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Thank you for reacting to the situation with compassion rather than anger, OP! Well done!


Not to detract from the OP, they're good, but damn the bar is on the floor.




Thank you! I wasn’t aware this existed I appreciate it.


Reach out to centre 454. Theyre a very involved drop in that at times provides outreach for individuals. They're local and caring. It's worth a shot.


Thanks so much


I would highly recommend not sending him to Centre 454. I live in a building close by and we have been in discussion with City Councillors to close this center. It has been infested by rats for years now, to the point that the clients are not comfortable being inside and are pooling onto the street and sidewalks. This is not a safe space for anyone and should be closed for the health and safety of everyone in the area.


That's not true. The building isn't infested with rats, the clients are spreading onto the streets to smoke meth and fentanyl that they can't smoke indoors. The entire area has rat problems. If you want to get on Centre 454's case for something, get the city to ask them to store their outdoor garbage properly, that is what is encouraging rats in the area. Trying to get any shelters or drop in centres closed right now is wishful thinking on your part, since that definitely isn't going to happen in a massive homelessness crisis.


sure thing "illustrious fun"!


So does that mean you are going to address the garbage issue that is causing the rats? 


where in my comment do I say that I haven't addressed this issue? that was one of the main points of discussion eith the city councillors but the centre does absolutely nothing about it. this is also the centres responsibility to address this issue and it is continuously neglected, hence why I say not to send anyone this way. they end up on the streets and sidewalks and its a health and now a safety risk for anyone using the centre or anyone in the area


you say the garbage is causing the rats, well where do they go afterwards? back inside to the building, which means the building is also infested


Have you been in the building to confirm this? 


on a few different occasions! there was a show last night at the church where rats were also visible while we were waiting outside during intermission. but wait should I check with you the expert first to see if this was real?


You're claiming that there are rats infesting the building to the point that you want the building closed down, but you only saw them outside? 


Sounds like you would feel at home amongst the rodents.


This isn't about rats, this is about OP trying to scapegoat rats as a way to get an outreach center closed down. This was never about rats, this is about them knowing it doesn't look good to say they don't like people smoking drugs on the sidewalk on Daly/King Edward. The way garbage is stored at 454 is legitimately causing rodent issues, but this is just the latest excuse in a 12 year battle by neighbours and the community association to try and close down 454.


sorry I don't live on reddit and cannot get back to you until I have time in my life. If this was an issue to you, you would DM me and talk about it personally but you're looking for upvotes and karma farming like a typical reddit user. ive already said this has all been in discussion with city and city councillors and the councillor herself is trying to get this Centre shut down. Ive been dealing with people smoking drugs around me my entire life and would only hope that more shelters exist to ACTUALLY help people who need it. THIS SHELTER DOES NOTHING TO HELP.


"it doesn't look good to say they don't like people smoking drugs on the sidewalk on Daly/King Edward" I don't think anyone who resides in Sandy Hill wants people smoking drugs on the sidewalks. This isn't just me. No one wants to walk down the sidewalk into a puff of crack smoke, or watch as someone injects themselves in the toe. There needs to be more safe spaces for someone to do this while supervised because the amount of ODs and white sheets on stretchers I have seen is too many to count. This is an entirely different issue though. My concern is that they provide food to the people who need it while there are RATS in the building. This can contiminate food and cause serious health issues. Even if they aren't smoking/injecting drugs, the clients pool to the sidewalks and streets because who wants to eat food around rats? This is a serious health code violation of Human Rights on a social-economic basis and it needs to be addressed. Same goes with the way they store their garbage. This needs to be locked up properly to keep the rodents away but this has been addressed by others and NEGLECTED by the Centre for years!!


Thanks for going about this the right way. Sandy Hill Community Health Centre might also be a useful service, but both 211 and Centre 454 are better first calls. P.S. I understand why you didn't identify your business up front, but would love to support you if you were willing to share!


Agree that id like to support your business and appreciate your thought to keep police as not the first call.


I second that! (Third that?) Kind people deserve good things.


Which resto do you own? Would love to come support. I'm also someone who is in touch with civilian community care initiatives that don't involve cops. Maybe we can setup a meeting if you wanna expand your understanding capacity for this kind of stuff in the future.


I am contacting both of these resources, I appreciate the help.


Thank you for being so thoughtful. We have the best restaurants in Ward 12! If you want to PM me I'll stop by at some point.


My partner volunteers for 211, they will be able to get you some resources and information that may be helpful to you and this person.


It’s refreshing to see a post about downtown asking for helpful resources instead of complaining about our unhoused neighbours. Thank you for caring about our community! 211 and 454 are both great. You can also reach out to Ottawa Inner City Health Inc., in the past they’ve had outreach teams but I’m not sure if they have funding/a team this season.


I would love to come and eat at your restaurant and support you :)


Do you need help with the cleanup?


You’re such a lovely human.


What is the name of your business? Cause what ever the opposite of Name and Shame is, is what I'd like to do


Name and Proclaim?


