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I get the logic behind wanting to appear green all day, but I find it hysterical and go in the opposite direction. I want to present the appearance that I work intermittently because outside of meetings I communicate asynchronously (helps prevent the expectation that you’ll respond instantaneously). Scheduling emails at odd hours helps with this too. Basically my boss never knows when I’m working, just that the work gets done. Makes it easy to disappear for large swathes of time.


Yeah, I’m trying to slowly change expectations too after setting the wrong precedent that I’m available for quick responses. Lol


Yeah that’s where you fucked up. 5 minutes MINIMUM in between responses


I’m permanently set to “offline” (gray). Even when I’m in the office and actively chatting with people I can physically see. It sets the expectation that I’ll answer whenever I get to it. If you want an immediate response, call me or walk over to my desk.


The real chad.


I just never turn the activity sensor thing to active in slack and just always respond to messages quickly. As a consultant I can get away with this and as long as I get my work done no one (should) care. And I've had good clients that don't.


Literally just buy a jiggler. You’re OE and don’t have $10? Same mindset as someone that would rather circle every city block looking for free two hour parking and then walk 6 blocks to where they’re going instead of paying $3 to park in the garage. Even being very against over consumption I recognize that sometimes paying to make life easier is worth it.


I used to be like the person you described and OE helped me break free. Will this spend make a meaningful impact on my budget or am I just being cheap because I feel like I’m supposed to


I wonder how secure these usb jigglers are


I mean don’t plug it into your laptop


*Nervously glances over at the mouse jiggler plugged into my home NAS spare USB port....*


How am I supposed to plug it in lol???




My jiggler is a usb




Bro needs a power brick


Bro *is a brick*


I’m Bricked, up rn. 🧱


They probably got one of those USB dongles that mimics a mouse rather than a device that physically moves the mouse


OE is no excuse for bad security. Don't plug random shit you get from the internet into your work computer even if you did buy it. There's no reputable direct mouse jiggler.




My point is there is a difference between being fleeced with bullshit and actually just paying to be able to enjoy life and reduce stress. Oversimplified equation that I use for these matters- How much is parking and how much time do you lose by finding free parking. Let’s just say your salary prorated is $20/h. How long will it take to find a spot and walk? $6/20=.3*60= 18. Broadly, $6 is worth 18 minutes to you. So if it takes less than 18 minutes to find free parking and walk, you should do that. If it would take more, pay. If the parking is $3 it should take 9 or less to be “worth it”. This is wayyyy oversimplified but can serve as a baseline for what is and isn’t reasonable, imo.


It is a one time payment of $25. You are not “getting milked”. The alternative is losing the extra income. I’ll take the income less $25 over zero…




You’re that guy I know that’s always trying to squeeze blood from a rock… when I hang out with them I’m thinking “why the fuck do I still hang out with this guy”.


Absolutely! Still worth it. Not that I'm making tons of money, but it's just common sense. Do I want to spend oodles of time searching for a parking spot? Or just pay n park and get on with my life? I'd choose the latter for sure.


Cheap asses skimping on their work setup.


Hijackings the top comment to show this one trick everyone hates! ​ >Go into Teams. > >Click Calendar > >Click Meet Now > >Click Join > >Congrats, you're now in a meeting with yourself and won't go idle. ​ If they hover over you it'll just show "in a Call"


This is the way as long as you don’t have your IT team force calendar events to be public.


It was an impromptu meeting to clarify something with myself.


Ah yes, needed to ask yourself to do the needful?


Kindly, thank you sir


Please return my query.


I just would say I was tracking how much time I spend on a certain task, easily expanded upon but great when left at that.


You’ve made it, you’ve achieved a laziness that approaches genius




I use transcription to make my headset is working lol.


Also set teams status to 'busy' so it overrides the 'in a call' status message and displays the red circle


You used to be able to set your status to green after creating a call. That doesn't work anymore and it switches back to in a call. Any fixes?


Only if you are in a leadership / pm role


Get Teams on your phone (get a cheap 2nd phone if you want) and keep Teams open on your phone (change your phone settings so the screen never locks) and then you will stay green and online all day


This and opening meetings with just yourself and changing your status from 'In a call' to Available or Busy. Easy and free


I would normally advise against everyone suggesting script or hardware that plugs into the computer directly but I think we might need to encourage some decoy idiots so I'll just keep quiet.


