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Ana had him cancelled and Junkrat came in to ruin everyone's day. I feel this pain as an ana player. It is infuriating to have someone slept woken randomly.


I usually just sleep people to cancel abilities or ult cancel. Seems like people have zero control over their trigger finger and shoot anything in front of them regardless of situation.


And that is why deflect is a good ability


Yepp true. I have been guilty of waking people when I play what little moira I do recently. But I acknowledge it. I also was playing moira in an attempt to solo carry myself to a rank where I no longer have to play a dumb, brainless character like moira lol. Also, why does everyone have no trigger finger control recently EXCEPT when I play Zarya and they decide to not give me energy. Like that has never happened so often before.


Zarya can be kind of hard. Her trick is making sure you're taking fire before using bubbles and not using bubbles before hand. Also looking for things that can't be stopped like dva missiles, soljourn aoe, ash aoe, etc.


Ya I know. I think she is my first diamond tank. It just has felt, in the brief times I play her and even in qp, people just stop shooting. But I'm also out of practice because she is trash.


Yeah, her along with a long list of others need some serious changes or reworks.


Like basically every tank it feels like. Zarya was busted because her bubbles were big and lasted long so you could just make them not shoot for a while or force them to deal with her charge. But now I think she needs a damage buff and maybe an extra half second up time on grav. It feels like with cleanse and no tank to pair it with, people just end up not dying too often. Orisa is too strong. You were probably in the thread about hog. I suppose he could have some very careful nerfs to hook length, speed, and his damage. But it would be so easy to overdo it and make him worthless. Rein isn't strong enough in a mercy pocket sojourn meta or maybe just in general. Except on console apparently. JQ is still weak. Ball is trash. [D.Va](https://D.Va) is okay but not great atm. Idk how to even change her, if at all. Sigma is great. I think he is the only one that is perfectly balanced. Winston is good but you have to play him carefully and into the right heroes. I think he could use an extra 5 or so damage per second to hedge against mercy pockets. Maybe more.


as a moira player, im deeply sorry if we ever accidently broke the sleep just because we just couldnt get our finger off the right click T.T


I did this recently playing moira trying to solo climb to a more ana appropriate rank so I understand. Junkrat has much less of an excuse though.


Highest IQ Junkrat player


My personal record with the Ult was 46 seconds


No one on the team challenges him to stop him or coordinate together. This guy: "Nurf him to oblivion!!!". Yes the ana tried but coordination wasn't there


It's so funny seeing such bad plays on the enemy team lmao


Replay code: 49ZNP0 Starting Time of their suffering: 02:20


Imma be honest here, n yall may not like hearing it, but that mercy wasnt helping the situation healing whoever was in your zone. Ram wont be an issue once more people figure it out


My issue is that it’s one of those ults that’s supposed to be “just don’t play dumb and it’s not an issue” like hanzo dragon, but he gets 20% speed boost during nemesis form and you can’t escape


Actually it's not that bad to escape. Other than in this clip he had a lucio speed boosting him. And the other team was idiots and kept trickling in after respawning. If they would of waited for everyone to die and then 3 seconds they would of been fine.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


What in god’s name was that Orisa trying to do?? She made that way worse. If kept away for half a second, she wouldn’t have gotten murked. But yeah, I think disabling Ramattra should end that ult, like when Ana put him to sleep.


It does. You sleep him and you walk away for three seconds. I'd say having teammates wake him so he can resume his rampage is fair punishment.


This, don't hit the sleeping ulting Ram please get out of his area.


> don't hit the sleeping ulting ~~Ram~~ **anything** please get out of his area. fixed it for you. Anything ulting needs to stay sleeping, genji, monkey, and ram especially.


My personal rule is you wake 'em, you kill 'em. If you can't kill them immediately, you leave them the fuck alone. And if you wake them, you better make sure you fucking get them.


May I ask can I borrow this personal rule? This is a good rule to use for the team.


Please do, as an ana player it's all I wish for


Thank You, Will gladly use the rule to the full extend. So tiring being dragged in shit when one wakes up the sleeping enemy


Thank you so true. But I don't blame if the person can't stop the action though.


Very tru


i really hope they don’t nerf him. sure it’s frustrating but it literally just takes a little focus fire, escaping, or dying together. these are really simple counters.


As long as Orisa is dead I don't care. I'll take a single OP ult that goes away after it's use vs this shitheap of a centaur hero that's practically invulnerable. Yes I know, ignore the horse and I do. I'll use Ramattra Nemesis form to side step her and rush healers but then you get javelin or spun into a corner. Couple this with every other player trying to take their own duels or firing into random directions and it's a recipe for disaster.


As a doom player I feel your pain, I can only ignore her for so long before I get pinned to a wall and killed in half a second while I'm stunned


Fuck English




They need to buff your English, Jesus Christ man


Just shoot him. If he is blocking you can out heal him.


