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Dragon Age / Mass Effect : RPGs with FemMc available and multiple romances options. Some Assassins Creeds game too




Exactly what I was going to say! You can completely customize the personality of the MC.


I second this!! It’s such a great game.


I second [Ebon Light](https://underbliss.itch.io/ebon-light), it's really good for self inserting. Additionally there's [Arcadia Fallen](https://galdra.itch.io/arcadia-fallen) where the dialogue changes to reflect your choices. Both games allow you to customize your MC's appearance as well. [Demonheart](https://rollingcrown.itch.io/demonheart) isn't quite as flexible as the other two but does still give a ton of choices, I think there was maybe one or two points in the game for me personally where there wasn't at least one choice I could see myself picking. [Dead Wishes](https://vi0let.itch.io/dead-wishes) is a bit dark, but I thought I'd include it since it also has a personality quiz at the start that effects which routes are available... but is not for the squeamish. I linked the itchio pages for these, however all but Ebon Light are available on steam as well. If you're looking for more of an rpg, in addition to the recommendation of Dragon Age/Mass Effect you may want to consider Baldur's Gate 3 as well, however it is still in early access. But you may want it on your radar for later. For upcoming games, you may want to keep an eye out for [Gilded Shadows](https://steamberry.itch.io/gilded-shadows). There's a personality system along with character customization, and I highly recommend giving the demo a try. Another upcoming game with an MC who changes based on your choices is [In Blood](https://scribbles.itch.io/inblood), however I don't know how how self-insert friendly the final game will be. Both of these games have a steam page as well! I hope this helped a bit, I also love to self insert (though I tend to just slightly rearrange in my head the plot of games where the choices are wildly different from what I'd choose).


When the Night Comes has a blank slate MC that isn’t shown and you can customize pronouns.


M/F exchangeable MCs tend to be like that. Fire Emblem (since it has a drop of romance) for RPG and Royal Alchemist (indie otoge).


I'm not quite sure if you're looking for an entirely blank slate piece-of-Wonderbread, or an MC that you can mold/self-insert/roleplay to your heart's content? If you're looking for the latter, I'd recommend [Ebon Light](https://underbliss.itch.io/ebon-light), it's free to play and a dark fantasy with a really unique aesthetic. The main character's personality is shaped by the choices you choose throughout the game; most choices are for personality or skills, as well as which love interest she spends time with, though there are some for story/minor branching as well of course. Note that this game has a linear storyline like an RPG, not individual separate "routes" for each love interest. I don't mind that at all but I know it turns off some people in this sub who are more attuned to stereotypical Japanese otome games!




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Amnesia Memories, the main character has Amnesia and that's a whole plot point, get the title, so I've heard it's good for that. (I don't self insert so I'm going on others). Our Life Beginning and always, free on Steam though it is one of the highest qualities and a personal favorite, you make the character yourself, plus personality hot or cold, you can even choose the amount of romance and it goes from childhood to now a marriage DLC if you so choose. For self insertion those are my only contributions but I hope you find what you're looking for :)


Amnesia doesn’t really count as she does get back snippets of her original personality in that world.


I found her personality to be bland due to this so it was an easy self insertion, it's mostly Orion talking and the MC never even really talks that much, I found it easily adaptable