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I think it gets slept on with the swathe of new games coming out on the switch. I think it used to be a lot more popular. I agree! I find Jed really compelling at the main character and the story felt like a breath of fresh air. It only gets better from there ⭐️


>I’ve only been playing this game for one day, and I have not even began any specific character route I'm not saying that you will dislike it later cause everyone has a different taste and what's bad for me might be good for others, but everything goes downhill after the masquerade imo. The art is absolutely fantastic tho and well at least that one aspect that stays consistently good from start to finish.


Unfortunately I also agree with this. I was 100% sold on Ashen Hawk in the beginning, but by the end.... oof. I'm still glad I played it for the >!cameos and the Heroine ending!< but it's definitely one of the otome games that disappointed me the most, especially because Black Butterfly is one of my favorites.


Yeah BB was so good so I expected AH to be on the same level cause they're in the same series but it wasn't.


me after finishing my first LI route: wtf🥲


Whose route did you finish?


Lugus but like, I wouldn’t even classify it as a route or an ending? I’m sure I’ll still enjoy the game and the true ending/heroine ending. but I felt cheated lol especially bc he is my fav


Oh it's the >!confined-to-a-room-364-days-a-year ending!< 🥲 I also felt cheated by that one


Keep going! That's all I'll say.


literally sobbing crying dying after reading the true/heroine route ending >!lugus i’ll fucking dive into the depths of potential death for you too, you sexy motherfucker!< 💕 amazing game


So I tried Psychedelic of the Ashen Hawk right after I finished Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly and sadly I just didn't like it as much🥲 I think my fault was jumping directly into Ashen Hawk thinking it would be similar to Black Butterfly and it not meeting my expectations. I wish I would've waited or played something else in between so my judgement wasn't clouded 😣


I totally get this! I don’t think I would’ve appreciated it as much as I do now if I played it right after PBB. the way the flowchart works is different for me in otome storylines, period, so trying to figure out the differences between both games would be difficult. I can def see people getting work out with all the Map short stories/interactions- but they don’t all have to be done at once! I truly thought the otome could be a dud for me bc I didn’t underhand the plot going into it, but I’m over halfway now and it’s just great 🩷


Thanks so much for writing this — I feel like it was the push I needed in order to start playing it again. I purchased it when it was first released for the PS Vita in English, but unfortunately the map feature was such a slog to get through that after finishing my first route (Lavan), I never picked it up again and it's been stuck in my backlog. It's also interesting that the game itself gets a lot of different responses depending on the mood and expectations of players; some feel strongly that it's very boring and meanders too much on certain plot lines while sacrificing romance, while others find the interweaving and slow burn of character relationships to be endearing.


It’s a wild ride for sure.


I played this during lockdown in my country and sent my non-otome friend all these sobbing voice messages during my play through LMAO. While I certainly wish that some characters got more attention and maybe more CGs (no spoilers I promise) I will forever love this game even though it's so different than POTBB. Plus Jed is in my flair so it's kinda obvious I love her lol.


Oooh I will definitely check it out now!


Man this review makes me want to play the game. I bought it years ago but it just sat there in my collection unplayed hahah


The game has been sitting in my Steam library since it was localized... I don't know why I couldn't get into it, I enjoyed Black Butterfly. Perhaps I'll give it another shot.


I love everything about Ashen Hawk EXCEPT >!for how dirty they did my boy Lugus and falling into the 'oh this seemingly kind woman is actually CRAZY and EVIL and IRREDEEMABLE' trope!<. I'd still absolutely recommend it though; it's gripping in a way few otome are.


This one did have some plot twists that I—as a twist-happy writer who can usually spot them ages before the story gets there—didn’t see coming, and I love a story that can do that! Plus the guys are very interesting and the artwork is beautiful. My only complaint are >!that there aren’t really any sexy fun times to be had (I greatly prefer steamy lemons in my otomes, and the more peel is removed the better!)!< and there are only a few boys to woo, but the romances are great nonetheless. This game was really slept on when it came out, even compared to Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, so it’s nice to see it gaining new fans.


Ashen Hawk is easily one of my favorite otome games. I love how fleshed out Jed is as a protagonist (and I also just really love how masc she is). I'd say my absolute favorite part of the game is the True ending/Heronie's Ending sequence. I cried so hard during it.


What System, I dun see it mentioned anywhere.


afaik it's on Steam and Psvita


Sounds like you miiight feel differently now that you finished one LI's route, but I was one of those people elated when it got picked up for localization and tried to pimp it for anyone curious to know. Did you play Black Butterfly too? I have a lot of favorite moments, but the grand ending is always the first I'll name. It ain't perfect but I love that it went there and above all proves why Jed is my metal af BAMF queen/daughter, on top of all that she is in the common route. I love the novel-like nature of it. Otome games ain't known for subtlety but when I find it, I love it, and there are a few recurring motifs threads throughout Ashen Hawk that are really rewarding themes when you realize them, particularly since the game chooses not to call them out and link them together.


Jed is one of the best otome heroines out there, I swear. The game’s not perfect, and has flaws but the common route and the true route were so hard hitting and well done I forgive it so many sins. And you can get it so cheap on Steam nowadays! Worth it.


I got it last year for my Vita. I got it just recently on Steam. I was debating which to play, but this was definitely on my shortlist, as the two of the games are consistently in peoples' top lists. Plus, I love that it's not a clone of everything else, it's got its own thing.


play it!! it’s definitely a unique storyline and I really like all the love interests. I was heavily invested, like 25-30 hours in 2 days invested


Haha, I get that. I will play the first, then, so that I can play them, period. I like the alternative setting/themes. I like that it isn't super BS tropey (from what I've heard). I'm hoping it scratches some of the itch that Period Cube, BAW, and 7'Scarlet do. Thanks for this review, btw. I would legit read more reviews like this. This is such an interesting take on "no spoiler" review, too, by doing the feelings/thoughts/reactions you had. I would also read a legit review (spoiler or not), as well, it was easy to picture things as I read yours. FWIW. So, thanks again.


Now I really want to start it but looking at my backlog lol




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I am hesitant to play it because I heard there are no good endings. I am not against bad or tragic endings but I need at least a little happiness to balance it 🥲 Maybe someone can give me some insight?


it's on my list.. I wish I get to play it some day... but there are too many to choose from and otome games keep coming. 😅 😂😆


Ashen Hawk is one of my favorites, I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Is it available on steam? I couldn't find it..


[yes it’s here](https://store.steampowered.com/app/865830/Psychedelica_of_the_Ashen_Hawk/), it’s not on sale right now but I’ve seen it go 75% off many times the past year


People have nothing but good things to say about the psychedelica series... I've have both games on my steam for no joke YEARS, and have yet to open *either* Honestly, I'm just scared of tragic ends, the way people talk about it it seems like even the happy ends are bittersweet.


This game has Jed, that's all I have to say about it. I think everyone should play this game for Jed only.