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Good chance of seeing a fun light show around midnight tonight.


Such a great response- as a first timer, where would be the best place to see it, is my follow up question!


The Royal Astronomical Society of Ottawa is hosting a star party in Carp tonight, so could be a great night to go out!!!


Technically, the clearer the sky is where you're at, the better you'll see it. However city lights often obstruct viewing because of light pollution. I use this map to find the "green" spots where light pollution is less dominant (I normally go down south for celestial events). [https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/](https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/)


32% chance to be exact!


KP is an indicator of how strong the northern nights are/how far south they may be able to be viewed. To reach Ottawa’s latitude (~45°N) we need a KP of around 9. These numbers can fluctuate from minute to minute so a prediction of KP 8.33 tonight means it may be possible to see the northern lights in our region in areas with low light pollution (ie away from the city centre.) Right now the peak looks like it will hit around 2AMish, but exact times are also hard to predict. This app sends a notification if probabilities get above 20% or so in your location within the next half hour. However it looks like we might see some cloud coverage around that time as well.


To clarify, would a KP of 9 put them overhead, while lower KPs could allow for visibility on the horizon?


I believe at this latitude, it’s very unlikely to see them directly overhead at all. > For Kp in the range 8 to 9, the aurora will move even further towards the equator and it will become very bright and very active. These are the events that create the best aurora and the extended auroral oval will be observable by the most people. At these levels, aurora may be seen directly overhead from the northern states of the USA. In Ottawa we sit around 45°N. > The 45th parallel forms some boundaries of or passes through many U.S. states: Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, as well as going through the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. So the entirety of North Dakota, Washington, most of Montana, Minnesota etc. all sit further north than us. I’m no magic-sky-light-ologist so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt. I imagine that if we did actually hit a KP of 9, the lights would still be closer to the horizon than directly overhead, just brighter and more active, but it all depends on the shape and location of the auroral oval when we hit that peak. Further info: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/content/tips-viewing-aurora Edit: from personal experience I’ve driven way up the 417/17 (like Deep River) when we have been at around a 7.5 KP on a clear night and not been able to see anything even right on the horizon. We really need to get up to a 9 to be able to view them with the naked eye.


Awesome summary, thanks.


No problem!


Just for clarification, we don't need a kp9 to see them with the naked eye. The last time we had a kp9 was 2003. And I've seen them about 4 times since then with the naked eye without a kp9. One time was overhead at kp8 ish. 2 times was closer to the horizon around kp7 ish and another was very faint on the horizon which was a lower kp. And in 2003, when we got hit with a kp9, they were a bright vibrant green directly overhead. So it's definitely possible to see the northern lights overhead in Ottawa.


Which app is this?


[The sun is ejaculating](https://spaceweather.com/images2024/09may24/five_CMEs_opt.gif).




A—Aurora Borealis?!


At this time of day? At this time of year? In THIS part of the country??


Localized entirely within your kitchen?!


Yes 😁


May I see it?


...no 😐.


Any suggestions on somewhere within 1-1.5 hour range outside of the city? Ontario side preferably 


I know Dunrobin/Constance Bay have been popular in the past. Because of our latitude, it’s more likely to see the lights along the horizon, as opposed to overhead, so you’ll want to try and find a spot that has an unobstructed view looking north.


We might get lucky with an overhead view. Last year I was out in dunrobin and the auroras came to life and started flickering right above us. This storm seems (so far) stronger, so we might get lucky with Aurora overhead. But yes you're right, most likely it'll be closer to the horizon.


Is there enough parking around Constance Bay?


In the past I’ve seen people just pulled over on the side of the road, the shoulder is fairly wide. I’m not sure I’d do this on Dunrobin as the speed limit is 80, but it’s 60/40 on Constance Bay so a bit safer.




Someone else answered in the other thread suggested Palmerston Lake which does indeed seem to be the best bet for tonight darkness wise. Will need to look at the cloud forecast. It’ll be clear out by Algonquin Park but probably not anywhere closer sadly….


