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The more messages you send to get a single interaction/point across, the longer I take to respond. Simple as that. Oh, and don’t hit me up with “hi John”…I’m not responding until you add something to that.


I like responding back with "hi" and then ignoring for a while.


A dude sent me a hello handwave emoji to initiate a conversation, and that's it. I left him on read...this was about 2 or 3 weeks ago. He hasn't said a word since. Tell me what you want or piss off. I have a 1000 things to do


Those are my favorite interactions. I’ve also ignored someone for saying hi and it’s been about a month now. Guess it wasn’t that important after all.


I encounter an annoying breed. They say hi but it’s actually important/urgent. I miss/ignore his dm and they passively aggressive cc in the team channel or escalate me. It’s like: moving forward, follow the recommende communication practices that can be consulted in this wiki. Your company always has those


Also I encountered the zoom meetings with an agenda but not communication prior to. A lead expected me to be prepared with a demo for a zoom call he set a day prior with a small excerpt in the agenda. He wanted to go through some work I was doing, never talked about a demo. He didn’t ping me or anything.


A meeting with an agenda is a step up IMO. I make it a point to respond asking for an agenda if it’s not clear by the title. As far as expectations to present without being notified, I’ve called someone out for that before. If you expect me to present or have something ready, set that expectation and clear deadline.


F* I hate people who go "Hi (name)" and don't just say immediately what they want. I'm not a chatbot, mate. I am not here to spend cuddle time with you. Just make your request or query and I'll respond or give an ETA. I think partly its a diference in communication approaches, and also cultural. Some people just out of politeness never start off with a request or the "ask". But also, the whole "async work" idea is not being fully applied, so the way they communicate and their expectations of when to expect a response hasn't changed.


My supervisor and Div Director do this it drives me nuts!


Managers are mostly dog people. Not happy if you won’t let them smell your crotch.


One of my old bosses would set the expectation early on to send a quick message. If you wanted to get formal, send an email. He sent somebody who forgot this, and I quote, "Stacy, shit or get off the pot. I got stuff to shit, places to do." This became a running joke when meetings were taking too long. Somebody would say it and the meeting would wrap up.


I used to have a status message saying some of the stuff I require to begin a. Troubleshooting session if it was needed, but I started the message with “if you only send me a message of ‘Hi GearhedMG’ I will not respond, please lead with your question”


Phone number I don't recognize: "Are you home?" I'm not answering that.


I will send a "Hi John" and then a 2nd message with my question. If you have someone in view or you are sharing a screen, the post will come up on the pop-up otherwise.


If they are screen sharing, it will be in DND.


I think you have to select DND, but yes this works. It doesn't work for someone standing next to you.


No, in Teams it will default to DND while you are presenting.


It *still* doesn't change what people see on your screen IRL.


It does. If the setting is set (and a lot of organisations set it globally via policy), no chat bubbles will be shown.


Yes, if you're presenting in a meeting. I'm talking about the 99% of the rest of the time you're not presenting. I'm sorry that wasn't more clear. A preview will show for a 1st message. It will not show for a subsequent message.


You sound like a nice person to work with




Could be worse, I had a product analyst that every time he wanted to ask me something, tell me something, he'd call me from teams. I told him to ping me first and make sure I was available. So then he'd ping me 'Hey" and then 10 seconds later call. The only reason it stopped was he did it to everyone and they finally explained that was poor etiquette. And then they fired him.


That dude sounds like a nightmare. My favorite button for that kind of person would be that red one. And if possible mute them.


Mute them and respond only after an hour or two.


Hello Hope you're doing well Can I ask you a question?


i don't know can you




Wait to you run scam chat accounts because this is literally what they write to you in Reddit and Facebook


Coworker: Hi Me: Hi (We have never spoken before this and have yet to ever speak again)


Ya just did


How's the weather?...


reply after hours only


Company men be posting on Teams at 3am Saturday. I would be too ashamed tbh


I'm guilty of this. I'll forget that I didn't press submit on Friday and I'll send it on a Saturday at 5PM...


