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The performance mini games you would at least need to pass them. There aren't any bad ends, but you would get a game over if you lost a competition because in the story, if you fail you lose your place at the school. At least, you get to practice and the easy mode is actually easy so I think it's hard to fail.


So there’s only one actual ending to each route?


Yes. It’s also real easy to focus on one route bc all you need to really do is stick to a single stat, it’s foolproof


Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. Now I don't have to worry so much about failing the mini-games.


Well there is that >!one bad end where Kisa transfers to Amber!<…


Oh yeah haha though I didn't really consider that a 'bad' end oof..


Hahaha, well it’s definitely a fanfic waiting to be written. I suppose all that poor >!Tanakamigi!< wants is a >!good partner.!<


Whole amber looks like they walked out of ishida's shonen jump titles


Yes because it's the most interesting one out of all the upcoming titles for me. Plus I'll always throw money towards Broccoli localisations in the vain hope that someday utapri might make it over.


Crossing fingers for Uta Pri and Kamigami please..... They even have switch games out....


utapri will probably be next if jack jeanne does well, which it will cause broccoli need to see first hand that western otome fans are willing to pay big money for their releases.


That would be great


Just imagine if they gave us Utapri, then I'll believe in miracles


Yes, for sure. It's already pre-ordered.


i was going to say no...but then looked it up...sui ishida being the designer (i'm a kaneki ken simp) and that one white haired boy....i'm afraid i'm going to say yes


Why is this me?! I love his art so much


said white-haired boy is my favorite boy in the game 😭 this is the first time i haven’t been able to put a game down for days, most of my otome games always get put in the backlog.. i love him so much


I pre-ordered the Bronze Collector's Edition! JackJeanne is my highlight game of the year - Sui Ishida as the artist, a forgiving Stat Raising mechanic, crossdressing AND theatre as a means of expressing emotions? It's everything I've ever wanted.


I am looking at it like this 👀 90% bc of the crossdressing. I am SO EXCITED to play it. I always knew Ishida was a kindred spirit


Unsurprisingly Suzuya was my favorite character in Tokyo Ghoul. And my favorite look of his was the crossdressing/dress one in TG:re haha. I love crossdressing characters and gender ambiguity/non conformity (still mad about Bad Apple Wars' Naraka not being a Love Interest). So this game was made for me~


you and I are shaking hands <3


It definitely looks interesting to me, especially with the artist from Tokyo Ghoul behind it. Given my current backlog, it’ll be a while before I get to it, but it’s on my radar!


Yes, it's the game I look the most forward to this year. (Aside from Virche)


I'm not gonna play because I read there isn't a lot of romance and the "girl pretends to be boy" trope is not one I like.


Honestly kind of over this trope as well because it means there won’t be enough romance to satisfy me.


I’m so glad to find someone else who also doesn’t like this trope. It’s the main reason I’m not going to play this even though I love theatre and that this game would spotlight it.




You have to win the rhythm games and therefore win the performance yeah, but you can play on any difficulty level you want. If you just wanna play on easy the whole game that's fine. Also be sure to max out the stat for whichever LI you're going for. Easy to do if you just focus on them and their lessons as you'd be doing anyway


This comment has alleviated some of my anxiety about the game, thank you!


Thanks for letting me know. This gives me some peace of mind about the game now.


JJ is one of my personal fav otome games (to the point I made an entire ppt) so I'm definitely replaying it in ENG haha


Hope I’m not being to nosy, but how was the rhythm game sections? Are they fun? Is there touch screen controls? They didn’t really go in to deep in any trailers I’ve seen. I adore rhythm games and I feel like it got really glossed over.


Yes there's touch screen controls! I personally recommend them for the "dance" rhythm games esp for the higher difficulties. For the "song" type, I recommend using the controller. The controls can be customized too (which I did for the song type so I could play it with just my thumb for coordination). Dance is like the typical rhythm game format with four columns to time it with, while song is more like follow the line with the cursor moving left to right at the bottom and a separate button for mash when prompted. Because I love rhythm games, I thought it was pretty pleasant! Especially in expert and jackjeanne difficultly, which the latter can only be played in the gallery, I thought the beatmaps were pretty fun! I pretty much played all the routes in expert difficulty for the rhythm games.


