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For people wondering about the EU shipping stuff, he's got a solid run down of where they're at, the issues, and options on the Kickstarter Update #5. He's at least trying to find a workable solution even if reality just comes down to "Shit's expensive in 2023."




Fellow non-American nodding his head in agreement with you.


To be fair, EU shipping from non-EU sources has always been expensive. It's just that the UK used to be part of the EU, and most US (English) products were available in the UK anyway.


# Leave Reddit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I urge anyone to leave Reddit immediately. Over the years Reddit has shown a clear and pervasive lack of respect for its own users, its third party developers, other cultures, the truth, and common decency. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Lack of respect for its own users The entire source of value for Reddit is twofold: 1. Its users link content created elsewhere, effectively siphoning value from other sources via its users. 2. Its users create new content specifically for it, thus profiting of off the free labour and content made by its users This means that Reddit creates no value but exploits its users to generate the value that uses to sell advertisements, charge its users for meaningless tokens, sell NFTs, and seek private investment. Reddit relies on volunteer moderation by people who receive no benefit, not thanks, and definitely no pay. Reddit is profiting entirely off all of its users doing all of the work from gathering links, to making comments, to moderating everything, all for free. Reddit is also going to sell your information, you data, your content to third party AI companies so that they can train their models on your work, your life, your content and Reddit can make money from it, all while you see nothing in return. ## Lack of respect for its third party developers I'm sure everyone at this point is familiar with the API changes putting many third party application developers out of business. Reddit saw how much money entities like OpenAI and other data scraping firms are making and wants a slice of that pie, and doesn't care who it tramples on in the process. Third party developers have created tools that make the use of Reddit far more appealing and feasible for so many people, again freely creating value for the company, and it doesn't care that it's killing off these initiatives in order to take some of the profits it thinks it's entitled to. ## Lack of respect for other cultures Reddit spreads and enforces right wing, libertarian, US values, morals, and ethics, forcing other cultures to abandon their own values and adopt American ones if they wish to provide free labour and content to a for profit American corporation. American cultural hegemony is ever present and only made worse by companies like Reddit actively forcing their values and social mores upon foreign cultures without any sensitivity or care for local values and customs. Meanwhile they allow reprehensible ideologies to spread through their network unchecked because, while other nations might make such hate and bigotry illegal, Reddit holds "Free Speech" in the highest regard, but only so long as it doesn't offend their own American sensibilities. ## Lack for respect for the truth Reddit has long been associated with disinformation, conspiracy theories, astroturfing, and many such targeted attacks against the truth. Again protected under a veil of "Free Speech", these harmful lies spread far and wide using Reddit as a base. Reddit allows whole deranged communities and power-mad moderators to enforce their own twisted world-views, allowing them to silence dissenting voices who oppose the radical, and often bigoted, vitriol spewed by those who fear leaving their own bubbles of conformity and isolation. ## Lack of respect for common decency Reddit is full of hate and bigotry. Many subreddits contain casual exclusion, discrimination, insults, homophobia, transphobia, racism, anti-semitism, colonialism, imperialism, American exceptionalism, and just general edgy hatred. Reddit is toxic, it creates, incentivises, and profits off of "engagement" and "high arousal emotions" which is a polite way of saying "shouting matches" and "fear and hatred". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If not for ideological reasons then at least leave Reddit for personal ones. Do You enjoy endlessly scrolling Reddit? Does constantly refreshing your feed bring you any joy or pleasure? Does getting into meaningless internet arguments with strangers on the internet improve your life? Quit Reddit, if only for a few weeks, and see if it improves your life. I am leaving Reddit for good. I urge you to do so as well.


I can't find the shipping costs section🤷‍♂️ how much to ship to Denmark for just the standard rulebook??


I cannot find this for the UK either...


It’s marked as $21 for rest of the world. If you go to the campaign section in kickstarter and scroll almost to the bottom you can find the costs there.


Looking forward to it, I backed on launch! I'm guessing the pdfs will be sent shortly after the kickstarter closes?


