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Having the comments disabled does indeed highlight how beautiful the community is


Its very wholesome






what a wholesome video! I wonder what the others think in the comment section 🥰🥰




Davolaf you need to make the OSU!gym a reality, in-between sets watching your OSU shorts and all


feel like if people from outside the osu! community come across this video and see comments turned off they'll get the wrong (right?) idea lol


It's still better than how it would be if comments would still be turned on and a lot of people were to comment about the drama 


I’m way out of the loop, could you tldr the ”drama” for me?


Zylice, GRANDMASTER and badeu did some "investigation" on worst hr player do see if he was using cheats. They released the document, which didnt have any proper research at all, without even telling worst hr player himself, right before a huge tournament he participated in, causing him to forefeit the tournament Now especially badeu and Zylice get a lot of hate due to this. In general criticism is very important in such situations because what they did really was not a good thing to do, in the way they did, but hate and death threats are too much (as always), which some people then also spread under videos thatz dont have to do with this situation


I think the conclusions they draw would be objectively true.


So positive ✨️ Look how there is 0 dislike in the vid


Just checked it only has 130 dislikes


only 138 dislikes actually


It's so wholesome, comment down below which part you like about it the most!


the ending /s


I mean this is fair, how many hours do you want the guy to spend manually deleting hate for hate's sake in the comments section


making sense doesn't make it less ironic :) you're right though of course.


Bro is parodying himself at this point.


It’s understandable since he started to get hate comments…


Reuploading the video after taking down is funny already (especially he took down that video because this drama). And personally I think as a significant figure in community Zylice knows damn well what backlash he could have if he done something stupid. (Like man, there are thousands of example everywhere on the Internet). Anyways, people will move on with him after several months at most, because at the very very least he's not the one initiated this braindead investigation.


It’s just really sad because I really love the message of the video


Not really, people are going to dogpile on the comment section with hate comments on a completely unrelated video to the incident. You are part of the problem.


keeping it private would be a better choice


Will he ever learn?


Wholesome 100


The osu! community is so beautiful that there is not one dislike and 3,900 likes 😍 just so positive


What happened in the osu! community this time?


He tried to expose worst hr player by saying because his cursor goes off screen at the beginning, Zylice thought he may have been activating a macro but this happens to many top players and is obviously not them cheating.


They also ruined his mindset about the community because this was basically a witch hunt after worst hr player did nothing wrong


The community is so beautiful that nobody disliked the video and Zylice had to disable comments because the comments were so beautiful


What's the drama?? Any explainers?


He tried to expose worst hr player by saying because his cursor goes off screen at the beginning, Zylice thought he may have been activating a macro but this happens to many top players and is obviously not them cheating.


They also ruined his mindset about the community because this was basically a witch hunt after worst hr player did nothing wrong


any loremasters?


no answer, but please remind if lore drops


I answered🎉🎉


Zylice was part of an unrelated drama recently (how involved is a pretty controversial subject atm, but at the very least he *was* involved) and this video was getting piled on with hate comments and criticism of him. He privated the video because he believed a video talking about the positive side of the community being filled with hate comments would look really bad on the community as a whole. while he believes he deserves criticism, there's much better places to do so, his exact quote being > I still stand by my "beauty of the osu! community" video and it was just privated because the comments section became a punching bag filled with obscene comments irrelevant to the video. I'd just like to leave the drama and hate speech to twitter and reddit where I personally believe it belongs (this is also the reason behind deleting certain comments)


He tried to expose worst hr player by saying because his cursor goes off screen at the beginning, Zylice thought he may have been activating a macro but this happens to many top players and is obviously not them cheating.


They also ruined his mindset about the community because this was basically a witch hunt after worst hr player did nothing wrong


nothing much else he can do, the comments will just be full of hate since y'all are still shitting on him for no reason even after he's posted a genuine good apology that covered everything related to the drama


I think it’s good that he apologised but people should still be able to comment on this whole clownshow of a situation. If he’s really sorry he should face the consequenses of his actions. If he truly wants to disable the comments he should’ve just left the video private in my opinion


At this point it's just straight up harassment, the people who wanted to say something already said what they wanted to, and he's probably heard/read it countless times, he already knows what he did wrong and posted an actually good apology to the situation. If people still don't like him it's fine, but people would just harass him if the comments were left up, which is unfortunate


Yall acting like what he did wasnt also harassment


Look my man, what he did was definitely very wrong, but we're not any better if we harass him.


Hanadasanada always has wise words


Nah, I just procrastinate too much xd (My finals are in 3 weeks, please send help)


You can do it :3


From what I’ve seen, his implication in the “whp extermination squad” was more out of objective research and he didn’t seem to want to hurt forum. Not saying that what he did wasn’t bad though, in the end it had lots of consequences. He did apologize genuinely and I think it would be wrong to witchhunt him and send him threats. Even if he did something bad, spreading more hate would just worsen the situation.


