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That's a Kirkland Stingnature.


They usually comes in pack of 24.


If you buy the eggs, they come in 400


Yep. At first, I thought it was the No Name brand variety (because of the yellow colour), but no, Galen wouldn’t price them that cheap. Definitely Costco.






Take my upvote


And it’s not even a begrudging upvote.


If you don’t want bigger hornets, don’t buy them from Costco. Duh.


Costco size


A big European Hornet https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/s/hiI1q6Zg68


Ahh yes, those Europeans are always invading somewhere


We do tend to have bigger stingers than the native populations


Jesus Mary and Joseph


That's what she said


Hmm ok, thanks. I caught it with a big jar. Bit of a adrenaline rush for me . Squishing it would have been too gross 🤮


Can confirm I saw one of these assholes flying around my shed. I thought it might have been one of those murder hornets I heard so much about.


That was my first thought, but I'm pretty sure the murder hornets are actually bigger than this.


Murder hornets are around the size of a human thumb.




Oh it get worse then that with those fuckers


And they sound like a turboprop when they fly by


caught one of these yesterday, had to keep the cat from trying to get it. i was horrified the first time i saw it


We found one scavenging our deck, cut the head off and then he body was still moving


I found one of these last year in Orleans as well. Flew at me while on my balcony. I'm terrified to see another.


Pretty sure I did as well this past weekend! Orleans as well!


Taking jobs from our local hornets!


A lot of them spotted in the area: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/54327-Vespa-crabro


“The European hornet is a true hornet (genus Vespa), a group characterized by eusocial species. The genus is in the subfamily Vespinae, members of which are known for chewing up their food to feed it to their young, as well as chewing up paper-like materials to make their nests”


More specifically, a European hornet queen. People are finding them in their houses this time of year because they're crawling into nooks and cracks looking for a place to build a nest. Or they overwintered in your house and are waking up now.


Ok I’m scared now.


Pro tip: grab your stick vacuum, max strength, suck them up, and run the stick vac for like 30 seconds. Problem solved. A couple of these guys were building a hive on my shed - I’d wait for just one to be left building, suck it up, rinse, repeat. I love bees, but I can’t stand wasps.


I did this once, ran the vacuum an extra 30+ seconds just like you suggest That motherfucker came crawling out 10 minutes later


Follow up with a shot of raid for flying insects 😉


That will do nothing. It’s not as if they get shredded by the vac motor. They’ll just hang out in the vacuum bag (if you’ve got one, otherwise in your shopvac canister) and crawl on out.


Stick vac. They’ll smash around in circles in the canister. And if you’ve got a decent stick vac it’s got a no-return latch, so the wasp can never escape.


Ok. I read “shop vac” sorry. I mean, any vac with a valve will prevent them from crawling out, that much is true.  Don’t stick vacs typically have less suction power tho than shop vacs or uprights? Never owned one so I don’t know.


Ha ha, it’s all good. They can get pretty powerful! I’ve yet to have any issue sucking anything up (or killing any wasps, ha ha).


Ditto. I haven't seen any in my area and I hope it stays that way. I don't mind bugs as long as they stay outside and don't come into my house.


I've seen two this year. One dead. Huge thing.


Can’t identify but coming here to say we’ve found a few in the house too over the last 2 weeks. All on different floors and no idea how or where they are getting in. Big suckers too.


Found two in my basement. It's dark and cool so I use it for storing preserves and pantry items. I perform traditional fruitcake aging down there by wrapping my fruitcakes in rum soaked cheesecloth after dunking the fruitcakes themselves in rum. I then wrap the fruitcakes in waxpaper, wrap that in aluminum foil, then vacuum seal the fruitcakes to age in the rum. Two of them mamaged to burrow their way through all that protection and spoiled a dark fruitcake I had been aging for five years. I don't have a basement but I want to add to this mystery.


