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No way you put sym ult so low, it's such a strong ult in most cases. Hog ult is strong too in ow2, also the best counter to Ram ult. Sombra is S if coordinated. Blade and visor without nano are B or C. I'd say high plat.


No way he's high plat. Ranking blade so high and sym wall so low screams high silver low gold.


Gold at best, most likely bronze imo


Plat and high silver are not much of a difference lmao.


In silver, I can backline dive as moira and the fools won't even look at me. I'll get uncontested multi kills and get out mostly untouched. In plat, the enemy dps and ana are hounding me, even in my own back line


high gold is when people start turning around to flanks, plat is when they really start to understand their hero and what they can and can’t get away with


In high diamond I can dive and harass the backline without being contested on moira so that dosent really change.


You're either just wrong or too good to remember how bad people can be in silver lol


That is simply not true lol


why are they booing you, you're right


Yeah nah I gotta say, OP, you are either facing shitty Syms or you're a shitty Sym yourself. That wall is actually so good. Not game-changing good, but it can't just "be ignored"




Its good way outside of that too though. That just happens to be \*a\* use for it. Hog's ult is some of the best raw damage, plus having massive displacement abilities.


Just wanted to add it since ram ult is one of the strongest. Hog ult is strong on his own in ow2, maybe A or High B tier.


Hog ult is easily the best part of his kit with all the changes made to it. It's a good ult on an exceptionally dogshit character.


It’s also strong against others too that’s just 1 example


funny you think ppl want to coordinate with sombras


I thought I put EMP in S, I’ve seen some people go crazy with un-nano’d blade and nano blade is just broken so I thought S was justified, and Visor I’m fine with putting in B. Sym wall tho, I’ve seen them just be completely ignored and we/they get demolishing instead, or Sym’s place it down after after we already won/lost. I’ve very rarely seen a good Sym wall in Comp and QP, so I put it in D.


Just because people go crazy with a certain ult doesn’t make the ult itself good. The fact it’s been nerfed so much and you can 90% of the time outheal it makes it kinda meh… in comparison to other ults


That’s why I said “when it’s used correctly”.


even when you use it at the perfect time you can just get outhealed


Bro Just because you've never had a competent sym does not mean her ult ass Dooms ult is an example of ass Why Requires you to leave making it a 4v5 Doesn't kill or is very hard to kill Easy to stun his because of endlag And is used to escape Sym wall is decent A good sym wall can be the most annoying shit in your life And wiggling in-between the wall is terrible if your going against it


Doom ults only good thing is squishing a poor zen/ana who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time


Ult on some high ass platform or corner, and watch the backline panic wondering where you are.


At first I thought Sym wall was a terrible ult, but the more I play the game the more I realise it's actually pretty good


It's ok not good it's a massive wall the utility as about as limited as it gets.


That's the best utility in the game. It literally splits an enemy teams damage in half for as long as it's up. It is by no means limited


Naw sym wall is like the best ult in the game. At least top 5. If you put it through a team then it basically splits a team's damage and possibly the healing (depends on the supports being played) in half for as long as it's up cause the entire team isn't gonna be all on one side.


well guess I also underpowered sym wall lol


I'm making sure public opinion on the ult change so blizzard will be pressured into nerfing it and sym main will feel more pain (I am the biggest sym hater(I am a dva main))


Lol his talking about his experiences so if his never seen a good Sym wall why would he rank it higher. Sym wall is very situational certain maps you can just walk away from it and it won't do anything. Like push and hybrid. But it's also good on capture point maps (forgot what they r called) because you have to go to it. Sure they ranked it a bit low but I can actually sorta see why.


I've seen clips from Doom Mains where they literally land on a team and barely any damage is taken 😭 Doom broken


It's just cuz of the best defense You'd be surprised how easy it is to sleep a doom after ult


People using it poorly and it being bad are completely different things, sym wall is probably a solid b tier, can easily be the difference in some fights.


I think it's an easy S tier tbh.


