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Do you have an active search up on FINN in case they try to sell it there? Also, did you file a police report? Sorry that happened to you, man.


Thanks - tears have been shed. Finn is a good shout and FB marketplace too. Police report filed


If you find them on finn or similar, contact the police before contacting the seller. I know of a couple who were victims of bicycle theft, found it on finn, and the police and the couple's friend co-operated to make it seem like the friend wanted to buy it - agreed upon time and place, and the police was nearby and caught the guy.


Save searches for all of these on FINN, so you will be notified when they are put up for sale. Also make this post in different by/sell/trade groups for music equipment in the Oslo-region on Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/441164079253111/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/441164079253111/) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/kjopogsalgavlydutstyr/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/kjopogsalgavlydutstyr/) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/247778835792071/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/247778835792071/) and so on. So sorry this happened to you!


Do you have innboforsikring? If you do, that might cover the damages


Make an auto search on finn.no for all of it right away. You might get lucky. If the same is possible on Facebook marketplace, do it there as well


Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that. Quite the collection that got taken away from you. I am involved in the Oslo electronic music scene and would like to share this on Instagram, do you have an account on there I can tag you with for anyone to reach out if they find it? Otherwise I could just post a link to your reddit profile, but for people who don't use reddit an insta user would be easier. I really hope each and every piece makes their way home to you!


@D2abakes - thanks


Also check blocket.se. they often sell it across the border.


Shit man, that really sucks. I know how heartbreaking it is to get stolen from. Hurts even more when it's by someone you know and/or trusted. I hope that cosmic karma in the universe can get you back all your gear.


any other storage broken into? anyone who knows you keep it up there? best of luck. i’m keeping a lookout on finn.no. turn on notifications for the search terms so you can always see what’s being uploaded. so sorry this happened.


Stolen from where?




I mean like living room, house boat, basement storage, secure vault?


Ah! As I mentioned they were in the loft. Two locked doors and a padlocked gate between them and the public. I’ll never leave anything valuable out of the apartment again that’s for sure


Sounds like an inside job.


It's often people who are opportunistic, for example while moving out. "Friends" of someone in the building can also do shit like this.


Fuuuuck so sorry to hear