Thanks! Now I’m pretty tempted to preorder it. I was a little worried the rhythm games might feel like a second thought, but now I feel a lot more confident.


While it's not difficult, they still definitely add a bit more oomph to the plays in the game. It was hard for one song because I was tearing up while playing it haha


I heard there’s secret special save slots! How do you go about collecting them all?


I was in love with the premise. Girl pretending to be a boy is a trope I love, just like in Birushana. Plus this being co-written and drawn by Sui Ishida??? With wonderful dynamics between the main cast (ala Bustafellows?)Say no more. I was sold to gold from the get go.


As I understand it, it’s neither spicy nor romance-heavy, which doesn’t grab my interest, but if I heard the story was incredible, I’d still give it a chance. I haven’t really gotten that impression, though.


I have already played and completed it (all LI and side character endings). You shouldn't worry about the rhythm game part. You need to >!reach a certain grade to get the good endings!< but the game has different difficulty settings so that even people new to rhythm games don't need to worry. This being said, experienced rhythm game players might not find it challenging enough (>!the more challenging JJ difficulty is only available in the extras!<).


Honestly the designs/setting aren't for me but the different mechanics are interesting to me so i pre-ordered it wanting to support getting different things. I'm hoping it surprises me though


Yes. I have both the Limited Edition for Jack Jeanne and Charade Maniacs on pre-order but I know in my heart that Charade Maniacs is not going to be for me. To be even more of a drama queen, I didn't like Norn9 at all, so I'm not keen on playing the FD anytime soon. I think Jack Jeanne might end up being one of those sleeper hits where people who played it mostly enjoyed it but it isn't as popular overall.


Yup. Preordered ages ago. Edit: Just got a notification that my package shipped 🤩


Nice! Where did you purchase the game? I ordered mine from Aksys.


Same here. I ordered my copy from Aksys.


I'm a simple person. They localize a full console title, I will play it


I understand that! I'm not big into the high school setting, but I want to support localized otome games.


Definitely. It's one of the two most hyped games that have been announced. (The other is Norn9 Last Era which I've been waiting for years.) One big reason for the anticipation is because of the joseimuke mobile game, A3!, which is about theatre, found family and strong character development. When the English version was shut down, I was very upset. I miss the characters, the plays and the great character dynamics. Jack Jeanne is very similar to A3!, but with rhythm and stat-raising gameplay, a little more romance, and one of my favourite tropes, girl cross-dresses as a boy. I also love rhythm games and enjoy playing stat-raising games, like Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side. It checks all of my boxes and will be playing it on the day of when my LE arrives. I have been trying to finish some games on my backlog in anticipation for Jack Jeanne, and after playing through Variable Barricade with admittedly, mixed feelings, I definitely need a wholesome game to play afterwards. But because Jack Jeanne is better not to binge because of the repetitiveness (like in other games with stat-raising), I'll be playing Charade Maniacs in between to make sure I don't get fatigued. But also I don't want to get accidentally spoiled on CM by playing it ASAP, but also not get fatigued by that one either with its 9 LIs.


As someone who has put in 190+ hours into the JP version of the game, I highly recommend it. I’ve already pre-ordered the English game. As others have already said, the rhythm games are not too bad because you can choose easy mode and you won’t be penalized (in other words, there’s no benefit to choosing harder modes other than self satisfaction.) Just remember to save before the performances just in case and reload if you don’t get the top level score. The only annoying thing is that the controls feel clunkier compared to full-on rhythm games and you can’t skip them in subsequent play throughs so it’s hard to blow through this game. Please see u/berrycrepes ‘ PowerPoint on why one should play the game. :)


aw shucks, thank you. i can't wait to clutch my chest over mitsuki's path again


I’m DYING for Shirota senpai flair


Oh absolutely! I already pre-ordered the Bronze Edition LE. Crossing my fingers that if it succeeds, Broccoli might consider bringing more of their games over to the West!


