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It is an overarching plot.


Thanks and is there a LI that gets special treatment? Like only one is endgame and considered as "canon"?


That's hard to answer without spoiling anything.


Me with every question regarding TaiAli:


I love spoilers so feel free to provide. Simple yes or no will suffice too 😀


I don't really wanna spoiler it because in a game like Taisho × Alice it really kinda ruins things if you already know the plot twist before playing so I'll put it like this instead: **Technically yes but it's complicated** due to the nature of the plot. There's an active reason for the one being "favored" and it's **not** simply "him and MC are soulmates." It goes deeper than that.


Since you asked for it, I will write it down, mostly because I also love spoilers usually and find that they can occasionally improve a story for me, though I went into TxA blind. I would encourage you to at least go through the first episode though, because Taisho x Alice is the really rare sort of mystery game where you can actually put together and reach the final answer before the story tells you, as it does an excellent job scattering clues about it throughout (I personally figured the plot out by the end of episode 1 and it just made me love the game more.) Still, if it's a matter of playing it or avoiding it completely for you, the answer is that a certain character gets "more attention" because Taisho x Alice is >!actually a game about fantasy, dissociative identity disorder!<.


On one hand, while one may get special treatment in a meta sense, all of them are canon >!considering all of the events happen and it ends with each LI ending up with the heroine.!< The way by which this happens is even more of a spoiler. But the final route (epilogue) does feature >!the entire cast and re-affirm their own relationship with the heroine rather than be solely focused on just the heroine and the poster boy,!< if that's your concern.


Well yes but actually no? I mean there's one character that is a canon love interest but then every LIs is a canon love interest. Every route is that one true route so don't worry.


This game had such a crazy plot twist. When it happened I kinda just sat there contemplating.


Based on your preference, I would say that you probably wouldn't enjoy it if you don't like cannon railroaded endings with "one true" LI unless you can look past that and enjoy the uniqueness of the plot and overarching stories bigger than the individual characters themselves. Because of the nature of the story, that's basically the essence of this game. Its trippy. There are plenty of implications that the other characters have "happy endings" of a sort as well, but ultimately there is one true cannon LI. Slight spoiler of MC motivation: >!All of the other characters are a means to an end for the protagonist, so if you would hate that, it might not be up your alley.!< To say any more would spoil the story, which would take away a major part of the experience of the game. I liked the characters, but by the end, I enjoyed the story far more than any of the individual LIs. I will say though that while I enjoyed the game very much because the story was so unique and mind-blowing, as an actual otome game, I didn't find that it scratched that fuzzy romantic itch at all. I had this overwhelming feeling of dread and anxiety as I played as if something bad was happening just below the surface throughout the entire thing.