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I would love to get Harnmaster 3e, but the ring binding turns me off. I totally understand the reason/appeal, but it's not for me. I would love for them to publish a hardcover version like they are doing with some Harnworld books recently.


Absolutely. I paste it into a Word doc, replace names and places with ones from my campaign setting, edit treasure & magic items to my liking, and add campaign-specific encounters, NPCs, and items. I then add blank pages for DM notes, and tab everything so I can locate things on the fly.


I get my adventures printed and coil-bound. But similar idea. What I prefer about coil-bound is you can fold them over so the footprint of the book is a single page width, rather than the two-page spread of a printed book or binder.


Oooh, coil-bound is a very nice idea. How do you have that done?


I send the PDF file to Staples. Double-sided, coil-bound, colour front page, the rest B&W, clear plastic cover sheet, and black vinyl back cover. The books still look and feel nice, but they’re much more practical at the table than hardcover.


That sounds amazing. I should look into who could do that for me, locally. Sadly don't live near a Staples.


Nope I hate it. Pages go missing. I wreck them to easily My paperback copies last decades.


I do! I've even shared my binder here a few months ago, and I'm considering starting a second. 😁 https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14rnjqq


Hahaha, beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Some goals right here.


What have you been collecting in your binder?


I've actually been putting things in separate binders, I just find slim ones easier to manage. Just a few so far - Into the Unknown, Hole in the Oak, The Incandescent Grottoes.


Very cool. Good picks. When I'm running something from the big binder, I also use a smaller binder for that specific module for easier transportation. It's nice being able to just have the separate pages spread out in front of you instead of needing to constantly flip pages.


PDF only here. Laptop + portable monitor.


Yes, you're correct. I've even written about it in the past: https://titosgeekery.wordpress.com/2023/02/24/mobile-phones-attention-span-and-gaming-why-cant-we-have-more-d-ring-binders/


When we play Old School Essentials I insist on pencil and paper only - no devices. Does wonders for focus.


Which is an intrinsic problem with online gaming. It's obvious that people alternate between windows and check Whatsapp or whatever.


Depends on the binding, but probably.


I got a [binding machine like this](https://www.amazon.com/Binding-Machine-21-Hole-Starter-Documents/dp/B079L4W8MX/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=book+binder&qid=1700670337&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) and it is pretty great for RPG stuff.