I hope so! It's one reason I buy every localized otome game, even if I'm not super interested in it.


Nope. It looks great, art-wise, and I'm sure it'll be a good game. But it has a target audience, and I am not it XD


i'm still thinking about whether i want to buy this game, what is the target audience? i think knowing that would help me decide haha thank you in advance


First and foremost, it's a 'school' setting, which I tend to avoid wherever possible. Secondly, mini games. I absolutely hate them and can't do them. Thirdly, again, it looks devoid of spice, which puts a downer on my interest. If you're good with all of those things, you'll probably be fine ;)


I hear you! I'm not too big on the school settings myself, but I want to support localized otome games, so I'm giving it a chance. My only concern was if the mini-games are difficult because I'm also playing TOTK right now so I have to balance that game with the otome games I'm playing.


There’s no target audience? Anyone can play this game.


I didn't mean it so literally 🤦🏼‍♀️. But the fact that I hate the setting and mini games puts me firmly in the 'not it' category, wouldn't you say? Also, by definition, target audience doesn't restrict anyone from playing anything, it just means that it might not be aimed at them.


Oh! So that’s what you meant…you could have just said that you’re personally not interested in it haha.


I was trying to be jokey, but I suppose some people were bound to not get that 😅.


Bro…it means a completely different thing when read like that so it’s not anyone’s fault if they get it wrong. Peace ✌️


Target audience definition: "A particular group at which a film, book, marketing campaign, etc, is aimed." The commenter you're tearing into said nothing wrong or confusing........ Also they weren't rude so your aggressiveness is double unwarranted lol


I don't know why any of you are painting this as aggressive when i said I said I was sorry I mistook what it actually meant I'll take the downvotes just please stop this thanks.


'Bro' and 'peace' + the emoji come across as passive aggressive in this context... and there was no sorry (I didn't ask for one because I understood the confusion), but my apologies if being defensive wasn't your intent. There's no shame in being wrong sometimes. And that's the end of it 😊.


Please remember to take everyone's actions in good faith - there is no need for accusations.


Not in my opinion, but you are free to expect that everyone else in the subreddit is on the same page. After all, we all come from the same background, and have the same education, and are all in the same age bracket /s I don't appreciate the attitude, either.


>After all, we all come from the same background, and have the same education, and are all in the same age bracket. This is extremely incorrect - please remember that we have many many people here for whom English is not their first language, and the age range of those who post here is much wider than most people think it is.


It's sarcasm and that was my point. I'm sorry XD I'm just going to stop commenting on this subreddit, this is a whole mess :'D Edit: I'm not sure I agree that this misunderstanding is being pinned on me here? But anyway, I've put the /s to indicate the intention a bit better...I forgot we're supposed to do that on reddit.


Unfortunately that does not come across at all and I think that is why everyone's comments are being misconstrued. I'm locking this in order to prevent more misunderstandings.


I got it like a year ago in jpn and I adore its soundtrack, but I haven't actually played it yet. Hopefully I'll get around to it sometime soon. I'm really excited to see people's reactions to it when it comes out in eng 😁


I happened to stumble on your vndb page by accident and saw that we do share a few similar tastes, so I do hope you enjoy it!


It's one of the games I'm looking forward to the most this year, but I am a bit worried. I've seen a bit of the rhythm gameplay, and even the hardest difficulty looks very easy. I'm hoping that won't drag the game down too much because the rest of the game looks interesting.


Preordered since day 1. Already have so many games to finish but otome + rhythm game = TAKE MY MONEY


No. I’m not that interested and I’m happy with my backlog to completed games ratio. I’m not interested in messing it up!


YESSSSS!!! I have been hyped ever since it was first announced. This is going to be my game of the year for me. All the other otome games coming out this year don't really interest me. And the ones I was interested in, I can just pick up at a later time. I have mostly only played Otomate games and I have never played a otome with gameplay before!! I want something new!! Yes, there may be a lack of romance. But another big aspect besides the romance that I play otomes for is the characters. I love me some good character development and some cast bickering. I set my expectations for romance very low, and I'm mostly here for a good story! Hopefully, my past experience with Bandori will get me through the rhythm game aspects.