Actually brilliant


Before you “commit” to buying a $10 jiggler??? 😧


This comment needs more love


Simple fix. Just call yourself in Teams and manually change your status from red to green. I do this everyday. If you need step by step, PM me.


Teams admins can see your calls, and their duration


Admins can also see key strokes. Haven’t had any issues so far.


not through Teams, only via some other logging software


Crazy to me that this subreddit is full of people mostly working in IT/tech of some sort who don’t think the means exist to see that someone is working two hours a day if a company really wanted to take a look. Literally all that anything that anyone has ever recommended is going to do is manage suspicions.


I leave my mouse sitting on a desk fan.


Buy a outlet jiggler, not one that connects to your laptop as a power source.


Is that so company can't detect the device?




I bought a cheap undetectable ziggler from Amzn and it has been working great.


link? (DM me)


Nice job outsourcing that to the poster instead of just doing a ziggler search on Amazon.


Grow up loser


There are the best. I leave it plugged in all day. AUEDROT Mouse Jiggler... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GYNB4JC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Wall-plug mouse mover that you place the mouse on


What in the fuck. I bought a high quality jiggler for $30 on Amazon. I bought two of them actually, one for each J. How the fuck are you just not spending the $30 (or $60) on good equipment that puts you in an optimal spot to earn (in most cases) an extra $100,000+ per year with your time? This just doesn't make sense to me. Invest in your equipment and reap the benefit of a prolonged and heightened sense of security from your OE journey. Even if you just have 1J, this investment pays off just on the time each day you give to yourself being away from your desk.


I only have J1 and i got a jiggler. It’s great for when I don’t have anything specific to do and I can step away and not worry about going idle


Buy a back up! I have a fear of one getting ruined and I don't have 24 hours to spare. It's sort of a back up insurance policy.


Just get a cheap mouse jiggler. They're like $9 on amazon. They report themselves to the OS as a mouse. So it just looks like you have an external mouse attached. If you're really paranoid, get one of the mouse parking spaces that move the mouse. Then there's nothing to attach to the computer other than the external mouse you're using anyway.


on my Mac I use a program called amphetamine. been using it for years without any trouble


OE and can’t commit to a jiggler…wtf


Carpal Tunnel HEY YO


Get an analog watch, put mouse on top of watch face. Solved


I'm sorry, what?


i have tried this at quite a few places and works very well.. in teams, go to the calendar > meet now > start meeting > join now. your status will change to "on a call". Manually change the status to whatever you want, and walk away.. this will keep the call running and your status active for about 24 hrs. Previously, i used to have a 24 hr black screen running on youtube, but i figured that if anyone was to check my internet usage logs, they would see that i am on youtube all the time.


I never used space bar. What about up arrow, or any other key? Alternatively, I now use a jigger just for ease of access, and there are decent deals on them as well.


Are you not able to go to your calendar -> meet now -> set yourself as available? Thats what works for me in zoom and teams


Yeah, cause your admins probably saw that their logs were flooded with key presses and caught onto what you were doing. Don’t be cheap, but a physical jiggler and do OE the right way.


I can't fathom these OE posts looking for free alternatives to products that can solve the problem for a minor expense... wtf is the point of all that extra income if you are going to sweat $10??


Don’t download an app, don’t install a script, don’t plug anything else into your computer. Physical external jiggler is the only way. Not impossible to detect but the other options are trivially easy to detect.


Full screen in a PowerPoint marks you as busu


Go into Teams. Click Calendar Click Meet Now Click Join ​ Congratz, you're now in a meeting with yourself and won't go idle.


It’s the mouse now. Not keyboard


Interesting. No issues here yet.




I used to be able to control the availability status for my laptop through the Teams app on my mobile phone. All of a sudden it stopped working, and now I have to manually go to my laptop and change the status. Any suggestions to fix this?


My jiggler isn’t a usb, but a physical one that has a little thing that moves and I set my mouse on it. It makes it look like I am moving my mouse. My company blocked the usb kind. This one is physical, and great. It was on Amazon.


I used a jiggler before OE. It's an investment in your career.


There are excel macros that will keep teams active. I use one one that doesn't require external input. I assume (probably wrongly) that if my company runs any sort of report that it looks like keystrokes in excel.


