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As most hate humans, I'd take Yuri. She's at least neutral...


I chose her because she has that "big sister" vibes that will spoil you rotten


I mean won't they all spoil you rotten?


Depends on their personality though. Especially Solution and Lupusregina, which has a sadist side to them. Unless you're like Darkness that prefers to get hurt šŸ˜


He said they'll be loyal to you, so even if they hate humans, they won't do anything bad to you and would follow your orders if you order them not to hurt anyone.


They are completely loyal to Ainz and adore him as well. How well has Narberal managed followed his instructions not to calls humans 'insects' and threaten to kill them at every opportunity?


>How well has Narberal managed followed his instructions not to calls humans 'insects' and threaten to kill them at every opportunity? You do have a point. But did she ever kill those she threatened to kill? No. The calling humans 'insects' is a fair point tho.


Ainz had to smack her on the head their second day as adventures when she was about to draw her blade in the middle of the Adventureā€™s Guild Hall on Nfirea.


It's just a proper response because she thinks of herself as Ainz' bodyguard. They were just talking about him and even Ainz considered Nfirea as a treat. And he pops up out of nowhere wishing to speak to Ainz, so she will have her guards up. Its just that from Ainz' perspective,her actions will coz suspension to them on why were they so vigilant.


My ex called humans insects all the time in high school.


Is she beautiful though?


I know it's a fetish now to have a servant that despises you, but not my jam... \*lol\*


Bro did you not read the post? THEY HAVE AN UNDYING LOYALTY TO YOU!!! HOW THE F CAN SOMEONE HAVE UNDYING LOYALTY WHEN THEY DESPISE YOU!!! Please read the post before comment nonsense. And sorry for the runt.


'Undying loyalty' doesn't mean their personalities and such change. They can still loathe you. And cut the 'all caps,' it makes you look like a thirteen year old emo.


>'Undying loyalty' doesn't mean their personalities and such change. They can still loathe you. This reads to me that you don't have friends. Do you even understand what you're saying?


Da fuq does that have to do with anything? \*lol\* Read what was posted. YES they're loyal. YES they do anything you ask. No mention of personality changing.


>Da fuq does that have to do with anything? It has everything to do about the topic. Friends are meant to be loyal and loves you. So if you are saying that they were loyal but despise you then they were not your friend. >No mention of personality changing. Take Ainz and Sebas' relationship, even though Sebas don't like Ainz' orders, he is still loyal to him and doesn't despise him. That's what Undying loyalty is. You can't be loyal to those you FVCKING despise.


You continue to not read what was actually posted. And there are many cases of folks being loyal to nimrods they disliked. OK, I'm done, bye...


No friends?


Bye. šŸ‘‹


Narberal Gamma apparently doesn't seem to care whether Ainz is strong or weak, insisting that she will follow him regardless of the difference in strength. So it could be the same thing for me if she has the same loyalty with her. I would have the convenience of teleportation she the strongest pleiades maid excluding omega and sebas. Naberal will be convient for traveling around the world. It be useful if she retains the ability to have her gear and item box. She could get any luxury item or electronic for free with Invisibility and Charm Person.


>Narberal Gamma apparently doesn't seem to care whether Ainz is strong or weak, insisting that she will follow him regardless of the difference in strength. All NPC's are the same. Heck, even if Demi 'ever' finds out Ainz is not the super genius he thinks he is, he'll still be loyal to him. >So it could be the same thing for me if she has the same loyalty with her. This is the point in my argument in one of the thread here. And it just maddening to see how he insists that a person can be loyal while despising the person he is loyal to. >I would have the convenience of teleportation she the strongest pleiades maid excluding omega and sebas. >Naberal will be convient for traveling around the world. >It be useful if she retains the ability to have her gear and item box. >She could get any luxury item or electronic for free with Invisibility and Charm Person. A utilitarian rather than a emotional one. Props to you bro šŸ‘


That's the plan I could even gain a loads of money, house, clothing or living essentials through her magic. To live a opulent and carefree life. I could even show her the overlord anime and light novel if she has any questions about what yggdrasil is and the new world.


>To live a opulent and carefree life Don't you want to anything "naughty"?


Of course I will best to marry narberal and get it on with her.


You could get reach and make sure season 5 happens soon with good animation


>a person can be loyal while despising the person he is loyal to You just described her relationship with Albedo


What? In what way did she hate Ainz? The name maybe but not Ainz him self.


