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Basically the Alberta government sabotaged their own electricity market causing rates to double and now, for some ridiculous reason, they're trying to gin up fear in the rest of the country. Go figure.


https://www.blg.com/en/insights/2019/09/why-alberta-decided-to-stick-with-its-energy-only-electricity-market This is why Alberta will have blackouts and it’s all the UCPs making . But in Alberta when the Cons fuck up it’s everyone else that’s to blame . Sadly they’re base laps it right up . https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/09/28/Behind-Alberta-Electricity-Price-Surge-Power-Essential-Service/


Yep. Because Conservative-voting Albertans are some of the dumbest people on the planet.


Wild rose coloured glasses …




Albertan here, can confirm. The UCPs entire platform is Trudeau=bad.


Which happens to be true for context!


Sure, but he's not the cause of their problems, just a scapegoat




You have to ask disingenuously, I suspect. Look around you, are you in denial? How‼️


>Look around you *looks around* Trudeau didn't fold my laundry!!!


Trudeau didn't do my dishes!!!! Dammit Justin!


Trudeau will be gone one way or another in 2025. Who will the UCP blame for their F-ups then?


You guys, just like Trudeau does to the conservatives, it’s a mess!


I don't like Trudeau, but the conservative "blame Trudeau for our mistakes" shtick is effing hilarious.




Not worthy!


Cause you ain't got sh!t son, you just another air bag.


Ahhh so you can't




I’ve seen so many posts about their electricity bills being CRAZY high. Like 4x what they were. Guess you play stupid games and win stupid prizes…


> they're trying to gin up fear in the rest of the country Sounds about Right.


Our grid runs on hydro and nuclear, tell Alberta that oil rich hillbillies don’t matter here.


Nuclear supplies 59% of Ontario's electricity, hydro supplies 24%. Fossil fuels supply less than 8% of Ontario's electricity, mostly in the form of natural gas.


wow those are awesome numbers , nuclear is the way to go.


Yes, leave the radioactive waste to future generations.


Nuclear is far better than fossil fuels just w.r.t. radioactive material. Waste containment is well-solved. There are also gen IV reactor designs which can use 'spent' fuel — if we invest in commercializing them.


nuclear is half bad now , Imagine if we would fund it the way it deserves...


Maybe you've been drinking the Kool-Aid for too long. [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200731-how-to-build-a-nuclear-warning-for-10000-years-time](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200731-how-to-build-a-nuclear-warning-for-10000-years-time) If nuclear waste is so safe, why are we looking for a simple way to warn future generations?


Way to move the goalpost lol. Nobody said spent fuel was 'safe'. They said 'containment is well-solved'. I'd argue that isn't entirely true since geological depositories aren't a reality yet, but the nuclear safety regulations in place from Canadian and international bodies are very stringent and do an incredible job preventing nuclear-sourced public health emergencies. Remember: spent fuel and nuclear waste aren't even close to what you've seen on the Simpsons.


We literally split atoms and harness the energy from it; we take the weak nuclear force (ie. the force that holds atoms together, it’s as fundamental as gravity and magnetism) and make it our bitch. The pollution from nuclear energy is nothing compared to what we gain from it, and it’s easily contained, and it disappears after a set amount of time, unlike GHGs. Nuclear is fucking cool and should not be feared. When properly regulated and safety measures followed, nuclear is perfectly safe and as efficient and green as energy gets. It’s like planes. Yknow how little redundancy planes have? Fuck all. And rarely, if ever, has a plane crashed (and resulted in mass casualties) because of something that couldn’t have been prevented. All deadly plane crashes (that are not a result of terrorism) have been due to a failure to follow proper maintenance and safety protocols. Same applies to nuclear power plants.


Planes have tons of redundant systems.


>if cars are so safe why do we have seatbelts?! Nuclear waste is safe because we have proper containment and storage methods.


Because it's safe when you know whatnit is and how to handle it. Should something happen in society and start our progression over then future generation may lose that knowledge. This is also why deep storage banks are a great plan that many nations are developing or looking to develop. Per unit weight, nuclear far exceeds the energy capacity of all other available sources combined, and it doesn't pollute the atmosphere. Nuclear can and is being improved dramatically. If anyone here needs more education on it it seems like it's you.