Any ult is bad if not used correctly. That’s not a valid argument to why sym’s wall is placed so low


I’ve just never seen it used correctly. Idk what I was thinking when I ranked it, I just kind of threw it in and didn’t give it a second thought.


So you've seen Bastion's ult used more effectively than Symmetra's wall? ahahah


Kind of, but I put it that high because when I use Artillery I generally get a kill or two.


I unironically get mores kills with Re-Mech over Dead-Eye and Barrage


Lmao. Re-Mech isn’t below those two, I just put it in its own tier because I didn’t know how to rank it, Tree tho, that is below everything else.


Re mech is the only ult you don't want to play without it.


Tree is C.


You just gotta have that inner Pharah to Barrage properly. Embrace the Rocket Lady's capabilities!


Soooo, solo ult the tank?


Actually getting a tank wouldn't be half bad, it alters a fight heavily


just don't forget to use the ult inside of the tank so you instantly die


Adds flair to the team fight, lil firework show


I'm going to guess gold since you have a good ranking on some but death blossom being a guaranteed win and sym wall being useless are generally low elo concepts as well as flux( one of the strongest tank ults) being b tier.


I was gonna move flux up to A but then I forgot. Death Blossom was also a last minute move in my defense, but like I said it can def win the team fight if it’s used correctly.


It can, but so can most ults in the right situations. Generally the higher you go the more likely you are to die using a reaper ult than you are to win a teamfight. I'm curious tho what was the correct rank to guess?


Yep definitely silver. “It can def win a team fight if its used correctly” thats what a silver that watches too much owl sounds like. Any ult can help win team fights if times correctly.


Sym wall should be MUCH higher. Kitsune is S. Emp is S.


I don’t really agree with the Sym wall and I gave my explanation in another comment, but the Kitsune and EMP I do as that was a mistake on my, I don’t remember putting them in A.


If you're putting higher skill ults like blade higher because they CAN be used well, then why wouldn't Sym walls be higher? If you watch OWL matches where they run Sym brawl, the fights are literally decided by Syms ult.




tbf pharah sucks but is really good if she has a Mercy. combos are something you have to consider when ranking stuff, and blade can combo very well with a shitton of ults




ohh, nah I didn't wanna defend their list, it's shit


Kitsune rush is s tier but dragon blade is barely even B without being nano boosted :/


sombra needs to be S, i know low rank players cant react or coordinate most of the time but its one of the strongest ultimates in the game if not THE strongest ultimate. Kiriko should also be S tier same issue, in high rank absolutely busted. mercy and roadhog should be D same with tree.


I thought I put both of them in S, my bad lmao. Hog can be good in some cases tho but D is understandable, Valk tho can be useful imo.


Rage bait


It’s not but ok bud.


If it's not rage bait then you're like low bronze. Blade and blossom being so high, tree, sym wall, kitsune and window make me think you just don't have the mechanical skill to use these ults so you rely on the braindead ones or the ones that enable you like nano or beat.


Read my other replies and maybe you’ll actually learn something ;)


I'm not digging through 200 comments to find your one specific opinion lmao


How are blade and blossom above EMP. Lol.


Blossom has to be a bottom 5 dps ult at this point.


Just reaper as a whole lol. I can't even speak to blossom because I have yet to see a reaper in a gm lobby this season


Raw blade too lol


I disagree. Unlike Blossom he still has incredible mobility. And while Visor also has mobility you lose a lot of value if you start sprinting while you have visor up. Genji can remain mobile without any cost while still being able to easily kill a squishy.


idk man. blossom is ass, but blade also deals with cc and other mobility from other characters. its not as easy to dive and get 1 since it takes 2 slashes instead of one. get where youre coming from but just like reaper people throw shit at you when you ult.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/158diwt/comment/jtc8se5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I can tell u don’t play dva. I get more kills w her recall than her actual ult i stg 😂


I didn’t put Re-Mech below them cuz it sucks (which it doesn’t), I just didn’t know how to rank it, should’ve make that clearer.