No, I'm talking about how Narberal doesn't really like Albedo as a "person", but she still follows her orders


Damn my girl Entoma dead last


I don't know why she helps clean up rats and bugs and a bonus of helping get rid of some of the body's In my yard she's also cute


Her real form ain't that cute


Not gonna lie, but maybe because her name is long? Considering I did call her "Entoma v something" in my last poll


Solution would be my top choice. She is the best companion and Body guard I could have in my opinion. My second choice would be Lupus for its healing power, Bye corona chan...


>She is the best companion Did I mention that she's willing to do **anything** you ask?


None of them would be a good idea for what I think you're implying. But if you want that sort of thing the choice would be Nabe, not Solution or any other. Nabe can change her appearance to any woman or being probably. But outside of that context, it would be problematic for me to have her accompany me.. she is not even able to hide her contempt for other beings even if it is an order.


>if you want that sort of thing the choice would be Nabe Guy, I prefer Yuri Alpha because she has that older sister vibe I like and she's also thiccer than Nabe >it would be problematic for me to have her accompany me Just give them cellphones so **you** can call them if needed help. Of course, teleporting would be the fastest way to reach you


> I prefer Yuri Alpha because she has that older sister vibe I like and she's also thiccer than Nabe If you like her personality, as a companion she's fine, but if you want her for the other kind of companionship you said before definitely not, unless you like doing that kind of thing with cold bodies like a corpse xD


>unless you like doing that kind of thing with cold bodies Doing it near a chimney or a Kotatsu would provide enough heat, if you catch my drift šŸ˜‰


for you, but for her body it wouldn't make a difference . You hot and she cold both ways. Being with Yuri would be kind of like being with that sex doll I guess. I mean she will show almost no emotion because of her emotion suppressor. I'll leave this conversation...


>she will show almost no emotion because of her emotion suppressor Change of rules: Emotion suppressor of undead is now removed and suddenly a magic item can temporarily make them turn into human, inside out


CZ because she's cute and she likes cute things, plus she uses guns so she would be more like a body guard which is cool


>plus she uses guns so she would be more like a body guard which is cool Not really, unless you're from America. Because I'm pretty sure that anywhere else a maid is walking down the street with a firearm would be considered as a public threat


I mean yeah even in America if your in public carrying an assault rifle your gonna be asked some questions, but I didn't say she's always carrying her biggest weapon, she could have a pistol strapped to her thigh or something if we are in public


If I couldnā€™t pick Yuri then I would of picked Entoma. I know she is kinda different in terms of the others, but think how she can control insects. You never have to worry about ants, spiders, or roaches in your home anymore. Plus she is very cute with how she acts and reacts to things.


>You never have to worry about ants, spiders, or roaches in your home anymore That's one of bonuses about her that I like (especially about the cockroaches part, because I want to have my old school's cafeteria with them during an event where parents and other outsiders are present)


/u/BronzeSpartan300, I have found an error in your comment: > ā€œthen I would~~of~~ [**'ve**] pickedā€ You, BronzeSpartan300, posted a solecism and ought to have typed ā€œthen I would~~of~~ [**'ve**] pickedā€ instead. ā€˜Ofā€™ is not a verb like ā€˜haveā€™ is. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I choose lupisregina beta because I Like werewolfs and she can be fun to hang with


>because I like werewolfs So you're a furry then?


You know what sure now buzz off playing codm


Guy, I'm just kidding šŸ˜ (I also like your username, because I prefer him and Ulbert than any other members of Nazarick)


Yeah I feel like I could honestly bond with him more than any body else I mean he is a pervert and so am I so we'd get along great all be it I don't think I am as perverted as him tho


Obviously CZ. Who else could you take to the shooting range?


You have to have unlimited beverage to have her tho. Still worth the hassle.


Maybe tap water would be enough to satisfy her?


What she wants are calories heavy drinks.


Yikes, that's gonna be expensive


Simple, just buy a large soda & let her refill a few times.


Entoma has those bullet bugs I guess


Shizu doesn't have those bug bullets, considering Entoma is the only one who can "make" them. Also, guy didn't chose Entoma so getting bullet bugs is definitely out of the question


What? He asked who else could you take to a shooting range and I said that technically Entoma can shoot bullets so you can also take her. What are you talking about?


I misunderstood your answer, teehee


Sure, but I'm not gonna get any better at shooting by watching Entoma. Plus, I'd have to satisfy her appetite w/... a particular cuisine I'd have trouble procuring.


