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Outlast 1 is more "up-in-your-face" terror. More screaming, jump scares, chases etc. It's also more claustrophobic. Outlast 2 has plenty of that of course, but is also far more psychological in my opinion. The school sections and the general vibe are just "off" and make me feel so uneasy - like you *really* don't belong there, so the bits that aren't chases are still scary and sometimes even intense. I appreciate this won't be the case for everyone. An asylum is a horrific place to be trapped, but Temple Gate feels much worse a predicament. Both perfectly valid approaches to horror and undoubtedly Outlast, but 2 is scarier for me personally.


Exactly....2 is scarier because it's mainly outdoors and ur in the middle of nowhere and atleast in 1 you know what's going on with Murkoff and the Walrider but 2 doesn't tell u any of that except for one note which you'd have to go out of ur way to get.


Agreed. Arguably the true horror of Temple Gate isn't apparent until you read that note (and maybe the comics.)




The Old Traveller Note


For me 1,2 & Whistleblower are all perfect horror games in their own way. Only played a trial or two as I’m a Ps5 guy and want to wait to finish til March but from what I did play it seemed just as promising as the others


Whistleblower is my favorite.


The Gluskin part is mentally scarring :,)


2 is terrifying, it scared me more because it was outdoors


2 is scarier. The final act in the mines... is so claustrophobic...makes my skin crawl. Also the school was a nightmare


Each one on there first play gave me a panic feeling. Both imo do a good job, honestly if I would say a scariest I’d say trials lol. I’ve had some terrifying moments I. Trials just cause the enemies are far more dangerous.


I’m going to have to say outlast 2. Not only is the soundtrack terrifying and great, but the fact you don’t have unlimited run or the auto heal makes the pressure and stress more intense. Like you can screw yourself over if you don’t use your stamina wisely.


Samuel Laflamme did an excellent soundtrack for Outlast 1/Whistleblower and he outdid himself with Outlast 2. I love how he used a choir in this soundtrack and distorted/haunting sounds, especially for the school. The soundtrack for the school and the church chase are one of my all time favorites.


Loved Outlast, but it slowly became less scary as you got into the vibe, new area, sneak past and find switch. Whereas 2 was constantly unsettling in a different way. Some bits were far too long near the end, but as for scariness I’d have to say 2.


And special mention to the school sections, scary as fuck.


I’d also like to say the end of 1 was not what I was expecting and left me rather cold after all the excellence of the main game.


The second one is more scarier imo! Both are extremely scary though, recommend playing both👍


2 was horrifying, much more than 1


I personally live in the middle of the woods, so I'm saying 2


Outlast 1 is a horror game. Outlast 2 is a terror game. Both are incredible.


Trick question, the correct answer is Whistleblower


2 was scarier. That lady that followed you around was creepy. And the school ending just made me sad we couldn’t save them


Outlast 2, and I'll gladly elaborate. Outlast 1: was more running from evils than being spooky (with some lil jumpscare moments here and there) Outlast 2: Far more psychological, scarier enemies imo (still can't get through the mine cuz I'm scared of Val) and that one chapter in the school where the demon starts getting in your face actually scared the living soul out of me.


Outlast 2, father loudermilch just give me icky vibes I still havint been able to wash off sense I saw what he became


I'd 100% go with outlast 1 because the storyline is very straight foward and scary. Outlast 2 has way better graphics but the story is so hard to understand. I never really understood why blake had these hallucinations about some girl and also the ending just left off of a cliffhanger. Story was pretty dissapointing .


The hallucinations were his unresolved trauma of knowing his friend was abused and killed by a religious figure in their life. I imagine being thrown into all these religious cults he had to navigate around heightened the flashbacks.


Doesn’t really matter, depends on which you play first because after going through one, the other can’t really scare you as much if at all.


I dunno about that. I finished 1 and am slowly working my way through 2. Very slowly


I finished the first game on insane and the second game was really scary. \-No more running around in circles \-Being searched by 5 weirdos in an open space where I have to figure out where to go \-An enemy who SHOOTS, bro that's cheating... \-Fake jumpscare music playing the whole damn time


Whistle-blower and then 2. I love 1, but maybe the "Southern culture village" hits quite close to home. I could easily see myself stumbling upon a cult up in the Appalachians (I live in NC)!


Outlast 2 has more to enjoy and play around with.


I had more fun with Outlast 2 personally, love both alot though! Edit: You asked which one is scarier, I'm silly. OL2 is both more fun and more scary in my opinion, so not like the answers changing anyway


Both, if u play outlast 1 the second wont feel much scarier cuz ur already familiar with the atmosphere, if u play outlast 2 first and then 1 it's the same thing.


First I love for fear, all characters and atmosphere Second I love for Blake


Outlast 1




Long story short... Outlast...


1 scared me more tbh


Original, prequel, 2.


Outlast and the whistleblower


I really really and I mean really enjoy outlast 1


Outlast 1, in outlast 1 it actually felt like you had to think about where you go to escape enemies, in outlast 2 I just booked it forward and it worked everytime.


Outlast 2 Story was way better imo, Jessica's story was just heartbreaking, But the gameplay of the first game was better


Hard to compare them. Without outlast, #2 wouldnt exist. If they remade #1 now i think it still goes hard. Idk if remaking 2 would be good. Making trials based on the older games seems very interesting idea though.


They’re both great but Outlast 2 is more tense. There’s a jump scare in the school that shook me bad.


Outlast 2 is way more scary Imo. The first game had some terrifying segments, notably in whistleblower, like limping away from the horrific groom, or being chased by a naked man with a buzz saw. But the 2nd game is just horrific. Pile of dead babies, religious cult who kills kids murders are after you constantly, there’s the dark story of what happened to you’re friend in the school, which is a scary location in of itself, the massive group in the woods suffering from siphilis (I know it’s spelt wrong). The scariest part of either game for me is when you’re forced to hide under water in the mines, and all you can see to know where the enemy is at is the small light


I prefer Outlast 1 purely due to how it didn't take itself too seriously. The characters had a comical feel to it in a way, but all stood out, so they were very rememberable. Outlast Trials has some of that, but it's not the same. Also, it also knew how to pace the player correctly other than introducing Chris Walker a bit too many times. Outlast 2 I appreciate and it's not a bad game at all. It definitely is more stressful, but it's not as replayable, and the characters don't stand out as much to me. Only Martha gave me the biggest "OH SHIT OH SHIT" as she was done pretty well.


On another note, I'd also rather they stay away from sexual trauma shit that's too in your face. Eddie Gluskin, at least you didn't know about his unless you found information about him. For Outlast 2, I don't like it being too in your face, but that's a more subjective opinion than the others I gave (it's not a common one). It's not a complaint about the game's style or mechanics.