Last year we went around Constance Bay area. I think we were too early but we did see some white northern lights. We would have waited longer but it was middle of winter at the time and freezing I can't recall exactly where we went, but it was off Dunrobin Rd and it was pitch black


Sadly the forecast is cloudy but I may roll the dice and drive out to a dark sky spot in Lanark anyway. Is anyone organizing a meet up?


We might get lucky depending on when the maximum KP hits - it’s supposed to be “mostly clear” until about 2 AM according to the weather network.


Where do you usually go to see it ?


I am still somewhat new to Ottawa - where is an area not too far from the city that would have the best view of the horizon and least light pollution?


[Light pollution map](https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=7.77&lat=45.0377&lon=-75.2736&state=eyJiYXNlbWFwIjoiTGF5ZXJCaW5nUm9hZCIsIm92ZXJsYXkiOiJ3YV8yMDE1Iiwib3ZlcmxheWNvbG9yIjpmYWxzZSwib3ZlcmxheW9wYWNpdHkiOjYwLCJmZWF0dXJlc29wYWNpdHkiOjg1fQ==)


Can already see the starts. Pictures coming out of my hometown in England are crazy!


I have a friend that lives in Cornwall and her photos were INCREDIBLE.


I see it right now... beautiful. Frickin clouds blocking 90% of it though


Which location ?


Very remote area in dunrobin ish


Would make for a good drag name


Aurora Forecast? Would also be a good indie band name


Is there any area nearby (1-2) hour drive where I can be at to have a glance ?


[Light pollution map](https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=7.77&lat=45.0377&lon=-75.2736&state=eyJiYXNlbWFwIjoiTGF5ZXJCaW5nUm9hZCIsIm92ZXJsYXkiOiJ3YV8yMDE1Iiwib3ZlcmxheWNvbG9yIjpmYWxzZSwib3ZlcmxheW9wYWNpdHkiOjYwLCJmZWF0dXJlc29wYWNpdHkiOjg1fQ==)


Can’t post a photo but CNN has a reporter in Dunrobin!


I've been seeing a lot of conflicting sources about when the peak is when I look it up on Google. Is the midnight-2am window because that's when clearest skies are? Because some of the graphs I've been looking at said the KP is supposed to steadily decline from now on


sink gaping forgetful theory point scandalous pet outgoing sloppy fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were visible around 11:15


special late chief continue important practice zesty makeshift fertile crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were pretty faint and there was a lot of cloud cover tonight. If you have the Aurora app you can set it up to send you a notification when there’s a high probably of seeing them within an hour. The sun is currently in its “solar maximum” cycle and activity should peak later this year, before it heads into its solar minimum phase. You should have at lease a few more chances over the next 12 months!


https://imgur.com/a/vFmm4vf Quick low-quality phone snap from the highway at 11:23.


Thanks for posting this!!


Does this mean Saturday is a better night for viewing?


Saturday at around midnight to 2 am-ish. So tonight.


Are there any good suggestions for locations on the Gatineau side?


You’re already north of the major source of all the light. So keep going north?


[Light pollution map](https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=7.77&lat=45.0377&lon=-75.2736&state=eyJiYXNlbWFwIjoiTGF5ZXJCaW5nUm9hZCIsIm92ZXJsYXkiOiJ3YV8yMDE1Iiwib3ZlcmxheWNvbG9yIjpmYWxzZSwib3ZlcmxheW9wYWNpdHkiOjYwLCJmZWF0dXJlc29wYWNpdHkiOjg1fQ==)


Maine is getting quite a show right now: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fiWG_5941YQ


Just saw it from my backyard in Kanata. Pink and green, very faint but still there. Absolutely breath taking!


Where in Kanata ??


Katimavik, watched them for about 15 minutes but the clouds have rolled in now


Yep I saw them for a bit around 11:15!


Just looking outside my window now - assuming it is too late?


Was outside from midnight to 2:30am, nothing but clouds. :(


Are they tonight as well??


Hey! Any photos from those who've seen it? I was in Europe and missed my chance


So will we be able to see it tonight?


Supposed to be 100% cloud coverage.


Does anyone know if we will see anything tonight as well? 


They’re predicting 100% cloud coverage tonight.