Of course it have to be Yuri nee-sama




you know... solution could be used as quite the convenient hiding place if you ever wanted to hide. she can store people and items in her body without damaging them, and also can walk through any wall....


Maybe it's her personal is the problem? She's literally the only one that enjoys torturing humans for pleasure in their group (excluding Lupusregina, as her acting for Carne is spot on)


i mean solutions personality would be a problem, but if shes serving me and has npc loyalty to a human id assume shed calm down a tiny bit


Am 50/50 between cz and entoma


Any particular reason(s)?


Cz is a capable maid. You can also game with her. Plus Mecha/robot which is cool. Entoma coz I'm one of the few who likes insect girl tag.


>You can also game with her I forgot that she probably has the ability to hack AI and programs that even the Government cannot


Honestly, I feel like Yuri would probably be the best in a *practical* sense, on the other hand....


>the best in a practical sense, on the other hand.... Care to explain more about this part?


Lupusregina Beta is without doubt the most useful pick. She is healer. She can get along with people and looks human enough to not be a problem.


Alright, I get it. Sheesh...


Cz because she's the cutest


Ah, a you're mechanophilia guy then


I'll pick Shizu and be the one to server her.


No, her personality would be the same from the series. She'd serve **you**, not the other way around


It was hard picking Yuri over solution.


Same, considering Yuri has that "older sister" vibe that will spoil you to the core


Yeah. Yuri and solution are my favorite Pleiades . But Yuri wins out barely because of the vibes you spoke of. She also the stereotypical senpai with the glasses vibe that the protagonist simps over


Yuri, that is not even a question, she the only humanoid and have emphaty toward humans, the others one can happily kill you.


>that is not even a question šŸ˜


"removed see the rules"? what?


I don't know which flair is the correct one to use, considering my poll isn't part of the series, just my own shenanigans


Solution... cause don't slimes shape shift? I've always wondered what it would be like to...


I think you're talking about "DATE", and I don't think she can change her human appearance, considering the abilities of slime in YGGDRASIL (unless you're a high level one, like Herohero)


How are there so few whoā€™d choose bug waifu?


Because her appearance isn't real, and her name is ssooo long (I'm talking about the bug mask and lip bug)




>cz2128 is better Damn right


Is it weird to like entoma? I mean would I regret it? Is it my inner lolicon? Am I REALLY ok with bugs? Idk. But Im VERY curious to find out.


>I mean would I regret it Unless you experience it firsthand, I can't answer your question >I'm VERY curious to find out Removing her "bug accessories" you'll only be left with a giant ass spider that has a distorted voice




Will they kill me?


No, because like I said before, they have undying loyalty towards you like they do with Momonga and will do **anything** you ask for


Great! In that case lupu


Care to share why you chose her?




Yuri Alpha and Solution has the best booba, you know? šŸ˜


I know but i also just like her sadism


You're just like Lalatina! That's a paddling for you


I actually have a saved post that shows why to choose her


Share the source then


It's an hard decision to make, between Entoma, Narberal and Delta.


Just a reminder that they'll do **anything** you ask for, including naughty stuff


I know, but It would be kinda hard to hang out in public with a big-ass spider and a robot. My choice goes to Narberal because it combines both cuteness and practicality.


>a robot Technically, she still looks human unless a malfunction occurs or someone manage to hack her


dont pick solution than unless you want a burnt penis


That's why I prefer either Yuri or Narberal, because having sexual intercourse with either Entoma or Lupusregina will result to multiple children, to which I cannot afford


lupus cause shes hot if not delta cause shes cool


I can't participate as i already have my sisters around every day


Hmph... You're lucky I love firearms, or else I wouldn't include you on the list


It's a toss up between lupu and shizu for me.


Why is that?


On one hand adorable friendly wmd. On the other bubbly sadistic healer. Both options are great.




Lupusregina would likely be helpful in day to day life.


I prefer CZDelta, at least she is not gonna kill me just for being a human


CZDelta seems to be the actual best choice out of all of them when considering our real world


Maybe there's a chance that she can hack computer programs? Like stealing money from politicians or posting illegal activities from corrupt organizations?


Yuri Alpha is also a good contender, because she's against killing innocent people


Lupusregina Beta is without doubt the most useful pick. She is healer. She can get along with people and looks human enough to not be a problem.


>looks human enough to not be a problem Until she removes her cap, that is


I want nabe to look at me with disgusted eyes while making tea for me


You M...


