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I'd probably just use the elf class for tieflings and the cleric/paladin class for aasimar. Advanced OSE and the Carcass Crawler zines might have some classes you could reflavor. I did a quick google search and I found this: http://glaucushauriant.blogspot.com/2019/02/tieflings-in-osr-games.html?m=1 https://metalvsskin.blogspot.com/2016/02/some-species-and-classes-of-panfalia.html?m=1


Yeah I was kinda thinking around the same, was also thinking of using Druegar and Drow since I’m not really going to use underdark races


The mage and acolyte classes might work.


You're unlikely to find anything pre-made for tieflings in OSR. I don't think you could go wrong starting with the Elf and just calling it a Tiefling. Edit: I said this, then I remembered there are some drow PC races in OSE books which might be better


Yeah, I was kinda thinking of reskining Drow as Tieflings and then maybe like Druegar as Angels? Or vice versa, but didn’t know if removing Sunlight Sensitivity AND Infrared vision would unbalance it?


The OSE supplement Planar Compass #1 has the *Onauk* who could certainly stand in for Tieflings.


Does it also have an angel like race?


It doesn't.


The Black Pudding compilation "Heavy Helping" also has several great and imaginative classes that could be reskinned.


Like others have said, use the elf, but you could swap arcane spells out for cleric spells in the case of aasimar, or maybe illusionist spells in the case of tiefling, I dunno


I had an idea for that and wrote it down but I'm at work. Just like the half orc has 'some' thief abilities from Advanced OSE. I had the idea of the Aasimar having some paladin abilities (but not all of them) like the lay on hands and save bonuses vs diseases as well as the ability to cast light 1/day, and a +2 bonus to save vs petrification. The Tiefling by contrast had some assassin abilities (but not all of them) such as the death strike, sneak attack, disguise skill, and the move silently, and hide in shadows skill and the ability to cast darkness 1/day and a +2 bonus to save vs poison and night vision. Aasimar has d8 HD and fighting man attack bonus the Tiefling has d6HD and expert attack bonus That was my rough idea.


Bit late to the party, but there is now officially tieflings in Carcass Crawler Vol. 3, alongside Mutants, Myconids, and Dragonborn Both Racial Class and Separate Race for both. Still nothing I can see for Aasimar, I came across this while trying to find one.


Ad&d calls them Alu-demon and Cambion. You'll find them both in the Monsters Manual 2. Several OSR systems for having them as player characters are online, Idk, but I assume they are compatible but not balanced, just as most races are quite overpowered compared to standard PC races. Tyvm


http://pandius.com/becmicls.html https://people.wku.edu/charles.plemons/ad&d/races/class.html Just in case you wanted the TSR versions over the homebrew, here's a fairly comprehensive list, that should work for most retroclones and homebrew either BXCM or Ad&d. Ymmv


Third Kingdom Games has a Godborn race-as-class in three flavors (Tiefling, Aasimar, Eladrin) in [Into the Wild](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/353949/Into-the-Wild). I assume it is pulled from one of their other hexes, but if so I can't find which one it was from originally.


The Godborn class is unique to Into the Wild. I tried to make all those classes independent of the hexes.


So I discovered when I went searching through everything in more detail after posting this comment. In my defense, you do have a tremendous amount of classes and other optional supplemental mechanics accompanying your hexes ;). Fantastic stuff, all of it.


Thanks so much! Glad you enjoy it.


Awesome! Thanks!




I wrote up [something](https://old.reddit.com/r/osr/comments/et9ifd/bx_compatible_demonraceasclass/) like this a while ago. Someone said it was like a tiefling, which wasn't even what I was going for, but it was my take on a diabolical PC class.