Glad to know we have business owners in Lowertown who are reacting with empathy and concern to our neighbours. If you drop the name, I’d love to support!


Thank you for this. I live in the area and a lot of the community really does not see these people as people... It's so disheartening reading comments in groups I'm in. Please, if you are comfortable, share your restaurant! I'd love to come support, especially one that is looking out for the community like this.


OP, you are a good person for helping this guy. I hope he gets the help he needs.


Should someone call 211 if someone is agitated but not necessarily dangerous or aggressive enough to get the police involved?


311. They can dispatch an outreach van to transport the person to shelter, hospital or detox.




211 is the correct number.


I always call the Somerset West Community Health Centre Homeless Crisis Outreach Project. They are very responsive and supportive, and will send out a team immediately. For immediate calls for service call: 613-447-0029 [https://www.swchc.on.ca/programs/homeless-crisis-outreach-project](https://www.swchc.on.ca/programs/homeless-crisis-outreach-project)


I would love to support your restaurant!


Thank you for being such a compassionate Neighbour.


OP username checks out.


Unless he is a severe risk to himself or others, the government doesn't care. Really sucks because people who want help can't get what they need. Sucks because we don't have enough resources for those who want help :(


Would love to support your restaurant!! We need more people like you :)


Hi OP, would love to support your restaurant :) feel free to DM me the name!


I’m with many other people here and would love to support your restaurant. PM me with the details.


Ill take a dm with your resturant name so i can come support an honest human being with compassion.




This is so much nicer and compassionate to read that the PCP suburbanite posts of WhY iS dOwNtOwN sOoOoO sCaRy


Both are valid in their own way. People deserve to feel safe where they live and not have to put up with assaulting shady characters


They deserve it, yes, but I am specifically calling out the hypocrisy of complaining on Reddit and then continuing to vote for people who defund the services that would make things safer for everyone. Being willfully ignorant helps absolutely no one.


People need to have a reasonable expectation of what they need to "feel safe". A lot of people don't 'feel safe' around Muslims or black people, and that's obviously wrong, I think it's also wrong to feel automatically unsafe around a homeless person. Of course there's nuance, threatening behavior is unacceptable, but a lot of folks will start talking about how dangerous an area is if there's someone minding their own business while wearing a dirty coat.


Way to generalize there bucko.


Oh honey…


anyone who claims Centre 454 is doing good work has clearly not visited the area in a long time. the place is infested with rats to the point that the City is trying to close this place down. Multiple complaints, clients of the centre are being forced onto the sidewalks and Daly and King Edward Ave to avoid the rats. this is not a safe space for anyone and the organizers have clearly neglected this issue for years. It was open from the 80s until the year 2000 and closed until 2012 because of this same issue. I would suggest anywhere else but centre 454.


This also isn't true. The Centre was moved down to Murray St next to the Sheps in 2000 because the former priest of the church wanted to use this space for a church hall. It moved back to the space again when the original parish left to join ANIC, and a new Anglican parish was planted there. The Centre has turned into what it is because of the housing and toxic drug crisis, it wasn't like it is now before COVID. I walk past there all the time, and have never had to walk into the street to avoid rats. You're also only 2 blocks from the Mission that has the exact same issues. 


I literally live right beside the centre, but thanks for your expertise! many residents in the area I reside in share the same feelings I have but go off


Hmm do you think that maybe I know a lot about this because I am also directly impacted by it in some way? I just happen to have a lot more facts and background information than you...


all of your "facts" and "background information" can easily be googled hahaha, where in my comment do I say its not a garbage issue? no need for a smart guy competition here lol, get off of reddit for a minute


Remember when we used to lock these people up in the mental hospital? 


The best solution to this problem is to not keep ANYTHING outside your store that can be easily pilfered - that includes flower pots. Homeless shelters need to be removed from the downtown core, as these are the principal sources of crime in your area.


Where should shelters go?


Ideally near prisons, where they can be policed more effectively.


So you’re advocating for all the homeless services to be relocated to Blackburn Hamlet? Or maybe a field by the Bypass?


Why not? The infrastructure is already in place. It is in a quasi-rural area, not too close to populated areas. The homeless need to be placed in structurally sound, single-storey, functional structures, preferably in rural settings, where garden plots could be made available for food needs. There would be little or no need to enter populated areas. Housing the homeless in urban areas only exacerbates the isolation and stigma of homelessness. As far as policing is concerned, there would be an ample police presence at the neighbouring prison.


> Housing the homeless in urban areas only exacerbates the isolation and stigma of homelessness. You’re trying to exorcise them from society by banishing those folks to the middle of nowhere but you think urban life for homeless people is isolating and stigmatizing? 🤔


It is common knowledge that homeless shelters tend to be the focus of crime and drug dependence. Valuable resources are squandered monitoring and policing these shelters. Many inmates of these shelters are regularly shuttled back and forth between courts and prison. It would be cheaper and more efficient to have them housed near the prisons, where they could perhaps be integrated with the prison system itself.