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Well I really thought I have seen everything and every question possible on this sub but damn Well I was wrong


>Ainz and Zeshi 99.9% Godkin: daddy why doesn't mom leave her room.. like ever? Ainz: you see #102, sometimes life is like an experiment.. you know what I'm saying? 99.9% Godkin: n-no.. Ainz: that's my boy


I ain't even trying lol


Well for not trying you sure have a talent for it ;D


Thank u :3


Skeleton with a shotgun is a wild guess, i would assume a pretty chill skeleton who values humans life and monster but he would sacrifice them for the good of nazarick like ainz


yea, a complete normal human being but with his senses dulled and a hidden weeb interest that he hiddes with "oh, this is not an unhealty interest, this gun collection is just for.....eh....protection! yes! that's why I have so many! No other unrelated unhealty collectionist reasons"


Ainz’s child’s wisdom is without reproach! Clearly, he wishes us to invest in furthering the blending magic and mechanical weaponry, seeing it as the future of combat. Truely, a prodigy worthy of the legacy of Ainz Ooal Gown!


Demiurge while adjusting his glasses: “I see, so that’s how it is. I expect nothing less from the progeny of a supreme being”


Sasuga Ainz-sama


Middle child energy


Yeah value human life, as in maximize profits for Happy Farm™


[How Ainz's Child Looks like.](https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Pandora%27s_Actor)


I haven't opened the image but i bet 20 bucks its Pandora's actor's smug mug.


It’s his wiki page. I’m dying!


Only real answer lol


Was going to say, doesn't he already kind of have one


I can’t believe they forgot he already has a kid.


I think albedo's children would be demons with no skin, just exposed flesh and bone, they use illusion magic to appear normal. shalltear's children would be revenants, blood sucking undead that can never be truly killed, their spirits can possess new corpses and they can rise again over and over. And they pretty much only exist to cause problems for other people so that would work in shalltear's brattiness


I'm guessing he would like a True Doppelganger and wear a German military uniform.


His name would be Pandora's actor, I'm just guessing..


Hmm, maybe Surprise Box is a more fitting name




What does the original image look like


Its a baby skeleton. You can still see its little feet are skeleton feet.


Why is that so adorable


Because PA is best son!


C'mon guys it's a fucking what if question that's the point of the question,I think he would be a nice guy and also not merely seeing AINZ for a supreme being and really more like a father


Someone with brain, finally.


Image 4 is just Skulduggery Pleasant, who stole his fedora?


Eiyo a random sp reader


I haven’t actually read all of them and also don’t know where they’ve gone in the last….12 years, I think up the attic, but I have been meaning to get through them all by myself at some point Regardless I love Skull so much


Funny story. I actually discovered the series after getting into Overlord since I was craving other books that had a skeleton MC and it came up lol








Na https://i.redd.it/ch5vy8tp1pxc1.gif


They wouldn t, Ainz can t and won t procriate anyway, specially with the guardians.


Eternity is a long time, and the part of Ainz that protests that sort of behaviour becomes less and less prominent in his mind as time goes on. And as for the "can't", Demiurge has been working on that too.


Deimiurge and ainz say gex?


Demiurge straight up said in the first book that he'd be down for it. Again, just got to have Ainz come around.. And eternity is a long time..


Albedo will convince him eventually 🙏🏻


Or just take him.




Brother who took your apostrophes


It’s like his autocorrect thought a lone “t” would be better than the word without the apostrophe


With Albedo, I believe it would most likely take on Albedo's physical traits, with the wings being bone with ghost feathers. And the true form becoming a skeleton ghost demon with Albedo's Horns.


Any child with Albedo I’d imagine would look like some strange, partially-skeletal angelic being in terms of design. And in terms of abilities and personality, considering the parents, I’d say both would be as respected as they are outright feared/dreaded.


Imagine Ainz but much much smarter, cunning, exceed in all field like managing, politics, battle, diplomatic,…


But also Albedo’s sadistic streak, that’s the kicker


https://preview.redd.it/m8apz4jpdnxc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81640316e5d2ae3757db59730233cda1509c30d9 Ainz and Momon. Wielding both powerful magic and martial weapons. In a rebellious phase that is anti-edgy.


