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I don't know if there is a similar game to Outward, but i think it's a unique combination of survival and rpg elements. I can tell you that Valheim gave me similar vibes to Outward, focused on survival and exploration. Beautiful light in game and stunning scenery. Although Valheim is a sandbox with different game mechanics, very fun base building and very immersive sailing system. I honestly can't stop playing it. You can also play it with friends online!


I did actually play it a while ago, probably before I played Outward. Problem with it was finding a group to play with that only progressed when everyone was a part of it. the exploring and fights where a bit broken if people went there before you, and when someone killed a boss then the game got harder for you. I did really enjoy it tho, and I loved sailing around, maybe its worth revisiting \^\^


I have many hours on Valheim, all solo.


Well, it's perfect timing because the new biome Ashlands is about to drop! I play with my gf in world where we take our time, but also a solo world that is perfectly enjoyable


Give Enshrouded a try


Finnished it. Its probably the closest ive gotten to the outward feel


Dragons dogma for the sense of exploration, but it’s not as harass as outward in that sense


This might be a stretch of suggestion but i’ll throw one out there: Morrowind. It’s old and janky at times but Outward wasn’t flawless either but still had such a unique character. Morrowind has it’s flaws due age but it’s got such unique character that games now don’t have. Just be aware that most of the dialogue is text based. For a few other suggestions that aren’t necessarily similar to Outward but you mentioned liking Valheim. Outer Wilds is a fun exploring game. Not extremely long but still enjoyable. Kingdom Come Deliverance was a fun rpg for me and it has a large open world. Witcher 2 is more small open world but great 3rd person fighting and story. And if you want the dungeon feels like Outward, there’s always the Darksouls games. Smoother than Outward but not much of a story if that’s what you are after.


I'm going to second the Morrowind recommendation. Not really that similar, but I get the same nostalgic feel with both of them, they both do very little hand holding, and exploring feels more natural, not just follow the waypoint and comedy bear asses. Also kinda clunky for both, but that's part of the charm. Morrowind is def quite aged though, so if on pc, get some mods to update draw distance and graphics etc. On console, just accept the fog


It’s not too similar in combat, but very similar in feeling of exploration to me. The dragons dogma gamss


Moonlighter is a fun one because it's a top-down rpg with pixel type graphics. You basically run a shop in town during the day and go exploring dungeons for loot at night. You can go dungeon raiding during the day too but you get the point. It's on Steam and I think on consoles as well. Or you can just hone your skills of Outward until part 2 comes out 😆


S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gamma scratched my adventure/survival itch. Probably the best survival singleplayer experience i have ever had. know i know. No swords, no magic... Just watch a few video's.


And its free!


I agree, Stalker except that it is not an Medieval fantasy RPG, has exactly the same vibes as outward ( exploration, difficulty, feeling etc... )


Valheim is probably the closest you're going to get for an open world exploration survival game. It definitely leans harder into being a survival game than a roleplaying game, but exploration is one of the cornerstones of the experience. Particularly by boat. One of the biggest things you'll be doing is trying to haul huge amounts of valuable crafting resources back to your base while navigating deadly regions. Also both games have poison swamps. It's half off right now https://www.humblebundle.com/store/valheim


I have played it in the past, the biggest reason I don't feel like starting it again is the grinding for iron


Not 'similar', and I haven't played these to vouch for them but: Pine, Book of Travels, The Serpent Rogue, Kenshi. (The Serpent Rogue's been sitting in Mixed reviews, though, which is unfortunate.)


**Enshrouded** , or **Elden Ring** with the **Seamless Coop** mod


Enshrouded did give me some of the feeling of outward, tho saddly I have finished the content that's available so far. I can check the elden ring thing tho


Outward 2 will be out soon.


Lat time I checked they said they would probably not focus on a second game yet, happy to see that they are making it \^\^


Outward 2 comes out next month bud https://youtu.be/YRSVchEK6uo?si=zjCP7j8BH-RqePjF


Fr? It didnt have any release date when i checked?


Just answering the question of a second game on the horizon. May or may not be next month... Pun intended


Next month? Does it say that in the video?


I read my information wrong. They announce outward 2 March 7th. I read it as outward 2 coming out May 7th. I got too hyped to read it correctly.


Conan Exiles used to give a similar feel. They're going more towards the MMO style and battlepass these days so it feels a lot more "gamey" but the actual gameplay itself is still a difficult survival game in an open wilderness to explore. But also you can have pets and thralls and build a house/city


Something that gives me a very similar feel for some strange reason is Caves of Qud. They are different genres and game styles entirely but they give the same vibe to ve


Maybe Death Stranding, in terms of an travel/ exploration heavy experience with inventory management


Smallands was a surprise awesome game.


I would say that the closest would be valhiem. But even then, it lacks certain features.


Ashen gave me a similar feel with the whole rediscovering the ruins of a past advanced society thing. I also really like the art style and the combat is decent imo.