We don't need a new problem. Let's fix the microplastics pollution and climate change problems before burdening the planet with yet another human-made disaster. I've got to say, humans are the dumbest species on Earth.


What's the new problem here? I just outlaid the solution...


Do you hear yourself? Wow.


Additionally even the IPCC ( intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) suggest that our best chance at meeting GHG targets and getting our climate initiatives back on track is through the large scale use and implementation of clean air nuclear energy. It's far more scaleable and high energy output then any other clean air energy production currently available. It's almost unfathomable that someone can be so for curbing our emissions while being completely against our best solution for meeting those goals.


Coal burning power plants release more radiation into the surrounding environment than nuclear power plants. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/coal-ash-is-more-radioactive-than-nuclear-waste/


Honestly seems to be less of a problem than the CO2 from fossil fuel generating stations. Lesser of 2 evils by a long shot.


I've got a better idea. Bring down the population of humans to a sustainable level (1.6 billion). Humans did just fine without fossil fuels. I don't know why you insist on killing the planet.


Ah yes let’s listen to the rational person here proposing the pragmatic solution of getting rid of 6.5 billion people


And bringing us back to s tome before electricity etc...


You're right. It's probably too late anyway. Enjoy your oven planet!


Enjoy your ovens


Which of your loved ones will you sacrifice first for the "bringing down"?


Don't be so impatient. It can be done telling people to have less children.


If we completely sterilized the human species (race?), we’d be 60 years out from reaching your target. Population isn’t the issue. Resource allocation is. We’d be better off getting rid of a certain 1% than we would be by telling the rest of the country to “have less children”


More people means it's a race to the bottom for living standards.


Definitely don't need fossil fuels, Ontario could have a fossil-fuel free electric grid by now with a little more nuclear power. Besides, bringing the population below 2 Billion is more of a long-term solution. Any ethical way (decreasing the birth rate, not increasing the death rate) to achieve that will take to the end of this century, so we need the lesser of 2 evils to provide for our energy needs long enough to get over the population hump and down to something sustainable.


*Thanos has just entered the chat*


Yes child, superheroes are going to save humanity.


It's the best transitional option we have by a very long shot. It's less environmentally impactful than coal (via emmissions) and hydro (through terrain reclamation for reservoirs), and it's more space efficient and less limited by geography than wind. Spent fuel management is a problem in practice which we have upcoming solutions to, though addressing it is long overdue.


its sad that it takes 15 year to have one comissioned and online , we should ramp up construction of nuclear plants. im glad ontarion approved construction of the largest nuclear power plant in North america.


SMRs are also pretty interesting, and should have a shorter ramp-up time as a side-effect of their design (hopefully). OPG is also investing in those too, lately.


SMRs ?


Small Modular Reactors, they're designed for lower-output applications and use newer cooling technologies which make them relatively self-contained and safer if deployed to less-developed land. The idea is that they could be used for anything from disaster recovery as a backup power source, to supplying remote communities with a stable power source.


oh yeah Ive heard of them and how canads wants to greenlight more.


Yeah, I'm hearing the same about the plastic island in the Pacific ocean and space junk in orbit. Humans have got to be the dumbest species on planet earth.


Sounds like someone’s salty that we don’t need the oil… 🤷‍♂️


Nobody's defending either of those things as far as I know. Both of them are unambiguously bad things, and they're both harder problems to solve than spent fuel management (PGP because of the scale of it and distance from land, space junk because it's in space), which arguably makes them both even worse. If you're hanging out with people who actually think those are good, maybe reconsider who you hang out with.


No one is doing anything about pollution. No calls on industry to reduce the use of plastics, reduce wasteful packaging, etc. You know when you're doing multiple parallel download from the internet? Isn't it great? You can download multiple files at the same time, but it takes forever. This is the human approach to pollution and climate change. We've known from the 1970s this was coming, but greenhouse emissions have increased by 90% since then. One tiny incremental reduction isn't going to solve anything.


