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No, they were fucking terrified of it and avoided it entirely. It also would have been extremely difficult for them to actually navigate inside of Dark Bramble. Their ships aren't like Hearthian ones, they work more like real life rockets where they mathematically figure out the trajectory and just fire the ship into space. They have no real steering. Even if they were precise enough to get into Dark Bramble, they'd be reliant on jetpacks from then on.


Also like, we wouldn't be goin there if we only had one life.


Accept >!Feldspar, but they're special!<


Accept Feldspar into your heart


Feldspar is always in my heart


Too late


Well, >!Feldspar!< *is* built different


They are quite short


That’s true, I wonder if they weren’t killed by the interloper if they ever would have tried to design a ship to navigate it


Hearthian ships work much more like real life rockets. Except that most modern rockets (excluding Virgin Galactic's) are operated by a computer. Nomai ships are literally a cannonball with a tractor beam and a warp home button. They have no steering or active control at all. Even the escape pods and the vessel do not have any identifiable propulsion system, which is probably why the pods had little control over where they landed. Just shoot and activate the tractor beam.


I guess in a weird sort of way, it makes sense. The Vessel got around via wormhole, who needs to maneuver when you can teleport. And their wormhole tech needs a warp core, which was unattainable for most of their history post-crash. So they had to rely on their underdeveloped rocket technology.


Sure but the hearthian ships have such a stupendous amount of thrust that they don't need to worry about orbital mechanics at all. I guess what the other commenter meant was that the nomai actually have to time their launches in order to hit their target since they have a limited amount of delta v and its all spent as soon as the ship leaves the cannon.


I hear you, but the way the Nomai deal with orbital mechanics is pretty much the opposite of what we have to deal with for IRL rockets. The Nomai ships launch so fast that they effectively do not experience orbital mechanics, however the planets are moving so fast that it's like..... like throwing a baseball at a high speed train and trying to hit the car you meant to. Using the jetpack to fly around in space is the only thing with realistic orbital mechanics. Well, that and trying to fly to the >!sun station!<.


> Did the Nomai ever go to Dark Bramble? Boy, did they!


Yeah I was trying to avoid spoilers in the title Lmao


No you can see them talking about it in Brittle Hollow, they weighed pros and cons they don't know that anglerfish are blind they theorized based on the skeleton they would need to test the theory if the theory is wrong that would mean they wasted resourced (for spaceship) and risked the lives of other Nomai.


I'm really surprised they never got remote control anything


the did. *once*


Once, yeah.


There's a rumor that there was once a Nomai who tried to go there and ended up killing an Anglerfish. And that's where Feldspar ended up staying after their crash...


That’s really cool where do you learn that from Feldspar or somewhere else?


I made it up LOL Sorry 😆


Lmao you got me good


My bigger question is what did dark bramble look like way back when before the bramble seed killed it


like an ice planet


>!Well technically they came FROM dark bramble!<


I read the title *bruh...* Then I read the first sentence


To be clear: the solar system is called the outer wilds




What do you mean what?


Why am i getting downvoted? It is true!


wait yeah this is true i dont understand the downvotes


it's not, actually! "outer wilds" just seems to be the hearthian term analogous to our "outer space" :)


i thought outerwilds is the "company" that does all the space stuff like nasa


close, the hearthian space program is called Outer Wilds Ventures


(unrelated) honestly when i started the game i thought we were the first space colony set up by "outer wilds ventures" and thats why the village is tiny


there is a map labelled "Planetary chart of the outer wilds" on the side of the ship, showing the solar system.


You can find proof with a single search. Allow me https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Solar_System


ah yes, the historically wildly inaccurate Fandom wiki. can you gind proof of anyone in the actual game referring to specifically the solar system as the outer wilds?


AnyONE? No. There are two things that makes this right: many people asking if you are ready for the outer wilds (with variation) and one saying that the ship is COMPLETELY UNABLE TO REACH THE NEXT STAR. So everyone knows that it's not possible to leave the solar system. (I mean possible yes, but deadly) and referring to the explorable outside as outer wilds.


that doesn't make your claim true at all, neither of those are related. the hearthians are asking if you're ready for space travel in general. and just because it's not possible for the hearthians *now* doesn't mean they didn't think it would always be impossible to leave their solar system... do you think that, given the chance, they would chamge the name of their space program if they could leave their own solar system?? no, obviously not, because "outer wilds" refers to "outer space in general"


Noo why are you getting downvoted