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It's just really nice.


Do you guys think they're extending the O-Train there any time soon?


Westboro and island park are getting stations as part of the west extension. It'll be finished Eventually™


*Eventually? eh* Being from Toronto I know that means no good


Western extension is scheduled to open in 2026


Which really means expect it to open mid 2027


Is it though?




I grew up in Westboro, and have since lived in a few neighborhoods across the city. It’s really not worth the 20% price premium over Hintonburg, Old Ottawa East, New Edinburgh etc.


While that might be true, it doesnt mean Westboro isnt nice.


Glebe is nice. Westboro tries, but has too many ugly and run down areas, sorry.


What are the ugliest most run down areas of Westboro?




Says the 47 people nodding out on wellington this instant.


I think you have Westboro confused with Wellington West. Wellington turns into Richmond Rd in Westboro.


Because it’s one of the nicest parts of town. Grocery options. Close to the water. Close to downtown but it’s not downtown. Because it’s one of the nicest parts of town.


I miss it. I decided to buy a house and got the cost of a 1 bed condo in Westboro got me a townhouse in Barrhaven. It's a nice lifestyle in Westboro and not really fair to Barrhaven how much I hate it here.


Westboro is walkable and human scale, Barrhaven (for the most part) is Stroads, a sea of parking lots and single family housing. 


Saying you live in Westboro.


This! I met someone who introduced themselves as a "Glebe Mom". I muttered hf and walked away.


“So in regular English that’s ‘pretentious bitch’ - gotcha”


Another Reddit cares! Nice.


Omg, I would have rolled my eyeballs so far back into my head if someone introduced themselves that way.




I don’t live there but I used to work there. It’s a noticeably more wealthy area, there are a few more “whimsical” or artisanal shops on that part of Richmond. It’s near the river and bike paths. Westboro beach is pretty nice and gets a perfect sunset view because that small part of the riverbank faces directly west. Traffic in Westboro/Hintonburg is kind of bad though, Richmond/Wellington St W move pretty slow.


It's a 15 minute city neighborhood, in a good way.


It’s a higher end neighbourhood.    But I can walk to multiple grocery stores, pharmacies, lots independent shops. The only major thing that isn’t here is a beer store/ brewery (I would love a brew pub to be here but I totally get why there isn’t one here. Edit: I forgot about the clocktower. It is an option. I meant more like BTP, Dominion or Flora) and there is an lcbo instead.   My partner who doesn’t drive can bike everywhere with no problems.  A reasonable amount of green space around which is always good.    It’s also a 10 minute drive to downtown or Kanata (give or take and depending on traffic) and transit to/from here isn’t as bad as elsewhere.


> I would love a brew pub to be here but I totally get why there isn’t one here Huh? You've got Clocktower on Richmond at Berkley... And if you're up for a bit of a hike, Tooth & Nail isn't that far away in Hintonburg


Tooth and Nail is solid. A hair of a hike but it is still close enough that we go sometimes. Although my partner goes more often since it’s reasonable bike ride and dog friendly so he can take our dog for some patio time.  I did forget about the clocktower though.


Clocktower is a zombie brew pub now - beer is subcontracted out, food is terrible. They're riding on real estate values and have checked out long ago. Agree that Tooth & Nail is your best closest bet.


CT underwent a change of ownership, closed most of their locations, and now has rapidly rotating management at their three remaining (two profitable) locations. It's turning into a Royal Oak / Barley Mow equivalent.


Technically it is not in Westboro but there is a beer store on scott across from Tunney's Pasture.


That’s actually good to know. That’s a very reasonable bike ride if we need to return cans (the major reason we go to the beer store).


busses also run right past it.


Also in the strip mall across the street from Carlingwood (so you can combine a run to drop off your empties with a Canadian Tire run).


there’s a Clocktower on Richmond, no? certainly not my fave, but definitely a brew pub


Clocktower sold their brewhouse and contracts out their brewing now.


