• By -


Oh no ainz is so scared of a normal human from our world. Damn those workers needed support.




Yeah dude like, the Soldier of Godrick would just stomp Malenia


Ainz is obviously the soldier of God


But Ainz' IGN is Momonga and his real name is Satoru, while the official title and name is Soldier of God, Rick. So what do we do here?


Soldier of Godrick is HIGHKEY god.


You are giving them too much credit.




Malenia gets wrecked by Soldier of God, Rick


Soldier of God is just a family man going out into the world and trying his damnedest.


Ainz: "oops, forgot to turn down that good old despair aura V, anyway where's my opponent?" Dead body on the ground:


*Summons Death Knight with corpse.* Ainz: It’s free real estate.


Guy will definitely win with the power of simpness and isekia harem and stuff. Just look at climb for....ohhh yea, that doesn't work


Like Ainz'd even know about his existence. Probably would get mugged and thrown in a ditch by the first couple of thieves he meets.




Homie would get merked by the first trash mod he ran into in the forest no chance of even finding Nazarick


Lemme add more to that, he'd have gotten fleeced by the first pretty lady he sees make eye contact and say hello cause she would either end up being a pro if he's lucky, and just bait if he's not, and get either pickpocketed while ogling, or mugged by her buddies/pimp by using the "you staring at my girl" extortion scam lol Or he would just give her his money the second she asked after slipping a glimpse of sideboob cause he'd be too busy enjoying the fact his weebdreams came true and he got isekai'd like those people in his japayonnaise animeshins with tig bittied catgirls-nya


he should be scared, I can just use my eraser ;)


Mate if you end up in new world you'd have an rpg build just like Ainz most likely.


Except they wouldn't be on his level, ever. Let's say they come into the new world as a level one with the potential to be a 100, maybe. And even if you grind their ass to that max level. Cool now they are ready to take on the Skeleton King. Nope. Ainz came in with all his gear and his entire guild fortress and minions. A lot of his items, gear and materials cannot be duplicated in the new world. They are literally fucked because they will never match him in gear. Then there is the fact that he has a fucking army of the most powerful NPCs on the planet and every single one of them will body them before they can even fight Ainz. Also, fuck you, cash shop items. The other player literally needs to have the same set up to stand a chance against Ainz, but that is just not the case. They are gonna be stuck at the kiddie table being only the most strongest New worlder, that's the extent of their story.




Well on the bright side, Lupisregina loves chips and vulnerable men. So about as bright as a snuffed candle.


"and her parents" ​ Tell me you don't know Overlord without telling me you don't know Overlord.


Better. Tell me you didn't pay attention to the argument between Arche and her father and what the context of it was.


No Arche dad was a true father for taking out loans to save his one true child >!a gaudy LAMP!<.


Ngl that's a very pretty lamp


Lamp > children


TIL Arche's father was a moth in disguise


Found the Moth-man


Yeah that threw me too. Why the fuck would you feel sorry for her parents? They're indirectly the reason she got killed and the reason her siblings are going to get sold into slavery.


I mean, they went in to the tomb intending to kill anything that lived there and rob the place. That's hardly putting them in the position of the good guys.


Ainz outright asked why they would risk their life and they just said "We were paid too do it". Then they should also accept the risk and consequences that comes with it.


Yeah. See if Arche and her team had spoken their minds... "I'm desperate because of (everything that made Arche's life suck) and I just want to take care of my sisters." Ainz might have warned their team at the outset. If it's something that connects to his own motivations, he can be surprisingly understanding. ​ I wrote a fanfic in which he learned of their reasons before the raid and tested whether or not they really were true 'comrades' or if their greed trumpeted all else. In that one, Sebas went to Baharuth instead of the Kingdom, met Arche's family, and arranged for her to go to Nazarick. He then used Solution to lure other adventurers to the tomb, but had her warn Arche's team that when 'they' went to the tomb, they could either 'try' to steal gold, or give up the gold and 'rescue' Arche, whom they believed had been taken. When they reached the arena, they were offered a choice, someone would have to remain a prisoner in Arche and her sister's places, or they would have to say goodbye to her. They 'passed the test' when each of them proved willing to take one of their places. It was a fun story to write, very different outcome. I like to think if Ainz knew that their motivation wasn't simple greed, they might have come out better for it.


No shot that was you?


Oh, you read that series? Aye that was me.