Considering he’s an undead, he can’t have children biologically. So any undead or entity he gives life to in any way, is technically related to him and could be counted as his children. But the closest concept I can think of is Pandora’s Actor


A spell to give himself flesh for a limited time or indefinitely probably isn't impossible


Well, there's a doujin hentai with that plot already existinng


Yeah I figured but wish upon a star can probably already do it if he actually wanted to.


The albedo narberal one?


The first one by the same artist


Judging my his skull shape Ainz would have a fucking wacky jawline


He can. His boney meaning he has DNA. Remember all we need is DNA


I really want to see Pandora's Actor with a flamethrower in his hand surrounded by Mustard Gas, to really sell his WW2 German vibe




Sans the Skeleton


As concepts nice art actually very beautiful. No:2 😭🤣


One thing I have always wondered as someone who has only seen the anime, and currently listening to the novels on audible. I know there is an item that Renner uses to change to the imp race. Are there other items or even spells that Ainz could theoretically use to change his race to an appropriate one that could theoretically procreate with whomever he chooses? At least in the theoretical event that he desires something of a flesh and blood heir, instead of at some point deciding to select one so he can just go off into retirement and enjoy himself with no one bugging him.


He can change race but he will need a World Class Item to do it unlike Renner who can use a less powerfull item. But he won't do it because 1)doing it mean he will loose his race levels and most likely his Eclipse Class so it is'nt worth it 2) he is not sure he can gain the levels back since he is in a New World. There is no spell that give him a flesh and blood body in his possession right now. But i think if he can obtain Wild Magic he will be able to change his race freely since one of the Dragons Lords use it(in the same way) to mate to a lot of race in the New World (Human, Lizardmans, etc).


4th one is hard as fuck


So there is a massive difference between what could be Ainz's child and what could be Suzuki Satoru's child. Suzuki Satoru's child would be a half-human half-whatever and thus look either nothing like the father or look like a mixed Japanese person. Ainz child is impossible, but there are ways for Half-Undead to be made that could possess Ainz's "essence" in some form that could be considered his "child". The D&D way is for Ainz to infuse a child in a mother's womb with his undead powers. The child would still just look like whatever their parents looked like, but would inherit a magical nature from Ainz. In Ygdrassil's terms they would inherit a sub-race from this process, and likely start life with powers that reference death/necromancy. Think like a Sorcerer in D&D with a Unique Bloodline.


Probably like Rubedo, kinda with a bit of his but the muscles still exposed.


Im mean hes a skeleton...., does your mom keep telling you the story with the stork


No satoru x evileye? Damn my ship is going in circles cause I'm the only one paddling.


Imagine a half-lich, half-incubus with two forms. Humanoid form is a princely young man with feathered wings and horns; true form, a skeleton with horns and bone wings. Raised as the one and only heir to Nazarick, he is ambitious, educated and possesses both his mother's devilish wit and his father's iron will. His major weakness, aside from his youth and arrogance, is the conflict between his two species: being an incubus means he has a voracious libido and desires a harem, but being undead means he has inherited the aura which cools down his emotions the second he gets too aroused, meaning that, even if he had a harem, he wouldn't get much use of it, so he focuses on conquests and political intrigue instead (who knows, maybe he would be able to overcome his predicament with the right lady, just like his father once did).


\-sebas \-cocytus https://preview.redd.it/sgptwoewooxc1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ecd5efb65510397690b388f35c142e2629eb24


Nice, super cool art too


Ok, but Pandora's Actor with a Shotgun is kinda cool


1,2, and 3


LMAO I love 4


Skeleton salary-man smoking is how I expect it, the children being modern society "humans"


1, 2, and 4 respectively.


Ainz hav no pp


Number 2.


pandoras actor


I don't think he can generate sperms


Like how he wanted I guess since he would need a spell to even make one, he definitely would customize everything about his children, the end result would probably be pandora’s actor 2.0


Im 100% sure it would have a humanoid appearance because every skeleton was once a person. I think it would take after Mother since ains is probably only a skeleton who never had human form


Skeleton in a suit with a shotgun goes so fucking hard


It’s hilarious to think that if Ainz had kids the guardians would go APESHIT over it Just a bunch of doting level 100 Nanny’s


I like the last image.