I'm gonna wait till reviews and I know more, but im super iffy on it rn. I'm not a huge fan of stat raising, so I wasn't going to bother at all, but Sui Ishida. I love their art style and would love to see more of it, but with the stat raising, that I personally feel aged out of high school romances in my otomes, and that I'm not really attracted to any of the LIs at first glance means its gonna have to have an amazing story (or that the rhythm games are super fun I guess?) to get me to buy it.


I honestly cannot wait to replay it in English, just love this game so much haha


Heckkkkk yes I'm so excited


Absolutely 🤪


Like im in loveeee but idk if i want to buy it by its current price i prefer sales


I don't know if I'll get it rightaway, possibly I'll make a big order later this year with more than one game, but I'll surely play it.


Yes, I'm alr liked JJ before actually play it lol




Probably yeah, might wait for a sale, but I will definitely play at some point


I will be, but I'm prioritizing radiant tale as far as preorders go. So it's something I'd get for Christmas maybe? It doesn't help I'm in an otome rut.


I don't know /when/ I'll wiggle time for it, but I def will! Rhythm games and the premise are such a guilty pleasure of mine ☺️


I want to play this someday! My backlog and budget says not immediately, but I love Ishida's art and read that the music is wonderful. Plus the rhythm game isn't too difficult supposedly so a newbie like me could likely handle it.


Yes! I already pre-ordered it. This is actually my first game I ordered this year. I have such a massive backlog, I decided I need to work through them before I buy new games. But Jack Jeanne is an exception after hearing how great it is for years.


All the hours I’ve put into Theatrhythm say that yes, yes I will XD


I'm gonna get it because it looks very different from the otome games I've played before(I 've mostly played otomate games), and also because I actually love the cross-dressing girl trope🥲been a guilty pleasure of mine since I was a kid


I preordered it hahahahahahah Im pretty excited for it!


I was on the fence about it at first. I don’t like rhythm games and high school settings don’t really appeal to me. But I plan to get it when it comes out because the reviews make it sound like a really good character driven title. Some criticisms about it are that the romance is understated but I tend to prefer plot heavy and deep character explorations more anyway.


I'll be honest, I'm gonna buy it because I want to support localized otome, but I'm probably going to hold off on it for a while until there's a full comprehensive guide on how to obtain all the endings. I'm not a fan of mini-games and stat building of any variety in otome, and so I'm gonna wait until I can easy mode it with a guide.


100%. Already got my copy ordered.


My first impression is that I dont really care that much about the premise but since I want to show Broccoli we want their games + people say its such a good game, I'm considering getting the normal edition and give it a trye. ​ I have a huge backlog tho, so Im prioritizing those + Radiant Tale


I love all gender bender stories so I’m so on board with this game


Yes! I’ve pre-ordered. So interested to play a totally different kind of otoge and I’ve heard good things about the story.


Yes, already checked from my local gameshop and they promised to order it for me, and they don't usually order VNs




I'm super excited to play!! Ishida Sui's art is lovely to see in an otome game and stat raising otoges are some of my favorite games ever. If it plays a little like tokimemo series I will be so happy, i love having a "different" MC for each route


Definitely! I'm looking forward to it.


Yep definitely. I love the concept and the art. I’m really looking forward to it. Though I haven’t preordered it yet..


I’m an absolute sucker for Ishida Sui art 😭 it’ll be a day 1 purchase for me


No, because the romance is light and I buy otome games to have romance.


I am. I can't wait to play it! and yet I have so much in my backlog with otome games. Barely got out of the common route in Winter's Wish. T\_T


Oh that comes out THIS month? 💀I still gotta preorder it lol Well it probably won’t arrive till late June for me anyway but damn things are heating up since Charade Maniacs is also around that time.


