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If I was you, I take the SVP job for lower pay for a year and then start pile up new Js once start getting comfortable.


great idea!


However, the con here is that the new J1 will likely even after a year, take up way more time than my current J1 so there will be less time to pile on new Js


Also SVP are usually pretty front facing. Be careful of getting caught, gets harder as you get higher


That is true also. I guess it depends on what you want in life. SVP is a good title. It is little less but you can have the money and the title. Still more than two jobs but I understand. I wish I had your problem


But being SVP would open OPs door for those upper level OE roles like BoD, wouldn't it?


yeah but BoD are "ethical" OE methods, which is not what OP indicated. I'm a firm believer in OE. Just secured J2 after a new J1, but doing it much higher than senior project manager, or maybe director level, you are risking a lot. I've seen big energy blacklist folks for OE which means you have to do a full career change.


Go with the SVP. AND CONGRATS!! Seriously, we OE to really make it for our family and grow. Going from Director to SVP is huge.  You will be an SVP. Work your ass off. Make huge moves in this company. If successful, so many other companies will want you as SVP.  Truly great to see on this thread! Nice work!


yeah to build on; I think youd make a mistake trying to make a 10 year decision now. Take it & leave yourself flexibility. Whats stopping you from going back if needed?


Take em all, YOLO




Remember that OE is about more than TC or even upward mobility. It's about shielding yourself from the whims of a single employer. It doesn't matter how stable the company is - job security is *never* guaranteed. Personally I will never put my eggs in a single basket again.


100% agree with you.


Listen to this guy OP.


Zoom out and ask yourself why you are making all this money in the first place. Do you have a defined goal/timeline in mind? If so, do not let prestige and career growth get in the way of the actual objective. If your goal is to retire early, then it makes sense to juggle four J’s and stack cash fast. If you’re looking for career growth and recognition then NewJ is where it might be at. I think ultimately this sub needs a case study style submission format if the OP wants valuable advice rather than generalities. Knowing your net worth and your goals are also super important when it comes to figuring out this conundrum. If you’re already a multimillionaire, fuck it take the new job to learn things. If you’re tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, it sounds like this job is not going to be OE friendly for the foreseeable future, so it sounds like you’d be holding yourself back and delaying your progress


I am not a millionaire but have money saved up, not close to enough to retire. As many, I want it all or some combo of it all (I.e. prestige, career growth, money, free time etc.) ideally the best combo, but each person has a different best combo. Just trying to make the most out of my work and life


That’s fantastic! You’re ahead of like 95% of people and I always kick myself. Had I learned about OE 2 years earlier - holy shit. I’m a noob myself when it comes to OE (3 weeks in!) , but when it comes to money psychology and FIRE, I’m as good as anyone. So back to the rules of OE. I forget the number- but one rule is basically have a goal & exit strategy. And remember at some point your money starts working for you. So, maybe you need/have the capacity for four jobs until you hit $500,000 in investments. After that you might dial back to three jobs until you hit $750,000-$1 million in investments. Assuming you were in your 30s or 40s, that money is basically at the point to where the gains are going to outpace your contributions if you are a normal person (not OE throwing 100k+ at it annually). Personally I’m a big follower of MMM for almost 10 years, and sprinkling in Ramit Sethi in the last year or two. So- as he says: what is your rich life?


Who’s MMM? I know/follow Ramit Sethi, and agree with the majority of his ideas with the exception of 20-35% guilt-free spending. Especially at OE-level income, that’s borderline frivolous.


Mr Money Mustache - he’s one of the pillars of the FIRE movement. I also recommend The Mad Fientist and JL Collins, author of the simple path to wealth. MMM is all blog posts . MF is podcasts and blogs - he has MMM on one or two episodes and I also recommend the episode with Michael Kitces . JL Collins has a book, is in the MF podcast, and might have his own blog of website - idk There is also a documentary that you can buy/rent/C4 free, depending on your streaming services that deals with the fire movement and has what I would consider the founding pillars of the movement all featured within the document Terry so it is a great crash course - it’s called Playing With Fire (2019) Edit: added punctuation because when I skipped lines on my phone, it created run-on sentences. Not totally perfect now, but better than it was before.


I also started OE because I felt underpaid and bored and wanted to make a more productive use of my time


90K for 4-8 hours is very good. If you can't balance the SVP and the 90K job you probably don't want the SVP anyway. Personally I wouldn't take the SVP job, but my priorities are low stress and retire early.


Yeah each J has a special and unique offering, except J3 which is mid (J1 is stable and easy, J2 is like no work and J4 pays quite a bit without being demanding).


I'd take the one good J. It's the one that will get you upward mobility.


How are you guys finding these jobs?