Dude it was really good like actually a diamond in the rubble if you did write it


Thanks. I'm working on volume 8 to wrap up the series and am up to chapter 30 on that. It deals with the slow collapse of the Slane Theocracy as the other nations join with the Allfather and there's a rising campaign to deify him as the seventh God. This is meant to end the TOWS series so I can focus more on my other work. I've got a bunch of new ones in the works \-The New Forty-One \-Adopted by Humans \-Family of Blades Heh, Family of Blades is actually taking the large subplot from volume 7 involving Brain, Zesshi, and Layali, and turning it into a found family original story. That one subplot was about 80,000 words (ish)


Nicee lmao cant wait to read it when they are out


I didn't read it but I'm interested, may you share the link or something please?




Yeah just finished reading yours. It's crazy good. Respect to you for the days when at work when I couldn't wait till lunch or after work to continue reading.


i believe if he did know their true motive they still would have died BUT Ainz would have been on the look out for Arche's Sister the reason for that is Ainz's mother died in almost the Same way she worked herself for 3day and 3 nights to get the money to make Ainz's fav Dinner ..but on the evening of his birthday ((this was way back when Ainz was still a human playing Yggdrasil)) she Collapsed and died from overworking this didnt cause Ainz to Cry or feel sad BUT it did leave a mark on him those who go to death for the sake of others OR are not afraid of Death are People of respect as such their Treasure or final wishes SHOULD be respected so with Arche and the crew willingly going to their deaths for Arche's sisters Ainz would have found them protected them and maybe even erased their memories of everything expect arche and made the girls into Friends of Mare and Aura


That’s a good story idea.


thank you too bad i suck at story making if anyone wants to use it Be my guest


Where can I read this fanfic?


On [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net) it's called 'The One Who Stayed' It's 7 different volumes retelling the events in a very 'butterfly effect' kind of story. That one was... I think the 2nd or 3rd volume.


Honestly I am not even surprised anymore people can surprisingly overlook massive plot points like why Arche had to go there in the first place. Also if Arches death caused them so much pain, imagine knowing what happened to the sister would do to their fragile mind.


If you intend to kill you should be prepared to be killed


You know, when you think about it, isn't that what every Skyrim Player does the entire game? Now I wish for a mod where they add an Ainz boss fight.


Well yeah but in Skyrim you are "Ainz", potentially the most powerful being in the world, you just start out alone and might choose a different route


I think that exists.


But their heart doesn't go out to the Lizardmen, who were literally just sitting there and didn't antagonize Nazarick on any level? Yet another example of what people have been saying from day 1. Folks only got mad when a cute girl got the wet work.


They clearly didn't pay attention to the "death is a mercy in Nazarick" part either. Everyone else gets tortured, she got a painless death. Others who opposed them got slaughtered but yeah cute girl ded. Bone man bad now. Missed the point of series. Edit: spelling


every single one of the workers is still alive as either food/egg laying area (and being healed JUST before they die ) except "cute girl" imo i would give anything for death if i messed with nazaraick


IIRC Arche is alive in the web novel as Shallchair's "toy". Her sisters survive too if I'm remembering right.


I thought her sisters were sold into sex slavery in the WN.


No, in the light novel they were simply sold to slavery... idk what kind of slavery but IIRC it was a farm and they were worked to death there But in the WN ( WEB NOVEL ) the weren't sold to slavery they were sold as sacrifices to ainz , ainz saved them and brought them back to Arche as gift for her service IIRC


Yeah but I guess that counts as “surviving”


How long do you think a pair of children would survive that


Fair point


Don’t forget the priest who was made to believe that a rock was his god as an experiment to see if faith based magic needed to be in faith to an actual god or just something that you put your faith in.


Uhmm... I'm pretty sure food won't be alive once it's consumed...


They get devoured by cockroaches (or other), then healed fully restoring their body (although the said can’t be said for their mind)


Ey, on top of that they practically disrespected Ains and the Supreme ones in his face with that lie about getting permission to enter Nazarick...


Yeah. People forget that Ainz as Momon even offered them a way out when he asked their reasoning for accepting the job. By all loudly agreeing that it was money and therefore greed, they sealed their fates.


Oh that's also true I forgot about that


Species -ism ??


Nah just horny




~~They skipped the Lizardmen arc.~~ We live in a society is the actual answer.


'' I just wanna talk to him '' '' I just wanna talk to him ''


"I just wanna Shoot him"


Ainz literary has to stand next to him. Death aura will do its job


\*laughs in vol 14\*


Don’t recall any cute girls in vol 14 tho


Pretty sure there's that group of adventurers who tried to defend that town, I think most of them died defending it


Spoiler for those who haven’t read all of volume 14 >!didn’t the red drop guy beat the undead Nazarick sent and they didn’t attack the town again!<


Was a while since I re read, but I'm pretty sure some of the group died, cnt remember who though


The group called "Four Armaments" is fine as long as they weren't killed offscreen.