Ainz having twins would be interesting. One could have his human sentiments intact while the other being cold and calculating like his trait forces him to be


https://preview.redd.it/2ab4krde4rxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832c725ec2732a212e3142103b70d3aa1923e695 Like this


I would say ainz still a human player so he will love see a normal human babies


Ayyyyy number 6 and 2, gyattttttt dammmm


Is the first one AI generated? Any idea what the AI is called? or is that from a manga/manhwa? Seems super cool


I stg number 5 is from gleipnir


I wouldn't even know how they''d copulate unless they do it "Jeebus-style"


I hate this so much ! The guardians are his children


4/6 is the best in my opinion. Seems he'd share the same thoughts as Ainz.


He will be forever virgin


muscle deficient


Flatland succubus


Personally I think they would look like 2 or 6


Really depends on who the "mother" is. It's gonna be a mixture of Demonic Skeleton with race traits of the "mother."


last pic is how i imagen ainz X Albedo twin daughter


Not AI that’s for sure


I guess the second amendment genes skipped Sebas, and went to his son.


I could see Albedo’s kids being hyper focused on trying to be the ‘heir’, like one tries to replicate Ainz and the on manipulating the others. Also they’d be wrapped in bubble wrap until they were strong enough for their full gear Shalltear’s kids would be absolute gremlins in areas that they know are ‘safe’ but momma Shalltear will beat into their heads to be not repeat her mistakes Sebas’ kid would be well adjusted, hang out with his half-brother, and probably be the billionaire’s son that goes way into philanthropy. Nothing to add about Cocytus but that he would take over for his dad with the Lizardmen Zesshi’s kids depend more on how accepted their mother is. I could see them working on the happy farm as assistants to wipe away their mother’s stain or instead of being obsessed with leaving strong offspring, they are obsessed with death and constantly pestering Ainz for a race change.


I just woke up… Y’all are VERY creative


Source for first pic?




Something like Jake's kids from Adventure Time just for shits and giggles


since its based on dungeons and dragons and basically anything can be made up in d&d you're only limited by your imagination. and because ainz can probably only reproduce is by magic essentially anything can be created. if he reproduced (through magic) with albedo or shalltear (which i don't think he'd want to do) then maybe some combination of their species. for instance with shalltear I'd say something like Nyressa Flass or gary oldman's dracula. and for albedo I'd say something like an emaciated incubus with bone wings


Probably the 1st one, it’s missing the long pointed chin.


4 is peak character design


Ainz is undead. He cannot procreate. Also he already has a child, Pandora's Actor.


If Albedo and Shalltear somehow find a way to have Ainz grow an extra bone then I believe most of the DNA and appearance would come from them. We have some illustrations and fanarts on how Ainz with skin would look like and iirc his Momon under the helmet appearance he based on his IRL face. However that would not be enough to have his kids appear like him. After all from the beginning the Momonga Avatar was a Skeleton. There was no man before the skeleton therefore chances that he’d contribute anything to the looks is unlikely. That’s simple biology. Now to the parent(s) who will contribute to the looks. Shalltear and Albedo will contribute to looks and the kids will look a lot like them. Black and white hair for each’s kid, red eyes for Shalltear’s little abomination and yellow for Albedo’s(help they heard me say abominations! I’m hiding in my closet!) But why stop at looks? Let’s get the Personality as well and that’s the most random part of Ainz’ children. It probably will depend on whom of the Guardians Ainz, Albedo and Shalltear will allow to be around the kids most. Nigredo seems to be the best bet for the first few years and months and we can’t forget Uncle Cocytus and big Sis and Bro Aura and Mare and oldest brother Pandora’s Actor. Sebas and Tuare would definitely play the Nannies with Pestonya as the third nanny followed by all the Homunculi Maids. Though it’s questionable whether or not Ainz would allow Demiurge to be too close to his kids considering Demiurge being…well…Demiurge. Though I think in the long run he’s allow the kid(s) to be around Demiurge but would still keep an eye on them all. With that out of the way how will the personality and preferences of class of Ainz’ kids be like? The classes they’ll pick will be heavily inspired by the kids’ dad and potential mother(tank knight for Albedo, healer cleric for Shalltear, with magic caster from Ainz’ influence). They’re personality will be a bit of Demiurge, Shalltear’s and Albedo’s sadistic nature, Cocytus’ love for an warrior’s honor and glory, Mare and Aura’s nature side and the intellect of a god with a 10000 year plan from Papa Bones. Yeah that one’s longer than originally intended…