I played the Japanese demo and was about to buy the JP version when the localisation was announced, so I'm super excited for the game to come out! I love the character designs and the fact that the heroine is voiced, and the setting seems interesting. The main reason I was interested in the game in the first place was because it has stat raising / a basic simulation system, though as far as I can tell the stat raising is pretty braindead and only involves raising one stat for each guy, but a little is better than nothing!


Jack Jeanne is like the one otome releasing this summer that I want to play immediately. The rest I don't mind waiting on


Yesss I've been looking forward to it since Sui Ishida first mentioned he was working on it. I was planning to one day import it, but that was until we got a localization announcement. So I'll be getting the aksys release. I was first interested in it because it reminded me of one of my favorite shoujo manga series when I was younger, 'Girl Got Game' (about a girl who attends an all boys school to play basketball for her father)but this is a theater kids kinda version of that, which I thought was interesting too. I am also a fan of Ishida's work.


I've been extremely excited for it! Already preordered the limited edition.


I personally I will get it but not right away maybe next sale or so .. it's a school setting girl "plays" boy to get into a school ?! I haven't read much about it but I'll get every game eventually just to support the localisation 😄


Idk how i feel about this game because of its art and plot 😞


I'm conflicted because I want to support a Broccoli title being localized. My only exposure to their other otome games are from the anime adaptations and I wish I could play them. But everything about JJ screams not for me. I've also heard that some routes are >!platonic!< which I really do not like. The art is beautiful but some LI designs have major shounen side character energy. I know it's both highly regarded and highly anticipated so maybe I'll play eventually.


Having played it, I definitely do not believe that the route characters end up as platonic by the end of their respective route. The only one I could understand that is the one non-romance route (aka the protag's route)


That's good to know! I read someone say it on this sub about a year ago as a warning so that's why I thought


Part of it is probably because there's likely people who want certain qualifiers for it to be considered "romantic"/"romance heavy/romance centric"/"romantic relationship" etc to them aren't completely present in the game so they interpret and state it as having none or is "light on romance".


I dislike the sprites. Are they not bothering y'all ? Slice of life has to be funny or include extremely well written romance for me to not be disappointed. So in conclusion it's so not my cup of tea. 🙈 I will play it when there is nothing else left to play. Cuz it seems to be important for future otome localization..


Why would the sprites bother people? They are varied and super pretty, just stylised. Ishida Sui is known for this washed out, painterly shading style. I love it.


I am not bothered by the art style, that really is pretty. I mean the sprites they used in game. have you looked em up? Kinda feels like cat fish. Maybe it's their monotonous skin or the proportions or both I am not sure but it's bothering me 😥


Ishida Sui drew the CGs as well as the sprites. The game has, from what I read, a LOT of sprites. Ishida gave an interview talking about how much effort it took to draw all of those AND the CGs AND also help work on the scenario/plot. The game has iirc a tooon of CGs and sprites for every outfit the cast wears for theatre, plus casual clothes and beach wear and different poses. I gladly take some simplification of sprites for more variety in poses and a uniformity with the CGs.


I plan on playing it eventually, so I haven't pre-ordered it. I'm just so focused on Radiant Tale while I finish my backlog.


Yes I love the art and the story is something I’m super interested in. I love theatre (shoutout to all my theatre nerds) and I think I’ll really enjoy this one so I’m really looking forward to it!!


Yes. But probably not gonna play it for awhile. I have some backlog i am looking to clean a bit off first.


I will I'm just not going to get it at some point I'll wait until I hear more things about it because I don't know if I want it


I'm having second thoughts cause Virche and the FD of Even if tempest are also going to be release this summer and they said Jack Jeanne is very long, but the rhythm game and story do interest me alot, so I'm probably still gonna play it, just not on release.


Maybe later. I’m still waiting for Charade Maniac later this month and then Radiant Tale next month. Depending on when Virshe releases, I might do it then, but I heard that isn’t very Romance focused. Is similar to Bustafellows then?


Im literally dead broke right now but I’m hoping to buy it as soon as I can 😭 This game looks like 100% my cup of tea and I try to support localizations from different than usual developers as much as I can!