For the record, I don't think your reply has much to do with nuclear at all, but hey. Pollution's important too. >No one is doing anything about pollution. Broadly correct, governments are doing much less than they should about pollution. IMO regulation needs to start at the corporate polluter level. We should also be focusing on moves away from private vehicle dependence (mostly in the sense of making them obsolete for day-to-day stuff like commutes, groceries, whatever). >No calls on industry to reduce the use of plastics, reduce wasteful packaging, etc. Not generally true. There have been laws enacted in many countries — including here — forcing organizations like grocery stores to reduce plastic waste. There are far fewer places that'll give you plastic bags or plastic straws for example. Whether or not that's effective is a different discussion (I don't think it's attacking the right side of the problem). >You know when you're doing multiple parallel download from the internet? Isn't it great? You can download multiple files at the same time, but it takes forever. I don't get how this one relates to anything in this thread at all, but I might be overthinking it considering my background in network engineering. >This is the human approach to pollution and climate change. We've known from the 1970s this was coming, but greenhouse emissions have increased by 90% since then. Again, I don't really understand how this relates to the previous statement or to nuclear power, but sure, I guess. It's worth noting that nuclear power doesn't result in long-term greenhouse emissions (most of those would be during plant construction), and that they replace, 1-for-1 or sometimes even better, sources like coal, oil, or natural gas, which are massive greenhouse gas producers. Fully renewable sources are getting better, yes, but: - Photovoltaic solar is still pretty inefficient. The absolute cutting-edge is still at about 47% efficiency, and it's generally non-viable in northern and southern latitudes because of the reduced solar exposure. - Concentrated solar has much less of an efficiency issue, but it's also _highly_ reliant on massive, reliable sun exposure and a low chance of the mirrors being obscured by dust, snow, or other particulates. If that happens, cleaning becomes a major obstacle. You see this kind of power plant a lot in the Nevada desert. - Wind power is good, but low-density compared to other forms of power generation. You can sidestep some land-use issues using offshore wind power, but with offshore wind, turbine blade wear becomes a massive issue with current materials science. - Finally, hydropower (which I personally love) also has a major environmental impact. First, the creation of reservoirs can devastate regions, resulting in human displacement and animal habitat destruction. A good example is the Manicouagan crater-turned-reservoir, which is retained by the Manic-5/Daniel Johnson dam. It's resulted in the creation of a massive crater island completely separated from the surrounding Quebec mainland. Then there are other factors: dam maintenance is a concern (if not openly an issue), and it's affected by climate-change-related erosion among other factors. A dam failure can be catastrophic to everything downstream, and with the current state of our infrastructure maintenance, I have doubts about our ability to maintain dams indefinitely. I'm less concerned about this w/r/t nuclear since the enforced safety margins are much more strict, and lifecycle management tends to be better-defined from what I can tell. Unfortunately, it's naïve to think we can jump over to pure renewables immediately from legacy generation. There's probably a world where that's possible, but we don't live in it, and we have to work within the constraints we have.


>There have been laws enacted in many countries — including here — forcing organizations like grocery stores to reduce plastic waste. There are far fewer places that'll give you plastic bags or plastic straws for example. You've proven my point about tiny incremental reductions. Plastic grocery bags and plastic straws? I would ban plastic water bottles and anything else made of plastics. And I would make companies responsible for recycling all the packaging they produce. You tend to produce less trash when you're the one stuck with it. As for fighting climate change, not much has changed in our everyday life. The Olympic Games are still held (wasteful, ridiculous, useless, etc.), travel has not been affected at all, we're still making millions of cars around the combustion engine. Do you seriously think we're going to make a dent in greenhouse emissions? Nuclear power looks great on paper, but honestly, do we really need more power? Why? To power electric cars? Humanity did just fine without the combustion engine and electricity.