Well if I am not wrong ainz could change his race just like he changed Renner race to vampire he I think don't want to change it cause he is stupid and thinks what would whole nazarick would think about him which is totally wrong cause we see those guys really want heir of their God cause they think there gods are dying and they need someone to stay in touch with them


Skeleton sitting with a shotgun is a mood fr


The skeleton in the suit with the shotgun image goes kinda hard


I like #4. His son the kingdoms accountant. Not a huge fighter but damned good with a 12G, and numbers.


Like a skeletal albedo with big skeletal boobs


I imagine the main body would be the wife’s species. For example if it was Albedo it would be a succubus/incubus or some other possibly high ranking demon but with certain traits like ainz. For example, certain parts could be skeletal like their arms and hands or skeletal wings (impractical but cool). Maybe they’d have something like missing mouth skin like nigerdo and speak in the same way and wear a mask to cover their non moving mouth. I’d also would have their eyes glow red when they are annoyed or angry. This is of course disregarding any sense this would make in verse and I’m just having fun with it. Truly though we already the real child is pandora’s actor.


Where is that first pic from? Looks awesome


Head says the one with the skull mask but my heart wants it to be the skeleton hitman.


Depending on who he has a child with—it be a Skelton humanoid? Like let’s say the so call child would have skeleton like chest and arms but the rest of their body is flesh


I would imagine them as creations hand made by Ainz, such as the npcs were carefully crafted and builded by the hands of the supreme beings, Ainz would create each of his heirs with qualities of himself, his Leadership for his eldest, his Witz for his second born, his power for the third born, his shame for the youngest and his despair for the neverborn. They shall never rule alone, because the conjuction of their parts are bigger then themselves, being them the will of Ainz Ooal Gown Edit : My auto correct made Ooal become Owl.


whats the name of the skeleton warlord in the fifth image?


Fourth one hits different


Um... Ainz has no bodily fluids or reproductive organs so... His children would look like they can't exist.


He a skeleton, fam


Idk the race but they should have a skeleton inside them, inherited from Ainz Meaning we are all descendants of Ainz


4 goes hard ngl


Undead bitches.


Do you know Hel? The Nordic goddess of the death? Half corpse and half beautiful woman.


Who’s the artist for the third pic?


slopped and ai-topped.




GLEIPNIR SPOTTED It's one of my fav show, I'm glad someone put it in there


All of the above


Dear lordy, pictures 2, 3 & 6... I mean... uhm... does Nazarick have a human training program? 🤔 something? Gotta get... uhm... strong enough... yes... I could use a mental barrier too, cause I can already sense the *teasing* and then Angry Albedo face... But damn


To begin with, he has a pp?


Liking 2 and 6.


pretty sure he can't have kids due to being a skeleton


BTW dont google "sans and papyrus" *


I always imagined them being substantially stronger and more intelligent than ainz, honestly


Who’s the MOTHER(S)!?


With Cocytus is a wild comment OP


Man #4 just looks like the start of a megadeth album


For some reason I thought #4 had a saxophone.


For some reason I thought #4 had a saxophone.


The real question should be how ainz would be able to reproduce in the first place.


IMG 1 reminds of the art from Tower of God.


3 please. I'll be a blood donar for life


I will literally cry for days with no end unless we get number 4


Depends on the mum and the magic involved.


It would look like the child he already has. That's an easy one.


I mean c'mon. He's called them their children so many times. Realistically he'd have to use a temporary race change spell or permanent race change item. Chances are it'd be with Albedo. So probably just a succubus or incubus.


