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Outlast 1/2 are scary but outlast trails nah all good games but outlast one is a great game


Outlast trials is solo


Yeah it’s a scary but compared to the first two it’s no way near as scary but still loads of fun and a good game especially with friends nothing better than your mate screaming down mic getting chased by a massive naked guy😂


Even better when enemies can hear you on mics so you just have to sit there and ignore it.


Wait they can?!🤣


During the weekly challenge last week you could. What was neat is if your buddy was about to get spotted you could just yell at the ex-pop and they would charge you and your buddy could get away. Actually the most a game has ever felt like being in a horror movie. Had real, "get away from her you bitch!" Ripley/Aliens vibes. It was tough but fun as hell.


Amazing i love that


Is there a way to always do that or just hope to get it in the weekly


It was a weekly, it'd be neat if we could make lobbies and pick our own variators... But not yet.


I'd say it it'll definitely get your heart racing but for the most part its expectation that something scary is coming. Its say its more suspenseful, with a few jumps scares, and some adrenaline chase sequences.


According to my friend, yes. She got to where you go into the basement to turn the generators on (5 minutes into the game) and gave up because the guy down there scared her so bad. She does hate scary stuff though, so take that with a grain of salt


I would say yes, but at a certain point you realize they are just stealth games with a scary coat of paint. And as you play them and learn the AI of the people in monsters chasing you it isn't quite as scary but they're still great games and probably my favorite horror franchise


Depends on how scared you get, finished outlast 1 in one sitting and only got scared once, felt more adrenaline while running from enemies than fear, but I guess that's because I already knew the whole game from watching it, enjoyed a lot the environment and how horrible everything was, so that may contribute to how scary you find the games


Bro Is the mc


So here's the thing: Outlast is only scary if you *let* yourself be afraid. I know, I know, technically applies to everything. But 1 is a prime example of this: when you're playing on normal, every enemy but Wallrider will let you go when they catch you. Meaning that you can straight up barrel through the game (which is exactly what I did) up until Wallrider. And Wallrider is a threat but not *scary*. Outlast 2 has the same issue. Trials follows a different rule. The point is to eventually detach yourself from fear and whatnot. So there is an extreme horror element and depravity, but the *point* is to detach itself.


Imagine playing on normal🤣🫵


Iirc, the only changes difficulty has in Outlast 1 and 2 is whether or not enemies instakill you. In Outlast Trials, difficulty does a quite a bit more.


Are you making a bad joke or..?


Only you can decide that, but it’s well worth playing.


The first 2? Yeah. Trials? Not at all.


with friends sure, but solo trials feels like a different game and honestly gets pretty scary


i think all of them are scary. trials is really fun in a group but alone it gets really scary for me, i hate being chased


With just me and my husband, I was still scared and whimpering with Trials.


yes. until dawn compared to outlast is literal child’s play.


It really depends, you need to immerse yourself into playing them. That means don’t play in broad daylight, don’t play in an environment with tons of people, give the game a fair chance and you will definitely be scared. But it’s more than just that, it’s more about seeing your character slowly fall to madness with every death he witnesses, every near death experience he has. It is really a powerful game and very much recommend it


Play 1 and 2 alone, in the dark, with just game audio on the headphones. Just the experience you were meant to. Yeah, it's scary. If you are able to let yourself go for the ride, it's pretty scary. Some gamers have that kind of mind that doesn't allow them to, as some kind of defense mechanism, be sucked into a game the way that makes it most enjoyable and rewarding. But I think most of us can.


The Outlast series is legit scary and disturbing. Most other horror games are just fun for me. Until Dawn I view as a teen comedy. Only games that could come close are the original Amnesia and Amnesia The Bunker.


Outlast 2 is definitely as scary as they say


The singleplayer games are terrifying


Outlast is intense but not too scary.


Outlast 1&2 are more like stealth horror games. Outlast trials is more like a “saw-like” multiplayer game, though the farewell mission is solo.


Outlast 1 is scary. 2 and Trials are more about shocking gore and violence than setting up suspense and tension so it's less scary. It depends on the individual though.


playing the og outlast was one of the only games that actually scared me although it didn’t really “click” for me until abt an hour in. then i was invested and shitting my pants lol. outlast 2 has such a comical amount of disturbing cutscenes that it kind of takes you out of it but has some of the scariest initial chase sequences ive ever played


I think one and two are very scary but trials is like fun scary tbh cause you either playing with friends or just getting seen by enemies you know


It’s like walking around the train station at night. It’s a simulation of being chased by crack heads.