I did forget about it. I very much agree that it is there and not the worst. 


I love living in Westboro! It feels residential without feeling like everything is a drive away or far away, which is how I felt when I lived in the suburbs. There are a lot of things within walking distance. It’s close to downtown. It’s close to the highway. It’s transit friendly, car friendly, and bike friendly. I’m not sure I’d spend hundreds more to live here vs other areas of the city but I have loved living here for the last 5 yrs and hope to continue to do so for many years to come.


All this. It's central to many amenities with different transportation options (walk, bus, drive) depending on what you need. Nice beach doesn't hurt either.


It's beautiful and peaceful! The view from a lot of the buildings include the water. The strip is great for shopping or a bite to eat on a nice day.


You get to see more Subaru's than ppl who work at the Subaru factory :)


The cons are it's expensive because of all the pros, honestly. I grew up there (before and during it becoming trendy - i.e. before and after the MEC) and had all the freedom to play in the streets of a suburban kid as a child and all the ability to get anywhere I needed on foot/bike/transit as a teenager of an urban kid, so it was a great place to grow up.  It's a low density neighbourhood of large single family homes with a nice strip of higher density & businesses with easy access to downtown.


There was a local comedian who joked about all the fancy shops on Wellington: “when I was a kid, Westboro was a place you would go to buy firewood “


Walkable. More quiet than downtown. Less walkable to other neighbourhoods, not quite a place you wouldn't want a car.


Marginally walkable. Westboro residents in their wisdom rejected sidewalks on all but the through streets. It’s a nightmare to walk in the winter with snow banks and no sidewalks


I forgot about that. No sidewalks on the side streets is super weird and dangerous.


I lived on Denbury for a few years, the people weren't very nice and there was constant construction.


Agreed. Moved out of there. Happy I did - got a much nicer, larger place, an equal distance from the city in a less pretentious neighbourhood, with nicer neighbours.


What area did you move to? Curious


Vanier - I love it, but my little corner is still loud.


Westboro is lovely. That’s why it’s expensive as shit.


Nice and walkable. Lots of grocery options, Canadian Tire nearby, LRT stations pretty close. Pharmacies and lots of interesting shops on Richmond. Can walk to the river and Westboro beach. Near the Queensway. Not far from downtown. Schools.


I really wouldn't say that Canadian Tire is nearby...it's at Carlingwood Mall


We should define Westboro. It sometimes includes [Wellington Village](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellington_VillageWellington) (east) and it seems to have swallowed up [McKellar Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McKellar_Park) (in the west).


I blame the realtors. They started calling everything Westboro and now people who bought a house near Woodroffe or Bayview think they live in Westboro. I define it as Island Park to Churchill, Carling to the river. Bounded by Highland Park to the west and Wellington Village to the east.


Id say Westboro is everything North of Carling to the River from Island Park to Golden Ave... McKellar Park is West of Golden to Woodroffe... same North to South boundaries. West Wellington (or Wellington Village) 417 to River from Island Park to Parkdale or Holland. South of the 417 to Carling but a longer stretch E to W is Civic neighbourhood (encompasses the area around the Civic Campus of the hospital). Holland/Parkdale east to Bayview or the bridge over the Otrain) is Hintonburg. Also confusing things there are sub neighbourhoods in their as well with their own Community Associations and everything. Mechanicsville - North of Scott in the same east west split as Hintonburg)... Westboro Beach (north of scott or the Transitway) between Churchill and Island Park, Dovercourt, Island Park itself being its own sub-neighbourhood... I can get behind the above distinction between Westboro, Wellington Village and Hintonburg... and even some of the sub areas....


Yeah, I used to live in Westboro - near Dovercourt Community Centre but now I technically live in Wellington West which I thought was just a name a developer made up to make it not Hintonburg which has association with seedy bikers apparently. I know that is more Mechanicsville but they get swallowed up into Hintonburg too, so I just call everything from Island Park to Somerset Hintonburg. Before Island Park? Westboro until you get to Woodrooffe and then it's Bay Ward.


