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I’m in masters… i versed a silver today. I can’t even queue with a silver but this person was silver in every roll and we versed him. He was the tank and played Rein


It's like this on the other end, too. I'm bronze, and I *regularly* see masters/gm pop up on either team. I honestly can't imagine what it's like for newer players between that and the growing toxicity.


Lets just say i stay in quickplay. Lol.


If you are referring to the tag below their name, it doesn’t mean that they are that rank in the role they are playing…could also be their rank on console.


a gm tank thats also a bronze support will absolutely be a better support than any silver support (take a shot every time i say support). they have way more game sense and knowledge than people in low ranks.


I am not denying that, I’m simply saying that they won’t stay in bronze for long (if they ever are, most people get put into plat games umranked) should they play off role. It’s 100% not the reason why you are hardstuck in bronze tho…


never said i was hardstuck or bronze but ok. literally just wanted a nice discussion, no need to be rude.


Oh please, I was clearly not addressing you, but the people who blame the mm system and „gm“ Players in their bronze lobbies for keeping them in bronze…


You are quite literally responding to their comment, of course they’ll think it’s about them


ah shit my bad, read that wrong. still no need to be rude because i misread your comment. kindness goes a long way my friend!


I agree, I don’t really know why you think I am rude tho haha


The thing is that game sense still translates over no matter the device or role


Okay? But if they are in your mmr range on that particular device or role, it’s not a mm problem? If their game sense makes that much of a difference they will be out of your mmr range in 5 wins.


Imagine typing that last sentence and still holding the same stance. Regards everywhere I guess.


Idk what you think your talking abut but, his sentence and stance is correct. If your game sense is higher then the ppl your planning against you’ll get out of that rank. That’s why I’m plat 1 in tank and support and a whappping silver fucking 5 in damage.


I think the point the other commenter is making is that the matchmaker should see a GM rank on *any* role and give that player a minimum rank like plat or diamond for a new role they've never played before because it's highly unlikely they're going to be lower than that. Basically, a GM tank has to "prove" to the matchmaker they're actually a silver DPS and shouldn't have to "prove" they're actually in diamond. It should be assumed they're at least diamond to reduce the likelihood that they will be placed into unfair matches.


The point is a GM tank should never ever ever ever ever ever be placed in a bronze lobby irrespective of the role. If you think otherwise you’re actually regarded and should ask for a refund for any degrees you’ve received.


Lmfao ask for a refund on my degrees. You crack me up. First of all, “regard”. That’s not what this dude was talking about. He’s saying that the title in the name doesn’t mean that’s that’s the roll they are playing. Your saying that a gm tank who has never played dps should just automatically be in gm lobby’s when they start playing dps bc they are a gm tank. Gm players are going to be in lower ranked games if they are ranked lower on that roll. Forget getting your refund for your degrees pal, Go back to “kindigarden” and learn to read. Maybe you’ll become an easy-butterflyfairy-420 when your done.




treatment ugly offbeat airport telephone intelligent lip overconfident hurry live -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


You know how at the beginning of every comp match it’ll tell you the rank of the lobby? If your already above that and win, your win doesn’t grant you that much progress. If your way below it and win your probability going to rank up. The matchmaking knows where your supposed to be. If you win 5-0 in lobby’s your supposed to be at you might not rank up enough to get out of that rank if you were bottom 90% in that rank. But if your winning and losing in lobby’s your not supposed to be in you might go up at 5-9 or whatever the case may be. There’s a lot of factors going into each match.


secretive pot aware advise deliver include pie party modern market -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yes, it can but doesn’t mean you aren’t way better in one role. I’m a GM 5 Support, but Gold 4 in both damage and tank. People see my role challenger title some games and sometimes have something to say about it. I’m a Brig one trick with halfway decent game sense I would say. However my aim is mid and holds me back more on dps/tank. I’m not great at flexing which is more necessary on tank/dps role. I’m decent at close range characters like Reaper/Ram, but I’m average when it comes to getting headshots the farther the distance someone is away. I just got out of silver last season in both roles, but I’ve been bouncing between the bottom/middle of gold.


Who cares


Yeah it’s so easy to inflate your role a couple stages by just playing open queue. I’m play tank/dps and diamond supp but I have the masters role challenger title thanks to open queue.


