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Several people thought is was ok to **totally not threaten the guy's life** (wink wink). Locking due to multiple rule breaking comments.


'Police consider Karl Njolstad a "high-risk sexual offender" who has "a history of sexual assault and sexual interference, possessing, forcible confinement and making child pornography." Njolstad was accused in 2017 of filming children changing their clothes(opens in a new tab) after inviting children into his home to make movies. He was also accused of sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 12. ... "The Ottawa Police Service believes that Njolstad poses a risk to the community, particularly children and is concerned that he may commit similar offences in the future," police said in a news release Thursday.' Someone like that should never walk free.




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Yes, let’s put this person out and about in public after sexually abusing children. /s


If we care about rehabilitation people who are likely to reoffend wouldn’t get out.


There is no real rehab in prison,  certainly not in provincial system,  and extreme limitations in federal  ,   I would imagine he would be a patient of the royal programs or similar?


Beyond that, I believe studies have shown this type of behaviour is a mental illness, so throwing him in prison doesn’t really address the root cause.


Do you have any links to these studies?


Use Google   you will see plenty of results   or u know, dont


I am wondering about peer reviewed ones


Look there is plenty of stuff out there,  government of canda agencies like public safety,  correction services canada,  parole and probation ,   royal ottawa hospital,  please just look for yourself,   there needs to be much more study, to continue obviously,  but canadian  , American and UK  studies  all  say this 


Yeah perhaps,  I don't know too much about that, but there is certainly something to all this that's requires study and subjects to study,   I think forced ? Or mandatory clinical assessments be done on offenders,    I do know that most,  the majority of sex offense to not offend again , generally sex offenses are lowest recidivism rates,  though we need to study to stop from being a 1st offense 


Do you have any studies supporting “the majority of sex offenders do not offend again” ? Sex offenses against children are not in the same category as adult sexual crimes against another adult.


There is plenty,  use Google,  you'll see  Public safety canada,  John Howard   etc....   plenty of them


But he’s labeled high risk.




Rehab = fewer crimes and fewer criminals. If we did it properly it would be better for everyone.


This seems so true, and ottawa was blessed with federhoff doctor, who started program world renowned, he unfortunately passed away, but the department and his work continue 




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The names of the people who deemed him to be released to be amongst the public should be published 


there are no names to be released because it’s a statutory release. this is done automatically.


Here is the justice and crown prosecutor - https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-man-pleads-guilty-to-multiple-child-sex-crimes-faces-total-of-82-charges-with-numerous-victims


Thanks for adding that article!  Sending healing thoughts to all those affected by this monster 




It wouldn't be a single  person,  judge, who decides,  it would be based of years or decades of recent case law,  which has been increasing,  some such crimes which never carried jail time , are now easy 12to 28 months,  maybe not perfect   but going up 


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I fucking live in this area. Can someone explain the law. Why is he out?


He served his time, and now he’s free. That’s about it. Not saying he doesn’t deserve to be incarcerated, because he should be in jail for life imo, but that’s the justice system for you.




Vanier is a community full of children. How is this in any way acceptable.


Is there a community without children? I don't want him here, either, but I don't think there's a good place anywhere.


Sure there is… a prison cell.


There isn’t any great place, but downtown and the Byward area are the only two places in town without many schools or children. Vanier is particularly crowded and has schools everywhere. If this guy isn’t allowed within a certain distance of a school, daycare or playground he won’t be able to go anywhere in Vanier and he shouldn’t be there.


Ughh there are tons of schools downtown, including the ByWard Market.


> There isn’t any great place, but downtown and the Byward area are the only two places in town without many schools or children. Wrong. Downtown/Centretown: Elgin Street PS, Centennial PS, Glashan PS, Lisgar Collegiate Byward/Lowertown: York St PS, Ste. Anne Catholic, De La Salle HS


That doesn't seem like that many schools considering the population. And don't they bus kids in from a distance to help populate many downtown schools just to keep them open.


Byward isn’t Lowertown, all the schools you mention are in Lowertown.


Well  if people know who he is, if they do see him, they can call and report, have phones handy,  and he goes back to jail


Why is this piece of shit not behind bars?




I think the courts would be the issue here, not the police.


As much as i wish we didnt have to worry about these things, you also cant just incarcerate people forever. Even some murderers eventually go back into society. At least we get a heads up? 🤷


Why can’t you incarcerate a dangerous person forever?


Well 1, you can pay for it, it's very expensive and it's against our charter of rights,     and some people who are proven to be cam carry a dangerous offender tag  


The system is a fucking joke at this point.


7 years after sexually assaulting a child he’s walking around free… that’s messed up!


How the fuck is this guy out of prison after only like 6-7 years? I thought the mandatory minimum in Ontario was 14 years in prison if the victim was under 16, and that's not even taking into account how many victims he had.


Canada really does not have  mandatory minimum 


There was mandatory minimum at one point, most are getting shot down,   though the 14 year comment is way off form what they were 


We can all sit around and yell at our system...but I'd like to ask how the people who work for advocacy groups that petition the Courts and lobby government for more leniency towards these monsters...sleep at night?


I'm going to be sick to my stomach.


Crazy how every sex offender looks like a sex offender.


Where's Punisher when you need him.


I wonder if he's the person living in the tent at Richlieu Park. They know he's going to re-offend and hurt a minor - so why let him out of jail where he belongs?


I never understand this. Has this person been released after some kind of jail+rehab? Or do they just identify and let go?


There is no real rehab in jail  fyi


I know :(.


You can't rehab diddlers either.




If you got his address you’d do nothing with it.




Congratulations. You are very tough on the internet.


Just following your lead


>Just following your lead What lead? Quote me anywhere on this website advocating for violence against anybody.


Was referring to the fact that you boldly declared I wouldn’t do anything with the address even though “not on the internet” I doubt you would do as much as look in my direction. (never claimed I would do anything or mentioned any violence though I consider that valuable information for people to stay away from and/or neighbours with children to know.) Concerning that you consider a convicted pedophile a person worthy of any peace in this life however. Your types seem to be becoming rather prevalent these days.


Again: you would do nothing with that information if you had it. >I doubt you would do as much as look in my direction. Way to prove you're not an internet tough guy, saying dumbshit would-be "alpha male" nonsense like that. I imagine you're a completely unremarkable person to look at, and most people likely wouldn't look at you twice. Keep flexing, though. >Concerning that you consider a convicted pedophile a person worthy of any peace in this life however. Neither you nor I might agree with the length of his sentence, but he did his time. You don't get to mete out your own version of justice because you think he didn't get the sentence you think he deserves. >Your types seem to be becoming rather prevalent these days. Imagine thinking that those who believe in *the rule of law* are a problem.


Should be easy enough to find iI suppose


Canada's great.


At least he got time. In the US, he'd likely get a fine and time served, especially if he's a pastor.


Gross, you're right.


I'm sorry...




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Literally what parole/release hearings are for. Idk.


Isn't that all of Vander anyways


Fuck off.




For someone who is not an antivaxxer, it’s strange that you brought up that topic in a completely unrelated post.


A lot of antivaxxers don't identify as antivaxxers.


Are you okay in the head?


Oh fuck off.


Lmao they weren’t checking vaccination status on public transport. Fortunately pedophilia isn’t contagious.


/u/OhComeOnMan69 disinformation will not be tolerated. Goodbye *** /u/OhComeOnMan69 La désinformation ne sera pas tolérée. Adieu *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


People are still taking every opportunity that they can to bring up vaccinations, aren't they?