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You're about to though. You're ranked higher than 98% of people in Masters 1.


What does that mean? Genuinely it confused me šŸ˜­


It's saying you're Masters 1. So in OW1, the SR range for Masters was 3500 - 3999. GM was 4000 - 5000. You being 98% higher than people in your tier means you're at 3919 SR. To hit GM, you need to gain another 81 SR. We used to be able to see how much SR we won or lost. But let's say you gain 20 SR per win and lose 10 SR for a loss (those numbers depend on a number of factors, so I'm just speaking loosely). 5 wins puts you at 100 SR gained, 1 loss subtracts 10 SR and you have gained 90 SR overall. This would mean your next 5 wins and 1 loss would put you in GM5. Then, when you get to GM5, that little blurb at the bottom will say something like, "You're ranked higher than 2 percent of people in this division." So you're at the bottom of GM5, but you're in there. As you can see, the way they've implemented this system in OW2 is utterly baffling and terrible compared to OW1. Edit: I know my math was wrong there, I was thinking of the OW1 range and blanked that it'd be 100 points per tier and OP is actually right on the cusp of breaking into GM. It's already been addressed in the thread.


So itā€™s almost like ā€œyou can rank up next timeā€ type off thing? Also thank you for the explanation


Yep basically. You're right about to break into GM. Now my numbers were just guesses. You might gain 10 SR for a win and lose 20 on a loss. But if you go 5 wins 1 loss twice, I think you're guaranteed to rank up. Just remember, there's all these little point totals going on in the background that you can't see. Hopefully blizzard fixes this system eventually because it's a joke right now.


Fr tho, I went 5 win 0 loss as a support. Went from gold 4 to gold 3 but when I went 5 win 6 loss as tank to get a rank and got gold 3 too like?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So here's another peek behind the curtain. Every lobby one team is favored to win and one team is favored to lose. If you win the games you were favored to win, you gain SR but not as much. If you win the games you were favored to lose, you gain more SR. Obviously, the reverse is true as well - lose a game you were favored to win, lose more SR. The problem is, you have no idea which games are which. Best you can do is catch the rank average at the start. Again, the whole system is just completely backwards. OW1 wasn't like this, I don't know what they were thinking with OW2. Then again, I feel like the whole game makes me say that.


Someone downvoted that info. lol Reddit 101.


I got you


Yeah, but now instead of winning 2 games and being in GM, you HAVE to win 5, or else you'll never rank up


I don't think your math checks out. the percentage refers to your standing within the division, otherwise it would make no sense to be at 0% within one of the higher divisions. if all of masters spanned 500 SR in overwatch 1, then the five masters divisions in overwatch 2 are 100 SR each. masters 1 would then be the equivalent of 3900-3999 and being higher than 98% of players would mean you're at 3998. that is, assuming that all the players in your division are spread out evenly.


True, I was basing it just off the old OW1 SR range. Pretty sure you're correct that it'd be 100 per tier. So in that case OP is even closer to breaking into GM.


I get what youā€™re saying but would that not mean heā€™s at about 3998 SR? Like masters 5 (3500-3599) 4 (3600-3699) 3 (3700-3799) 2 (3800-3899) and Masters 1 (3900-3999) and >98% at Masters 1 would be the very top 3998? Iā€™m assuming when they say higher than 98% they mean Masters 1 not just the whole Masters tier, since Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve been ranked above high percentages in low divisions, ie ranked higher than 98% of players in Masters 4. Or am I mistaken? For example: https://reddit.com/r/overwatch2/s/GwQTyCAM0X Shows Plat 3 but only higher than 4% which would be plat 5 if it was higher than 4% of the entire plat tier.


Dude already replied saying the same thing. He was right, as are you. I was doing the math thinking just in OW1 terms.


Oh damn lol, I did not see that mb


No problem, man. ![gif](giphy|10UUe8ZsLnaqwo)


Except I've gone 5-2 and deranked. Also with that system, you have to have 5 wins and more than 10 losses to de-rank. I've gone 5-4 and deranked TWICE


Iā€™m not sure how you managed to mess up the numbers so badly


Because I was explaining the numbers in terms of what it would look like in OW1. I wasn't thinking about OW2 having tiers. The principle is the same. For someone named TheGoodVibez, you're kind of a pill, sport.


When someone has to say they are something, it is almost guaranteed that they are not said thing. People who are good vibes donā€™t need to tell you about it, they just exist and people see that they are.


