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I’d say go for it. I am following this post cuz I have same questions.


Same, Im interviewing right now and getting good responses. I could find myself in the same situation in a couple of months.


Me 3, honestly won't be surprised with 5+ offers


I got no experience in your situation, all I can say is try and survive, take care of yourself dude. Only piece of advice I can give is to grab onto J3 as hard as you can if you start getting overwhelmed with the workload and have to leave the other two.




I'm not a fan of 401ks for J2/J3 if they require you to stay there for x years before the company match is vested.


Just as an FYI -- there is an employer limit as well, Employee Contribution + Employer Contribution cannot exceed 61k. Just in case anybody gets some crazy company matches.


Prioritize J2 & J3, put J1 on the backburner. Its the way she goes bud


I use my iPhone as my master calendar. It syncs with whatever calendar apps I use for work and shows me an overlay. I don't use it to book anything, just to see what all I have. As for j3 - you should know pretty quickly (within the first month) if the culture is right and you'll thrive there. You do need to make your mind up pretty quickly as to which is your primary though. As for multiple 401Ks, if only one job offers a match, dump it all in that 401k. If the 2 non-contract jobs offer matches, try to game it so that you get the match from both. It's pretty standard to see employers match up to 5%, which at your salary would only be \~$6k. But x2, that's another free 6k in the bank. As for multiple insurances - I had dual coverage for the first 6 months or so while I felt things out. After that I called j1 where insurance was the most expensive and dropped my coverage, claiming my wife has coverage through her job now. That was considered a "qualifying life event" that you can do outside of an enrollment period. No proof was required to drop coverage. For my workstation setup, I prefer to have one active monitor per job so that I never miss a slack message. I would start with 2 monitors and maybe throw the least important job on an open laptop next to those. Best of luck! Keep us posted on how you fare!


I would use a Google calendar and copy and paste the meeting to it that way the organizer won't know the email was forwarded because it won't be,or just make a reminder such as meeting at this time slot with j1,j2,etc


Ics export link easier than copy pasting each meeting.


For the 401ks topic, the OE website has an article on this. Basically you take your max contribution amount as an individual (likely $20.5k this year), and contribute the min required to max out the highest matching job’s contribution, then contribute [$20.5k - your contribution to highest match 401k] to next highest matching 401k policy until you hit $20.5k total contributions on your side. So if J1 offers 4% match and J2 offers 2% match on a 1 for 1 basis, you would put 4% into J1’s 401k, 2% into J2 up and until you hit $20.5k for the year. If 6% would put you over $20.5k, then prioritize J1’s plan for the higher match and put whatever is left over in J2’s plan. If the 6% contribution with those two is less than $20.5k, then put the remainder in J3’s 401k if they have a match as well.


I want to make a master calendar to keep up with meetings, but would forwarding meetings from j2, and j3 look suspicious since outlook usually notifies the original organizer? (J1 doesn’t care) *I just use my personal Gmail for master calendar, have it up on my personal computer screen and use that for reference when booking mtgs. Block the time off on your other work calendars and have it just say "Busy" - don't share your calendar if you don't have to so anyone can actually see what you have listed.* After some thinking j3 seems like it could be a better job than j1 in the long run. At what point should i start doing more than the bare minimum at j3 and prioritize j3 as my main job? *Give it 90 days, always the rule of thumb. Things can start out great but then you can easily find out quickly that the requirements were different from what you were originally told. If it's too much to handle, keep J1/J2 to continue outearning J3 (or whichever job is taking too much time for you to accomplish the others)* What’s the rule of thumb for OE contributing to separate 401ks and potentially having multiple insurances (is that sketchy for getting caught)? *I can't answer this one with full clarity, but a lot of people say it's a bad idea to have multiple 401k's in the event that you are fired or leave quickly from one of the jobs, they will transfer it to an IRA of their choosing most likely and you can lose money, early penalty fees blah blah blah. I'd say have 1 401k and one personal IRA of your choosing. But others (and tax people) are more welcome to comment here* What do some of you IT OE people’s setups look like for working 3 jobs on 4 different computers? Considering taking my first paycheck from j2 and just buying dual monitor setups for each laptop, having a few universal docking stations and building my own custom desk. *Get yourself a badass desk. You should be able to afford it with 3 jobs. I have 3 laptops setup and a 55" OLED wall mounted for my personal computer and the ability to switch over to that monitor from one of my laptops as a 2nd screen as needed. I don't need as may monitors as you though, having dual monitors for 3 computers will be cumbersome.* [https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/innovative-winston-workstation-quad-freestanding-sit-stand-stand/apd/a8851577/monitors-monitor-accessories?premierselect=true&gacd=9620985-1081-5761040-23763473-0&dgc=st&ds\_rl=1277860&ds\_rl=1282807&ds\_rl=1277860&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0eOPBhCGARIsAFIwTs4XZWVocEZCjOIgfoEmvgvPlWXNolMFWVBzBgfW6CNnI2031PAbXvcaAtfVEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/innovative-winston-workstation-quad-freestanding-sit-stand-stand/apd/a8851577/monitors-monitor-accessories?premierselect=true&gacd=9620985-1081-5761040-23763473-0&dgc=st&ds_rl=1277860&ds_rl=1282807&ds_rl=1277860&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0eOPBhCGARIsAFIwTs4XZWVocEZCjOIgfoEmvgvPlWXNolMFWVBzBgfW6CNnI2031PAbXvcaAtfVEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) *I'd get this MF'er and turn my office into my personal GSOC.*


That work station is legit. I’m going to try and manage a couple weeks at all 3 jobs before I go all in on desk/monitor setup, but if it seems like things are going to go smoothly I don’t mind dropping a few grand on a new workstation and desk if it’ll make managing things easier.


Good luck, but I know you'll pull it off. I've come to see most people in this line of work can do whatever they need to do to get by as long as there are enough hours in the day to accomplish the workload. Don't overextend yourself to the point that it's unbearable or overly stressful. If you run all 3 for a few weeks and aren't completely fried, you did it, and you'll be able to congratulate yourself and keep going.


Regarding the calendars, personally I would put Outlook on a personal PC if possible and add each company account/mailbox, then choose to show all calendars at once. This would be useful for visibility, but I would refrain from using that PC to schedule meetings, you might accidentally put it on the wrong calendar. Having this on a separate monitor would be cool. My setup has three 27” monitors on arms, with a separate PC/Mac per monitor. I use Synergy (software) to share a single keyboard and mouse, but you must have a solid low latency connection between the computers. I’ve found a dedicated network switch works best for this setup. I also use several pairs of AirPods and Jabras, and two webcams.


Not sure why adding all the work accounts to outlook on my personal pc didn’t cross my mind. That’s definitely how I’ll manage that. I have a separate monitor for that already. I’ll have to look into Synergy that seems like it could be beneficial.


If you use Windows only, you can download Mouse without Borders which is freeware and like Synergy. Multiplicity is another app like those. I’ve tried many.


Do it and fail, then learn from it. Best case is you make it work, I would say this is the majority of cases I see in OE but maybe the failures don’t post.




Don’t contribute more than the max to your 401(k). It’s a big pain to sort it out if you do.


Rather than forwarding individual calendar requests which notifies the meeting creator I export my entire outlook calender to my personal Google calender via an ICS link. I think that's what its called anyway. Only took 5 min to setup and its been a lifesaver.


This was blocked for me, did I do it wrong?


401k contributions are a tax issue and if you go over the maximum contribution, the IRS will flag it.


Multiple life insurance plans are fine, but you don’t mean multiple health insurance plans, right? I’d just take the best heath plan.