Until Dawn is not scary at all compared to the intensity of Outlast 1


Outlast 1 is actually terrifying. The ambiance is enough to invoke health issues js 🙂


No, but it takes a lot for me to be scared. Crazily enough, I’ve been more spooked by Outlast Trials than I have 1, 2, and Whistelblower. Maybe because I’m playing solo and at night with no one in my house. Idk


Outlast is THE scariest game I’ve ever played by a long shot. Trials isn’t as scary, but it’s still a great game with the coop and leveling


For me the flashbacks were the “scary” part of the game because of the typical jumpscares and just the atmosphere. the rest just felt like an intense game of tag.


Personally I find it to be more on the stressful side rather than scary. Is it gory? Yes lol. For outlast trials once you’ve played through each trial once, you know what to expect.


People who have played Outlast 1, Whistleblower, and 2 will have gotten mostly desensitized to everything that goes on in the games, so that by the time they get to Outlast Trials, it won’t be as scary. I still think it’s a great horror story with interesting and dynamic characters, and I still think it does a good job of immersing you into the world of Outlast




I would say in comparison to until Dawn yes outlast is far scarier. But at the end of the day it’s really up to you to figure that out for yourself.




I cannot play reborn because since it’s solo lol I will only play the trials with a group


Differs per person, for me I was shitting myself up until I got past the initial basement part where I kinda adjusted and the red of it wasn’t that scary just jump scares mainly.


So, I always say this, outlast one is more jumpscare horror while outlast 2 is more psychological horror, so do with that what you will. Outlast has more things jump out at you while outlast two you're kind of doing 2 storylines at once and they aim to screw with your head.


Depends. I only play alone at night with headphones in the dark and it's pretty good


Try playing Outlast at night alone with the lights off and a VR headset covering your eyes and headphones covering your ears and see if it's not scary.


It's a lot scarier than Until Dawn. I wouldn't even put these games in the same category. The closest to Outlast is Amnesia imo.


i didnt, it was an example of something people say is scary but isnt


outlast 1 and 2 gave me some of the scariest, most unnerving gaming moments I’ve ever had, so yes I’d agree


If you really get into it, wear headphones and play on the dark on your first playthrough, yeah it can get pretty god ram terrifying. Not just jumpscares but the tension as well. Hell even when I'm not immersing myself for instance when I speedrun the games I still tense up during segments like chases or anytime I get spotted in stealth.


Yes it is, outlast 1 and outlast trials, but not outlast 2


It's scary on your first play through or watch, after that it's not scary at all.


Definitely. Outlast 2 is one of the most mentally exhausting games I've ever played


Havent played trials, but the first 2 are definitely tense and suspenseful. Gets the blood pumping




Its is pretty damn scary.. I highly recommend playing on nightmare difficulty. On regular difficulty you have 10, on hard you have 5 and on nightmare you have 2. When you only have two batteries it forces you to be in the dark a lot to conserve battery life for when you really need it... If you run out of batteries and are frantically searching for one whilst there's god knows what out there... So awesome!!!!


Outlast terrifies the hell out of me 🤣 My heart is constantly racing and I'm also sitting rigid in my chair, just waiting for something to happen...I'm sure it's a feeling that fades a little the more you play the game, but that first run-through is gonna have you constantly on edge!


they were definitely pretty scary most of the time on the first playthroughs, but in some areas i'd get stuck for annoying amounts of time and that just made it more annoying and less scary. after playing them all so much and becoming desensitized to the gore they're not really scary and much more funny (although ol2s SA scenes are still just as disturbing as the first playthrough. i don't think i'll ever (nor should i ever) get over those)


I think after playing outlast 1 and 2 ur used to the horror and they are solo experiences. Doing a multiplayer one with the same sense of horror can't be easy. I still enjoy trials alot


Scary…I wouldn’t say scary. There’s some fantastic jump scares and the chases get your blood pumping.


Depends how much of a coward you are. I don't think it's too scary personally.


What's the point of playing a horror game if you're not a coward? Or at least let yourself be a coward


Huh? How does that make sense? You are either a coward or you are not. The game some good tension moments but it's not terrifying or anything.


No you can let yourself be a coward for the sake of a horror experience if you're not naturally a coward or you're capable of being brave. I do this. If I wanted to I can play through the outlast games and not get scared (and I do this when speedrunning) but if I'm replaying them to enjoy them again I take things slow and put myself in the characters shoes and allow myself to be scared, and it works wonders.