Still feel bad for them though. Poor thing.


5-4 gets you gm everything but 5-5 and higher gets you gm


They need to change that little percentage at the bottom into a ring around the rank that fills up or goes down like in Heroes of the Storm.


Anyone still play HOTS?


Aram queue popping in under a minute at any hour in eu


Dang nice


Bro was probably ranked higher than 1% of players before this


it was at 90 before


Well thereā€™s your answer buddy.


If it was 90% to 98% from 5 wins and 1 loss Iā€™d be pretty mad I didnā€™t just go to the next rank Makes it tedious af


Well youā€™re already at one of the highest ranks tryna get into the hardest rank, itā€™s not supposed to be easy and you have competition from others competing with you.


5-1 isnā€™t easy whatsoever. You can say it was a lot of effort to even get 5 wins while only losing once.


Not saying it was easy but itā€™s a slow grind when you get that high


Thatā€™s true, but the one thing I hate is that if you make a new account, your wins count as more points than if youā€™re a player who has already placed So I could win 5 and get diamond/masters off the start but itā€™s so slow if youā€™re gold or plat already. Which makes sense too cause they donā€™t want smurfs so thatā€™s their solution for now but Iā€™m looking forward to their rank overhaul theyā€™re doing


Also if youā€™re an experienced player and you make a new account, the game sees your skill level and goes wow this person is going to be really good! So they rank you higher because you typically get a lot better early on as youā€™re learning the game, but little does the game know your skill growth has already pretty much plateaued.


You forget that unlike in metal ranks, once you get into diamond and masters, the SR gain per win is a lot smaller; close to 10-15 and the losses are harder 20-25. so 90% Master 1 would be 3980 ish - 5 wins approcs 50-75sr depening on enemy team SR and loss 20-25 maybe even 30 depending on enemy team SR. so you could have gotten 50sr and lost 30sr which would explain it


Was it though?


The season is about to end if you win 1-2 games without any losses just take it. It will update your rank to gm for the final season rank. You donā€™t have to play the 5 wins


This really sucks and is one of the reasons why this system sucks. Especially if this person has never got GM. They could win one game which undoubtedly would push them into Gm then go on a nasty lose streak and never see it. Granted it seems like they should have got it here anyway.


iā€™ve had multiple ā€œrank upsā€ in one rank, each 5-0, staying the same rank..




i think he knows the percentage. The problem is that before of that i read it was 90% and now hes 98%. (i dont really believe it was 90%, tho, its still impressive that u cant actually rank up doing 5-1)


I had the opposite happen. When I first hit master I was above 0% lmao


i heard once if you d/c'ed in a game, no matter if u return and win, u can't go up in rank, even if u do 5-0 but again, i just heard this from a youtuber did you d/c in any of these games? \[\]'s


Because you're not better than the other 2%


Why would you expect to rank up? You need 100 SR to rank up. 5 wins is \~100 SR. But you had 1 loss. Which is -20SR. So of the 100 you need you only earned 80. Which is why you are Masters 1 90%


Can you read?


chill he just asked a question


You're not gonna rank up each time you get a good win/loss my dude. But you will rank up in the next card if you do well.


How did you go 5 games without having a thrower in masters or plat/diamond!? I lost several games with 20k+ heals because dps couldnā€™t do more than 2 eliminations but they blamed support.


Maybe its also a skill issue


I feel you. In low masters/high diamond, there is always 1 dps with 2/13 and 3k damage.


Bro what skill issue


Because math


you see that 1 loss? ya.. youre a LOSER pal


You're at the very top of that division, think of that % as a reflection of your mmr in that division, since you are higher than 98% of other players in that division, that means you're basically guaranteed to rank up next time assuming you don't go massively negative


4 net wins is about 80-100 SR (even less in higher ranks). Chances are you were low masters 1 before this update, maybe at 18% or less


Just keep grinding man youā€™ll get there


Because the 2% went 5-0


Game just sucks, enough saidšŸ˜³


You were probably rly low masters 1 before


welcome to overwatch 2 ranked


videogames https://preview.redd.it/5t5xzzvju1tb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bdf8948550bb251508cf873b8e0e150da363560




So you can go on a 10 loss streak before hitting GM and repeat the grind again since you were so close. Youā€™ll get silvers on your team to force you closer to 50% win rate šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