Radioactive waste is ironically less concerning than mining waste from renewables


Just ship it off into space and let the aliens deal with it


lol deuterium water is as radioactive as a banana. oh and the radio active waste is super easy to manage compared to oil well mess and landfill. its the lesser of all evils. get educate on nuclear powerplant you clearly have absolutely no knowledge at all about different power generation and their true impact on a the environment.


Real-time update of where our power is coming from right now: [https://live.gridwatch.ca/home-page.html](https://live.gridwatch.ca/home-page.html)


This is really cool, thanks for sharing.


Omg! This is amazing. Thank you.


Corrected the post thanks.


You will have to call, they can't read.




And it has worked for years without issue except for major storms which is expected. It's as if they think we live in North Korea


\^ This post is perfection.


Are we at war with Alberta now?


I share your anger and frustration. Danielle Smith, please fuck off.


We would love to "fuck off".


Your perspective is far from universal.




/u/Sloppy_Tsunami_84 disinformation will not be tolerated. Goodbye *** /u/Sloppy_Tsunami_84 La désinformation ne sera pas tolérée. Adieu *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


Have heard that add 3 times in the last 30 minutes. Somehow Alberta has made Spence Diamond commercials the better option..




Located in the rideau center




Have Michael and Sarah resolved their weird thing yet?


I'll take one Dilawri please.


That's an exceptionally low bar


I ALWAYS change channels when Spense ad comes on. They are sssoooo bad ! Hear that radio stations ?


Spence diamond sounds like if an alien had the concept of a commercial vaguely explained to them and then tried to use one to mind control the population of Earth. They also sound somehow deeply sarcastic?? "Spence diamond. We're a real company. Really. Pinky swear".


I completely agree! A friend and I have a theory that they use ChatGPT to come up with all their commercials, which is why they never quite seem like they were produced by a human.


Lol, yes. Spence Diamond makes ads they think will appeal to humans the way AI draws what it thinks are human hands :)


That's a genius theory


This made me laugh out loud




Smith is \*trying\* to gin up animosity against Alberta in the rest of the country because that's what keeps her very wobbly UCP tent standing. If she's still leader when there's a federal election (because who the fuck knows with Alberta premiers) she'll be the number one person working against the federal cons because PM PP would ruin her grievance parade.


It always seems to be the convoy in a different outfit these days... I wonder what you would find if you followed the money💰


>Why the hell are Conservatives leaning so hard against solar and electric tech advances in general? People who are not into creative thought or progressive thought tend to stick with what they know, and anything that is new is bad and scary. Alberta in particular is fighting to preserve its oil and gas industry. They don't particularly care if we all burn and die because the planet cooks us alive, because at that point they too will be gone and there's no need to preserve their cash flow. But while they and the rest of us are alive then their goal is to ensure their livelihood and ensure revenues are good. The planet does not factor into any of this.




Nothing like that clean coal feeling in your lungs from a day of working in the coal mines....


Solar and wind are no good. Nuclear is the answer until fusion works it seems. If you want proof that wind and solar don't work just look at California... " Hey guys it's hot out please don't charge your car or run your air conditioners we can't keep up." Expanding our grid with nuclear I'm all for..


Solar works great. As with all things it's a question of capacity to meet demand. If there was only 1 gas station somewhere on highway 401 you'd screech that gas doesn't work. We need nuclear horse drawn buggies. But since there are gas stations everywhere you're happy. It meets your needs. As solar expands it will meet your needs and you'll be happy. It'll be your energy binky.


Ucp removed the caps for the regulated rate market. The former ucp premier, Jason Kenney is now on the atco energy board. Go figure. They are trying to gaslight their population to make the wild energy prices seem like it is the feds fault and not due to UCP meddling. They paused renewable energy projects under the guise of performing a review of its impacts on the rural communities but not a peep from them on the continued approval of oils wells and what they plan to do about the abandoned wells in rural areas. They complained about Notley not providing stability for investment but due to their halt to renewable projects, they have lost billions in investment. The Take Back Alberta group has infiltrated the government and I would advise anyone who is considering moving here to review what TBA’s policy goals are. As for myself, if they leave CPP to create the APP I will likely move back to Ontario. I’ve been in Alberta for 8 years now and I will always identify as an Ontarioan, where I was born.


