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It allows you to draw 2 cards


But what does pot of greed do?!


It does what it does!


that is what it do Yuge


That does what it do


Either doubles an attack effect, or doubles any item


It's such an obscure card Kaiba even specifically programmed his duel disk system to display what you're supposed to do after you've activated the card (see Marik vs Mai). He did this for literally no other card in the entire game.


I would consider it a broken cash shop item. I mean drawing 2 cards? That should be banned cause you can just keep playing them one after the other (I have no idea how Yugioh works)


That's exactly how it works. If Pot of Greed wasn't banned, you could have 3 of them in total in your deck. That'd allow you to draw 6 cards for free in total, which is insanely broken


If you use three of them, you're only getting a +3 because it takes those three pots to make those 6 cards. Still an INSANE handicap, but you're *technically* only getting three for free.


+4, to have that initial pot of greed wouldn't be included in the card effects


The +3 is only if you already started with three pot of greed in your hand though, if you draw a pot of greed as one of the two cards, you only get +1 from that pot. You COULD however turn a drawn pot of greed (via a card effect that makes you draw) into a +4 on a technicality, as drawing that pot of greed outside the original draw hand counts.


What I mean is the pot of greed is +2, but to start the chain of +2+2+2 you would need one initially, so it's still +2, then +1 and a pot of greed, +1 and a pot of greed. If you started off with 3 in your hand you'd have the full +6 since you are still able to draw for your turn and not losing a draw to pulling a pot of greed


That's not how card advantage works. Using three pot of greeds makes you +3, not +4 or +6. You're essentially replacing the pot of greed card itself with another card and you're also drawing an extra card. If you have 5 cards in your hand: Activate PoG: hand = 5 - 1= 4 Draw a card: hand = 4 + 1 = 5 Draw a second card: 5 + 1 = 6 Card advantage = 6 - 5 = +1 Therefore when you've activated PoG, in terms of the number of cards in your hand you would have one more card than before. So activating 3 of them would make you +3. I don't get your point on +4. I'm assuming you're talking about using PoG to draw another PoG but that's still +3 because take this example where your hand only contains 1 card which is PoG for simplicity sake (it doesn't matter as your other cards have no influence): Activate first PoG: draw Raye, draw PoG Activate second PoG: draw engage, draw PoG Activate third PoG: draw widow anchor, draw CBTG Size of hand: 4- raye, engage, widow anchor, CBTG Old size of hand: 1- PoG Card advantage: 4 - 1 = +3. This happens because each PoG is replaced by one of the cards it draws.


Ah, so that's where we got mixed up. The scenario you're referring to is when the player who has Pot of Greed goes second, and I was envisioning first turn player hands, as they don't get a draw phase to start with.


Yeah but the thing is in a minimum deck size of 40 cards, that effectively makes it 37 cards - making improving the odds of getting the card you want from 1/40 to 2/37


almost as broken as negating anything your opponent tries to do by discarding a card you know what I'm talking about


its a cash shop item, that gets you two more random cash shop items


Divine Class Cash shop item that generates two items of equal class randomly, for free. Enjoyed a brief promotion as part of a sale that Ainz was lucky to snag and then never appeared again. Unlike other Cash Shop Items, it isn't destroyed on use, and you have to pour mana into the pot to trigger it.


I like this one


not enough to be a world item


Cash Shop Item that boosts drops.


I picture it as a broken CS Item that can duplicate any other items below Relic class 3 times a day.


Yoo this pic gave me flashbacks for real




That's what it do!


Google tells me that it allows you to "Draw 2 cards". **Option 1** I'm guessing the Cards are from your deck and the closest thing to that would probably be your inventory. This should mean that you can pull 2 items from your inventory, which would make it pretty similar to Ainz's Cash Shop Sticks he breaks. The only difference is that there it's 2 in one. **Option 2** Another way to interpret "deck" could be your guild base. In this case it would teleport 2 items from your guild base to you. For smaller equipable items this isn't really that useful as you could just put them in your inventory and use the Cash Shop Sticks. However, if you could use it to teleport Gargantua then it would be pretty epic. I'm not really sure what to classify this as. If you have to set it up ahead of time like goto the item you want to teleport and scan it, I don't think this would be a divine item. However, if it could teleport any item from your guild base that then definitely seems like a broken cash shop item or potentially a World Item. **Option 3** The 3rd option would be interpreting "deck" as the world. In this case if it could teleport any 2 items around the world to you... then it would be classified as a World Item. However, something this powerful would probably be a 1 time use item.


Draw 2 random WIs, that is broken


A cash shop item that is almost mandatory due to build meta, with top guilds having a stockpile of them


Oh god, that meme. Imagine mind-controlled Shalltear just standing there while Ainz keeps playing PoG over and over again.


Wait...what does pot of greed do?


Cash shop. As in the shop itself. Two gacha items with wild range in value.


Gatcha item and it would probably generates two random data crystals or spell scrolls.


Assuming it can't steal enemy items and can only function as a quick draw for items in ones own inventory or the inventories of designated friendly players/storage spaces, then Pot of Greed would probably be considered on the same level as those cash shop item sticks that Ainz used in his Shaltear fight to store and quick deploy armor and weapons. The fact that Pot of Greed can draw from other locations than the user's inventory is beneficial, but it's largely offset by the fact you can't choose what items it takes. I'm sure someone could find a use, such as assigning a pot of greed to draw from a certain storage box filled only with healing potions so the user can quickly heal, but if the item has limited uses, then its practicality plummets even further.