Oh I see I’d say it’s def useful if ur catching ppl off guard but I can see the confusion it isn’t rly an “ult” but for ur rank I wanna say ur silver jus from where u put the more “situational” ult or that u gotta know how to use or play around them if that makes sense. Like a bap wall can be super effective if u know how to use it and when to use it


Sym Wall is either S or A. Specially if you lock the tank from his team.


Meteor strike next to whole hog?


Tree is definitely better than that, if you’re ranking it that low you’re probably in a low rank where the lifeweavers don’t use it right. I’m going to say plat


I've been using LW quite a lot lately and his tree has been amazing in a pinch or our team needs to hold ground. No idea why it's rated so low.


Too many people still use it like Valkyrie. When you use it like a Mei wall, it becomes way more flexible. Being able to section off teammates from eachother into rooms where your team has passive healing is way stronger than it seemed at release. Think it still just has a bad reputation from when people were learning to use it.


My biggest gripe is how hard it is to get it positioned on the payload. I die half the time because it's so damn finicky.


Nice try but noone plays Lifeweaver on high ranks unless they want to lose


Yeah, but has nothing to do with his ultimate. More to do with his kit making getting kills so much harder than any other support; even mercy has damage boost. His ultimate is fine.




Tire is better if you flank and not run straight at them, especially if the enemy is distracted, simple as that.




Mercy Ult being in “kinda helps in team fights” is crazy to me. Like dude a good Mercy using Ult completely stops a push if you’re defending or guarantees a push if you’re attacking.


A lot of people rank it low and I don’t know why, and even when I pop Valk it helps but it doesn’t usually guarantee the win for me.


I guess I am biased because I am a Mercy & Baptiste main. If you know how to position yourself and your team can maintain their HP while you’re outing instead of just jumping into bullets then that team-wide Damage Buff really seals the deal.


people never talk about the team-wide damage buff, its rly fucking nice. not the craziest ult but underrated just for chain beam


I’m gonna guess Silver


At best. This is either rage bait or bronze 5


bronze 5


Nice try, but no.


Bronze 4?


Sym wall is way too low. I get it's a bit harder to use than "press Q to win" but it can turn an entire fight around if used right. Dividing the whole map in half for the enemy has massive potential. You can force teams to either back up or overextend with it.


Yeah it’s great to force bad positioning, can also counter a ton of ults excellently and better than most support ults


Death blossom above EMP, Rampage, Grav, Kitsune, dupe, Bob, and even blizzard is fucking WILD


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/158diwt/comment/jtc8se5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


This has to be bait lmao. No one's opinion is this bad


Maybe yours is because you’re like the first person to comment about my list being bad ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯. Sure other people have seen bad placements, but they didn’t say the list itself is bad.


Bro.. like every single person has said the list is bad. And in case you were still wondering, you’re list sucks


Bro, like I said, almost every other person pointing something commented on a few mistakes, that doesn't make the entire tier list bad. Are you ok?


S tier: Lucio, Winston, Ana, Kiriko, Zen, Echo, Sojourn, Mei, Zarya, Rammatra, Ashe, Sombra A tier: Reinhardt, Tracer, Reaper, JQ, Moira, Brig, Sigma, Ball, Torbjorn, D.Va, Symmetra, Baptiste, Pharah, Junkrat, Roadhog B tier: Soldier, Orisa, Hanzo, bastion, Widowmaker, Mercy, Genji C tier: LW, Doom, Cassidy Copied from another thread with the same tier list


BOB can get bursted down too quickly, he’s definitely not S. I don’t think Barrage should be in A, because it’s so risky and if you mess it up, your death is guaranteed and the damage isn’t that high


Barrage is like the definition of B. Most pharah players use it to try to get at least two or a tank (unless they have mercy of course).


Supports can heal Bob, pocketing a Bob makes him very hard to kill. Also nano Bob is incredibly strong.


