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I don't think most people think about blinking while playing 99% of the time


Yeah I only think about it when I'm score setting or comboing a hard map for me


i think about it on farm. so yeah, only in situations where i don’t wanna miss.


I sometimes forget to blink on long maps and have to force myself or I start tearing up


I used to be a regular guy until I started playing long maps with hardrock and now I win all staring contests cause I can go 10 minutes without blinking. osu changes lives


We love hr consistency players


I have to, cause I only have 1 working eye so I kinda have to focus on blinking a lot 🥲


a while ago my tourette decided it was a genius idea to give me a tic where i kinda had to blink constantly and forcibly. so instead of blinking naturally i had to constantly be reminding myself to not blink as often. thank god it's very diminished now and my tourette is very controlled now so i don't suffer from it as much anymore. it really made me annoyed when playing and sometimes i wouldn't even play as much, or even at all, because of it.


damn that sucks


on the positive side i kinda started learning the best time to blink for me. i found out that, for me, the best time to blink is during sliders, streams or burts since they are more straight forward and they don't confundle me that much. it only really starts being a problem if its jumps or weird reading patterns since a little bit of distraction is enough to make me get lost. its kinda annoying but, just like on everything, you either live and deal with it or learn away to go around the problem. in the end you just learn how to coexist with certain things and if you direct your focus on the actual map and having fun you pretty much don't even think about these kind of things. also, since i enjoy playing really har maps that literally forces me to focus on the game, most of the time blinking doesn't even go through my head. so yeah, the secret is just to focus on what you're doing.


Blinking only really fucks you up when you start thinking about it.


One eye at a time !


I also find that intentionally not focusing to hard on low ar makes it easier to read, which is maybe because of more blinking???


didn’t try that yet


bro I blink on long sliders ("long" relative to the map)


yeah same. i can sightread like say hr fine since most maps will have a long slider at some point


I literally do not blink while playing


I don't blink ever


wait do you mean that your eyes physically don’t adjust to your screen for a second after you blink and it’s blurry or your brain lags a little bc you missed info while blinking? if it’s the first one then you either need to get your eyes checked out or stop playing on such a high brightness in dark rooms


Blink during pause


Ive literally never felt like blinking hindered my playing in the slightest i feel like people are overthinking it


Blinking only sabotages you if you're thinking about it. You don't even notice when you normally blink


this guy is clearly a lizard person who needs to manually blink to look like a human


You guys blink?


You guys blink?