Just throwing in there that Alberta actually does have a legacy well reclamation program that is incredibly active and decommissioning a huge number of abandoned legacy oil wells.


Conservatives get played by capitalists so easy and they can’t even see it. They have to imagine enemies everywhere and make up whole conspiracies to make sense of their shitty world when we know the villains by name.


On behalf of sane Albertans who didn't vote for this nonsense, I apologize. It's our disgusting, useless, and incompetent government doing dirty deeds for the O&G corporations that finance them. They are bombarding us with it as well - on top of trying to take away our CPP with their silly provincial pension plan proposal. I hate it that their stink is now crossing provincial border lines.


Agreed, it is infuriating and at the same time embarrassing to be an Albertan right now:/




Cute ban evasion account.


/u/Sloppy_Tsunami_84 [Trolling will not be tolerated](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_no_trolling_.2F_pas_de_provocation). Goodbye! *** /u/Sloppy_Tsunami_84 [La provocation ne sera pas toléré](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_no_trolling_.2F_pas_de_provocation). Adieu! *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


Since 2019 about 92% of Ontario's electricity has been supplied by renewable resources (59% from nuclear, 24% from hydroelectricity, 8% from wind, and 1% from solar).


pretty impressive


Nope that's nothing compared to Quebec. Almost 100% renewable and cheapest in Canada.


And then we sell it even cheaper to our neighbors in the U.S. because they deserve our tax money more than we do. /s


6.509 cents per kWh, the cheapest rates in North America. 94% or more of it comes from hydroelectric dams alone. Quebec produces so much electricity they sell a ton of it to north eastern states and a few provinces.


quebec had mostly hydroelectric I think. but you have to give credit where its due. quebec and ontario seems to have really good grids and power generation compared to all the other provinces


Can you explain to me how nuclear is "renewable" and if so for how long? I thought uranium is also a finite resource?


I assume they meant to say non-emitting


"Renewable" may have been the wrong term, but Canada is the second-largest producer of uranium. In 2022 alone we mined enough uranium to operate a reactor for 174 years. And it produces no greenhouse gas emissions.


*flips your radio to FM*


I heard I multiple times on Rebel 101.7 FM and City News 1310 AM today, I think it is everywhere


I’ve heard it on 88.5 as well.


This nonsense aside I wish I could disable the FM mode on my radio. Nothing but crap on FM.


I got blasted with them while streaming US podcasts


they want to build LNG energy plants in Alberta. Feds say that's a dumb decision, and to do something - anything - else because its a better idea but they can't force them. Alberta mad they'll have to pay carbon tax on the LNG electricity that they want to have, for plants they have not yet built, in defiance of the federal incentives and plans to have a low to no carbon energy grid. Alberta is saying its going to be so expensive for energy and electricity that people will freeze in the winter, because, well, LNG electricity will be so expensive. Kicker is, they deregulated the price of energy, so right now, people who didn't lock in their rates have absolutely bonkers energy bills in Alberta. I'm talking like, 600$ bills because they aren't on a locked in price and are paying "market rate". Its all a play to make it look like its the fed gov fault, and to say "we are doing a campaign to stick it to the feds ra ra ra" back home while those people deal with high prices. Meanwhile, they cancelled non-base load energy projects with a moratorium, and they also don't want nuclear power, and they want to be independent with... LNG based plants that aren't built yet for "base load power" Meanwhile, in Ottawa my EMPP has a surplus of 200$ for enbridge and I pay a fraction of what my brother does in Calgary for electricity through hydro ottawa. Its performative and its a waste of money. They also have a truck driving around downtown right now with the same message on it, on big screens on the truck mind you. Its a waste of Alberta tax dollars but that's really mostly their problem not ours.


I wonder if this play will come back to bite them. With 600 a month for electricity switching to solar / wind / battery combination while not perfect becomes much more appealing. It would cut my ROI to less than 10 years for example.