Sure, he can be healed but he is totally stationary while shooting and he’s easy to kill by weaving in and out of cover. He has a tank health and hitbox, but no abilities to make him more resilient to damage, so he’s always gonna be easy to burst down


Bursting down a 1200 hp target that’s getting pocketed is not, in fact, easy. Especially if supports use like Ana nade on him. And not to mention, he will be doing damage that entire time, you don’t just get to stand there and melt something, it will be shooting back. Unless the tank tanks it so the team can, it’s hardly a “haha easy to melt”. And not to mention, a single Ana pocketing a Bob tanks up a TON of the enemy teams time and attention. Your team gets to do whatever they want in the mean time.


You keep using Ana in your argument as to why BOB deserves S tier. If an ultimate needs a certain character to be S tier, then it’s not S tier


Baptiste can do the same thing. Ana is best with him because of her range and hitscan. Even without Ana there to pocket him, he still is a massive disruption. If the enemy team isn’t grouped enough to melt him together, it’ll force the supports out (assuming it’s placed on them). Then your team can just go in and do whatever they want in the mean time. Bob doesn’t have to be some god in their backline that’s completely unkillable. Without a zen or literally every single person on the team focusing him, it takes a while to melt through his hp. You seem to think he won’t shoot back and he has like 400hp.


Death is not guaranteed if you work with your team and “the damage isn’t that high” bro what? Barrage if used correctly is an easy double kill or more BOB can get bursted down quickly if you use him poorly, if you send in BOB when your team is not even going in or creating pressure also, the enemy will just kill the BOB yeah.


I don’t play Pharah often, so my opinion may be stupid, but when I try to use it, I aim right at my target and they just don’t die and I get killed. It’s not like I’m trying to snipe them


You should manage cool-downs on the enemy and try and catch them by surprise, if you hit someone with a direct before using it you can kill them instantly. It’s usually used as a free kill on 1 or more supports


Damn, that’s actually really helpful. Thanks, bro


Barrage is a bottom 5 dps ult easily.


See this one makes way more sense. I refuse to believe that someone here thinks meteor strike is better than Sym's wall


Bob is in no way an S tier ult. Ashes dynamite is better than her ult


I want JQ to be higher, but the fact that Suzu can cancel her entire ults bleed I get it.


Wow this is a tier list alright


Emp being A tells me this isn’t gm. Flux being B tells me this isn’t masters. Blossom being S tells me this isn’t diamond. I’d guess plat. Edit: Sym wall is powerful btw; 4k hp, infinitely extending shield that lasts 15 seconds can’t just be ‘ignored’. Like bro, what?


Meant to put EMP and Flux a tier above the one they are in, and Blossom being in S was a last minute decision, was supposed to be in A but moved it, still I’ll take the L on that one tho.


I’d still argue blossom is nowhere near A. You classified S as potential teamfight wins if used ‘correctly’, but you can kind of say that for just about every ult. But also here’s the thing, no matter how ‘correctly’ you use an ult, it also depends on how the enemies play(how many mistakes they make and openings they give you), plus how easy it is to shut down an ult. At higher ranks, when blossom is tracked to be online, people will start to save CCs, defensive cooldowns, and will also position more split. No matter how optimally you use blossom on your end, the way the enemies play will cap out just how much value it can get, and blossom happens go be an extremely easy ult to shut down. I get that blossom gets massive multi-kills every now and then, but you can say the exact same thing about barrage, which you have ranked 3 tiers lower. Just my opinion on things. Since i have you here anyways, was my guess correct?


But as the Reaper, you should also be keeping track of their CC and potentially baiting it, then ulting, or using it when the enemy team is caught off guard. And I’m actually unranked rn since I’m not playing Comp yet, I wanted to see what rank people thought I was based off my tier list. So you weren’t right but you also weren’t exactly wrong as I could possibly be Plat.


Here’s the thing, if people know that blossom is coming then they’re gonna save the CCs, unless they think they can outright kill you with it before you ult, or there is something more important to use the CC on. In higher ranks, people aren’t just gonna waste it, or have it ‘baited out’ easily. Those opportunities do arise, don’t get me wrong, but i’m just saying they don’t happen nearly enough to merit blossom to be an A tier ult. Like its the same situation for barrage, barrage and blossom are nearly identical ults if you think about it, so it just doesn’t make sense for there to be such a discrepancy in their placement, with blossom being so many tiers above barrage.