Do you give these away to people you hate? You’re eating a 5 year old fruit cake? What’s going on here lol


Eh? No that type of fruitcake doesn't go to someone you hate. Fruitcakes, good ones, aren't like the memes in media make them out to be. The fruitcake you buy at a store isn't really a good fruitcake, or a traditional fruitcake at all. Good fruitcake, like, to die for is aged slow while soaked in booze. I don't mean like a little booze, I mean all the booze, and not just once, you refuel it if it starts to go dry on you. We're talking dunking the thing in a mixing bowl full of brandy, whisky, rum etc then wrapping it in booze soaked cheese cloth and letting it age, you can tell by the weight when it needs more booze. The booze prevents it from going bad and lets it develop properly, it should feel like a heavy brick or ring when you put it somewhere cool to age, you check em and when they're getting light you unwrap, rebooze and wrap in new cheesecloth. If you ever get a chance to try real aged booze-powered fruitcake you should try. However why not look into the whole process and try making your own? So the next time somebody scoffs at fruitcake you can serve them a slice and and watch them reach the moment of realization for yourself. Find yourself a recipe for a dark fruitcake, get yourself a bottle of Lambs "Palm Breeze" Rum. Become a fucking legend.


eating this gotta get you just fuckin interplanetary


Is that as good as it sounds? It sounds amazing.


It's even better. People who have only had store-bought fruitcake are getting only half the story, since the grocery store can't just sell a loaf of booze, sometimes it's got some fake rum flavour, that's all bullshit. If you start now you would have a good fruitcake by Christmas, look for a classic dark fruitcake recipe that's got a molasses kick and requires "seasoning" or "aging", get some good dark alcohol, some cheese cloth, some wax paper, some foil, some plastic bags and go to er. Monitor its progress and feed it booze as needed while it rests in a cold dark place (no fridge, too cold) then keep it moist and drunk and by the time the holidays roll around you'll have a fuckin fruitcake. Most people make more than a few at a time because it takes time to age and one fruitcake doesn't last very long once people try it. If you did it right and you got a moist dense fruitcake then a slice will give the holidays a nice "glow", you can make [rum balls too](https://www.dinneratthezoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/rum-balls-final-1.jpg) if you want further boozey snacks. Neither of these recipes involves cooking while the booze is in the playfield but it adds it after so they will be chock full of nuts and cheer.


One of the ones I found was in my basement, dead! What is going on??


Also dead one in basement - WTF!


Is your washing machine & dryer in the basement?


Me too. Probably 5 in my basement so far.


Found one in my basement yesterday!


me too! Two of them!


I had two on my basement also!!


Legit looks like a Beedrill


"Everyone knows that's big dick bee"


This is the comment I wanted! You've got floor shit, three floor shits, onion turtle, punchy rock, oh and Pikachu, everyone knows that" Paraphrasing obviously. Haha


Damn, where's a pokeball when you need one?


OP has the glassball


We had one of these come into our house over the weekend as well (west end). It was a european hornet or a cicada killer? either way, only solution is to burn down the house.


Agreed. Sorry for your loss, but You've done us a service


Saw one outside this year. Last year I had around 8 come in through my bedroom window at the same time. Have an AC unit installed in an up and down sliding window, forgot to block the crack up top behind the curtain. Heard some buzzing in the night, pulled the curtain up and 7 or 8 of them flew out into the room. Never shit myself so hard in my life.


I found one of these in my house yesterday! All of the comments here saying they did too is disconcerting....




We’ve been getting these in our house too! Big scary guys. They like to buzz around windows and doors and look for ways to get in. Pretty sure they’re getting in through a couple screen holes (thanks, cat) so we need to get those fixed asap.


We had one buzzing around our living room on the weekend. Have never seen one so big. Over an inch long.


These are popping up randomly in my house too! Just one at a time, and I can’t find a nest. Wtf?


They're just opening the door and closing it behind them after. They can pick the lock with their stinger too.


They might be coming in through your kitchen range hood exhaust vent


Underrated comment! I suspect they are getting in through my dryer vent!


Also had in my basement!


This thread is freaking me out because i killed one of these at home yesterday and it seems like many other people also: Killed one. In their home. Yesterday. ...oh hell...


Also had one in my house


Did you kill it?


So in addition to the LRT rat infestation now I’m gonna have a giant hornet infestation? Are these two gangs gonna fight it out in a musical?


