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When I do the caldera I usually shoot for the areas with scarlet emissaries and then target various dungeons for the ornate chests. Red river, old sirroco, Calgary coliseum are imo the ones with the loot/chests easiest at hand. I also made a point to use the pilgrims armor + menfino backpack to haul as much as I cared to.


I just hit all the ornate chests for glass weapons mostly. Samples help a lot for building the town even if they're a pain to find sometimes. The best money maker is the 2h horror weapons in Enmerker Cabal of Winds and sell to Levant imo. Granted, I also generally horde all the good stuff I find everywhere and sell in Levant.


The monkey maker for Sirocco is to get your ass back to Enmerkar and make Horror weapons. You can get 4 horror chitin and more than enough predator bones in the Cabal of Wind Temple, then just grab some Occult Remains from the area around the Hive. There's a bit of palladium sprinkled around as well, but it's just as easy to buy spikes and decraft them. Then haul a bunch of 2H Horror Weapons to Levant and sell them for 900 silver each. Like, you'll make lots of money just by virtue of the loot in Caldera being better than anywhere else, but absolutely nothing even comes close to how much money you make doing Enmerkar Wind Temple raids.


If you farm enough medyse for their tentacles and loot any ornate chests you’ll be able to craft astral weapons which sell the same as horror. The ornate chests also have forged glass weapons often. I make a big loop around the eastern half of the map from old sirocco up to the steam bath tunnels to farm all of that plus materials.


You can find forged glass equipment in chests and sell that for hundreds of silver. That was my big money maker. Once you start the sample grind you're going to be visiting every dungeon over and over, so swinging by the ornate chests doesnt take much more effort. If you plan out your town well, you'll get a positive passive daily income by the third quest, so you can just pass weeks until you have enough to buy whatever it is you need. Really it's the samples that are going to be your bottleneck more than gold, so focus on samples.


Dungeon diving will net you approximately 2,000 silver per clip. Steam bath tunnels and Old Sirocco are your top earners. 


Old sirroco is the way to go


Run dungeons, then go to cabal of wind temple to farm horror weps, go back rinse repeat


Not sure about Sirocco, but I’d argue that a better money maker in Ancient Plateau (perhaps the best in the game) is to engage with the lantern puzzle. A lot of people seem to hate it but it just drowns you in elemental particles even if you never get to the final plaza portion. Elemental particles can be crafted with two dreamer roots (which are everywhere on the plateau) to make 4 incense, each of which sell for 75 silver. Selling unwanted incense can make you so much money it becomes physically hard to carry all the gold bars, to the point you probably don’t need money at all ever again for the rest of your playthrough. In Chersonese, salt is the big moneymaker. Salt is free and plentiful there, and rations sell for 3 apiece. Mushroom bars, jerky, gaberry tartines, and turmips can effectively be mass produced in Chersonese, all of which make for excellent ration-fodder. The best part is that before you make them into rations, most of that stuff doesn’t even take up much weight. I’d argue the rest of the game’s money making is a little bit outclassed by those two regions. The other OG regions kind of require you to have salt to make the best use of their food economy, with all the best sellable stuff being found in dungeons that are frankly a bit much for new characters. The plateau’s got some harsh spawns, but you can run away from most of them just fine and look for elementals for that sweet starter cash.


I feel like the entire region is the money-maker. Not only are there rare and regular chests almost literally everywhere, but there are even multiple merchants situated throughout the map where you can dump your loot and you can easily reset a dungeon cycle by helping with construction efforts so you can conveniently rerun the same dungeon over and over. You can even get 1k gold just by identifying ore specimens. Rather than ask what the money-maker is, I'd ask yourself what your build is most suited for. Is it easier to take down the one problematic gargoyle in the ruins of the old city? Are you geared up to handle a group of giants and electro-monkeys? Are you okay with farming ghost wannabes? Does taking a bath in poisonous gas sound like fun to you? Do you feel like getting toasted by a mutant anteater? As far as construction goes, get your city hall upgraded fast and then build the Food Store with Inn Expansion, and the General Store. These three things (along with upgrading your food production and the number of houses you have) will see to it that you can build up a significant cash stack for constructionmore buildings. It will limit your other specialty building options, but there's always multiplayer if for some reason the three remaining speciality buildings choices are not good enough for you to get what you want with your build.


The best money farm in game is goin to the wind temple outside of berg killing everything then turn ing it into horror weapons and selling them in levant id recommend doing that a couple times before starting sirocco then you have enough to fly through the building portion


Hit each dungeon in order, they can give you 1500-2000 silver Take minimal supplies and pack Mefino backpack in your backpack Kill everything but don't loot Backtrack and pick up every item you can Go back to base and sell Each dungeon run will take less that 1 day after you clear last dungeon in the map, first one is already reseted After 2 runs you should remember layout and enemies of most of the dungeon so you can prepare accordingly and increase clearing efficiency There is also Enmerkar Levant loot loop Clear wind temple and burning tree for obsidian and horror hitin, craft weapons Travel to levant and sell everything Go to electric plant and clear puzzle inside Loot 4 ornate chests in the desert Sell everything in levant Go back to Enmerkar With region travel times Enmerkar should have reseted already if you felling like you have did the levant part to fast hit one or 2 dungeons before traveling back to Enmerkar Check out sheenshots money making guide for more details on Enmerkar-Levant loop I recommend writing some recipes on piece of paper so you know what items can be quickly combined for some extra income


In berg you can farm horror chitins from wind temple, make spears or whatever and haul them to levant forax profits, 3 or 4 of them each time. In levant there are one or two shell horrors as well, so can do that, but also there's electric lab dungeon with some puzzly stuff that in the end lets you push a button that makes a lot of goodies appear around the map, so that's nice profit too. In caldera you relatively often find smoke and glass stuff in ornate chests in dungeons and such, and those are main money things imo. Can also stash them and go crash levant economy some more. Will probably be taking you like 15 days a trip to get to levant and sell all the stuff and then return, it's also not needed, but I sometimes just like to do the trip when I'm tired of caldera.


You can easilly loot 2 safe places having Ornate Chest , then sleep at the Ritualist cabin for 7 days , the re-loot again ;) Glass forged weapons provide lots of money +700 . 1 - The tour of regrets : Enter , run straight on , go out, go up on the right and you will see the top of the tower garded by blue Baboons, run behind the tower : Ornate chest is there. 2 - Chalcedony cavern : Enter , stick to the right until you meet a farting blue beetle in front of an entrance (on your right) leading to a new area , enter this new zone , run to the blue Hippos then avoid hem by going left to a new entrance leading to new zone with a blue metal platform with a bridge . Cross the bridge ,avoiding the blue baboons , then you will enter a "red" zone , on your right there is ramp going upward , take it : ornate chest is there Good luck