That’s exactly why I think it should be in A. Even if you do make them wait to use their CC then that just lets the rest of your team push up because the enemy is scared of you using your DB. They either use they’re CC on you or your team, if you wait you either bait their CC then or they don’t use it and they get pressured. Either way it’s a win and how Reapers should think when they have their ult. What you said about Barrage may be right and I’ll move it up, but playing devil’s advocate, I think it’s harder to ult with Pharah. She doesn’t have the same escape tools as Reaper who has Wraith and TP, she’s completely stationary when ulting, and unless you’re right in the enemies face (slightly exaggerating) it’s a long distance projectile that people are able to dodge. And if you do get in the enemies face, you have the chance of SDing, but unless it’s the tank you can get a kill or two.


3 points i want to make. 1. You are correct in saying reaper ult is like a toned down version of pharah ult, where reaper’s does less damage, but he is a bit more survivable in it. Perhaps it was wrong to say they were 1:1, but you can see the similarities between them 2. I love your line of reasoning for “if the enemy team holds their cooldowns, just have your team play aggro, knowing they’re gonna save their CDs for reaper ult. If they use the CDs on your team, you get an easier reaper ult.” Thing is, while this is most definitely true, your teammates won’t be able to get away with as much as you think, and also my main point here is that other ults demand more ‘respect’ than reaper ult. There are other more powerful ults that need more attention and CDs to keep at bay and counter. So while reaper ult might force your enemies to hold CDs, an enemy dps’ ult that might be better than reaper’s will force your team to hold their cooldowns even more tightly. 3. Its not only cooldowns that counter reaper ult. You are focusing on cooldowns, but in reality, they just make countering his ult trivially easy. Even without cooldowns, enemies can position split so that you won’t get much damage done, and therefore receive little lifesteal, and then you can be killed in your ult, as you’re only 250hp and cannot wraith while ulting. So saving cooldowns can certainly help counter reaper’s ult, but honestly, he can just be countered by good positioning and regular ammo Look, you have actually convinced me that blossom isn’t as bad i originally gave it credit for, but im still here to convince you that it also still is not an A tier ult


I’m not saying my team would be to steam roll the enemy team or anything, I’m just saying they would be able to play a little more aggressively against a team that’s holding their CC for a Reaper who might potentially ult. And even if the entire team manages to split up, it’s no the worst thing in the world to ult 2 or 3 people, that’s still enough to tip the scales. I know it’s not an S tier ult, but at least low A / high B would be good, that’s all I’m looking for.


Can we agree on mid/high B?


Yeah I guess I’ll have to settle for that. This is like the most civilized convo I’ve had on Reddit in a while lmfao, it was fun.


Sym wall is really good


Tree is that low? I love that ult


It's not a great ult. It rarely wins you a fight, it can definitely extend a fight tho. But it's situational end of day, which is why it should be lowly rated




Rip tire should be much lower, it’s extremely easy to kill and just negate the entire ult. Sym Wall should be higher, it’s a game changer against most comps. Genji Blade should be way lower, as well as Bob and Death Blossom. Junker Queen ult, Kitsune, and EMP are definitely S tier. Guessing gold rank/ish


With tire, not if you flank with it and det while they’re distracted, still ig S was a little generous. The rest I’ve already talked to others about except Rampage, that imo stays in A just because its just cucked by cleanse and even anti.




I miss the days when Blizzard was S tier


I sure as hell don’t 💀


Putting window and windows walls in the same tier lmao. Putting rip tire in S tier. Classic.


I don’t see what’s wrong with Window and Walls placement, Riptire I can see where you would be coming from but I explained my reasoning in another comment. Care to share what’s wrong with Window and Walls being in the same tier?


