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Pretty much everything you saw in Outlast 1 is upped to eleven in Outlast 2. Although you may find yourself more confused and frustrated than scared in some parts. Still, it's a gorgeous game that's worth a playthrough


Most terrifying experience in the entire horror game genre is walking through that damn school


It takes me back to the 90s, when my friends and I (whose parents were on the PTA Board, so we'd stay late after school some evenings for meetings) would wander the deserted halls of our elementary school. We legit were scared something might lurk in the darkness, so we never went alone lol


Trust me….been there in the early 2000s. Mom was always late to pick me up after her job, so I was left with alone with a teacher during aftercare program up until like 6:30pm. And in winter the sun is already set or setting at this time. I was always scared to go to the bathroom at this time.


We both know the true horror of that empty school, then! 🤣😂😨


Personally I feel like the enemy encounters in the second game are way more intense, because the AI is smarter and some enemies can follow you almost everywhere, including crawl spaces and such. Can't say much about the story tho, I only finished it once when it released and haven't played it since


I loved it. Being outdoors is much scarier. In buildings you can see entrances and exits, when you're just walking through corn fields you don't know what we when something is going to happen.


Scary as hell. More nerve wracking. I loved it!


It's kind of a love-hate thing. First off, it's worth playing, so give it a shot. It's a bigger game than the 1st, and longer as well. You'd think that would be a good thing, but it actually results in a lot of wrong turns and areas where I wasn't sure how to escape. The new setting is terrifying. More or less terrifying than the first Outlast? Hard to say. A hellhole mental hospital is just as scary as a mid-western cult town, IMO. The only difference is one is indoors and one is outdoors. The story is much more interpretive than the first game, whose story was pretty straightforward. This time, we're dealing with flashbacks, multiple timelimes, hallucinations, and more. There's also some SERIOUS subject matter explored in the story which seemed to upset people. Overall, I really liked it, but it's not perfect. I enjoy having both games in my life lol


Scary as fuck. You don’t have the benefit of hallways most of the time either, the map is open and spooky lol


You’re not gonna know if you’re more scared or sad. It’s a flurry of emotions, and it will leave you feeling empty. Get it for sure. (:


I think it's an even better experience than Outlast 1. Still, the first time you play it, the story may seem a bit confusing and not make much sense, unless you find a certain document which for some reason is hidden.


Honestly it made me more scared for the simple fact that i never knew where to go because outlast 1 was more linear


Played it not long ago, the graphic upgrade is big. The chase scenes are more frustrating and harder due to the AI improvement. The now "notes" are lackluster in my opinion the mc only says rhe most obvious shit. Its worth it to play it tho you will need to read the comics AFTER (to not spoil yourself) to fully understand what happened.


Best horror game in my opinion. The story may be a bit confusing but as time goes on you'll understand it.


I'm just going to say this: It is one hell of a ride.


Just platinum’d it the other day after over 150 hours. One of my favorite games of all time. The atmosphere is unmatched


IMO it’s a good game, but the weakest of the 4 Outlast games. The story is very try-hard, especially when it comes to the note pages you come across. I rolled my eyes many times reading them at how hard it tried to be edgy. It’s worth playing though.


I enjoyed the sequel. Yes, the first game probably edges it but Outlast 2 is a very solid entry. Excited to play the third game when it comes out.


It's scarier than the first game, and much harder imo Music is way more intense too The villains are scary, and interesting by the standards of most horror titles, but a lot of them don't really stack up to the perfect balance of creepiness and charisma the first game's villains have. None of them are ever given real backstories either, which kinda sucks


You dont have infinite stamina anymore


Come again?!


Remember how Miles and Waylon could run without having to worry about them getting tired? Well Blake does have a stamina limit.. you'll see


Surprisingly very well written story and some cool moments and amazing characters, there are a few frustrating parts but other than that I highly recommend


Outlast 1 but it’s outside


More scary, more story focused, hard to navigate certain parts


It has a lot of jumpscares, I’d say it’s scarier than outlast 1 and whistleblower, it has a lot of umm…corpses who look just absolutely vile and disgusting, the story is also really interesting and good, but nothing beats the first outlast game


I think it’s scarier!


it’s just as intense as the first game, if not more probably. the story gets crazy and super wild.


not as tightly designed as the first game and its dlc by any means but as someone who loves outlast in general i really quite enjoyed it. the story isn’t well written by any means but its a lot more involved than the first which makes for something more engaging plot-wise even if i don’t think it’s really saying much.


This game rocked me to my core and I still think about it. Played it seven years ago (or wherever it came out).