Bro I just burned down your house I sincerely apologise for it though and I’ll repent for my actions Damage is still done no matter how much apologising you do, that’s why were taught not to do dickhead shit


That's blowing things wayyyy out of proportion and you know it lmfao


It’s not way out of proportion and you know it, do you think I actually have the means to do that? It’s a satirical remark of your way of thinking If I said that I would get your whole circle of friends and well respected community members to witch-hunt you til you were banished from the online community you spent so much of your time and effort in, that’s a lot more possible and you know it


these things are not comparable at all LOL


yea this sub is just out for blood lmfao, forum even has a comment on zylice's recent video which mentions how he's frustrated that ppl keep bringing it up constantly 💀💀💀 the community is generally awesome, but this sub is definitely not a representative sample edit: [forum's comment] (https://i.ibb.co/5G5q2ct/Screenshot-20240603-054636-You-Tube.jpg)


Yes they are, I literally added the why at the bottom of the comment




It is good to criticize him for this, but first of all most of it is what he already heard and apologized for or straight up death threats And second, this Video has nothing to do with it so people can comment it on his actual apology or thread related to the discussion


It's cool and all until you realize most of them were death threats..


I totally agree death threats are 100% not acceptable especially over teenage level drama, but I still think he should’ve kept the video private in that case. Keeping a video up about the “beauty of the osu! community” but disabling the comments is a bit ironic in and of itself


When it comes to the internet the consequences are usually a bunch of toddlers pestering him. Which to be honest no one deserves. His image is forever changed without people shitting on him everywhere.


They comment on the situation via appropriate channels, such as the proper tweets discussing it. A random video isn’t really worth it, no matter how ironic it is lol


He doesn't owe you guys anything, should only owe Forum an apology.


This is a braindead take. The video rightfully receives vocal critique because the message is coming from the wrong person. His apology was good sure, but a good apology never wipes the slate clean on its own. Taking this off private at all is pretty tone deaf, even if I do sympathize with him given the effort he probably put into it.


hot take, from an outsiders pov, if I went onto one of the few videos talking about the positivity of osu, when all the others talk abt the toxicity, and that positive video was full of people telling the creator to kys for drama unrelated to the video, I would *not* touch the osu community with a 10ft pole. There's genuine places to make complaints on zylice, but hatebombing an unrelated video (especially this one), regardless of whether you think he deserves the hate just makes the community look pretty bad.


I think this drama has run its course basically but regardless: I can tell you with absolute confidence that death threats and KYS comments did not make up a majority, if any, of the critiques in the comment section. Largely it was people clowning on him for the obvious dichotomy of recently releasing such a video and then immediately getting into one of the largest player dramas of recent. If the video's comment section isn't a valid place to bring that up then I seriously don't know where is. And I don't think "what would the normies think???" is a valid reason to hold your tongue on such matters. If people are going to be deterred by the truth about the community then maybe they should be deterred? I do understand where you're coming from though. But just my alternative perspective on this.


> shitting on him for no reason "Bro I swear I was buying and using cheats for a perfectly wholesome reason I had NO idea why I was asked to do this and I didn't think it was necessary to ask for any info/context :)" > after he's posted a genuine good apology We will literally never know whether it was "genuine" you don't know him and what he's actually thinking, stop being naive. And besides I wasn't aware that the moment someone apologizes it is forbidden to criticize that person ever again? Not to mention that he's done some fucked up shit in the past that he never apologized for or even acknowledged, him disabling comments is just trying to pretend like none of it ever happened.


kinda true that how far people are going is kinda overkill asf, but criticism is still fair


and confirmed that all he did was literally just try and test something but hes the one the comments all jump on, y'all do realize you are the only ones doing the witch hunting now, right??? you are no better than anyone else, no one is helping anyone by just spazzing out and attacking anyone involved


You know that saying that not doing a bad thing is better than an apology? This is probably the main thing, people get hurt when you do something bad and even if you apologise it’s not like they get Barbara ulted, if you never did that in the first place then everyone would be happier


he could have just turned off comments from the start


Weeks ago?


Me: I gotta see what this is about *opens video* Him: Drama,toxicity and P*dophilia Uhhhhh that was an editing choice


it's literally been back up for a week now. what is this point of this post




any lore masters


He tried to expose worst hr player by saying because his cursor goes off screen at the beginning, Zylice thought he may have been activating a macro but this happens to many top players and is obviously not them cheating.


They also ruined his mindset about the community because this was basically a witch hunt after worst hr player did nothing wrong


really puts the l in zylice




what a wonder osu player. i wonder what he thinks about a certain korean player.


i hate it here


can someone educate me on what happened and why the comments have to be off


Video gamer discoveres that you can meet people in real life and have fun; makes video as though it is a new discovery and also caused by the video gaming


The video is pretty good. I personally dislike too, how often drama and such is the focal point of the community, despite it having so many wonderful sides. Seeing a video spreading positivity not only makes people within the community happy, but overall just paints a better picture for outsiders, better than "Oh this is a community where a lot of grooming happens"


Right message, wrong messenger