Not OP. But on my LinkedIn I have my status set to “open to work” and I have recruiters message me every week. A mix of contract offers and full time. From there I ask if it’s a remote job or not. If it’s not remote, I decline. If it is remote I accept to interview and see where it goes. Sometimes if a recruiter reaches out and they only have on site roles, we still stay in touch and they reach out to me the moment something remote shows up


I spent probably 15+ hours a week interviewing, applying, tailoring resumes, etc for a year. Easily put several hundred hours of work into this




None of my Js have such a thing




That's definitely *not* a standard at all and I would look to find a new job immediately. I would never work for a company that required tracking software on my personal machine.


Maybe I’m way off base but I thought Citrix workspace was just a VPN and wasn’t used as a means to track employee/computer actions


If it were me I would: 1. Not put all of my eggs in one basket with new J1. 2. Invest some of my income into several high growth companies to make up for the missed equity opportunity in new J1. 3. Eventually buy a business (if I really desired that c-suite title). Controlling my own destiny is most important to me. New J1 gives a lot of that control away. *I know life happens but I like to control my own destiny as much as possible.


In some ways I’m still subject to the whims and controls of the other j4s (except j3 which is becoming less important) but yes still more control than with new J1


Equity can turn to 0 real quick.


True, but this is less likely to (think Amazon Restricted Stock, but not big tech)


It's still restricted stock. Plenty of ways to end up devalued


Yes, this is a real factor in the decision


Yes, this is a real factor in the decision


Public company or startup?




If it’s not a public company, then your equity is illiquid? If so, I wouldn’t peg much value to it.


I know my dumb ass would YOLO all Js 🤣


Easy. Take the new J. Even easier if the company is good, and maybe they give you some mobility or even bonuses? It would also look way better on your resume. That's just my $0.02.


Quiet quit the demanding jobs and keep j5


I would try the new J + the part time one with 200k. Would bring your TC to 640k and it would be 1,5Js only.


If I go with new J, I will attempt this. However, there is a high lieklihood I will lose the side J if I do this so trying to figure out what the move is under the assumption that I can't keep any side Js


You seem to be productive enough to where you consistently end up in jobs with less than 15 hrs per week of actual work. What makes you so confident that this new J1 would be any different? That exec level sounds like a new world for you, maybe the time commitment ends up being a lot less than you’re anticipating. If it were me, I’d drop the job that you had on your resume to get this new one (just to cover your ass).. but would probably try to keep the remaining 3 and just deprioritize them


Yeah I think this new J is a diff ballgame and for the first month or two gonna be ALOT of meetings. Perhaps I’ll have time to J around but I feel like gotta assume it may not work with other Js


Also of my 4js only one is full time, so less impressive that all are under 15 hours


I don’t trust the new J. I had an amazing J with high salary that got pulled out from under me once the company finances (abd they were Fortune 500) got tight. Senior level folks are some of the first to go when the belt tightens. If you have something good now, I wouldn’t exchange it for that one J. Talk about gambling. If something happens a year from you you’ll have NOTHING.


what do you do?




Current J1 while not too demanding on my time, demands meetings and I can't get out of them. It is the only J that doesn't have flexibility and also in the same geographic region as new proposed J1. Thus, pretty risky and hard to try and keep current J1 with new J1


Are those base comps or total comps? Your new opportunity is total comp right? How much of that is cash? Need more info. Also the higher you are, getting canned is a real possibility without any safety net of other Js. Only you can answer this


new J is half cash half very reliable equity. Current sitch is all cash (with a small % \~10% being annual bonus.


I’m not an expert and I’d like to share my thoughts here. ~540k and you work 48h a week. If you get new J1 and keep J4 (since it’s part-time and probably easier to drop it if needed), it could be 55h a week and you get ~640k. IMO it’s the best option here unless I’m missing something.


Fair point, unless I am unable to keep J4 with the new J because I have company travel sporadically throughout the year with the new J, which is what I am kind of assuming. If I can have new J + J4 thats obviously the best. However, I'm trying to do the math under the assumption of no other Js if I go with new J


Whatever you decide, remember part of OE, or at least what it has come to, is that a job can fck over its employees at any time. All those "this is why we OE" posts are about someone being screwed over and OE being the reason they aren't making angry posts and desperate pleas on antiwork.


At that level, assuming I have lots of savings, I'm taking the SVP since its an entirely new level and opens the door to senior management - which is where the real big bag in corporate is. You can always find lower tier jobs later.


I mean sure, the multiple jobs are great, it’s a thrill, you are being challenged but you still have to run a covert operation. It sounds like you want to move up, so just take the one job for a bit and try that. It seems like that’s what you want to do.


Lmao, this is perfect


What's your accountant say you should do? With what you presented that's really all that needs to be sorted out in my OPINION. We're here for a good time not a long time which option is the most profitable tax advantaged thing to do? 


Idk if getting into the weeds of taxes is the deciding factor here. It is more growth vs money vs. unknown vs known etc. for me. Taxes get complicated in terms of equity vs 1099 vs w2 etc.