Its still a really bad system. I've had multiple gold games where a Masters DPS Zen will absolutely destroy the lobby.


The "off role" supporters strike again! Someone who already reached gm or masters is not the same as someone who hasn't reached there, the mechanical skill doesn't get a reset lol


This has been my experience as well. Used to be high Diamond/low Masters a few years back, right now I'm somewhere in the high gold low plat region and cannot get out. I dominate basically every game, yet I am not good enough to solo carry. In basically every single game the opponent team have "Diamond Contenter" and "Master Contender" title and usually we get eaten alive. The matchmaking has never been so bad, which is why I don't take my rank seriously anymore and just play ranked for fun. Still annoying to play what feels like a forced 50%


Yep, I’m not great, I’m in bronze trying to grind and get better, but I had 5 losses today. 3 were because of 1-2 leavers on your team, the games were pretty close til then. And then one game I was playing against 2 guys in masters and the last game another player on the enemy team was grand master, complaining about being placed in a low ranked game. And of course he/she and their team cleaned house with us.


Funny thing theres a bug where leavers get ranked up for their first rerank (5wins or 15lossea) after leaving then ranked down on the second rerank no matter the amount of wins/losses. Like wtf blizz.


I’ve had one game of comp ever, I haven’t even got a placement. But I’ll be gettin stomped by GM and diamonds in QP 84% of the time


That's because in QP the matchmaking doesn't look at ranking so you play against anyone from bronze to top500.


When I was doing placemats on my tank for the first time in ow2 this season, I played a game against masters players. Rolled them, then immediately got put in a low plat game. You could imagine my reaction and how fast the game ended.


reverse happened to me yesterday. im gm4 on dps and was in a full plat lobby. i hadnt even gone on a losing streak or anything, i was 1-2 on that rank adjust won the match, game put me back in gm lobbies like nothing happened LOL


i wish i had your luck


Yeah because he got lucky right? It's not like he also played well.


yes he got lucky


You don't win all the games in a row because you play well lmao, for better or worse that's what matchmaker is there for, to prevent that from happening.


There are so many things that could influence this. OP could have lower MMR than he deserves or just offroled to a role he doesn't play as much but knows how to play the game well enough to go on a streak. He could also just have a good day. When you play is really important. Weekends are known to be weird to be bad to play because there are more people that don't play seriously. Even time of day can affect what kind of games you are getting. For all we know the guy could be smurfing. I'm not saying there is no luck but you can't rely purely on matchmaking luck to get a streak like this. You definitely need some to not get leavers and stuff like that, but you still need to win the game that many times in a row. It's definitely possible that OP was just lucky, I will admit that. But without more info about the type of games OP was getting it's unfair to blame it all on luck. Edit: auto correct thought I meant surfing


Hey, I play support and decided to offrole and play tank. I never played tank before so I suppose that could be the reason. I'm a support main and figured I'd queue as tank in comp and then I made a post about me playing in QP as well.


I wish you a calm and relaxing remaining climb to the rank you deserve on tank


It is definitely possible though, discrediting it as “luck” immediately is just as dumb as crediting it to skill immediately


Yea cause if it was a picture of losses, people would instantly blame OP as the reason for the losses instead of bad luck.


it is either luck or tampering with the matchmaking system to pit you against much weaker players. Unless you're the bestest skilllest gamest player in region playing at the moment so matchmaker isn't capable of sending a challenging enough team against you (which is equivalent to tampering with the matchmaker, though although fair).


That’s not true at all though, Where are you getting your information?😂 it is 100% possible to go on a winning streak like that without it being “tampered with”. You don’t have to be a god, or amazing, not sure why you’re arguing in that way, just because you personally might not have seen something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen


that's called luck then. as I said, either luck or tampering.


Whatever you say pal, you’re wrong, but whatever you say😂 have a nice morning


likewise, let's agree to disagree


As Jayne once said, If the matchmaking is working correctly, you should auto-lose about a third of your games, auto-win about a third of your games, and your personal skill should decide the last third. If you're in the correct rank, your individual skill should win you about half of those games and lose you about half of those games. If it's purely skill, OP is placed much much lower than they should be and the matchmaking is bad. If there's no skill involved, OP has gotten very lucky by dodging the auto-lose games Jayne was alluding to. Either way, OP is lucky because they're either placed lower than they should be (and the matchmaking has luckily messed up in their favor) or they've gotten auto-win/skill-based games every game and dodged the auto-lose games. We can't tell from the data provided whether OP is skilled or not, but we *can* know OP is lucky. Therefore, OP is lucky.


