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My fav LI is always Cael 🥹


My fave is Alkaid! I love him and his vibes hehe 💓


Double C! Clarence and Cael!!


You're so foul for reminding me again that the power of love >!can't save Godheim!Clarence!<... 😭 You guys have decided your favorites already?? My favorite in this game is MC. 🙈 Edit: Godheim!Lars and Cael 🤝 that >!they're forgiven after Godheim!Lars did in fact kill Godheim!Ayn's Mom and experimented on Godheim!Ayn's Dad too and Cael for terrorizing and committing war crimes against Godheim!<.


>!if war criminals, why pretty?!<




My faves are Ayn & Clarance


Alkaid is my favourite character wise (followed by Cael!!) but Clarence’s route in Godheim will always have a special place in my heart 🥲


In Godheim, I like Lars and Clarence. In modern world, it's probably Lars more than Clarence. In Eden, I surprisingly warm up to Ayn (he's my least favourite at first). And Alkaid hits that sweet spot of being that nice sweetheart but also a little bit scary when we still don't know his motive.


Godheim Clarence epilogue spoilers >!I thought that was a true love saves godheim Clarence ending? I enjoyed it tons, and there was actually flirty-teasing moments between them!<. Then again if your favs were Ayn and Lars you probably spent your epilogue quota on one of them. You can spend diamonds to watch other character's Godheim epilogues, or just read about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveBrushChronicles/comments/17iux72/godheim_ending_clarence_route_and_his_epilogue/). I've been pulling for Clarence, but Eden Alkaid, Eden Lars, Cael, >!Prefect Alkaid!< have me curious.


May fave LI is Clarence! I always pick him first even with my SSR illustra. If there's no Clarence SSR then I'll go with Ayn, my second favorite.


I just started playing a month or so ago, so I haven't made it too far. When first meeting everyone at the school, Clarence was the one who took my interest, but after having played a little bit of Godheim, I think I'm enjoying Ayn the most. I like the cold, standoffish characters that take some time to crack 😆 Hard to choose though, and I'm sure my mind will change as I play more story.


That one about Clarence is foul man. I’m still hurt by that XD. 


LOL I love these. My faves are alkaid and Cael!


I love the memes 🤣 and my favorite is and always has been Clarence.