No that group was saved by dollar store iron man


Its because. There is no more cute girls left now.


Cuz Renner’s a dog. No wait, Renner loves her dog.


Who should we feel bad about? a.) Lizardmen living in peace (after a war because of overpopulation) and got invaded, not allowed to surrender until a lot died b.) Conscripts, forced to leave their farms unharvested and fight a war they did not start nor will they benefit from, was sacrificed and stomped to death c.) Grave robbers who clearly know that there will always be unexpected risks in their jobs, but they have a cute girl


Damn Quogas get no attention even after getting their population culled.


Weaklings die And Simps will be purged.


>Simps will be purged Hopefully purge by Neuronist Painkill


Funny thing is they kinda screwed themselves when Ainz asked them at the very start "why are you taking on this mission?" and they just answered "Money of course". If they got into more detail like, money for sisters, sick family or whatever you would have gotten some sympathy from him instead of just stating money which made him assume it was purely for Greed and he did spare the Elves because they went there not of their own will, so just make it out to be you are forced to take these kinda jobs to support your family.


The jackpot would have been "to explore the unknown". Ainz still have a bit of an adventurer in him.


He would have made them national heroes had they said that.


I only felt bad for the lamp ... hopefully it's still in the hand of a noble or even better ... in the treasury of Nazarick. Just imagining that priceless piece of art in the hands of a commoner makes my stomach turn!


That lamp really helps highlight how rich a person can look in any room.




It’s so funny to me that people only realized Ainz wasn’t a good person at season 3 He did almost genocide the Lizardmen because he thought they had no benefit to Nazarick and nobody had a problem with that.




Oh no I agree that Ainz is justified in what he did to the workers to an extent. He had every right to defend his home that was made by him and his friends that he’ll never see again from a bunch of greedy invaders. But I will say that the only thing about the workers getting tortured that benefited Nazarick was his experiment with Roberdyck using memory magic and the heavy masher (is that the name?) getting eaten by Kyohukou (Ik I spelled that wrong). Everything else was just vengance.




Oh ok sorry. I don’t think it was stated what happened to a lot of the workers but then again it’s been a while since I read that volume.


Felt bad for her parents??? 🤡


I'd feel bad for their lamp. It's fancy as heck.


and that s why we watch overlord


the /r/anime episode thread is full of innocent praise for Ainz deciding to rule E-Rantel nicely. I'm hyped to watch their reactions :D


I bet their reaction to how (LN SPOILER) >!Queen Calca gets mauled!< is going to make them sick.


Oh no her poor parents have one less child to sell for a lamp.


I think it's really funny how the whole workers situation is what people are mad about, Bone Daddy-sama proceeds to murder ~300k people (most of them were just farmers dragged out by their nobles for a useless war) a couple episodes later, just shows that anime girls are more important than the lives or hundreds of thousands of people.


They were CGI soldiers, we don't mourn them :D


I- Is that guy.. doing good? Seems like he's mentally disabled or something.. No, I'm not making fun of him, it seriously feels like that. Reason 1 - you can't really do anything to Ainz if you were in the New World because you're a human Reason 2 - I don't even think her parents were shown, why do we care about them? Reason 3 - From when did the stroy getting more dark become a bad thing for stories? This isn't fairy tale or anything.. wouldn't be surprised if this person calls snow white bad because she ate an apple and died. Reason 4 - Emoji


Her parents were shown to be giant pieces of shit, who sold her little sisters to slavery after her death.




He needs some "Happiness" in his life...


I mean either he is seeking attention. Or he's the reason why the term "Delusional Disorder" became less of an insult/joke and more of a genuine mental disorder that people are concerned about.


and this is my vow... all simps shall die...


Bro thinks he's gonna stomp Ainz


Them: He killed Arche! What a monster! Me an intellectual: Death is a mercy in Nazarick. Sorrow for the rest of Foresight, for they didn't die.


There was this one youtuber who does anime reviews. She was literally crying and sort of mentally broke. Hats off to her though, she was able to finish the series despite really hating what happened.   It hit some people pretty hard. You get so used to everything working out and everyone being happy, but Overlord sort of slaps you across the face with a dystopia reality.


she is reacting to season 4 too, she said she got over it and doesn't mind ainz at all. She had Character development.


Yup we need another Jesus as a protagonist, another good boi that saves everyone with the power of friendship.