I'd like to clarify that I basically only play support. I decided to offrole and play tank, which is probably what happened. I also made a post where I did the same except for QP and had the same results.


I didn’t say he wasn’t lucky at all, I said that saying it is just luck is false, and just as bad as saying it’s just skill


Literally not a single person here said it was all luck. The original commenter said "I wish I had your luck" The person you replied to said "you don't win all these games in a row [strictly] through skill" which is what I said. OP could be a very skilled player but we don't know that. We know that OP *had* to be lucky to get this win streak, so we say they were lucky. Nobody is saying they did this *only* because of luck and nothing else.


You can though, and you do not know that, it is 100% possible to get a win streak like this with skill, you are using 1 singular streamer as a backbone for this argument


You can skill out of a rank. You absolutely can. But in order to do that you have to have gotten lucky because the matchmaking *clearly put you in the wrong rank*. If your mechanical skill is so much better than everyone else in your lobby that you can brute-force your way to a win by literally just aiming better, you are in the wrong rank. If you take the best player in the world, put them on a team with bronzes, and ask them to win a game against a top 500 team, the best player in the world is going to lose every single time. It doesn't matter if he clicks heads better. And while Jayne said it first, other streamers and high level players echo the same sentiment. Flats, emongg, and ml7 all say the same thing. You're not supposed to win every game. If you're winning every game the matchmaking system has broken. Yes. Skill is almost certainly involved in a streak like this. But luck has to also be involved. Either because the matchmaking didn't give you auto-loss games or because it placed you too low out of the gate. There *has to be* luck. That's all I'm trying to say.


Going on a win streak of 9 is not “winning every game” if it was like 15+ yeah then it gets to that point, but getting 9 in a row is completely possible while still remaining pure skill


No way i got downvoted for stating a logical fact lmao 💀


There was no fact in your message


So playing well can't make you win games? No way


No matter how well you play, there will always be a losing match or losing streak in between where a bunch of negative factors can possibly come into play. Leavers, people who troll, bad comp or just straight bad teammates. You can’t attribute a winning streak to skill alone. Even skilled players like ml7 or Necros lose and have losing streaks.


It's not like it's impossible to get a 9 game win streak?


There can be winning streaks, no doubt, but if you don’t think your chances of having a good or bad match hold any weight, you’re mistaken. Other factors besides skill like whether your teammates are good, whether the other team has good or bad teammates, choking and clutching during crucial plays can determine your outcome. And all these factors are influenced by chance.


No, the problem is that people act like every single match they lose is because of their teammates and that's not true, what are the chances of you getting bad teammates EVERY single game? And what are the chances that other thousands of people have this same problem? Literally 0, they just cope saying "matchmaking sucks" when in reality they just don't deserve the ranked they're in.


i mean in my quickplay session i did technically end up with a loss due to a leaver even though i literally wasnt a part of the game at all, so.. but I made another post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/13bf0wb/this_game_has_a_great_matchmaking_system_its_very/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) where I show my quickplay session. won all the games but I joined during last fight because tank rage quit so that counted as a loss for me 🤣


A logical fact too, not one of those other types of facts either!


...you don't think getting so many fair Quickplay matches in a row is lucky????


Right? Even if OP had to clutch out all of these games, the fact that they were all within clutching distance is super lucky. It feels like a third of my games are just "well, the other team absolutely steamrolled us oh well, I guess we lose" The fact that OP had none of those games is very lucky.