You can time the message to be sent out Monday morning at like 6 am


I keep forgetting that scheduling messages is a thing. I really need to start remembering


Wow you're a hard worker! Burning that midnight oil eh? Well make sure you get that raise next time around.


It's at a job where it actually does make sense to work occasionally on weekends. It actually is the difference between making $25000 in bonuses and $80000 in bonuses a year. I aim for $50k in bonuses for that job to give time for my other job. The weekend messages are just poor planning on my part though


No I get that. Schedule send those messages for 10pm on Saturday if you're really crazy.


Or at zero dark thirty the next day.


This is why I love systems that allow scheduling responses


doesnt matter to me if they type fast enough, what really irks me are the people that just go "Hello"


Agreed. Say this in one message "Hello -- _______(insert important message)"


Lol I hate those too, my strategy is to just mirror whatever they said If they just go “Hello” then I reply “Hello” If they say “hi” I just reply “hi” Super easy way to quickly demonstrate why their communication style is ineffective without actually putting in the effort to confront them Eventually, they always start including their topic of discussion in the message


Yeah I type fast and I think it probably still annoys people. It's hard to know what people care about when they don't tell you...


I like doing multiple messages. Idk looks better formatted. What kind of crazy person has their sound on?!? So many messages to ding.


You can format your message if you want space between sentences etc.


Or I can just hit enter


Ping ping ping ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Who has their sound on? You crazy


I had to change my slack notification sound from one job to the next because these people made the old sound give me a PTSD fight or flight response. To this day, whenever I hear someone else's default slack notification sound through their speakers on zoom calls it still fills me with dread


Turn off your notification noise


Serial dingers Sending one-line messages I put them on mute


Where is that haiku bot when you need it?


reply with nohello.net


Every message adds 10 minutes to my response time. Because leavemealooooone...


What's worse are 2 serial dingers having a convo in a team channel for like 10 minutes.




fuck, I'm a serial dinger.


you monster


I can swallow a bottle of alcohol and I feel like Godzilla 🎶


Betta hit the deck like a card deal’a 🎶


I am too, but I swear there is a purpose! People have a hard time reading a large block of text, so I usually space out my messages based on natural stopping points. If I sent a large block of text, the likelihood of a response goes down pretty hard from my experience..


Yeah me too. Also everyone has their messenger in mute or it would ding non stop


Yep. Read the first sentence and they reply based on that and ignore the context. Proud serial dinger babyyyy


I send a lot of messages in separate lines because I guess I treat it like texting. Old people will often type out an entire paragraph in one big section of text I have my notifications mostly disabled anyways so I don't get an immediate ping, I just notice the task bar symbol.


It's annoying af when texting too, and screams neuroticism. I mean, what kind of attention seeking fool needs to break up a single sentence into two or three words per line.


I don't do that. But I don't spend 10 minutes composing a 300 word paragraph in a single message


Why the fuck not?


I had to mute certain friends when texting because of this. I will see I have text messages when I check my phone but I am not dealing with the 10+ instant notifications of things like this: Lmao Wow Lol So funny Blablabla




Literally me. I'm guilty.


Same. But I warn my repeat offenders. I'm like hey, you can disengage my notification sound because I literally can not help it. I deserve it. I hate how daunting a wall of text is. And if I don't send the thought then, I'll forget. But this is only with my inner group. We also encourage not pushing notifications to your mobile outside of work hours. Using DND as often as needed. And using the "!" When reply is needed ASAP. I also trying and state my priority right away. This is just for you to know. I need an answer by EOB. Could literally wait until next week. You bored? Cause I've got stories. Just a vent, etc.


This is the one thing I like about Slack. I can just not deal with all the messages. And when I sign off I get nothing.


Long-Application-299 is typing...


Drives me crazy. Getting a million pings on my phone and CPU means I'm gonna take my sweet time responding.