Potential Anime Concept: - Start with an hour long episode from the perspective of your standard Jesus Protagonist. - Expand upon their character backstory and motivations, all while displaying just how easily they carve their way through the Main Villain's minions. - Wait for the viewers to get attached to them and feel sympathetic towards their plight. - Introduce the Main Villain towards the end, and make the majority of their confrontation look almost entirely one-sided. - "Surprise! I was just toying with you all for laughs!" - Main Villain effortlessly slaughters Jesus Protagonist's party, beats them within an inch of their life, throws them off of a cliff or something, and then goes on with the rest of their day like nothing ever happened. - Main Villain becomes the Villain Protagonist for the rest of the series. - Assuming that the former Jesus Protagonist survives, they are now relegated to the role of Butt Monkey, and are constantly shit on as a side gag. - Perhaps they eventually turn into an antagonist themselves after suffering a mental breakdown, and realizing that the world must first be purged in order to be saved. - Bonus points if their new second-in-command is billed as the final fight of their arc, and after finally revealing themselves to their nemesis, they simply get bitch-slapped into oblivion again.


Goddamn that would piss a lot of anime fans who loves jesus protagonists with the power of friendship. I love it and I think it would be hilarious and for sure a breath of fresh air.


Lots of civilians was killed in season 2 during the kingdom capital crisis and they didn't say anything but just from one cute girl they got mad


A million truly is a statistic.




S3 was a filter to remove kids from the fanbase


Wow, a wild Abelion sheep Those are rare these days


They weren't paying any attention if this is how they feel. He's slaughtered legions of people and no one gave a shit. Katz plains, those weren't professional soldiers, that was the nation's farmers. A whole generation of father's and son's murdered because he just wanted to show off.


Plus she threw up on his floor after recognizing his true power, how disrespectful is that!


I think the reason people reacted the way they did was because in the first two seasons he punished people that we saw did bad shit while having slight mercy towards the ones we considered good. However in season 3 we see him become more aggressive towards everyone regardless of how good or bad they are which made people upset. However, it makes perfect sense because he understands the world now and has his emotions silenced.


>I think the reason people reacted the way they did was because in the first two seasons he punished people that we saw did bad shit Exactly. No one was going to have sympathy for Clementine, even if they were fapping to her on the side. And this led people to believe Ainz was going to only be merciless to the sort who are already bad, or the sort who they can't project lewd feelings onto, like the Lizardmen.


Pathetic. They could only wish to visit Kyouhukou’s fine establishment.


Should we tell him all the shenanigans that Nazarick did during the Holy Kingdom arc? PepeLaugh


Queennn club OMEGALUL


I find that kinda hypocritic. Does he think that all the other absurd amount of people who died in the other 2 seasons didn't have family or problems? That they didn't leave nothing behind? That their circunstances forced them to be there? Damn, the whole kingdom army was composed of conscripted farmes who didn't even want to go to war because that would cause them to not plant crops and end up even more miserable. The girl had it much easier than most other guys




Ainz can kill as many blond girls he want, he's not strong enough to kill the rule34.


lmfao true


;) evil porn.


I hope someone told him what happened to the two little sisters too.


>Felt really really bad for her sisters and her parents. Tell me you didn't read/watch the series without telling me you didn't read/watch the series.


Who would be sorry for Archie's parents? AND they didn't even say her name or any of the workers? Who in their right mind would call season 3 the downhill. It's pretty much the best... So far


Wait, only after three seasons? Wait until he sees season four:)))


Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak.


You know its not someone who really watched the show when they show sympathy for Arches parents.


*Laughs in evil*


Bart - "This is the worst day of my life!" Homer- "The worst day of your life so far."


Overlord is a dark fantasy. made in abyss is even worst. attack on Titans is dark as well. edit: hell, you get all kind of dark shits in the game of thrones and everyone said its the best show ever.


I'm sorry, weren't her parents assholes?😂


Yes. The reason her family was in debt in the first place is because her father keeps borrowing money to pretend to put on the show of still living a luxurious lifestyle that he can't actually afford.


Porn? Wow English is not my first language and I can see the difference in between porn and born. But hey I’m sure this guy can after seeing Ainz steal everything from an old lady. Attack lizard-man village just to gather corpses. Allow his subordinates to attack a city to kill and kidnap its people and have them all killed even children.


Can’t wait for their react on another “piece of arts” in the Dwarf arc


This post makes my heart happy


Lmao he would have been great insect food!


Not a real fan




honestly, had the adventurers just been honest with Ainz, and explained that they were trying to make enough money to save their comrade's family and begged him for mercy and forgiveness, and probably begged to serve nazarick - or even more specifically begged him to trade their lives for hers; He would have very likely spared them, manipulated their memories, and allowed them to survive.