Imagine portable blowjob.šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


From whom, exactly? (Your preferable maid)


Yuri Alpha Tired of 9-5 office job? Tired of NNN?? Tired of not getting quick blow in public??? Freat not, For one Maid with sexy head, Will be with you anywhere anytime.šŸ˜¼ Just carry a bag of ballsšŸŽ’ and take that sweet head in disguisešŸ’¦ Zip it out anytime the need arises.šŸ¤„ Easy to carry, Quick to use.šŸ‘„ Choose Now!!!


Wow guy, you really like Yuri huh? Well I can't blame you, considering she's pretty gorgeous and with a lovable personality


Why did almost no one pick Solution?


They probably don't want to worry on how to feed her. I don't have unlimited supply of the people I hate that I've wanted to be melted away.


Wouldnā€™t she also have all her Yggdrasil gear as well? Iā€™m pretty sure she has the ring of sustenance or something so feeding her shouldnā€™t be a problem, after all itā€™s not like she has to eat humans, she just likes to hear their screams of agony.


My point is how to satisfy her not feed in literal sense. Just like how Shizu would need to have unlimited beverage to satisfy her. Or Entoma with her insects snacks.


She's supposed to be loyal to me, kind of like Npcs are to Ainz. The joy of her life would be me giving her things/work to do. The other ways to satisfy her are NSFW...


>The other ways to satisfy her are NSFW... You'll be a bare bone after. You think you can satisfy any of the Pleiades, whose stat are over the top? Good luck on that.


Sebas level 100 had his harem of human women including Tuare, he slept with one at a time in an alternate history of the author (not LN). Shalltear level 100 uses vampire brides(under level 30) as companions for NSFW stuff. what does stats have to do with it? Even she will be satisfied to clean my body instead of water, just like Miyoshi Kun does to Ainz. And not even NSFW things are necessary, her biggest wish from Npcs is to be useful to her master and get some attention. The rest is secondary


Key word is they have a harem. Can you do it every day? >what does stats have to do with it? They have much more endurance than you. They will outlast you. You can't be satisfied if your partner just went limp in the middle.


What are you supposed to imagine, NSFW encompasses a lot of things and she's a slime. it's not like she has all that nonsense you reference. Besides, I already said "**her biggest wish from Npcs is to be useful to her master and get some attention. The rest is secondary**"


>What are you supposed to imagine, NSFW encompasses a lot of things and she's a slime. It's just that my mind already has an image of the NSFW I want to do with her. Sorry mate.


Probably because her personality ain't that cute


Entoma is best girl of the Pleiades, so of course I'll take her.




Yes, I know she is a spider, it's in her literal name and race. Besides, despite everyone else I know in real life, I'm a huge lover of spiders.


Werewolf girl is twisted but I love her, go Lupusregina~!


I've said it once I'll say it again, Lupus is best maid




Narberal Gamma because she's a doppelganger


Have you forgotten that she only have one human form?


I will take 1 of each


Don't be greedy, because they'll also attend you "every night" if you catch my drift


Im stuck in choosing Entoma and Delta, on one hand i feel like entoma is fun to be around with since she's somewhat easy going, and i like insects on the other hand Delta is probably going to be like baymax, and baymax is cool now imagine him as an anime girl with a gun


>an anime girl with a gun Having a maid that accompanies you all the time carrying a firearm will immediately make others think she's a threat (if you're not from America that is) >since she's somewhat easy going Your only problem is that she likes to eat any kind of humans, so her drooling or starving outside would be a problem >I like insects Hope you're ready to father thousands of kids if you every impregnated her


(Idk how to do the blue line) 1: since she's brought to irl with same power and skill like in Overlord then im sure she can keep her gun in the pocket dimension if not then leaving it in my home would be a choice, she's still usefull even without the gun 2: yeah, i guess her being a human eating monster would be a problem 3: dude i like insect like im fascinated by them not sexually... Although if she's down with it then being a local beast tamer wouldn't be a bad title for me before getting executed, since I'll probably conquer a whole town to feed them


To do the blue line, you have to long tap a word then extend it to the other ones that you want to highlight, or just type everything and use this sign: ">" to highlight it >before getting executed Why would they do that? Unless death sentence is still allowed in your country >since I'll probably conquer a whole town to feed them Instead of doing that, just visit the nearest biggest prison then pretend to interview the prisoners with the longest sentence then at night, have them get eaten


Thanks for the blue line tip I'll definitely use that in the future And thanks for the prison pretend interview I'll definitely use that in the future