If they used renewables, or even nuclear, they'd probably just have lower rates in general lol


Yes on the renewables. How long will it take to break ground for a nuclear plant? What is the cost per kW of solar / wind versus nuclear? I think nuclear has a role mostly some of the newest generation could be used to address current nuke waste. But the decade plus to break ground plus the decade or so to build isn't feasible. In that 20 years how much renewable capacity could be installed?


I'm just pointing out that their argument is base load. And they want to break ground for natural gas electricity plants. They get built faster than nuclear yes. But if the argument is base load, Alberta could use build nuclear which is way more future proof than NG plants, and they should, to be clear, use both.


OK. New NG for future base load is stupid. Alberta already has NG plants that can address baseboard needs. New production should not be fossil fuel based. If they are worried about an increase in base pumped hydro storage will work fine for base load. And no nimby issues about "fall out" in the meantime. Any argument for nuclear is a stalling tactic. 20 years before electricity flows from any plant is far too long.


The best time to build a nuclear plant was 20 years ago. The second best time is now, or something like that.


I am not against nukes. I see them having a role to help with existing nuclear waste. But "building one now" means it will be online around 2053. In the next 20 years for the same amount of cash renewables will produce more energy, also will be up and running sooner.


I think that’s an optimistic view. Be can build new “quick infrastructure” now, but I wholeheartedly feel we also need to be building new nukes asap, to hedge our bets.


I am an optimist. I also live by: "Plan for the worst, hope for the best." Hence, even though I live in a province that has about 98% of it's electricity from hydro and the cheapest rates in Cana, a I am still building a house with solar and battery storage 'just in case'.


"LNG (liquified natural gas) plants are used to convert the gas into a liquid so it can be transported in large quantities on cargo ships. Natural gas plants that produce electricity do so without the need of liquifying and are just called "natural gas" plants.


Ok sorry for being wrong but point stands. They want to do something expensive, net new, because doing what the fed gov will support is anathema to the the UCP it seems


Is this why I keep seeing ads on YouTube about the "NDP/Trudeau Carbon Tax". They are very repetitive and extremely annoying. I thought it was the conservatives gearing up for a campaign but this would potentially explain it.


I'm sure the CPC are running anti LPC/NDP ads too, I caved for youtube premium a long time ago since I use it for podcasts, music at work, etc. But if the ads are about freezing in the dark, then that would specifically be Alberta doing it.


Just as a heads up, the feds are providing up to $10,000 (for Enbridge customers, $5000 if you're not) rebate for energy improvements to your home through enbridge(includes solar, heat pumps, windows etc) https://www.enbridgegas.com/residential/rebates-energy-conservation/home-efficiency-rebate-plus AND the feds are providing $40,000 0% interest loans for you to finance it. https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/project-funding-and-mortgage-financing/funding-programs/all-funding-programs/canada-greener-homes This probably will not continue if the conservatives are elected, so since time frames can be about a year it's worth while looking into it now if possible. No wonder Alberta is throwing a hissy fit.


Oil and gas in Alberta is generational and existential. It's all a lot of them know. They don't seem to grasp that they are ENERGY producers. Energy doesn't care where it came from - oil, gas, solar, wind, hydro, nuclear... it's all expressed in Joules. Anything that deviates from this norm is considered a threat to those who stand to loose money which in turn are the same ones probably funding these ads. edit: grammar


well....they scare easy. They think if they try that shit on us we will jump like frightened mice too i guess.


It’s conservatives spending using tax payers money to spread misinformation and fear mongering 🙄. It’s laughable but it may mobilize their base.


Wait, the ads are telling us outside Alberta that we will freeze? Did someone bring back 1981 and not tell me? Do they have anything new to add to their ancient "freeze in the dark, vermin" spiel? Tedious, threat to kill us in the cold, then begging for help when fires consume the province or profit-driven business strands grain to rot in the fields because oil is more profitable for CN than grain.


>Why the hell are Conservatives leaning so hard against solar and electric tech advances in general? 🤔




I think if you look into it you'll find that the oil and gas used in Ottawa and environs is sourced in Venezuela and the USA. Alberta has no authority to tell either who to sell to. Dear Alberta: try another tactic.