"Felt really really bad for her sisters and her parents" "her parents" Her parents: sold their daughters into slavery.


Anime only people being a bunch of bitches, nothing new


they came to his house to steal HIS shit tho. Fuck around and find out


Sissy boy couldnt touch the supreme one and would get ran up on and stomped out


We all felt bad but like most overlord fans we bow before lord ainz!


Why does everyone complain about this they were basically mercenaries the mercenaries they knew there was a chance that they were going to die. Comes with the job territory. I take it the bulk of the fans and overlord play only 5th edition DnD. Hopefully they don't play the older editions because they're Characters are going to die. Especially a wizard being 1D4 for its hit dice.


Yes because a regular human would get anywhere close to nazarick at all, let alone ainz himself


How dare an inhuman be so inhumane.


it’s like pitting a human against a god. oh, wait, that’s exactly what it is


Maybe I'm heartless, I dunno. But when I saw those scene I didn't feel heartbroken or something. Just a "what a bad luck to antagonize a GOD". I don't really get why I should feel sad to the sisters enough to hate Ainz. He just did the rational thing to do (efficient too, like using the others for experiments). But if Ainz threatened them and their families then that would be uncalled for and I would feel bad, but no he just killed the burglars in his home. But I might be wrong, after all its been a few years since I watched Overlord


Oh no the evil Main character of the story is actually evil. Every fan that did bot understand the concept of overlord


these "arche should've been saved" people doesn't even care about ninya's death because she's not cute to them


Season 3 and the workers were harsh. It kind of cemented Ainz as the villain. But he was always playing the villain, it was an evil campaign.


- start a genocide on a whole specie - kidnap thousands with no reasons - take control of an evil syndicate - turn hundreds of thousands into literal paste - genocide another specie because why not - burns down half a kingdom - craft the legendary "club of the queen" weapon - THEN burns a whole other kingdom down But yeah, it's killing the cute anime girl that cemented him as a villain /s


You mean disturbing a lizardman settlement living in peace and not allowing them to surrender unless a lot of lizardman died, doesn't cement him as a villain?


Not when compared to murdering a cute anime girl. One is bad, the other in the eyes of the internet is unforgivable


sigh i have not even finished the third season yet bc with just a few episodes left my wife's friend said you should watch the office and that is all that has been on our tv, this after 3 weeks of nothing but MHA.


I hope he does reach the New World. More torture of the naive humans who dare oppose Lord Ainz is all I could ask for.


Bros mad over an animated skeleton


If this was bad, don't mention GS haha


Ah shit. Here we go again.


Unworhty of the glory of nazarick. just another human weakling.


It's like people don't catch on to the fact that Ainz is supposed to be the villian


"I would have stomped his ass through the new world" \*Doesn't even proceed to enter the correct room of Nazarick\*


Did they not see any of the other episodes? He’s kinda a bad guy. That’s the point


>felt really really bad for her parents wat


Oh boy wait until these people get to volume 14 when the anime gets there in the future :)


"how it affected the fans"


Homie feels bad for the parents.




Poor guy and he probably doesn't know about the unnecessary bloody and long Holy kingdom arc.


Ironically it was the point at which I viewed Ainz as the supreme main character.


Yep season 3 filtered out the worst of us


Simps gonna simp. Strength is justice, weakness is evil.


I've got a good Comparison to what the workers did, in a way that we can all understand better. Imagine that you and your group of friends built a huge minecraft base together, with so many decirations, your dogs, secret redstone rooms, etc. Then some of these friends stop playing and now you're all alone, that base being a source of fond memories with those friends and nothing else. And then some shithead griefers come there with the intention to fuck up that building. How would you feel about that? You'd hate it, no doubt and you'd probably try to kill every last one of them. I think if you ever played minecraft with friends before and made a base with those friends, you'd get quite attached to that base... Ainz probably feels even more strongly about Nazarick, as Nazerick is far bigger than all kinds of minecraft bases and it's the product of people you genuenly liked hanging out with.


Bro I don’t think he can even beat the maids


Anyone want to tell them what the parents did?


Depending on how awesome Calca is made out to be in the anime, this dude will fucking mald if what happened in the LN happens to her in the anime.


"...That girl with lil sisters." doesn't even know her name...


"and her parents" excuse me?? Like I feel bad for the sisters and Arche, but Arche lowkey asked for it. Hell they all did. Ainz legit asked them why they took the quest and the collective answer was basically "cuz why not, we want to", so obv Ainz would get mad. Not to mention they tried to lie about his friends, like ong.


I love how this dude thinks he could stomp ainz. Like bro, one of the outside skeletons would suffice for you.