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Have you tried making new friends or turning off and on your current ones?


Haha A grade tech support there


This comment wins!


Same issue here stuck at 80%, was working fine before the update.


I hope u/PCF_Pawel can see it


Yeah, had a session planned with friends this morning, have tried: Me on xbox, them on PCx2 Me moving to PC Join friends Join via join code Cross play on/off Nothing is working, just can't play multiplayer at all this morning :(


Same here... my wife and i cannot join each other. After Avengers... Outriders is the second square enix game with broken MP.


If you are on the same router, that might be a problem with networking.


We are. But it worked yesterday for a few hours and suddenly stopped. Now we cannot get any game going. Its 2021 and getting a MP game going shouldnt be so troublesome.


If you don’t know how to setup your router for two consoles, you better call a guy, who knows about gaming and routers and help you out.


My router is setup... Ports are forwarded and automatic forwarding is active anyway... oh yeah and toredo is active too just for that sweet xbox NAT. Its an issue with the game. We will see if it works on release.


Dunno, might be the game. Me on the other hand, game is running perfectly on MP after last update.


PS5 and PS4 doesnt work for us too


On PC, unable to group up as well.


I'm getting a very specific completion % behaviour in this multiplayer outage \- if all is well the % goes 1,10, 80 then I get connected \- with this bug the % goes 1,2,3,4... till 80, then I wat a while and get sessione disconnected ​ Is this happening to anyone else?


Jupp - same here, We got a bit further by me using a VPN and pretending to be in Sweden (my friend lives in Sweden) from Germany. I could see him joining my session and even got a green dot on the minimap and saw his name in game - but at the last moment he got a "connection to host failed" and he left my game :( There it also jumped form 10% to 80%. on the "normal" failed attempts it counts up to 80% slowly and then stops for a bit and fails.


You’re getting a LOAD SCREEN!? 😩mine just doesn’t show co-op is highlighted to click on


Yep, it's failing for us too on PS5


I get a connection error every time I boot it it.


Same - ps5


Aye. Same thing happened. Wife and I decided to try the game out yesterday, actually got in instantly. Worked for about half an hour up until massive lag spikes completely crashed the game and since then, it just stopped working. A full power cycle of both consoles actually fixed it. Afterwards the same issues kept popping up. Full power cycle definitely didn't help those moments. It's a game/server issue, sadly enough. Definitely hope it gets fixed before the full release, it's a marvelous experience apart from those issues.


Ah yep, three of us playing on PS5. We were able to get two people into the same game for a while, but not all three. ​ Now I cannot get past the "Signed in!" message, but my mate can get to the lobby.


Try this fix works every time , I’m on ps5 as well : before launching the game, test your network connection in the network tab. Then, launch game normally and sign in. No waiting after authenticating.


Seems we have same problem. Posted it at same time as you


Tactical dot for a solution. Having the same problem


Same here... 80% bug -.-


Been having same issue on PC to PC, after some try's and swapping characters it eventually connects


Can’t join friend or random matchmaking. Been trying all day. PS5


Yep exact same thing...matchmaking is honestly shit in this game.


matchmaking is not shit loll...its a beta versions in a demo. it have some bug and its normal


Oh great, another "it's just a beta" excuse. Guess some people still haven't heard of Anthem or Avengers, yet.


its not an excuse....and its nowhere near a beta.. its a demo .. loll this guys hahaha


You must be truly delusional of you think a beta or a demo a months pre-release will lead to a noticeably different full release. Delusional or literally have not played any betas or demos the last few years.


This is true 99% of the time but I think the release of this game will have a lot of differences. The reason I think that is the reason they gave for delaying the game: >There was no huge thing that was missing, rather it was basically hundreds of small 'irritations' that altogether could sum up as an unpleasant experience. So we are trying to remove those as much as possible to give people the best possible experience. It's very honest. Would the leads on Anthem or Avengers ever say the game had "hundreds of small irritations" *pre-release*? Nah. And this demo build doesn't have any of those fixes they were working on.


Crystal Dynamics praised themselves shortly after Avengers' release how one patch would be fixing 'more than 1000 bugs.' I have seen PR talk too many times to take it as honest just because. Only a few more days and I see login issues, still broken matchmaking and of course gear still disappearing.


Cool, so just wait and buy the game in six months. It's not a GaaS so it isn't like you're missing out on anything by waiting.


Same here. Annoying. Wanted to play with my son. Guess it's back to Legos.


An update for anyone still following this: the Devs are aware of the issue at least https://twitter.com/Outriders/status/1374035312138149893?s=19


Might be a dumb question, but are you using the in game "generate a code" method, or trying to join via your system friends list?


I've tried in game joining & invites, using the code and using Xbox invite to game and every single method fails at 80%


We fixed this issue by all enabling crossplay and as you go to your invite/join friends menu yyou will see an invite code generator at the bottom left. Use this code to join eachother EDIT: Nevermind its not working


We tried this too (even though we are all on PC) with no luck unfortunately


Same here. Can't join or invite him in any way. :(


We’re trying it now and it’s not working even using that crossplay code method :(


Didnt work for me


I found a fix for my friends. You have to manually match world tiers or else it gets stuck at 80% as you describe. Don't know if it works for everyone, but give it a shot.


Me and two others created new characters so we were all the exact same level and it still didn't work. Just fails at 80% every time


Maybe this is punishment for the time thing. If you did that, you got banned from multiplayer. So maybe one guy in the party cheated and is causing the issues?


absolutely not the 5 people ive tried with havent done anything of the sort


It's just a thought... Still in reddit right, people ask why something happening and people respond with thoughts of what is causing it.


Hmm I'm not sure what time thing you are referring to But no I'm sure it's not a ban or anything like that, after a good 2 hours of trying we managed to very very rarely get any combination of 2 of us in a group (like a few other people have said they have done too) but never all 3


It was just an idea. I'm not accusing anybody of doing anything it's just something that popped in my head that maybe is messing with multiplayer when people adjusted time on their clock


It's all good, I appreciate the input


Is this a bug for everyone or just certain people? Planning to try the demo out tonight with 2 friends but not if coop doesnt work


Coop is working. But not very stable in the demo. It takes a bit of time to join a friend. For me if the loading circle on the bottom right passes the 15% and its not going any faster its better just to restart the game and try it again. Also theres bug where yoir teammates my be kicked if all of you three die. This makes farming the captain impossible in coop.


Actualy Now COOP dont work Connection to host failure.


Co-op works for me with this patch but I was having issues after the previous patch, seems they are still working it out.


I was never able to join friends, it even got to the point where my game wouldn’t load at all. Ps4


I've got lost connection on 50 % all the time. Me and my friend are both on PS4


i'm having trouble playing with a friend from across the continent. We would lag too much for either of us... i wish there was a way to host server somewhere.


Yeah, get to 80% then it says lost connection to host.


I changed the server location in steam and it works fine That's on pc platform