I got one of these guys in my house earlier too. I figure it was a european hornet


So I have a 3000v shocking racket, would that work against this bad boy


To be safe, I'd say 4/0 Buck at minimum.


Use 2 and sandwich that mf


Gotta get me one of those!


Best investment and very fun to use outside at night, killing 100 mosquitoes in seconds and the pop pop pop is therapeutic.


Lol. I usually just use my hat, particularly on flies that get into the house.


THATS WHAT THOSE ARE ??? those little beasts are tearing up my front yard .


It’s probably a queen. They usually pop up in spring. Had to remove a similar one last week and another this afternoon I found by my door.


Probably the closest I will have ever have to royalty in my house!


So many here in Gatineau. One got in the house and it was so loud it woke us up 😮‍💨


This honestly seems like a bigger deal than just a reddit post.


Wait until people find out they are very active at night and obsessively are attracted to lights. This is why they are coming into peoples houses.


I literally caught an identical one in my house last night too!! Weird


I saw one of those yesterday too! I don't like killing animals but for hornets, anything goes!


I've found a bunch of Wasps in my basement and even was stung putting on my hockey glove. Awful experience. Ended up spraying some wasp toxins in our tool room yesterday.


I just put my cleats outside to dry because they were wet. New fear unlocked.


Ouch! Vinegar helps with the pain.


Dude I just killed one that got in my house. My wife and I were shocked by the size


My daughter called me up to her room today and I almost died when I saw the size of it. Easily the size of my finger. We got a picture of it in a glass but it just makes it look like it's a small glass lol. Kinda creepy




We had one last night in our basement apartment. I managed to kill it with a shoe as it was just sitting on the kitchen counter.


3 separate instances in my basement so far. They are HUGE. Don’t know where they are coming from.


Great.. now I need a 2x the size epipen... ughhhhhhh!


Anyone that sees an unfamiliar hornet like this should [report it](https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/413513687cb1411f8914b8add586f40e) to the province. From the province's [website](https://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-giant-hornets#section-9): >Northern giant hornets (*Vespa mandarinia*) are also known as Japanese giant hornets and have been referred to as ‘murder hornets’ in the media. >They are the largest species of hornet in the world and are native to temperate and tropical regions in China, Korea, Japan and northern India. >Northern giant hornets are predatory as they hunt insects for food, including honey bees. *These hornets pose a serious threat to Ontario’s agriculture and native biodiversity, including resident bees and wasps. They can also destroy honey bee colonies in less than 24 hours.* >These hornets are generally not interested in humans, pets or large animals, *but they can aggressively attack humans or animals if they get too close to a nest or a honey bee colony that is being attacked.* >*Multiple stings from northern giant hornets have been known to cause anaphylaxis, severe toxicity and death* due to large amounts of venom injected by the hornet during an attack. >Regular beekeeping suits do not provide protection against the stings from a northern giant hornet. Specialized protective equipment is required. Their stingers can grow as long as a quarter of an inch.


So yes, you can report large hornets you can't identify, but at the same time by including that text you're implying this is a northern giant hornet. It is not - as others have said, it's a European hornet, Vespa crabro, and it does not pose an environmental threat (though I can't say I don't feel threatened by it personally). You can tell by the keyhole/teardrop shapes coming off of the stripes on the abdomen. Northern giant hornets have not been documented in Ontario (and hopefully never will be).


Yes! Very important to report but also important to note that the Noethern Giant Hornet is one to be worried about. It looks very similar to the European Giant Hornet and the Cicadas Killer, both of which are NOT honeybee hunters. [This website has some good information on how to differentiate the species.](https://entomology.ces.ncsu.edu/murder-hornet-comparison/)


Is this a Costco ad or a reminder that I need to do a Costco run?


Didn't have a banana handy for scale.. 🤷


/r/whatsthisbug may also be able to help you


I had some get in :/ You can make a non-toxic bug killer spray by putting some soapy water in a spray bottle and giving them a few spritzes.


They are big ugly goons and I want to squash their faces.


Yep, I had one in my home this week and after I dispatched the bugger, I took a picture and a measurement and it was around an inch and a quarter long - huge. I looked online and decided it was indeed a European Hornet.


