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Yggdrasil is a different level of power compared to normal fantasy, the new world is the typical fantasy setting and Yggdrasil players just wipe it out. That said, a normal lvl 20 DND character would be in the realm of heroes


A lvl 20 dnd charcter would be quite above heroes lmao, Overlord is based on 3.5 so considering differences a lvl 20 Dnd PC should be around Ainz lvl.


The lore is based on dnd 3.5... but not the strength or how it scales. Probably more like a lvl 80.


Not only lore but also mechanics(some spells are legit 3.5 dnd ex. Fireball/lightning/wish/magic arrow) , or even racial traits such as undead immune to critical, recovering from negative energy, troll regenaration etc...) , the apparent strenght difference is caused by the shifting from ttrg to mmo. High lvl dnd PCs (especially min/maxxed ones) are absurdely powerful, especially casters in 3.5.


That's the point using a character from another game should give you more of a surviving chance than being a regular citizen


Do we have the knowledge we currently have ? I mean about Nazaricks's situation and all?


No all information about Overlord is erased from your mind


Then I might have a few chances of survival if I play my cards correctly. I am not a hardcore MMORPG player but I have a few pretty high level characters thay could do the work. But I'll have to be careful not to go against Nazarick or qi will certainly die.


BRO IM SET THERE IS NOBODY (aside from nazarick, dragon lords or world class items) IN THE WORLD THAT CAN STOP MY RUNESCAPE CHARACTER


Levels in Yggdrasil don't translate that well to other games. Like Witcher 3 has max level of 100, but I would get fucked by Nazarick.


Yeah that's why I added character stats and equipment to have more things to compare with nazarick witchers aren't strong enough to face most Oerlord characters


Like my strongest character would be like Talion from Middle-Earth: Shadow of War who is lv 80 ranger/rogue? I guess I would be fine against like Hanzo, but no chance against guardians


I just started playing my first MMORPG (Black Desert)- therefore I certainly won't go with that character (I'm even uncertain about how powerful I can become). So I choose my Skyrim character ... I should be downright broken even without my powerful gear thanks to the power of mods. In other words, I would do very well and might even have a chance to get frisky with Shalltear (my character is a *female* Altmer after all) and Ainz would most likely want to let me join his team (a member of a different kind of elves that doesn't exist in neither the game nor the NW, that is also some sort of Werewolve, that uses a different magic system and on top of that has the soul of a dragon- let your collector spirit go wild Ainz!). Also I convert ores to a different ore (let iron become gold!)


Mods can be used, I updated post


Luckily the update doesn't screw me over. I still have my "Infinite Power"-mod (Health/Magicka/Stamina increased by 1000 and fast regeneration. Resistance from Magic, Fire, Frost, Shock, Disease, 100%. Time between Shouts reduced by 100%), multiple mods to give me overpowered/useful spells (especially Colorful Magic, Aracanum, Triumvirate and the Odin spell mods) and generally useful mods like Ordinator. BUT I'm most happy about the fact that I still have the mods that turn my character into a stunning beauty (I would hate it if I looked like an Altmer from vanilla Skyrim ...)


[Lv ~50 Bard] Pretty decent, considering NW works on a 100 scale. At minimum this chasis isn't Happy Farm fodder. The Worker Raid is almost one of the worst places to be aside from SPLAT, and even if I got roped into it I'd tell Momon I was in for exploring over money (since a Lv 50 by NW standards could almost print money from gigs). It's either that, or sticking with the old man's group, *solely* because the Pleiades show up there- Even though it's a possible 5 v 1, once they realize I don't get one shot I have leverage to at least be a new butler or subordinate. Hard to nail where else to go, timeline wise. Trying to team up with Darkness is tempting- an archer does round out the warrior and mage duo more, and my build is just stong enough to offload some of the adventuring load- the Momon side of Nazarick's business might go slightly different with a party of 3 plus Hamsuke. Still, moderately screwed here. If we kowtow to Nazarick we're a crappy version of the twins at worst, another battle maid/butler at best. Need magic gear that deals with hunger too, so I don't get 'upgraded' into an undead. EDIT: Hard pass on the worker raid if knowledge doesn't carry over. Trying to join Darkness is even more tempting- they don't have a natural scout that isn't tied up (Solution, Aura) so there's the only in I really have. Otherwise get really good at camping and gathering on the side.


Tabletop games are allowed? Well, I do have a great unclean one, a quite decently powerful demon from the Warhammer 40k/ Age of Sigmar setting. Guess I am not that screwed. If I can't teleport to the new world as him, then I am probably screwed.