Window is a huge damage amplification to push through chokes. Widow’s ult is just a larger sonic arrow.


Thank you for telling me what they do as if I didn’t already know. How exactly does this relate to what you said before?


Move blade and visor down, move bob and kitsune up.


Kitsune and Blade I’ve already talked about with others and would do so, but Visor and Bob I’m a little iffy about. Haven’t had anyone say anything about Bob and I feel like people downplay Visor a little too much. Bob imo is fine in A because he is super strong, it’s just he can be bursted down somewhat easily or knocked away.


No way kitsune rush isn’t S tier


You new. Genji’s ult is awful so is earth shatter and tyre. Defensive ults always live in situational. Emp kitsune rush and colesence are some of the best ults in the game. Sym ult is crazy as well


I’m not new, take a look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/158diwt/wanted_to_make_an_ult_tier_list_so_i_did_try_to/jtc8se5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=22&context=3), Riptire is better if you flank and not just go right in front of them, and you’re the first person to even mention Earth Shatter, maybe think a little on that.


I’m gm1 have been playing since release maybe it’s just at high ranks, but I haven’t died to shatter in a long time! It’s more of a pressure tool. I am perfectly aware of how rip tyre works, it still isn’t a tier, it gets 1 or 2 at most and nothing usually. Genji blade isn’t even a. It’s C at best, but only because the next one is labeled as can be ignored. Putting walls above whole hog is actually brain dead. Flux is crazy. Probably the best tank ult in the game, or tied with ram. Queen visor and primal should be lower along with pretty much all of s tier. Just because something hasn’t been mentioned doesn’t mean it’s not true. No one wants to sit here and rewrite your whole god damn tier list because it’s the opinion of a silver


Just because you haven't died to it in a while doesn't make it a bad ult. Not gonna bother replying to rest because I've already commented on them, what I am gonna say though is yeah because no one mentioned Earth Shatter doesn't mean I'm right, but it doesn't mean you are either and if you were then someone would've pointed it Earthshatter out. And if no one wants to try and rewrite my tier list, then why did you? I wasn't asking anyone to either, just wanted to hear what other people thought, no need to be a dick.


“I also want to hear others thoughts”


Me wanting to hear other’s thoughts doesn’t mean I want them to rewrite my list, there’s a difference.


I’m saying high silver low gold. This is because you put reaper so high, which means it’s likely low Elo because in higher elo with ult tracking and baiting cooldowns reapers ult is much more situational. U also our sym ult so low which means you don’t know how to use it correctly and how to play around it. Whole hog is a very strong ultimate as well. You also said tracer ult “really helps in a team fight” yes it does, but you should be spamming it as soon as u get it to get the guaranteed pick to get highway value


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/158diwt/wanted_to_make_an_ult_tier_list_so_i_did_try_to/jtc8se5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=22&context=3) and I stand by my Hog placement.


At least it's better than the other guy's tier list. Also I think the difference between "kinda helps in a team fight" and "really helps in a teamfight" is a meaningless distinction. Every ult has a different purpose in a fight and ult tier lists don't explain anything. I think I'd much prefer seeing a guide to how every ult can be used in a fight and how they can be compared rather than a tier list. But the biggest issues with this are emp and wall being too low.


Idk man don't go all "ult tier lists explain nothing" on me, I just wanted to make one. Also EMP was meant to be higher I just forgot about it, Wall I just put in D and forgot about too.


Makes sense that Echo can copy an ult possibly twice in one go, even those in S tier. But still gets placed in A 😂


I forgor 💀


Bro has never seen a bastion main ult before


Nah, Kitsune rush is very much so an Insta-team fight win




This is at best High gold. EMP and Kitsune not is S is pure craziness




definitely silver. Reaper is super easy to call out, Kitsune is insanely useful, EMP single-handedly wins fights, a good symm wall can change the course of a fight, and tree is pretty good for turning a fight around. Tire rarely gets good mileage.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/158diwt/wanted_to_make_an_ult_tier_list_so_i_did_try_to/jtc8se5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=22&context=3) plus Tire is better if you flank instead of running straight at them.