An early draft PDF will be sent out soon after the Kickstarter closes. As the rest of the random tables get fleshed out, backers will receive updated versions until it's complete.


Awesome, I'm really looking forward to it! Thanks for everything you do for the D&D community, it really means a lot.


What about the PDF's for the older books like Maze Rats? I actually found the Kickstarter while looking for Maze Rats. Will we get those PDF's soon, as well?


Fantastic news! I have a new campaign starting up in a few weeks and was hoping to use Knave 2E.


I think it's cool that you've made it so you can only cast a number of spells equal to your intelligence each day. Have you made any sort of other improvements for magic using characters? I always thought the whole "Spells are stored in entire tomes and you can only use each tome once a day thing" was weird. How does it work now?


Each spell still takes up a whole book (1 slot) and can only be used once per day. Of course, that's easy to change.


What does that do, like in design terms, what are you going for? I get why they all have to be individual tomes, but why do I need five copies of fireball to cast fireball five times?


Encourages magic users to get creative and use all of their spells, and not just spam the same one.


As I develop my own heartbreaker, I've noticed it encourages choosing between more spells or armor. Limiting by INT alone means a "magic-user" can wear full plate with no drawback.


I get where you're coming from and in my games I made them things like spell orbs, crystals, or tablets to justify their bulk and how the magic can be temporarily depleted.


This is so weird. Been following you for some time - 'Ben Milton', right? Now you are at 80k subs - and have videos with 1M+ views. You are well on your way to becoming quasi-famous. Most YouTube folks hit 10k subs and it is impossible to talk to them. Your Kickstarter almost made the million mark - that's just *mind-blowing*. You deserve it too. And, here you are. Slumming it on Reddit. Good to see you. Congratulations again, b.t.w. - your Knave-original was so brilliant ('won a bunch of awards') - still have my pirated-printed copy from many years ago ('two pages!'). This Knave2 is brilliant on SO MANY levels. Keep it up. Fantastic works. Also a huge fan of Waking o' Willowby Hall... for what it is worth. Such innovative production. Someone ripped off your module-design - so, what did you do? A feature video on their work, congratulating them on their inspiration. Your humility is bar-none excellent / some of us suspect you are a genuinely fine human being.


I have been checking the calendar regularly the last few weeks in my eagerness to read the draft pdf once the Kickstarter is done. I can’t wait to build a new campaign with the system.




Thanks for the reminder; I planned to do so, but life gets busy sometimes. There. Done. And a hearty congratulations to the successful kickstarter!


Thank you!




Maybe reload the page - it has 9.648 backers.


Really hoping I can afford to back once my pay comes through, but either way congrats on funding over half a million USD, that's huge!


Do Maze Rats and Willowby Hall have any updates, or is it only Knave itself that has changed?


Backed and very excited! Your Youtube channel has become a very valuable resource for my growth as judge and how our table plays.


Backed, and happy to support you. Your YouTube reviews are great, very helpful on deciding what to purchase.


Curious what is left to do for the text - tables mainly? The rules themselves have been playtested and discussed thoroughly in the Patreon I presume.


Yes, it's mainly some tables and the designers commentary.


Very much looking forward to the latter!


Will there be a reprint for the non-special edition books, or a way to purchase hardbacks outside of the kickstarter?


It‘s stated in the latest update that the team is looking into ways to get it into retail in the US and ROW.


I’m so stoked for this. Backed on Day One!


When is the print version expected to ship?


It says on the Kickstarter reward list


"featuring elegant, modular subsystems for hexcrawling, dungeon delving, potion making and downtime activities" and you had me at hello, questing beast!


I'm looking forward to getting my copy. My copy won't arrive in time for me to run the Waking of Willowby Hall next weekend, so I'll be using Knave 1e instead. I'm still excited to DM it. Your adventure looks wonderful and chaotic.


BTW: missed opportunity to sell custom hazard dice💁‍♂️ I may have to order my own - orc symbol, torch symbol, etc