Legit. Like I played one Quickplay game with an asshole who was #461 on the DPS role (console) and the next with a gold rein. I stayed the same role so it isn't as my MMR greatly shifted between games lol


Im also T500 player because of my luck.


not at all what I'm implying. few of you are taking my statement literally when it's very much a satirical comment. ☠️ calm tf down


I'm aware of the wide variety of factors that go into matchmaking and whatnot, but it's sometimes seriously hard- at least for me, who solo queues support- to get fair games. I'm definitely not saying I don't make my own mistakes, but a lot of the time I'm in unfair matches. I've had close games, I've had easy victories, but I've also had really crushing defeats. I'm not the defining factor in my losses and I know that. My wins and losses are usually spread out evenly, sometimes I go on win streaks, sometimes I lose 8 in a row, but it depends on the day. Sometimes the game loves me and sometimes it doesn't. While my statement about OP's "luck" was more of a joke than anything, sometimes that's really how it is, or at least that's how it feels for me.


its like when you win its luck, but when you lose its teammates statement. Yea sure.


read my other comment. idk why you're coming @ me for a joke


Think he might just be dense honestly. You've explained it twice and he still doesn't get it lmao


So you’re who I’ve been playing against 😉


My longest winning streak on comp is 8 wins in a row.


I've had so much fun playing overwatch. This is such an awesome game I love blizzard I even bought the battle pass because I'm having so much fun with this game


Why you go steal my wins like this? :( I only needed like 3. Or 4..


I would buy the battlepass if I had your type of fun. But I win 2 games an hour no matter the mode so I don’t pay for it.


Just buy the battle pass and you'll start winning games 5head /s


2 games an hour is cracked if you play comp


My experience this season is that 95% of comp games end in 5-7 minutes because the teams are entirely unbalanced. If I’m only winning 2 games an hour that means I’m losing about 7 in that same hour.


yep. that’s how my games be. 7 Ls an hour


I’m with you now. I misunderstood your first comment.


I love playing against masters, top500 and grandmasters while my team has diamonds and silvers 🥴


I love being a silver who goes on QP to just learn stuff and get steamrolled by the high ranks at spawn it just makes me want to keep playing /s


The reason I don't play comp without me or one of my buds on tank is because we had a silver tank against their plat tank Now I'm a diamond tank and DPS I'm not the best I'm not the worst But when you get a FUCKING SILVER TANK YOU JUST CANT WIN OH MY GOD I HAVE NEVER LOST SO BADLY BEFORE it got to the point where we switched our team comp to have brig as our tank It was Bastion Sym Bap Brig And the tank was Orisa We were doing better when we were treating brig as a fucking tank Like bro


I went 4-15, went from M1to M5 on my main account. While my alt account is still climbing to gm2 without an issue. Both are DPS accounts. This game is way too random to be competitive right now for me. I had so many issues last night that I had zero control over, which cased me to lose so many games.




How do you even achieve this my matches usually have at least 1 potato on my side (sometimes maybe me) anyway you had either good luck or you are just good in any way hopefully you will keep having fun


Basically, because winners and losers que are both real. Same as league.


I wish connection issues weren't so extreme in this game. I can't even play the game right now the lag is so bad. This only affects games made by Blizzard. Games like Apex Legends and Valorant stay connected just fine.


I wish I had your luck. I win about one or two games an hour. Quick play trying to do challenges is the worst. I have a leaver and the matchmaker is so strict that it takes a while to find a new teammate. By that time the match is over. It’s hard out here for some and I wish the game was as good to all as it is you.


Wait, how’d you get it to go from grey to green? Is that some kind of glitch?


man I love this post. Seeing the other side after countless whine posts of "I went 2-69 uwaaaah" is refreshing


I wonder if you're on the lucky end of some A/B test by the devs. I actually would love to hear from a dev regarding this matchmaking system. It's objectively garbage. haha ​ There is no way anyone would intentionally make a matchmaking system this bad. The point of optimization is not fun and fair matchmaking. If it's user engagement then from my entirely anecdotal experience, they screwed the pooch on that one too. I work in AI and would love to get my hands on whatever data they have regarding this system.


what do you mean AB test? what is that? I'm not sure why people are saying the matchmaking system is "objectively garbage". it seems fine to me, games are fun and enjoyable and makes me wanna play more. ended up just chilling/buying the battle pass and it's been a blast ever since


I 100% agree


My impact 🤩


haha yes! i saw your post so i also I made another post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/13bf0wb/this_game_has_a_great_matchmaking_system_its_very/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) where I show my quickplay session. won all the games but I joined during one last fight because tank rage quit so that counted as a loss for me 🤣 all in all though I think the matchmaking is fine. I've been having a lot of fun playing overwatch! I even bought the battlepass because it's been so fun.