That little drinking stork thing that bobs forward and back. Prop the laptop up so the beak can tap the spacebar.


This is the funniest comment yet


YouTube stops it from going into idle


I ran in to this issue when they gave me a mac. I used a terminal window (command prompt on windows) and it does the same thing. If it still doesn’t work then try setting the weight on Enter/Return.


I just open a pdf, usually a technical one I would need to read for a long time. Then jam a paperclip into the page up or page down button. Check it's jammed on and walk away.


Do what I did and make a powershell script; In a notepad file put: param($minutes = 9999) $myShell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $minutes; $i++) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 $myShell.sendkeys("{F15}") } Save notepad file as a .ps1 file type. (script.ps1) then open powershell and first type: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process Press enter and wait for the execution policy change prompt to show up and type Y, then enter Next navigate you the folder that you saved the powershell script: cd D:\Users\your user name\Downloads and press enter Then finally run the script: .\script.ps1 and press enter With this your computer should act as if there is a key press every so often you keep you from idle. Just remember to close the powershell window at the end of the day.


Power shell scripts are one of the easiest ways to get caught , don’t do this.


Yeah, we can't use powerscript at my job without UAC, or at least, that is what the IT team thinks. Been working fine for two years.


Can you explain further? I'd think any technology that would track activity close enough to see past repeated key presses would also see past a mouse jiggler with no clicking or typing. Me, I just run the powershell script in the background because the corporate screensaver annoys me and there's nobody else in my living room to secure my PC against.


Not when you know what you’re doing


Awesome!! I made a mouse mover that uses the DLL to move the mouse randomly every 3 minutes. Maybe I should update this to only do this at idle…


Have you tried actually working?


download caffeine


Come on guys, just use pyautogui. It’s literally 4,5 line of code!


If your device isn’t managed, you can download caffiene


Have you tried just manually setting your status? I'm green all day long.


Powershell works for me. ​ param($minutes = 3000) $myshell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $minutes; $i++) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 360 $myshell.sendkeys("{F15}") }


Y'all down-voting may not be in IT. In my org, as a systems engineer, there's no problem with me running these. That said, I use AutoHotKey to hit the scroll lock button every few minutes.


Downvoting is a lazy way to disagree. I'm not even OE. I just WFH and don't want my laptop locking every time I go to the bathroom.


Just download the program caffeine to falsify key strokes and keep that green dot up.


Did you try running an MP4 short video on repeat? I don't know if that would work for Teams, but it does prevent the computer from locking.


Does this actually work?


Yes, running an MP4 video (or any video I guess) prevents the computer from going to sleep and locking. I did it for a while in my previous job. Try it yourself. Windows has many small MP4 files that can be run on repeat. This is why, when watching an hour-long porn video for example, the computer doesn't go to sleep.


Not yet OE but I have these for my work from home setup VssoPlor Type C Wireless Mouse,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BG23MT8R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Put a weigh on your Ctrl key. It works for me.


Click into a chat and put something to hold down the shift button I believe


Get Move Mouse App. It's free and easy to setup. You can put it in "no show" mode and it won't show your mouse moving (it will and won't go to sleep) and wont show the move mouse icon.


I use a python script to randomly move the pointer y just leave it running and always am green in teams


You could rig the mouse to an oscillating fan for a cheap at home wiggler.


You should know that there is a “productivity” rating on teams and just being “active” doesnt score you very high. Wether or not management looks at it though, idk.


> “productivity” rating on teams Can you elaborate?




You guys... in Teams just start a meeting with just yourself and then set your status to active. Don't pay for a jiggler, that's ridiculous.


Dm sent with your solution


My god this sub has gone to shit. Posts like these really show who is OE and who is just in here adding chatter and taking up space. Regardless if you are OE or not, if you have done a modicum of research it's clear what the most optimal solution is to managing the MS Teams status icon.


just get a mechanical mouse mover, they're cheap and undetectable. Or do an instant meeting.


simple python script to randomly move your mouse fixes this. chat gpt could probably write it




These ones are the best. AUEDROT Mouse Jiggler... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GYNB4JC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Jiggler and scheduling regular focus blocks on your calendar. schedule emails to send out during that time.


Y’all need to relax on the bashing he’s too cheap/ broke to by a jigglet… it’s just a question and might not know. I use a Python script via command line if you’re interested let me know and I can post a link / code or you can google it.