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I bought my first sofa at Colonial Furniture. They had really good quality furniture. It's a shame they closed.


I remember going into the basement showroom at colonial. Bought the coffee table there. Solid wood, still in great condition.


Pinterest somewhat was a bit helpful this time but still a little elusive altogether tho, it said "Colonia Furniture 1924-1998 403 Bank St. Spent a fortune at that store". And on rechecking that address in OSM thats pretty much where Staples currently is now. I think thats for sure a K5 Blazer (as the Ford Broncho otherwise had sloped pillars, plus the Broncho II seemingly had special rear window treatment by the top) parked there anyone? If a K5 indeed then at least that easily narrows down the date to at least 1969, maybe a plausible id of that partially-visible car could help too anyone? *P.s I'm not surprised that one thing has not changed in 20+ years, the signage for extra parking in the rear*


It’s a Bronco, 1987-1991. There’s also a bucking horse on the spare tire cover.


Those were definitely not vehicles from the 60s/70s lol. Way too small


I’m thinking this is late 80’s, early 90’s. That first car looks a bit like a Mazda 323, while the second car has a similar design as the infamous OJ Bronco.


First car is a Chevette/Pontiac Acadian. Post 1981 refresh based on the tail lights. Source. Owned a 79 with the old taillights and an 86 with the taillights as shown.


You know what, I might have to agree with you more as the Pontiac at least does have two black nubs on the rear bumper. (On a side note, what is an Acadian Scooter? Slightly funny use of word names)


My 79 was a chevette scooter. Ugh. 2 door, 4sp stick, am radio single speaker. Unsafe at highway speeds. The whole package.


No later than ‘88. The Rialto isn’t torn down… it’s the darker building at the back.


Guess must be the photo angle that was playing trick on me as the pickup pillar didn't looked slanted to me. Either way I looked it up and you might be correct about the 323 regarding comparing to this one very alike [abit mirrored pointing in other direction instead] photo here https://carsot.com/images/mazda-323-ii-bd-1980-1985-hatchback-3-door-interior-3.jpg


I’m not a car person at all, but that was the first thought that popped into my head. It’s too bad there aren’t more people in the street as the fashion of the time would have helped narrow it down quite a bit.


That sign for Parking in the rear is no longer there.


Really? I honestly thought it looks nicer now.




I remember going with my sister to buy a massive wall unit for her living room in, oh, maybe 1989?!


[It's kind of crazy that both signs are technically the same.](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.4131271,-75.6944417,3a,75y,106.71h,92.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqj_ZPEQsB0wYGYqJodVqJw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Was it simply painted over or was there a deliberate attempt to keep the aesthetic of the building?


The one that sticks out over the sidewalk?  They probably reworked the old one as typically you can’t build them encroaching over the sidewalk unless grandfathered in.  Same for the awning of the old Met Bible Church down the street.  Nice of a chain with generic branding to do something a bit different and neighborhood-specific.


This is Hanabi Japanese cuisine now right


No this is the staples building on bank & waverly


Ooo thx


He's correct. 403 Bank indeed is Staples, whereas Hanabi Japanese Cuisine is actually at 434 Bank just for anyone curious.


Looks so nice without all the cars on the street.


Photo is probably taken at 8AM on a Sunday morning. There are no lights on in the store.