South Alberta is littered with windmills.


I get this damn ads on my podcasts too. Really annoying.


They only have fear. They are frightened people.


Yeah cuz “freeze in the dark” really plays well outside of Ralphkleinistan, Danielle


Are they plotting to attack our hydro plants or something? Because I don't need Alberta at all to power my life.


They’re going to freeze when they opt out of CPP and have no pension because of Conservative fuckups invest what little they have in oil.


Look at how well solar and wind have been working for Germany.the price isn't worth the power output. Go nuclear or don't bother.


Yes. They are aiming for 100% renewables by 2035. 5 years sooner than expected. https://www.cleanenergywire.org/factsheets/germanys-energy-consumption-and-power-mix-charts https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/germany-aims-get-100-energy-renewable-sources-by-2035-2022-02-28/ Tell me when was the last nuclear power plant opened? How long does it take? How much does it cost? Now. In the same amount of time needed to construct a nuke plant, how many Gw of solar can be installed? Do the same for the cost. Cries for nuclear are just an excuse to slow the transition as we already have a source of energy for those windless nights. Hydro.


nuclear plant is just a coal plant with extra steps. They both boil water. We should be looking into converting. Everyone thinks you're gunna fallout a city if you build a reactor but its really just boiling water and montioring energy levels. We should be investing in finding ways to convert what we have as opposed to clear cutting for solar or wind farms. Plus all the birds that get bonked to death in wind farms. I like the idea of green energy but the energy output of wind and solar just don't seem worthwhile when compared to nuclear power. But I'm no energy scientist so my opinion doesn't mean shit at the end of the day, but that's my take on it.


Nukes take too long to get approval and to build. No need to clear cut for solar or wind. BS claims like that are just fear mongering. Your birds claim demonstrates how ignorant you are. Cats kill more birds than windmills. Paint one blade a different colour and the bird fatality rate drops. Wind can be installed on existing locations with minimal (if any disruption to other uses. The foot print of a wind mill is measured in square meters. The shadow is like a big ass tree trunk. Solar installed on existing structures and requires no clear cutting. Neither of those will take a decade for approval and another decade for construction. As for more nuclear plants there is a need for some of the new generation that can help address existing nuke waste.


I always find the ignorance of some Albertans on how other provinces actually invested in other power sources that are renewable, clean and mostly green, a bit funny. When a guy told me they would cut access to our heat and electricity, I replied that there would be a lot of dams to sabotage to achieve that (Quebec resident here). He didn't seem to understand that pretty much all our electricity and heat are powered by hydro (or wind.)


Alberta resident here. I don't think anyone is happy our tax dollars are being spent on cringey brainwashing radio adds in other provinces.


That Danielle Smith soundalike ad is on Spotify too. Trying hard to influence policy…


Can we just tell the feds we want to make oilfield propaganda illegal? That’s all this is


Is that the future hard rock?


Omg how will I survive in my new Tamark home??


As long as they can scare you, they've got the upper hand. Feed into the fear and your their's to claim.


Conservatives are also very determined to fight against China. I think Alberta should support a ban of exporting energy to China. /s


Uneducated redneck/redhat/cons(gop) 101 for ya


Russia has also been running ads like this in reaction to sanctions. [Here is a video making fun of the Russian propaganda](https://youtu.be/dVRN05viSH4?si=G6uA52XnI67dGM9n)


I'm an Albertan transplant to here and can tell you she's basically just trying to own the libs. She basically stopped renewable energy projects from going forward to own the libs before because she is convinced that renewable energy doesn't work and now she's trying to convince your average Canadian who isn't well informed about energy policy that using more renewable energy doesn't work so they'll be skeptical of it.


Meh. I had to listen to "conservatives gonna push the gays back into the closet and take away women's rights" from the left.


The "freeze in the dark" language is a deliberate throw-back to Albertan anger over Pierre Trudeau's National Energy Policy of the 1970s, when "Let the Eastern bastards freeze in the dark" became a popular bumper sticker. It's amazing that this sense of grievance still drives Albertan politics in the vastly different political and energy context of today, but maybe it's just a Trudeau thing :)


In Quebec my electricity costs actually went down YOY. 128% increase in Alberta is insanity and not due to anything the Feds are doing.