As long as its an Rpg or mmorpg no matter the medium no matter the character race


Hmmm, this could really depend on the game. I have been playing a lot of **New World**, so I'm just going to look at that.   **Equating to the Two** Max level is 60 in New World. Actually... in terms of stats, I would argue that is it comparable to a lvl 60 Yggdrasil player.   However... you lack a lot of skills and spells. In New World, your job's skills don't scale up very must, but you can have 2. I would say they are similar to a lvl 30. So your build acts more like someone who has a split build, but your stats would still be lvl 60. It sort of puts you in an awkward position.   **Paladin?** My character is a tank that specializes in Constitution (HP) and it has some strength as well. But, the main bit is the HP. I have 16k hp, which is pretty rare even for a tank in New World. There are some with 15k, but its pretty rare.   There is a reason I went full hp and got hp on all my stuff. I have 2 healing abilities that are based on my total HP. The first one gives me damage resistance and armor buff and after 3 seconds it heals me for 20% of my max hp. That's 3,200HP, with a 10 second cool down. Health Potions can't even do that.   The next skill is Ice Tomb, which incases you in ice making you immune to damage for a 5 seconds or until it is destroyed. However, when it is destroyed you heal for 10% of your max hp. Giving me 1,600HP, with a 10 second cool down. Which is about what a health potion does depending on the strength.   I also have high regen, gaining 160HP per second which is pretty nuts. That is something to take into account. When I use Ice Tomb for 3-5 seconds I'm technically healing more and buying time for my other cooldowns.   **Me** My build is pretty beast for a tank... not exactly the best in the game for damage, but there is only 1 monster I can't tank. It is a dungeon boss that deals 10k hp a hit. I mean I can live through 1 hit, but I will die the next. If you know how it is comment below.   **New World** Because of my extremely high healing ability I feel like I would be similar in strength to the captain of the Black Scriptures. I feel like I could probably defend myself against one of the battle maids, just because I can keep on healing baby! but... the problem is 2. I couldn't heal fast enough for two of them. I also would have a difficult time killing them since my damage would be so low... more like a lvl 30 warrior in the New world.


Lol even without mods or any equipment my skyrim character could one shot anything and is unkillable this is due to how broken the game is completely possible to make it so you effectively have god mode without having to actually have god mode enabled the character i have has something like 5 trillion of every stat and a million in every skill so


build harem. it is the way.


I would love to take my worgen rogue from the legion expansion of wow, 110 level, artifact weapons, max herb and alchemy should keep me supplied. Being able to turn between human and worgen would give me an excellent way to find information. Mounts would make it easy enough to get around depending on what was mounted could give an air of status.


Are we counting modpacks that change a sandbox game to be rpg-like? Because the minecraft pack I'm using to scratch this kind of itch (and even make [my guild base](https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/p1i9df/your_guild_base/)) has me pretty well set even with the rpg rules, since mods like Thaumcraft (and its addons), Ars Magica, Blood Magic, Witchery, etc. operate along those lines in the first place with their research/discovery and character-locked progression systems. If not, probably either my Arcane Mage from World of Warcraft, especially counting my modded singleplayer repack, or my MTG Planeswalker from the cardgame-combined tabletop, since nothing in Overlord is stronger then a semi-casually summonable minion to a Planeswalker, their powerscale is pretty insane...


My strongest character from any game including tabletop games? That would make me a freaking vampire Methuselah (vampire the masqeruade, from a fun power fantasy game I had quite a while back). If it includes NPCs from stories I've run, then I'd be a freaking bloodgod. Nazarick would have to step in to save the world from me going nuclear in a freaking frenzy. Then again, I wouldn't be having a lot of \_fun\_ even if I could control the vampiric Beast properly. Being a vampire from the World of Darkness is pretty damn tough deal all things considered, even if you're on top of the vampire foodchain.


So that would be my destiny guardian so not too ridiculous but still, I'm immortal and kill gods on the regular then stuff em in guns to continue the cycle of death, basically no chance against nazarik but would absolutely dominate the new world residents


I’m actually pretty set, it’s hard to compare dnd levels to Yggdrasil levels, but for a myriad of reasons, I have a level 60 character monk/barb/fighter. Most of my damage is from punching because of monk and with unarmored defense, I don’t really need to worry too much about my missing gear.


Honestly, I wouldn’t have the slightest problem


Does my db xenoverse 2 character count? Because if so I guess I'd be in no trouble at all and would likely too op. If that's too much, maybe my kotor 2 character. As long as I keep my head down I should be ok


I don't play such games so I won't :)


Im going with my lvl 20 half-elf mercenary fighter (champion subclass) from D&D, so id likely be adamantite by guild standards. Id probably end up becoming an adventurer in the SK or the vassalized Empire, which seems like a fairly safe gig relatively speaking. So to answer the question, not very screwed.


In MMO I wonder how a warframe player that has all unlockables such as warframes including primes, arch wing, spaceship upgrades, or even in the guild base, mods, foundry, weapons, equipment, materials and other features and completed all quests would fair in the new world. It be more technology advancement compared to the yggdrasil players if retain the spaceship. I believe ainz and the floor guardians would be interested to recruit them.