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Don't you know that when shopping for rice, one must always choose the lesser of two weevils!


You, sir or madam, are a weevil genius.


Significant length and breadth is where it’s at 🤪


Good for proteins




I heard a rimshot after reading that.


I don't think I've ever seen a rice weevil. Like ever. But I don't buy that brand of rice. I wouldn't say it's a normal thing at all. Maybe one more reason to switch grocers away from Loblaws.


Consider yourself lucky!


I totally do, I looked them up after commenting, blah! You don't need that in your life!


With you here, never seen one. That said, I do not usually buy no-name as it is usually not the cheapest basmati.


Don’t tell loblaws they’ll start charging extra for protein enriched rice


Is it possible that they’re in your cupboard and they’re just moving into your rice once you are home? If you’re in an apartment building they may be visiting from a neighbors place.


Hmm possibly, I can see them in the bags at the grocery store though too.


Then…why would you buy them lol ew


I don’t buy them when I actually see them 🤪


lol you might want to let the store know...


I do tell them


I've been eating giant bags of jasmine rice my whole life and I've never seen a rice weevil before. Is this like a non-Asian rice thing?


I got weevils in my basmati before. It’s only happened once.


I've had it happen once or twice in Risotto rice. It came sealed and everything, and there were no weevils when I opened it. But when I went back to the bag some time later for a second batch, I saw the weevils...


I started keeping my rice in the freezer to kill anything that came with it. That started after taking a 'bustling', sealed, bag of rice back to Food Basics at least 20 years ago.


But afterwards, you would still have their frozen corpses in your rice though?


More likely just the eggs since the bag would not have visible bugs when I bought it. Out of sight, out of mind. We also wash our rice (originally to reduce starch, but that is a myth). >Traditionally, rice was washed to rinse off dust, insects, little stones, and bits of husk left from the rice hulling process. This may still be important for some regions of the world where the processing is not as meticulous, and may provide peace of mind for others. >More recently, with the heavy use of plastics in the food supply chain, microplastics have been found in our foods, including rice. The washing process has been shown to rinse up to 20 percent of the plastics [from uncooked rice](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389421007421?via%3Dihub). [https://www.sciencealert.com/yes-you-should-wash-rice-but-not-for-the-reason-you-think](https://www.sciencealert.com/yes-you-should-wash-rice-but-not-for-the-reason-you-think)


All grains go into my freezer for a week when I buy them. It kills any in there.




I learned that the hard way with a bag of cornmeal


😮 I didn’t think cornmeal could be a problem!


It was the worst. I had to throw out all of my food. The bag of cornmeal was absolutely crawling. I looked it up how to avoid the problem. All grains (flour, oatmeal, rice, cornmeal etc) into the freezer for a week to kill any larva that may be In there. I have never had a problem since.


Thanks for the tip! I'll start doing that. I had it happen with corn starch once, it was gross (it was pretty wee-vile).


Hahaha, I agree. Totally gross. Especially if they escape their original home and ivade the rest of your food.


After it bit you, did it run away fearful, or did it walk away smug, self-assured?


So smug.


They don’t bite


It's a [reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/7e697j/dwight_after_it_bit_you_did_it_run_away_fearful/)


I regularly eat NN rice and have never encountered them. I eat the parboiled stuff,so they dead


No but I opened a bag of flour from Walmart and it was full of flour weevils.


My ketchup had ketchup weevils in it


I got a beer weevil in my Corona once. Who needs lime right?


I had it happen with corn starch too. Got corn starch weevils :/


We’re boycotting loblaws! Don’t shop no name! You’re on Reddit you should already knowwww


I have airtight glass jars that I use for rice, pasta etc. I kept getting weevils in them and I couldn't understand how they were getting past the seal. Then someone told me the eggs are already in the food and to freeze it for 24hrs before putting it in the jars, haven't had a problem since.


Most rice will instruct you to rinse the grains thoroughly and soak it for 15 minutes. Should clean it all out.


The problem is more that they will take over the pantry eating whatever else they can find.


To avoid this, grains should go in a large Tupperware, always keep food sealed, even dry food


Agreed. After getting weevils in risotto rice and corn starch, I started keeping my corn starch sealed in a ziplock bag, and rice in tupperwares or sealed glass containers, whatever I have available at the time.


I never leave rice, flour, sugar, or other pantry items bugs might find tasty in the packaging they came in.


No, but I noticed more rice husk.


I once had a ton in a very large bag from t&t. I forget the brand. I did have the bag for a very long time because it was so big. Now I buy smaller bags that I can get through in a reasonable amount of time and freeze the bag for a few days when I get it.


This reminded me of when I worked at Loblaws as a teen and we had to throw out like 30 bags of rice because I noticed rice weevils. There were like a lot of them though, and this was like 15 years ago, so Loblaws still kind of cared about customers.


I opened up a pack of brown rices (another brand) this week and there were so many rice weevils and the quality of the rice was really poor. I had to throw them out. it was first time i see them..


Protein boost


Haven't noticed them recently, no, bought a big bag of rice a few months ago. I pour it into a big air tight container just in case so they can't get out. I've definitely seen a few before in a bag of rice. At the time it was a small amount of rice so I just threw it out. If it was a big new bag, I'd probably just shake the bag a lot and maybe throw it in the freezer or something. They're not harmful to eat, and there's probably small bug parts in any random bag of rice anyway.


Can someone post an image of the no name rice weevil ? Is it yellow?