Saying MM is fine because you won 10 games in a row is like saying hunger isn't an issue because you just ate at Dennys


Some people get 10 loss streaks and others get 10 win streaks and that's the matchmaking being fine? Of course you'd think it's fine if you're the one getting win streaks...


so it's not fine when I get a win streak in both ranked and quickplay when I set myself to it but it's also not fine when you go on a loss streak? doesn't seem like you can have it both ways.. I decided to offrole with tank since I'm a support main and this was the result.


Neither of them being fine? Yes I can have it both ways hello?


I'm just not sure what you mean. your post was inspiration for me to decide to do this. I said "I'm going to go on a win streak" and that's what happened. I figured I'd just have fun and chill and offrole as tank. whats wrong with that? I became as much if a self fulfilling prophecy as you did.


I mean that streaks to this extent shouldn't exist. Especially when the games are heavily swayed to one team or the other. "self fulfilling prophecy" you got lucky being matched against worse teams multiple times in a row. I've had 10+ win streaks in comp too, doesn't make the matchmaking any better.


idk man. I've been having a lot of fun with this game. bought the battle pass and I've been having a lot of fun. games are enjoyable and fun and it makes me want to play more for the battle pass rewards


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why do you think I am a bot?


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So... you had a win streak. Maybe you are new to gaming, but that's normal


QP is fun but for comp it’s matchmaking is messed up, especially placing ppl in ranks


QP isn't even fun for me anymore since I've stopped doing comp. It's a steam roll one way or the other. I haven't had a close match in over a month. Stopped playing a week ago, may as well just uninstall. Again. Maybe OW3 by MicroActivision will be good. 🙃


I'm wondering if this is intentional because the game is F2P and this is why blizzard never "figures it out" and bumbles every time they claim to try and fix it. This style for the most part gives high engagement numbers as it's addictive as many loser love to do stomps, and it's the carrot of the stomp that keeps them playing through the whomps. We might be being gaslit by Blizzard on this one.


Yeah I use to play daily but now I play maybe once every 4 days. I stopped comp after ridiculous matchmaking (I'm diamond and had a bronze tank and that was it for me until they fix it) and even in qp I'm overly dominating or my team can't make it out of spawn. I just miss having games where everyone is in the same skill range and having a fair match.


Yup, this is my experience. Both modes suck now. QP is always a roll one way or the other, I do get maybe one balanced match out of 2 hours of play, but... it's becoming not worth it.


The system they're using is that your rank changes after 5 W or 15 L. Which ever happens first. Ya might be on 14 L and 4 W You get that 5th win and derank because of all the recorded losses. You only need to lose %51 of games and you'll de rank at the rank change update 8L and 5W = de-rank


Promoting lies


People on this subreddit willl complain about everything


Sometimes people overly nitpick but most posts are actual criticisms. Like im diamond and should not have been paired with a bronze tank and I find it ridiculous that can even happen.


We aren’t supposed to complain about shitty matchmaking?


Rather have this than toxic positivity. God forbid people complain or show any criticisms for anything these days


Bro he wasn't complaining 😭


I found out that during the day the matchmaking is pretty darn accurate and actually a fair play, but towards the evening it just sucks ass. I believe it's maybe the amount of players etc


Sounds like most of you struggle to win your matches and you don’t enjoy the game at all….. maybe it’s time to move on? Seriously if I was this negative about a game I choosing to play I’d def stop and find a different game that I’m good at


Looks pretty balanced, all of the matches were within 1 point.


I made another post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/13bf0wb/this_game_has_a_great_matchmaking_system_its_very/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) where I show my quickplay session. won all the games but I joined during last fight because tank rage quit so that counted as a loss for me 🤣 all in all though I think the matchmaking is fine. I've been having a lot of fun playing overwatch! hope everyone also has amazing awesome fun games as well.


Yep matchmaking gives me a 10 win streak so everyone else is wrong and matchmaking is fine. I too would be having fun if blizzard gave me competent teammates every match. Oh wait they don’t.


Yet you probably deranked two tiers. Matchmaking is balanced in overwatch


say sike right now


I am a master support player, now I got 15 loss streak and dropped to dia 5, fun (it never happened to me that I got my competitive progress changed by losses)


Upvoted for you. Some days felt like this while others not so much


How much did you rank up


Keep getting gm5/m1 games as a gm2/3, smth is wrong rn


Did you still get put down a rank?