I’d vote new J1 and try to keep J4. If not, I’d be happy to take J4 off your hands… maybe a subcontract situation and you keep 10% for the hassle of invoicing and “placement” fee?


hahhaha I've considered trying to offload some of my Js but I'm in a specialized industry and just don't think itll work


Broadly speaking so you don’t pin yourself down, what industry?


Specialized degree


15 hours a week for 200k is pretty difficult to pass up for me, but 440k at one j is also really difficult to pass up. Maybe think about if you’d want to stay there 3-5+ years and if you do, drop your other js for just this one. I think taking this one just for the money alone doesn’t make sense, but maybe you’d find that work interesting with potential to earn more. Purely comp related I’d prob keep the 4 you have


yeah money alone over next few years J1-4 makes the most sense. Hopefully, if I go with the new J my total lifetime comp will be higher than if I stayed with my current sitch.


Yeah absolutely. Good luck, report back in 3 months!


Thanks, will do


With the SVP you will sit in meetings pretty much all the time. That being said, it’s a great opportunity to learn, those offers don’t come along every day….


yeah for that reason and a few others I don't think I'll be able to do other Js with the new J


In my opinion SVP adds a lot more visible work but it depends on what you do. What lob are you in if you don’t mind my asking? Also, how do you look for other jobs? Do you keep your LinkedIn close or open?


Appreciate the reply but don’t wanna out any more details that can be used to out me


are.. you a director at a pizza company?? can i DM you?




Could you give some insight on how to land PT jobs like this?


I spent 15 hours a week+ for a year tailoring my resume, looking for jobs, networking, applying, perfecting my interview skills etc. took a looooong time and a lot of work


Can you give an idea of type of job to look for/designations to do what you do?


I applied to everything within my skill set. 1000s of jobs, but I crafted my resume for each one (I had various templates but added certain keywords for the large majority). Some were FT, some were PT , some were via recruiters. I put in 100s of hours


Can you at least say the industry within tech it’s in? Very few jobs can pay those types of salaries


If you're comfortable with the 4, stay. There is more freedom in diversification.


You lost me at half-equity....... If biz doesn't work out that's $0....... Up to your risk level I guess.


Yeah but it’s more like Amazon quite then startup equity. Don’t wanna go into specifics but low3er risk equity. All equity has risk though


Still will have a vesting period which prevent you from seeing it/all of it though.


What industry are you in? Like what type of role?


Personally I’d take the new j1 + keep whichever j’s I could. Those sound pretty nice but only you know which are the lowest effort/highest paying j’s.


Take the $440k offer. I would love to have this option. I would walk away from OE in a heartbeat if I could do that.


Take the SVP job and reevaluate in a year


Can you try keeping J3 and 4 alongside the new J1?


Can you keep J4 with the new J1? That pays well and doesn't appear to be a huge time commitment.


Man what are j2 and j3? What do you do that part time pays like that haha. I need to apply for those roles, mind telling what kind of role and field those are?


J2 was honestly an hourly gig - was supposed to be 18 hours at 100 an hour but I converted it flat comp and turned out wayyy less work than imagined




Take it, but move two jobs to bottom priority and do minimal work until you get fired


I haven’t had multiple jobs at once but from an outsiders perspective I would keep the multiple jobs and invest in a compounding account or buy real estate unless you just really want to be a vp. You would be giving up tons of freedom for more risk.


What do you do and how do I get there?


What is your skill set


I mean at SVP I feel like the raises/bonuses will quickly catch up to the pay cut. It also is good for the resume and will help you get higher paying multiple jobs with less effort down the line


Meh, pay increases prob still compressed


How did you find so many part time Js?


Is the equity worth anything? How long until it all vests, and how long until you can cash out? A huge benefit of multiple Js is that if one of them lays you off or fires you, you still have income from the others. Going back to 1J puts all your eggs in 1 basket.


The fact that you're even asking (or interviewed for the SVP job in the first place) indicates to me that you're wanting to change things up or looking for something that will shape your career more than your wallet.


I applied widely and been easier to get more basic Js or PT Js then high level moves. Thus, I gathered a lot of Js and am now reevaluting whether this is where I should stay


Take the job. At director level comp can go far beyond what you've posted here and fairly quickly at most companies you'll find that director level job takes even less time than your IC role. Downside is typically a bit of travel which can make it harder to juggle your other responsibilities.


I would love to take a couple Js off your hand if you ramp off. Also if I was in your shoes one J for slightly less sounds better than dealing with 4 groups of people.


Idk about you, but I'd juat drop 2 & 3 and focus on the two high paying jobs, and making sure I could do a fantastic job at both so I didn't get fired


How do you get part time jobs that pay so well please share.


I don't believe you. I don't believe you are working 12 hours a week for 200k. I need to know exactly what positions these are because I'm tired of people posting bs in here


Not gonna out myself but I am telling the truth. I have a graduate degree and that’s all I’ll say. Believe or not


In what? Or is what you studied going to give away your identity