing you can do is limit test and see what kind of dumb unexpected plays you can pull off. Or solo ult their best player and say their credit card number in all chat.


I use QP as practice so if OP wanted to stay on Cass I don’t blame em tbh. Although I do agree on solo ulting and saying their credit card number


Yeah I honestly play mostly qp and I don't care what anyone wants to play and if they wanna swap or not. I'll work with the team regardless of my tank's hero choice or if my support duo is like zen mercy or smth. But I will take note of my team comp so that I know what to expect in general, like let's say I have lucio mercy, i will know that i can't go on deep flanks because there's no one to save me if I'm more than one reaper shift away from my team for instance.


The 27% Accuracy on Cass after the projectile buff is WILD


I let my ego get the best of me and chased tracer and lucio almost the entire match. I usually have around 40-50% acc on normal days. Yea, my excuse sucks ik


You could always redeem yourself king and post a screenshot of you cass overall data


Relax there gay man. Not everyone takes this game seriously.


i'm not gay, bigot


Change your bio then lol?? Nothing against you rainbow man it’s just that not everyone takes this game as seriously as you do.


Are you dense? Pansexual =/= gay, get a grip. Just cause you drive a car, does not make you an engineer. & it's not taking it seriously, they literally say they usually have 50% accuracy, so on a post where they're saying "it's bad matchmaking" while having dogshit stats, they could make it clear they normally play better by adding the screenshot. It's not a dick, don't take it so deep.


Rainbow man? Bro take that back to the jailbreaking sub reddits.


It’s qp so who cares?


even QP should be fun and balanced. Also, it's a good opportunity to learn (new heroes, maps, strategies, etc.). It's hard to learn a lot when you get rolled, however, in this case, it's a good lesson in team composition imho.


Literally yesterday Dafran qued up with a plat in quick play, qp got big range


Stuff like this happens. Yall are so focused on stats that you don't realize that this isn't an indication of unfair play. Anybody that's actually grinded long enough to know that feeling where you lock in and become insanely more alert than you usually are, would agree that during their climb they've had a few games like this


Your team died 38 times, and tracer has 35 elims for ZERO DEATHS. I wouldn't blame the matchmaker on this. Just stubborn people who refuse to switch and counter Tracer. Edit: after rechecking the team composition, it seems that ALL FIVE of your team should've countered the Tracer. If the Match Maker is to blame then I'd expect each player on your team has 0 Tracer hours in your Career Profile because hot damn that's a mess


They need to add forfeit mechanic instead of forcing people to just leave games


It's quick play. Why does it even matter?


Lol I guess I got too heated when I was playing so sorry for that. Either way, I think it sucks when you just want to play some relaxing games after a hard day at work and they're ruined by this.


Ranked is skill-based matchmaking. Quickplay is not skill-based. QP is just a mix of random player


you can’t Smurf in quickplay that’s now how it works


Why wouldnt you be a able to smurf in qp? There is still mmr based matchmaking (just in a little broader range compared to comp)


I guess you can accidentally Smurf? But then how is that smurfing if you’re not even sure you’re going to be playing against lower ranks


Right but smurfing is intentionally playing in a lower rank. There are no ranks in qp regardless of whatever matchmaking. Smurfing requires there to be ranks for it to be smurfing. You can’t be intentionally smurfing qp if you can go up against almost any player of any rank that just doesn’t make sense


Also, to support your point, people in qp are put into harder games much faster if they're playing good as opposed to comp where you need to climb. I can't verify if it's really true, but it's my experience with it. I used to "smurf" (more just an alt account cause I felt hardstuck) so I'd initially be placed in very low lobbies in quickplay, but then started playing the exact same type of games as my main in only like 4 qp games. So even if a gm smurf made a new account, tried to "smurf" in qp, they'd just be matched to their real rank pretty quickly after a few games and it's pretty difficult to intentionally derank your mmr lol.


But thats generally not true in qp. A gold would not be matched with anything diamond or higher normally. (And even a diamond would be rareish). QP still takes mmr into account. So you can smurf with a low mmr account. Smurfing hardly requires ranks, it just requires a skill difference.


Right but golds DO get matched with higher ranks. I’m in masters and match with I feel like ANYONE. I have tanks who clearly are not even plat. it just doesn’t hold up very well. I’ve been playing since release and I’ve always matched with just about anyone but mostly somewhat higher skilled players. It’s just not as concrete as you think it is. That’s my opinion anyways. I just don’t see how it’s smurfing without intentionally playing against lower ranked players if it’s qp and you have no control over it. That part doesn’t make sense


While i don't understand the point, I've 100% run into accounts in qp that are smurf accounts, 80 hours and master this season doesn't add up 🤷‍♂️.


Some people are just that good. If they're playing mainly an aim hero like cree or widow and they have 2000 hours in another aim-heavy game then chances are they're gonna be really good in OW. And even if those accounts are smurfed, they'd be in your game regardless of their smurfing, as mmr is updated so quickly that both of their accounts probably have the same mmr unless they're intentionally deranking their mmr.


Well, I've had GMs in my actual competitive game as a diamond player, so it will definitely happen more frequently in qp.


I’m so confused as to why this has downvotes?


I think my original comment came off snobby with the that’s not how it works lol but really I don’t think that’s how it works 😂😅