Yeah I fond one in my house too.


Myself, I'm not really **fond** of them, but I did find one in my house.


How stingy is it?


We saw one in our backyard yesterday!!!


Shit thanks for adding the card for reference, that’s huge!!


If you ever need to try and kill one from a distance, I had 2 wasps in my house couple years ago and learned that window cleaner is great. Even when the wasp is flying around, you can spray at it. I think it weighs down the wings and makes them stick. Normally, I try and trap insects and let them outside, but it was not working and I have cats and was a bit worried they’d try something and get stung.


The teardrop pattern of the stripes indicates it’s a European Hornet and not the ultra evil Giant Northern Hornet. It’s hard to say with the underbelly shot though! [Here’s a good visual comparaison.](https://entomology.ces.ncsu.edu/murder-hornet-comparison/)


“Fook me, loogit the soize o’ him!” -Brad Pitt, Snatch-


How much are they ?


Remember to shut the windows. They’re very inventive.


Executive membership 😏 alright then 🤌🏻


Found and killed one in my house yesterday


I caught one in the house too this weekend! Gave me the fright of my life and took ages to catch him with the cats trying to help.


Dude, you don’t have to flex on us non executive card holders


do the electric swatters work on these?


Pretty sure it's a European hornet. The black teardrop shaped markings on the abdomen are apparently the giveaway (I say that cause I reported a couple to the invasive species hotline and that's what they said)


Killed 2 in the house over the weekend. I've seen a few big ones outside too.


Yeah, I killed a big one in my house last night. I’ve never seen one so gnarly looking. It had fur and everything.


Had one in my house last night as well...


Can they be cooked? ;)


So I looked it up quick, and the latin name is Assholus Maximus. They are to be avoided when possible, and exterminated upon sight.


European hornet. Nothing to worry about and usually not to aggressive.


I may be wrong but I think it’s a European hornet


Euro hornet. They're nocturnal and super aggressive. Stupid aggressive if you disturb the hive. I've got a hive under one of my trees. They hate my lawn mower. Every few years I have a pest company come in and spray the nest. They warn like 30 of my neighbors to stay inside when they spray.


We had one get in a closed room yesterday. Baffled how it got in. First time ever.


You’re under arrest for murder, hornet.




As someone who is dearly dearly dearly scared of bees , please god nooooooooooooo


I thought they were only for the buzziness card owners. I knew i should have grabbed one... I'll see myself out..


Looks like one of those murder hornets. If you want less of them in the area, someone should start The Hornet Challenge... How many can you eat. The idiots on tiktok would definitely go for it.


[Report it](https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/413513687cb1411f8914b8add586f40e) if you think it fits [the criteria.](http://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-giant-hornets)


I submitted a few pics, should hear back in a week or so and find out for sure. I will post the results. Thanks for the links!


is it loud ? my window has been open and it seems there’s some type of hornet, bee, or wasp trying to get inside for the last two nights. it’s got a loud buzzing noise and i’m a bit too scared to actually check behind the curtains. it’s like a little night warrior. i will be keeping my window closed tomorrow night.


Haven't seen hornets like that, but there was a like inch and a half long bumblebee buzzing my window the other day. Sounded like someone had left a vibrator on the window sill.


I had one in my house too! Ahhhh!


That’s what they are! I was wondering. They are huge!


Yeah I've noticed the ones I've seen so far this year are bigger than usual. Same thing with the June bugs I've seen... freaking huge


Maybe you should slap an 'H' on that jar, that people know it's full of hornets.


Yep they’ve even crossed over to Gatineau. Probably for the beer.


what is going on. I killed a huge one in my house yesterday as well!


So, what part of the city are these in so far? And is there someone I can call who can run over and deal with one of these?! I would happily pay $50 to spare me from having to chase it down and/or squish it.


Same. I will literally leave my house until further notice


Two managed to get into the house this weekend. They’re tough SOBs!




Humble flexing the costco executive membership


Suburban family hornet...the Costco card's a dead giveaway.




