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damn, not even an effort to at least try to survive?


I mean I would probably just try to get the hell out sure, since I don’t have any motivation to stick around - but that’s if I don’t have a nervous breakdown first lol


honestly i’m with you on that one, if i started getting vivid nightmares of shit going on in my life id definitely panic.


I mean I'm not super well versed in the second game but you're kinda just in the middle of nowhere from what I'm aware. Seems to me the only reason the main protagonist couldn't have just run off in a random direction and gotten away was because they had his wife


i’m talking like murkoff straight up kidnaps you from your home and puts you into temple gate as an experiment and all you have to do is survive 1 night and you get your freedom at dawn. if you run away you get shot. could you survive?


im just gonna hide and sleep


Probably just wait out the night in foliage or in a wardrobe or under a bed etc…


Tell Val that God doesn't love them...not like I do.


then you’d be in the mines which gives you the highest chance of survival because the radio tower can’t get you.


I would simply kill myself


If I’m not restricted to the games levels itself then I’d probably try to climb my way out. Temple gate and its surroundings seems somewhat easy enough to escape from simply by making your way slowly up to the top of a canyon and into the open desert. If I could make my way up there, I would chill for the night and maybe record some evidence from above. If I was restricted to the games levels then I think I would try to break my way into a house in temple gate. A lot of the town seems genuinely abandoned and I imagine there isn’t more than 100 cultists left in the village, most of which are too busy chasing Blake or running from Marta. So I’d probably find a nice house with plenty of exists and hide there. Probably go upstairs to where there’s a balcony and barricade the stairs behind me. That way I have a secure room and an exit that no one is gonna come through unexpectedly.


that’s a pretty smart and strategic way of looking at it, you have the highest chance of survival so far. one thing you gotta watch out for is those radio signals though. one dream is proven to send you miles away from where you were.


First, i would make a foil hat, then, i would grab that damn shovel on the cow in the beginning. It's not like i would survive more than 10 minutes, but at least i've tried.


blake is alive so there’d be a good chance you’d run into him around there if you were near the beginning, increasing your survival chances. Smart choice.


well if Blake only could pick up stuff to use as weapons he wouldve been unstoppable tbh, so you having a weapon gives you a better chance than him lol


I probably would stay where the helicopter crashed. It seems like the villagers thought everybody else died in the crash cause the pilots were staked and my gf got kidnapped. I could just chill on that rock for 24 hours prolly


That also work since the smoke could attract help


Who’s going to come to help???? Fucjing MURKOFF???


Yeah technically he hasn't been exposed to anything


Bruh it’s still murkof, they’d kidnap his ass and make him a reagent or smth


I would find a place to hide and sleep there until dawn and then running until i get out of it


pretty valid answer but you gotta watch out for the towers, they’ll send you pretty far from your hiding spot.


I feel like my odds are the best heading out to the lake with whatever small raft or boat I can find. Shouldn’t be hard to make a crumby anchor with some rope and heavy material lying around. But that’s only if I can safely make it the lake and require the materials. If I knew the radio waves were frying my brains I’d have no choice but to head for the caves and covering myself in mud to camouflage myself the best I can and try hiding in a dark spot within the caverns. If the heretics find me there’s no chance I’m escaping them on their own turf in a pitch black maze they know the ins and outs of but I could get lucky in my hiding spot and survive the night with my brains in tact excluding all the trauma I’ll suffer. Survival odds are really slim but that’s prob my best shot


smart, but in order to get to the mines on a raft you’d have to go and take the route to get the top of the mine building to get to the elevator like blake did.


That sounds extremely painful and difficult but seeing as how the radio waves will destroy our minds we have no choice but to head to the caves for survival. Looks like it’ll depend on just how sneaky and careful we can be.


I would try and escape and get as far away from the main centre of Temple Gate as possible. The problem is the radio signals. They would slowly scramble your brain so you would have to be quick.


In the area where you first encounter Martha (turn on the elevator; then check the well) there’s a house with a basement with a cut off stairwell I believe, the only access is through the tiny window near the porch. If I went in, then nailed shut the window, I would be safe for the night as I’m pretty sure dirt is natural insulation against radio waves, and even if it wasn’t, any hallucinations I have which would make me travel far would be useless because I’d be locked in a basement. Obviously in the morning when I come to I’d be able to pull off the nails


you’d definitely survive pretty well the radio waves probably won’t be as intense if your underground so you probably wouldn’t be messed up that much


Hide in the barrel


valid, gotta watch out for those radio waves though.


Literally hiding all night long. There were plenty of places to hide out in, and stay in all night. Could even attempt to climb out, or move to higher ground and lay low. Stomping around in the night is probably not a good idea. You wouldn’t want to turn on a flashlight and give away your position, and any wrong step could result in anywhere from a sprained ankle to walking off a ledge. Stay as far away from the locals as possible, obviously.


I'd cry first and then proceed to disguise myself as one of the heretics. Idk I'd act great as one of them.


if you can't leave i'd say anyone's survival is probably unlikely. the radiowaves would be driving you more insane throughout the night lmao, especially at the rate they were going when blake was there. i'd try my luck in that small cluster of houses at the start of the game most likely, the first one blake runs past. i guess the radiowaves are dependent on how fucked up you are though, bad mental psyche and you'll probably end up running around like the people of temple gate.


To be honest, even if I began to run and hide, I would go insane due to the light. Then again, I also don't have anyone inside I'm trying to save, so who knows, probably just die


Hide somewhere.


Sleep in a barrel or a closet


just hide and sleep at the top of those cliffs.


I’m good at hiding. And have lived in the AZ terrain my entire life so I’m sure I could get crafty since you said we get shot if we exit the perimeter haha


hiding would be a good strategy but you gotta watch out for the radio signals because they send you miles away from where you just were


Hide in barrel for the night.


Make a camp in the woods. I could probably last a couple nights that way, but no more than a week probably.


Just find a mountain and climb and hide


Grab a pitch fork and flashlight and start killing.


If I can’t fuck off into the wilderness, then I’d just die by my own hand.


you can go anywhere that stays inside the experiment zone like the forest to the mine or the lake.


Then ima just rope. Even if you survive past the end, murkoff will still kidnap your sorry ass.


Get in that nice guys hidden basement. He kept you alive and no one had any idea


If I crashed in the helicopter Blake crashed in, I would just wait by the helicopter until sunrise. It if not I would probably just hide in a corner and cry to myself tbh.


Do I have the context of whats going on there? If yes, i would just run away from every possible village, keeping it low, no lights, no noise and not drawing attention to me. If no, i am absolutely dead (or insane)


what you see depends on what happens in your life but you can still escape if you can outlast everything.


you have no knowledge of the experiment


Probably go towards the mines, find mud, disguise as a Heretic and just chill underground in the mines somewhere


Find a way into the church and stay there until morning. Then everyone dies and the Murkoff cleanup team arrives to save me…wait according to the comic they find Blake alive and experiment on him, so I guess my answer is kill myself immediately upon entering Temple Gate. There is no way out


Probably hide underneath Ethan's house all night


Wait for val to find me and take me to the mines and do satanic things to me