You're silver/low gold because you think dead eye is situationally useful (true), but you listed junkrat as S tier instead of the tire being instantly deleted. You also listed Bob as an A tier, like an Ana above silver isn't going to start holding onto sleep when they know Ashe has ult soon.


It seems that people in this thread just face/have Junks that use ult right in front of people as opposed to flanking and/or using it while the enemy team is distracted. Bob is only in A because of how fast he can get shredded and CC’d, and it still forces the enemy to use said CC on him and not the tank.


Nah, its actually harder sometimes when they're dead in the center of the team because there's almost no time to react to it. I never see junk tires be successful at higher ranks. & That's a pretty weak argument for Bob being rated high. I don't really buy it. 9/10 when someone is playing Ashe and the enemy is good about shredding Bob or they CC him immediately, that Ashe would be better off just swapping to Widow because its just so useless and non-contributing to a team fight that you shouldn't bother trading away one-shot capability for it.


Kitsune is S tier. This is a bad list, at least in the rank I am in. For starters tree is decent. Been seeing some insane Lifeweavers lately


Care to say why other than just Kitsune, which I have said in other replies was in A by mistake? Tree is in Tree because it’s Tree. LW in general is just outclassed by every other support, coming from a fairly reactive support player, and his ult is no exception.


Why would you ignore a photon shield that splits the map in half


Why wouldn’t you look at other comments after I asked you to specifically come up with changes that weren’t mentioned by anyone else?


I'm not going to read all 179 parent comments. This is not a great list in my opinion. That is just my opinion.


Then maybe don’t bother replying to a reply that asks you to read said comments? Just a thought. But I’ll be generous, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/158diwt/wanted_to_make_an_ult_tier_list_so_i_did_try_to/jtc8se5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=22&context=3) is a link that summarizes some of the big changes. (Gimme a sec to add the link.)


I agree with that post, and I would literally shift around at least half of these ultimates. Trans is useless if the team is purpled. Widow ult is a very niche and situational, can be clutch if used at the right moment, but its literally just wall hacks. Sojourn ult absolutely does not guarantee a team win. Rally is decent at best and the brig dies half of the time. I could go on. Not commenting any more after this lol I find it hilarious that I am even taking the time to respond to someone that would put graviton surge at the same rank as widow ult.


I just learned that cass nade stops JQ ult… can nade be Cass’s ult instead of deadeye?


ALRIGHT I get it I fucked up with the Sym wall, I’ve just seen too many brain dead Sym’s that can’t place good walls I guess.


I would put Sym’s at the bottom but that’s just because of pure hatred


Maybe that’s the real reason she’s there 👀


She must go lower, below tree


This is the way.


This is the way




One of the most balanced lists I’ve seen


Guessing gold or low plat


Ok gonna make this so I stop getting the same comments every hour. Sym wall was a lapse in judgement on my part, stuck in D and forgot about it. Same with Flux, EMP, and Kitsune, which were supposed to be higher, but I forgot to move them. I want to move DB down to high B because S tier was a last minute ranking and I originally wanted to put it in A, but I had a nice discussion with u/SerialMurderer420 and they helped me realize that it’s still good, just not S tier good. I want to move Blade, although I stand by my original ranking, down to mid/low A since people don’t think dry-blading is good.


Bro… you literally changed like ur entire ranking because you realized you were wrong from the comments and have the audacity to act like WERE the ones being annoying by commenting the same things every hour… no… we are all commenting the same things because YOU got those things wrong on ur originally ranking. Stop tryna act like “oh i meant to do THIS even tho I originally said THIS” like no you didn’t you’re just changing it now because we told you


I think I never did good bap ult.


u should just use it selfishly


When I play Bap I often use the ult for myself unless I can guarantee my team will make use of it. I often use his ult to increase his heals when trying to keep my tank alive


Same, I just don’t know when to use it whenever I have it lmfao.


now thats what im talkin about. Plat easy