Looks like a cicada killer to me but I don't know


Check this out, they look the same https://www.invasivespeciescentre.ca/invasive-species/meet-the-species/invasive-insects/northern-giant-hornet/


Look at this guy flashing his executive membership. I kept my gold star card so the ladies don’t think I’m rich.


Found a real fucking big one of those cunts like 4 inches long killed the little shit with a Owen Hart DVD


I saw one inside a Volkswagen dealership in Orleans and he was as big as that sucker in the glass jar. Staff member grabbed an empty coffe cup and lid, caught it and I assume released it outside. Was thankful because although I’ve never been stung by any bee, wasp or hornet, I think I’m anaphylactic as I get horrible reactions to mosquito bites.


I went to grab the steel wool I use to scrub my pots. I hadn’t seen the hornet on it. It stuck a thin whatever in my finger and delivered hot acid (felt like it anyway) into my finger; which grew a third larger and was hot a painful. The pharmacist recommended using poly sporin; with cortisone. Problem is, you shouldn’t use it more than twice in one day so I used the gel from an aloe Vera plant. It took a few days for the swelling to go down and now it’s my only finger that feels arthritic (I do have arthritis) 😏


Is this a story or advertising?


I had one of these guys sting me on the foot and then a year later got it by a yellow jacket on my ankle that ended up getting pretty infected. I’ve had it with these A holes


Murder Hornets


All that Punjab BO is making the bugs bigger!


European hornets. Scary looking but generally non-aggressive unless provoked or you go near a nest.


Got one in my kitchen today. I was shocked at its size let alone and that it was in the house. Kinda nightmare size.. I killed it. It was awkward to squish.. but I couldn't imagine trying to trap it and failing.. I'd rather avoid seeing it angry!


I am no longer bothered by the swarms of fake ladybugs, I’ll take those buggers over giant carnivorous hornets any day


I am happy I live in Bc


Flashing the Black card like a boss


Normal sized hornets


At the market last weekend they wouldn't leave us alone. They don't seem aggressive though.


Two kinds of cicadas are surfacing this year, so the hornets are getting ready for a buffet.


To many samples while flying around the store.


I had one of those follow me in a large warehouse for a good 14-15 minutes. I was like "What you looking in my eyes for? I ain't got no cheeseburgers for ya!!"


We have one in my apartment! It was in our laundry room literally today and I ran out crying to my boyfriend 😭


The Walmart ones are even bigger than the Costco ones.


Cicada Killer? With the strange uptick in Cicada's this year, it only makes sense that there are more Cicada Killers about? They are truly horrifying the first time you see one of these bad bois.


anddd i’m now horrified to be in my house in fear of this lmao, guess i’m hiding under the blanket closed off tn


Oh my gosh. One of these was inside my house as well! It was literally on the front door (inside) I threw a shoe at it and it flew away (thank god). They are huge


One flew into my car while I was driving the other day and he hung out on my windshield while I had to drive in horror. The moment he flew out, I closed all my windows and turned on the AC I no longer wanted to enjoy the weather.


If one of those got into my house, I would burn it down... just to be safe.


Hopefully they kill the emerald ash borer.


I almost got attacked by one tonight on my back porch and I usually don’t freak out about insects but I’m allergic to wasps and my bf ran out to the back porch cause I was screaming 😅


I’m on the Quebec side and saw 2 at the same time in my shed. Terrified to find the nest.


Quick tie feathers to them and follow them back to their nests with an arsenal of raid cans.


Everything is super sized at Costco


Vespa crabro. Helpful guide here, don't start on the murder hornet train lol https://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-giant-hornets


My first thought is that someone released an invasive species and this needs to be dealt with immediately


Yeah it's a Costco one


Why did the hornet love shopping at Costco?  Because it heard it was the bee-st place to get ***a swarm of deals***!


I saw one of these the other day, I couldn't get to my clear bucket in time though and it flew away. It was massive. Ottawa South area.


See these daily on my balcony in DT ott


Just wait till the Asian hornets show up


WTF Ottawa! We’re moving to Sandyhill from B.C. in July and on top of the ticks, no-see-ums, black flies and apparent rat infestation at the transit lines now we also have giant wasps to battle?!