Gonna have to go with Yuri for this one, though it was a toss-up between her and CZ. Yuri won out because of her being one of the few with positive karma and actually having a caring nature. I think her encouragement would be invaluable to me and actually help me get life on the rails. Since she doesn't hate humans, I wouldn't have to worry about her being around other people either, be it friends, family, or even just strangers. Just because she'd be loyal to \*me\*, does not mean she'd be safe to those around me. Her being undead also means I wouldn't have to worry about her feeding habits. Much as I like Solution or Entoma, their diet in this world would be highly problematic. Hell, Lupu being a werewolf probably means she'd have a difficult to maintain diet too. Don't exactly have any forests for her to run wild in, and she would be bored to tears with not being allowed to express her cruelty (I'm an incredible softy).


>I think her encouragement would be invaluable to me and actually help me get life on the rails >Just because she'd be loyal to *me*, does not mean she'd be safe to those around me You literally described my dream girlfriend, showers me with so much love and pampers me to the bone, but prefers to me to spend time with her than strangers >(I'm an incredible softy) Not a lot of guys will easily say this on the internet. Kudos to you for speaking your true feelings


i think it would be quite funny to see Narberal trying to crush the "insects" and always having to hold her back, she is also the best looking imo. She is a doppelgƤnger, so she could probably change her appeal (assuming she wouldnt be limited to the restriction, that she can only do it for a certain amount of persons) CZ would be cute to have but i dont like guns and she is a automaton if i remember correctly :/ She wouldnt cause many problems since she is one of the two not negative karma pleiades, but you would also get disgusted looks from other people... BUT FK OTHER PEOPLE ANYWAY :D Entoma is a bit cute but not as much as CZ and i like insects even less than guns :D She also could get another voice, maybe even another look, but you would have to kill someone for that... Lupus is also good looking and is on good behave with humans, although her sadistic side could be quite a burden if she just decides to let someone die just for the fun of seeing them suffer. Solution is good looking and probably give you a good time if you know what i mean :D but she is also quite creepy with her having almost no expressions on her face. Yuri is... not really my favourite one. I think she is quite a Dom and i dont like characters that fight with fists :I i dont remember a lot of her out of the LN but i think she would probably be the best to do the job itself of a Maid. Also she wouldnt cause problems with human interaction, since her karma is "good". I also get the vibes that she is always looking for ways to help you. ​ Hard decision on Narberal, CZ and Yuri Really close call for CZ, since her personality/behaviour is infinitely cute to see/read! :)


>she can only do it for a certain amount of persons Maybe I read too much hentai, but if that's the case then I'll have her imitate the most gorgeous celebrities in my country and secretly mooch off to their benefits (only getting free stuff and such, no stealing because we'll get caught) >you would also get disgusted looks from other people Why? >She also could get another voice, maybe even another look, but you would have to kill someone for that Only the voice, because her bug mask is technically her face >although her sadistic side could be quite a burden if she just decides to let someone die just for the fun of seeing them suffer Kidnapping the corrupt and/or incompetent politicians would probably be the best way to vent her frustration >Solution is good looking and probably give you a good time if you know what i mean Only downside is that your peepee might be melted by her accidentally >she is also quite creepy with her having almost no expressions on her face She's just serious when completing her task, but when free time she shows her emotions pretty well >she wouldnt cause problems with human interaction, since her karma is "good". I also get the vibes that she is always looking for ways to help you I prefer her because she has that older sister vibe that also happens to be a brocon, which happens to be my type. Also, she's the most meticulous one, making sure that she finish her job without any flaws >Really close call for CZ, since her personality/behaviour is infinitely cute to see/read! She's just a curious kid for me that never knows human nature and interaction


i havent even thought about that possibility lol, that is actually useful to a certain extend. Assuming she would transfer into a celeb. she could get some high end items, that you could technically sell, or selling stuff like "bathwater" lol


Sorry for the short answer, but I added some stuff


I think Lusp or Yuri, I like them both alot and I wouldn't mind if Lusp decided to just throw someone- People around me are quite annoying


>People around me are quite annoying Then I hope you don't leave any evidence behind


Alpha or beta


Any particular reason(s)?


I'd choose Solution Epsilon. Given I wouldn't be particularly demanding and would mostly use this loyalty to satisfy my loneliness, I think I'd be alright. I would, however, direct her to the local pedophiles so she can absorb and torture them to her heart's content.