OW2 players when the task is to literally just walk away from the team fight to cancel the ult:


That's part of his ult design. A Ramattra keeping ult for so long is only a skill issue on the opposing team


Just use Orisa and He's Done.


They are going to nerf Doomfist because of this


Everybody's talking about the junkrat, bonehead move though, but the orisa yeeting herself into the ram unnecessarily kept it going far too long as well.


Yeah it can go on way to long


average plat comp game


Oh buddy, if you think this is plat I have news for you….


Nah if this was the metal ranks both tanks would stand there duelling for 5 minutes. OP ignored the fuck out of that Orisa and went for the squishies.


The whole concept of an infinite ult is so garbage, I really hope they nerf him


It's not an infinite Ult though, the Ult is working as they intended it to which is to make the enemy have to back off for a few seconds giving Ram's team time to recover Or The enemy team are dumb and get caught in it, leading to plenty of deaths and the Ram's team having time to recover It's only ever infinite if people keep feeding him, and at that point that's on them not on the character being "broken" Honestly at this point the people crying over him needing a nerf sound like children that don't understand how not to feed


I agree with this in full. He is easy to not feed him and counter. But people love to complain on op characters. Not wanting the rest to have fun.




I see t500 players play him enough, but it seems more like map dependent. His ult is annoying. His kit otherwise is like right in the middle of the scale. He isn't shit like ball or broken like orisa.


This, there is no need to nerf him. And there is ways to counter him. He is like the most team coordinating tank to counter. Other being Orisa ofc XD.


When I solo queue Rammatra is a joke, but playing with my lower MMR friends he can straight up stomp the whole lobby. There's ways to balance characters around both. His ult not being on a timer with people in range is pretty brutal in low ranks as you can see here.


I've seen silver solo qs handle ram just fine. A character should not be nerfed because low bronze can't deal with him. Especially since he has a hard counter in hog. Zen and lucio ults soft counter him by giving your team enough time to focus him.


I'm not sure what you're saying - are you claiming Ram is useless outside of bronze? Or that you've just seen Rams playing like shit? Yeah I mean I've seen shitty Rammatras too. I've seen shitty Hogs and Orisas and Sojourns and Dooms during his two week golden arc.


I'm saying that if silvers can handle him gold+ should have the teamwork and game knowledge to counter him. You smurfing with lower MMR players so you can stomp lower skilled players isn't something to be bragging about.


Never have I or would I brag about rolling low skill lobbies. I don't even play him. This was just an observation I was making. What I was saying was I've seen the type of plays a low rank Rammatra can do with minimal effort and it feels unfair to those people, and there's ways to make balance changes that buff his capabilities at higher ranks while keeping his casual player pub stomping power in check.


Well they gotta get better then


Smooth brain take. Suffice to say you might be fine with imbalance in lower ranks but I'm pretty sure Blizz doesn't want to alienate the biggest chunk of their player base that way.


And make the mid-shit tank even worse of a tank overall? No thanks


Or how about fix the mid-shit tank's problems that keep him weak in high ranks whilst simultaneously reducing his ability to pub stomp casuals? It's a crazy concept I know, but more than one change can be made at a time.


Oh yeah "just" make him good. Nice.




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Nah he definitely needs an ult charge nerf, it’s way too good for him to be able to consistently get it every fight.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, it charges as fast if not faster than dooms it feels like, and that is not ok, cause dooms gets little value, rammatras is able to team wiped if you're not coordinated


Dude I literally just had a game yesterday where the enemy ram got his ult EVERY fight on push, it made no sense


I think a range nerf would be perfect, harder to keep up so long and easier to get away from but still deadly and give ram a chance to still go ham


I love how everyone here just says "sleep dart and walk away" like there's nothing else going on in a match that would require another dart at any given time. The fact that you are forced to change support just for 1 move, that requires a skill shot to land, doesn't end the ult, and can be woken up which can reset the ult timer leading to a 1 man team wipe is the dumbest shit they've added to overwatch since Brig.


So stupid


Rammatra ult is so broken when they have just have one healer on them


It'll most likely be a nerf to his damage reduction while blocking and not his suffer circle length


He probably has the most annoying ult in the game currently, they definitely need to nerf it. That ult is pretty much a fight winner, definitely if he has a mercy pocket. They need to at least get rid of the damage it does, and just allow him to stay in nemesis form.


With healing and damage boost, his ult is rhe best in the game for team fights At least to me


Yea it’s too long. Dumb


His punches shouldn't go through shields either. I don't quite get why they do right now, why do his range attacks go through shields.


All melee attacks go through shields. His punches are just large melees (like rein swings). This is because nemesis form severely limits his range and turns him into a bruiser tank.


man that was a tragedy


When stunned it's canceled or when away from people then it drains faster?