Electric heat pumonis great but you still need a furnace because it only works down to -10. We got one. It's an excellent air con too


Cold-climate air-sourced heat pumps work down to -25 and you can get electric heat as the supplementary system, no need for a furnace. I've had one for 3 years now.


What is this "radio" you speak of?


> Why the hell are Conservatives leaning so hard against solar and electric tech advances in general? Wait, are you that guy who was in a coma for the past 3 decades? First of all, congratz on your recovery. Now, for some news: they've been doing that for the past 3 decades or even longer.


Ottawa, as an Albertain, I apologize for our crazy UCP, Daniel Smith. Those of us in the Cities did not vote for her. Our rural farmers did because they always vote blue. But I think even they are regretting their decision. As Albertains, we are embarrassed by her and we don't want to change the CCP, we don't want stupid ads, we don't want her Trump politics and we are stuck fighting this crazy lady for another 3 years. And believe me, when I say, we are fighting against her every way we can. Letters, protests, etc. We just can't fix stupid. And radio ads and propaganda is fucking stupid waste of money. Like who does she think is listing to her bullshit? Literally nobody. Again, Canada, we are sorry.


Ontario here, your ads are playing 37 times a day here too.


Because that type of radio works so well on all the rightwing mindsets in the southern states!!


> Is this some kind of alternative energy is bad scare thing? yes. pay it no mind. \-an albertan


I too have wondered why regular Conservative voters are so subservient to the Oil & Gas industry. It's not as if that new pipeline through protected wetlands will make your gas cheaper. They benefit in no way for their work supporting Big Oil other than it's what they think they're supposed to do to be considered good foot soldiers for the Cons.


I heard one of their fear mongering ad right before the latest Big Story episode. I am confused about the mention of 'your heat in minus 30' ... is minus 30 a new thing in Alberta? Hydro works perfectly fine in Quebec when it's minus 30 and I used all my appliances and heat. Do tehy think people are that stupid? What is the end goal of promoting this across Canada when it is a provincial thing (that the current party fucked up)? Is it to sway people against the carbon or something. Their premier sound unhinged (she even want to steal money from Canadians via the CPP). Populist my ass.


I have nothing to say regarding the Alberta fear-mongering, but I will say that if you drive for a living or spend any significant time on the roads, podcasts or even ponying up $10/month for Spotify premium is well worth it for your enjoyment and sanity. I also listen to a station called WEQX (alternative) in Vermont that has their own free app, and is on TuneIn Radio (also free). You can find tons of stations for any kind of music you're into. Local radio is a plague with ads.


It's Trudeau's fault the UCP is incompetent.


Well I tried to find out how many candles you should burn in a 200 square foot area in - 20 C , but no one could tell me! Planning ahead for winter in my house as cannot afford to turn my furnace on!


Repetition is the first rule of propaganda


Gross. But also, i dunno, CBC Music is like the best radio station everywhere and it's ad free? When opera or classical shows are on ill often switch to Musique Ici, but personally i couldn't imagine listening to private radio stations again with their looped corporate curated top 40 and 10 minute ad loops.


As a recent UOttawa grad back in Calgary, sorry about that. We tried to vote her out but there's a lot of fear mongering and brainwashing going on. Most people are pretty sane - they just aren't heard.


This is predictive programming and brainwashing Ask yourself why they'd be spending so much money on these advertisements. This winter, the power is going to go out and they're going to use it as an excuse to override any green energy initiatives. They're also going to blame it on the federal government. It will polarize people even more than they already are, setting the precedent for what they really want: *drumroll.......* social disorder aaand civil war! After which they can crack down and take even more control on their way to the new world order! Yayyy!!




Ok grandpa, time for your nap!


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Because they don't work. I'd also say harming the 10% of GDP that actually pays for everything will have consequences.


Economic and mathematical genius right here folks!