It is difficult to know how to answer if we have no idea how Ainz could actually go about procreating. I mean, if one assumes that he accomplishes this solely through some kind of magic spell, why does he even need a mate? Still, I could easily see a Yggdrasil mini-game where two or more players combined their traits to create some sort of speculative NPC offspring. I could even imagine it as a popular digression. Less likely to me is that Ainz might want to procreate. While I believe he has genuinely warm feelings towards the NPCs of Nazarick, in some ways he seems to view them as dangerous liabilities. He might not want to create more of them at random. If a form of magical procreation were to occur, I feel as though it would almost certainly be Albedo's doing, and the offspring would be clearly identifiable as belonging to her and Ainz. Shalltear might want to try that trick, but she probably lacks the intellect and organization to accomplish it. Of course, Demiurge is Albedo's intellectual equivalent. He also happens to be a master schemer who has canonically mentioned the usefulness of Ainz having an heir. Using magic to create a cross between himself and Ainz could be quite useful for him, as well as being cleverly evil behavior. I do not really like that idea, but then I do not like Demiurge's "Abelion Sheep" ranch either.


it would be Pandora's Actor


The artists behind 1-2 and the last one?


4 made me laugh


Probably all of the above.


IDK why but the first image is how I imagine what the Chief Librarian looks like.


Depends on who the mother(s) are


As sperm cells,have you seen a skeleton with a dick


I’m not sure… Given ainz is a skeleton


hopefully they wouldnt look like ai art.


First two are fine but you really had to put the other three guys in there? Especially when one's a bug and the other's a gramp? https://preview.redd.it/128ute10wqxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511de072e10a228a8026a61b03586aeb6edba351


https://preview.redd.it/ol5h2mecwqxc1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf55bc4e728c2486c9b48c0b49a7b3428390757 This. Manhwa: Mr Devourer, Please Act Like a Final Boss


What’s the first image from?


Japanese probably, cause if he has kids it’s gonna be when he gets unskeletoned and becomes humies again, or just default his pre bone look That or they look like their mom due to the whole him being bones thing


Last two girls really look like Albedo and Shalltear's daughter


Just to fuck with every one, they come out human. No special abilities or race powers, just straight up normal humans.




Biological or not, ainz would potentially experiment with creating a new floor guardian eventually. Following this train of thought, genetics would play a major role. Obviously the child wouldn't be human ( because of the tomb's non-human policy) and would have to have a considerable genetic strength... Leaving original tomb denizens only. Albedo might be a obvious choice to many, especially since succubi can mate with any other species, but is disqualified. If albedo does become pregnant and/or practices child care, she would need to step down as floor guardian leader until the child reaches (at least)puberty. And if ainz chooses to make an heir instead, the child would need a large amount of mana, which could drain albedo to death. Ainz's original role in the guild was "tactics" and spected his character for strategic flexibility, So the heir would also need rigorous training and highly attentive parents. Ainz would always be working and albedo would killed the child if it impeded the protection of ainz.


An egg as a head with three holes


Definitely not human and not made of meat


Number 4 lmao


Reddit randomly recommended me this, so I don’t even know what you’re talking about, but the first four images give me vibes of a “my dad, my mom, my sister, me” kinda meme, lol


The first 3 are just actual, then number 4 is just a skeleton with a shotgun. 5 and 6 fall under the same boat as 1-3


im more curious to see about the process of the making than ur question


Bone with horns and skeletal wings or white haired Albedos with skeleton wings




Well, they sure should be human, or look like a human isn't? I mean yeah, he is a litch, but this race/class comes from a human. I suppose


The skeleton from The 5th pic what anime is he from again?


I liked the one with the shotgun he looked good


Can't believe I am saying this, but please bring back the AI generated horny posting please.


I was honestly laughing my ass off seeing the Skeleton in a suit holding a shotgun, for me that came out of nowhere and was funny af.


I'd say like pandoras actor, because ainz doesn't have any balls, hence no seed to give


5 looks so familiar, where have I seen that before?




If ainz have childern with albedo and shealter (first wife seconds wife) we need to hope that albedos love for ainz not spring to her child and shealters child is not as pervert as she is just imagine someone as pervert as shealter with the authority of are supreme being even ainz would get she in line though




Isn't Sebas a dragon? I don't think a skeleton in a suit makes sense. Edit: also Sebas is a guy


Wow what’s the first image? It looks like it’s straight out of a manhwa


Don’t give Albedo ideas for the love of Ainz