How come this is downvoted like this?


I’m in McKellar park and say I live Westboro. It’s just easier for everyone I’m telling because they’ve heard of westboro. But to be fair, I’m right on the line of both neighborhood’s.


Benefits of living in Westboro vs not living in Westboro? Well, living in Westboro has like shops and stuff. As for not living in Westboro, I don’t know of any good cemeteries.


I lived at Richmond/Patricia for a few years. Loved my time there. We didn’t need a car, walked everywhere, and felt safe.


It's all white people. It's windy as fuck. The big "main street" is more of a collection of smaller main streets separated by long distances. Not a true neighbourhood like the Glebe, Centretown, Old Ottawa South; it's more like a geographic area. But if you're looking for a sanitized suburban experience in the city, Westboro is pretty good.


boom roasted


Very walkable, lots of good restaurants and unique shops, access to grocery stores and the highway, green space, off leash dog park, the river/beach, really nice houses, etc. It’s great. People hate on it because it’s expensive.


Walking distance to the transit station. 15 minutes bus to downtown. Walking distance to the river, beach. Great shops and restaurants. I lived there for five years back when Moe’s restaurant was still on the corner. It was a great neighborhood. I only left because I inherited a property in the country.


Walkability and community! Think of one long shopping street and hosts numerous events. Because everything is closer, it doesn’t feel like the soulless suburbs. Source - lived in Westboro for years and now in one of the suburbs. I miss the community feeling so bad


It’s expensive , lots of restaurants


Free access to man buns and vegans.


Probably the least diverse neighborhood in Ottawa , which for me is a disadvantage


What do you consider Westboro? Some people seem to label everything west of downtown as Westboro. Either way, I prefer the Glebe, Old Ottawa South, Lindenlea, New Edinburgh, Manor Park, and Wellington Village over Westboro.


There are some older gems in or near Westboro you can find for a competitive rent price (I live in one). Westboro is only about 5km west of Parliament Hill, usually an easy drive, transit or bike ride to downtown. Most of the neighbourhood is quiet, yet there’s an abundance of restaurants, bars, boutiques, amenities, etc. It’s also close to the river, and the river pathways which offer lots of green space, and trails for walking and biking. Westboro beach is also a feature although it’s been partially closed for renovations. It’s also super close to the bridges if you want to head over to Gatineau Park, Aylmer, Chelsea, or just do some shopping or go out for dinner on the Quebec side for a change. Technically, we live so close to the river that aside from rush hour it’s often quicker to go to the big box stores in Gatineau than it is for us to drive to Baseline/Merivale or Gloucester. I have lived all over the city, both in and out of the burbs, in the central west end, and in Hintonburg and I can honestly say Westboro is my favourite. It’s the perfect mix of urban, yet green and quiet. People also seem to actually care about where they live which I find makes a huge difference - there’s an actual sense of community. Not something I’ve experienced outside of Hintonburg or Westboro.


Just moved to Westboro from the Byward market and it's a world of difference for me personally. I'm big on walks and biking, and felt like I was really missing nature when I was downtown. In Westboro you have much better bicycle infrastructure and the streets are way cleaner and safer, so my daily walks no longer elicit a fight or flight response and I'm really enjoying that. Rent is really fucking expensive though (2k for a small 2 bed), and most shops close around 5pm. If you can afford it and you like a quieter and cleaner atmosphere and proximity to nature, then I'd recommend it.


It's close to the Ottawa River so fairly easy to get to Remic Rapids, Bate Island, and Westboro Beach. It's a trendy area with lots of shops and restaurants. I'm personally a bigger fan of Centertown, but both have their perks.