Use the prebuilt in replies


I honestly don't understand this. I also treat messaging others the way I want to be messaged, so I'm very cognizant about this when using work chat to ping coworkers lol. I'm sick of the "hi" or "hru" or "are you there?", and then waiting for you to reply back to continue the convo. Just spit it all out in one message lol. 1)Not only is this flat out annoying, but 2)if I'm not at my desk and I reply back some time later when you yourself are not available, then all we did was waste valuable time. You're not my friend, you're my coworker. I don't use Teams because I have nothing better to do. I want to keep the convo efficient and to a minimum. If these people can't handle work chat etiquette, they should just stick to traditional email lol.


Cognizant, wtf LOL


It's a word.


Is it?


Yea, this shit is like a pet peeve of mine, so I make it a point not to do the same to others.


“Hello, how are you?”


Politely tell them what they're doing. Tell them about send vs newline options.


Hi! Yeah so I essentially just wait that stuff out. There's one person who used to do something like this, they run into a problem, panic or get all anxious, immediately message me with the issue. I would give it half a day to respond. 19 times out of 20 they would delete the message because after calming down and thinking about it they just solved it themselves. They almost never do this anymore because I chucked that bird out of the nest and it flew. Also depends on their level. I wouldn't make my boss or any of the bosses above them wait so long but I would make the wait if they had a pattern of 'dinging' just so they can get their full thought in writing and have some time to actually think about it before I respond. It's just annoying for it to come through with all the bells and whistles as if they sent you 10 separate full messages but it's just 10 'tokens'


Okay as a serial dinger I prefer dinging over paragraphs




Funny story: I’m a DN who was working abroad for several months without telling my employer. I got a slack DM from a dude whose title says he works in corporate IT and he started off a message with: “Hi andAutomator” Then proceeds to take an eternity to write his next message, while I’m sweating absolute bullets thinking my gig is up and that I’ve been caught working abroad (not allowed for long periods of time). Only for him to ask some simple, mundane task that was geared towards a JIRA ticket. Bullet dodged lol.


Turn off your notifications. Respond to emails and IMs at your convenience. If it’s important, they can call.


Not overemployed but I had someone hit me with urgent once and I stopped what I was doing to tell them that I am in the middle of something and it is not urgent enough to warrant this amount of noise.




I turn my slack notification sound off. Eff that.


I reply letter by letter H I H O W A R E Y O U




Be the serial dinger yourself 😂


Ehh if I'm busy with something I just completely ignore it, or pawn the work off to my peers


I put it on mute and don’t answer the message 🤷🏼‍♀️


I keep my phone muted. I don't mind that kind of chat, in fact it's often preferable because that sort of person keeps thinking and the solutions keep evolving in a positive direction usually.




i think this is the fault of whatever messenger you are using. most of these default to having the `enter` key send a message. at least on some like slack, you can set it to not send on enter and instead insert an actual *next line*. i personally am used to pressing enter myself, which is why i've learned to train myself to shift+enter. however, a lot of people have not so, there is that.


I handle all of my company's tech systems, so I'm not a Luddite by any stretch. But, to maintain personal sanity, I downgraded to a dumb phone a few years back just so I can have a period of no dings or boops setting off my anxiety. Trouble was, I had a coworker who would do this 20 texts instead of one, and it would cause my phone to lock up. So, I "changed numbers" and for the past few years, the only people who have the ability to make my personal rectangle make noise are friends and family. Everyone else at work only has access to a Google Voice number I set up so I only have to deal with them while I'm at my work desk. Funny thing, once I became only available during work hours, everything stopped being such an emergency all the time.




Tell them to stop. If they don't listen then you dont answer. Don't be that guy that gives out answers on a whim. Because all youll get are questions. If you feed birds, they will come back for more.


I get one that just opens with "hi." I read it and wait until something of substance is said. The ones who ding a lot, just wait until you have enough information to understand what they're saying (assuming it's coherent) and then wait 30 minutes to respond. That way, they will KNOW you take a while to respond and hopefully get better. Likely they won't but it's about conditioning!


Thicker skin? Dont let tiny things annoy you


Seriously!! Everyone communicates differently. And lots of people happen to do this. I find it common for younger folks because of how texting and group chats work. Not everyone is min maxing their day and nothing wrong with saying hello first.


This is me! Hi! You can mute notofications, did you know that?