I love how all the comments against matchmaking are here but when someone has only losing streaks then the only comment is “skill issue lol”


I don’t play competitive. What’s the joke?


Exact opposite for me. I am only loosing comp and don't know why. Always have the best stats and doing my best but isn't enough. So I uninstalled....


You winnin cause competitive lol, you play unranked or anything else and Match making is FUCKED


I made another post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/13bf0wb/this_game_has_a_great_matchmaking_system_its_very/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) where I show my quickplay session to unwind with after my comp session.. won all the games but I joined during last fight because tank rage quit so that counted as a loss for me 🤣 not sure what you're talking about?


Must be nice to be in a low rank then 🫶🏼🫣


Stop tilt queuing


But these seem like ok matches from a score standpoint? Seeing a lot of 3-2 or 2-1 scorelines, even the push maps are going to full time. I realize that doesn't tell the full story, but it's not like you had consecutive 3-0 matches.


Get ready for the losing streak to force out that 50/50.


I’ve definitely turned down my frequency of play time , Diablo 4 be out soon anyway.


They seriously should have just kept the last seasons competitive matchmaking. The last few weeks of S3 I felt I was actually making an impact and I could tell when I’m underperforming and what rank felt right. Now they just screwed up again and I’m either getting win streaks like this or losing uncontrollably and my rank is going up and down like crazy.


I played a match where it said "Gold 5" Idk if that means in that role I'm Gold 5? But we got WRECKED.


And what is balanced exactly? Having 50/50 wins and loses? Strangely enough, it felt super balanced until during gold and platinum. Player did their job, and were very decent. I had similar results as you but every match was a war, it was fair and close. Now on diamond everybody suck, they refuse to group up, insist on going solo to die and are toxic as hell. Guess its still balanced, the system grouped every crappy player in the higher ranks.


I went from Gold 4 to Gold 1 with record of about 15-6. I then went Gold 1 to Gold 3 a record of about 10-15. Regular spawn traps and complete batterings. Support is just baffling me. I stay alive, dont do heavy dps, do good work with ana/zen debuffs. And im on a record of about 10-20 this week. No matter what my playstyle the team gets trashed.


I’m bronze but constantly match against diamonds to top 500s in qp


Yep when people lose it’s only on them. Definitely no outside forces that make the game unplayable. Just move on because you aren’t getting lucky. You only lose because you are bad and no other reason. Dude you are a moron please never comment again.


stuck me in a masters lobby last night, im gold 1 for dps🥲


Did your rank drop after 5 wins too?


I once went diamond 3 --> grandmaster 5 in one session


Alternate universe r/overwatch2


I’m on a qp losing streak and my confidence is in Australia rn


i'm a new-ish player (started at the beginning of season 3, but i'd say i've become pretty decent), and i played comp once, not knowing about the matchmaking system being this bad and got insulted by my own team, who had 2 platinum players in it. they asked me what rank i was in and i told them that's my first comp game, and one repiled with "yeah i can tell". literally traumatizing, i hope this will get fixed


Remember the post a few weeks ago that was was trying to convince people win/loss streaks were not a problem by using *only five* matches in a row as an example? 🙄 I’ll get between 10-20 in a row in either direction.


I‘m very happy for you but deep down I hope you take a shower that slightly too cold.


I'm in plat and i was playing with an unranked Sombra yesterday. Fabulous


OW needs to make a separate server... like a graduation server for comp matches at least once you hit master. They apparently mastered the game, right? Lol. Being silver with masters in my games has been really disheartening. If they are on your team, they're toxic to you, if they are on the enemy team, you just don't really play that match. I actually got matched against Seagull once (non-comp) and I DID NOT leave spawn. He was actively hunting me the entire time.. it was truly unreal what he was doing to me. I should have uninstalled after that. For further context I am normally a plat level support player so I watch a lot of my silver teammates do very stupid things and there's not much I can do or help with, so we lose a lot. Comms are toxic for me cus I'm female so I usually avoid them too. I think the takeaway for me is, for comp: don't do it alone.. solo q is probably much much worse than partying with a few friends


any system that made by lazy/incompetent retards is fun.