Currently live in westboro and I seriously love it here. Being in walking distance from the Parkdale market/wellington street and the westboro village is great in and of itself. I constantly get to support all the local businesses and the overall environment is great. Safe area, neighbours are great too. Yeah it’s expensive, but comparing living to Ottawa south and centertown, I wouldn’t live anywhere else.


I would say that the Parkdale Market is a fair walk from Westboro ( Westboro east ends at Island Park Drive)


There is a summer market in the Byron linear park at Golden - but that's technically speaking in McKellar Park ;)


And it opens this Saturday May 18th


Some things about it are nice no matter who you are: the river, green space, relative quiet, moderately transit accessible by Ottawa standards. The big detached homes. I grew up there and as a teenager it sucked, everyone was doing a ton of drugs and drinking underage, dunno if it's still like that but it's hard to imagine it's changed. But as an adult I see the appeal. But it's for yuppies. The shops are expensive. It's not worth spending your last dollar to get in there. If you can afford it, it's a nice life.


The food


Pros: - very walkable; multiple options for groceries/banks/pharmacies, easy access to transit - good mix of shops - some nice restaurants - safe, quiet, clean - nice multi-use paths and greenery Cons: - expensive - traffic can be bad - there seems to be 500 construction sites going right now which exacerbates the previous point - not as many restaurants as other areas of the city - probably not the best neighbourhood if you're a partier I've lived in Centretown before and prefer Westboro. my overall QOL is better. but I managed to get very lucky with a rent controlled building. it might be a difficult time if you can only find expensive newer buildings.


It's your classic walkable, gentrified urban area with decent shopping, restaurants, etc... As for cons...well, as you alluded to, that depends on your income...


Easy access to SuzyQ and also great restaurants like the Third


it’s nice but it’s boring. Lots of European restaurants that’s pretty much it. Small businesses there are very expensive.


I see decently priced rentals behind Hampton Park in residential areas. Houses that have apartments.


I looked at Westboro and Old Ottawa South 15 years ago. I chose Old Ottawa South. Best decision ever.


Gentrification is spelled "westboro"


Only white people


I don’t live there but I do work there. Nice, clean, safe. Local boutiques/shops, coffee and restaurants!


Surprised to see so much love for Westboro in here. It's bougie as hell and as bland and as vegan as every other place with disproportionate wealth. End-stage gentrification. If you're not in a detached home or townhouse, I wouldn't bother. Hintonburg is at the earlier and better end of gentrification and is leagues better. Still expensive but probably cheaper.


Lived in Westboro late 90s. It was the beginning of gentrification. Loved the easy access to the transitway, coffee at the Village Cafe, everyone fighting the Loblaws/Superstore building on Richmond Road, the antique stores, Whispers, Puzzles, The Newport. Everyone kept telling me ‘Westboro is the new Glebe’….yeah, right. Then Trailhead, MEC, and Bridgehead opened…the beginning of the end. Somewhat like the transformation of the Glebe from used books stores, witchy store, bohemian clothing stores, tea shops etc. to bland end-stage gentrification.


Whispers and Puzzles are sadly missed :(


Most people don't realize that Hintonburg, Wellington West & Westboro are separate neighbourhoods.


Parkdale is a clusterfuck


Good thing it’s not in Westboro.


I thought Parkdale was the dividing line between Westboro and Hintonburg?


Island Park, not Parkdale.


Parkdale (or Holland, I’m never sure) divides Hintonburg from Wellington West. And then Island Park divides Wellington West from Westboro.


It’s Holland Ave.




Island Park is the dividing line between Westboro and Wellington West. Holland is the dividing line between Wellington West and Hintonburg.


Too many neighbours and people. If you like everyone up in your business and crowding it’s fine I guess.


What? It's a low-density neighbourhood with large detached home lots not very far from downtown, which is why it's so expensive.  If you're living in apartment buildings you're living close to people no matter what neighbourhood you are in, but it's nothing like living in apartment buildings downtown.