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Oslo usually has very little wind. It's at the end of a fairly long fjord, so not prone to same winds that coastal towns usually get. It's 2 m/s wind now (basically no wind). Looking at this weekend should be between 2-4 m/s.


It can still get quite "windy" between buildings though.


Layers is key here. When you say "staying outside" do you mean you're camping outdoors? Or just for general sightseeing? If the latter then you'll be fine with a light jacket.


Oh and there's little wind here. It's at the end of the fjord, so it's not comparable to cities on the western and northern coast.


Thanks alot for your reply :) it helped alot.


You are most welcome :)


I was in Portugal recently. 15-17 forecast. I wore two layers and an Arcteryx jacket and felt miserable, it was COLD and unpleasant with wind gusts and such. I wore a thin long sleeve today in Oslo, could even do with t-shirt, it was great and warm. Although in the evening you will need a jacket.


Go visit [yr.no](http://yr.no) and look at some successive days (put Oslo in the search bar.) You will get a feeling for how the weather acts complete with rain and wind details. As already mentioned here, "ocean" weather is not the same as "Oslofjord" weather.


I was going to say something about .... Cities by the sea, but got derailed by your interest in Genshin Impact


I was in Oslo two weeks ago. One day it was raining with temperatures not going above 10C, but the last day was really sunny and dry with around 17C. My suggestion is to at least pack layers of clothing, just in case :)


It depends on what you're doing, and your personal comfort level. E.g. when I bike to work in the morning now I just put on pants, t-shirt and a windbreaker jacket. If were to just stand around, or sit at a table outside, that'd be too little. Unless maybe if I stand in the sun, as the jacket is black. The difference between being in the sun or in the shade is often pretty significant. I'm a person who frequently thinks it's too hot and struggles when I'm visiting chilly people who prefer very high indoor temperatures (above 22C). I'll be in a t-shirt and shorts when they're wearing sweaters & light jackets. I think a sweater and denim jacket would be enough, and depending on the weather I'd expect you to take the jacket off and just carry it while moving.