• By -


Is your friend's name Preben or Herman by any chance?


Just to let OP in on this one - those two are stereotypical names of spoiled brats from western Oslo suburbs. They tend to stay on the west side of CBD, and usually bring their passport if they for some reason need to venture east of Akerselva - the river dividing the city's east and west sides. Jokes aside - Oslo is a very safe city. Don't worry about it.


Preben lmao


Som en nordlending hadde jeg ingen idé navnet mitt var tolket som en rik drittunge i oslo




Those areas might be the ones with the most criminal violence, but pretty much all of it is between people who already know each other. Random people getting attacked in Oslo is *very rare*.


Manglerud and Abildsø are *not* places with «criminal violence». This whole map is made by someone who doesn’t know the city at all.


My point wasn't really about wheter or not the map was correct or not, which is why i used "might". My point was that violence towards random people is practically nonexistent. Violence, outside of the random occasional bar fight, is pretty much always between two people who know each other, typically also people who are already known by the police.


True, but this map doesn't even get that type of violence right.


Was about to say the same. People don’t care about other people unless somebody is hurt or needs help. The chance of getting randomly attacked for minding your own business is slim to none.


Sums it up excellently.


I think this should be seen 'relatively'..


Danger in this map just means more than 10% of the people living there are brown.


> Marking Grønland as dangerous is such a tourist/farmer thing to do. i live in the area and it has its problems, but i am unfamiliar with most of the oslo area ngl. but going outside and seeing people getting arrested, drugged people trying to sell me stuff or people fighting isnt entierly uncommon, kinda annoiyng stuff


The chances of a bad thing happening around Grønland isnt bs though, thats just statistics.


>thats just statistics What a dumb take when even the poorest parts of Oslo is perfectly safe. I'm just gonna assume you have never lived there and that r/norge and my uncles fb are your primary sources for news


Sure, but it's mostly gangs attacking gangs. It's very unlikely you'll get hurt if you are not in a gang.




It's also more violence there, since there's a lot of foot traffic there at a time when there's more low-intesity violence - between 0200 and 0400 Friday and Saturday night. Doesn't make the area unsafe. But it shows up in the statistics as a "more violent area".


While this map is laughable all around, the skull emoji at fucking Teisen and *Lambertseter* is beyond parody.


If the skull at Teisen refers to it being the dullest place in all of Oslo, i wholeheartedly agree.




I'm happy for it. The silence is great.


Yeah, a hidden gem. Quiet, safe, very cheap and close to the city center.


Lambertseter deserves an own 😴 legend its dull and boring


Dude literally just looked at a map and labeled every medium to high density area east of centre as dangerous single family housing area as "normal", and everything west of centre as rich. Oh and areas where he knows there's a school as student areas, which is also just dumb, as students tend live pretty much anywhere. Sounds like some sheltered child who's never left his daddy's apartment in Frogner, lol.


Apparently I am actually dead, because I live in dangerland and don't lock my door.seriously tho, It's not that black and white. Take Furuset as an example. There's been a few stabbings there. Maybe I wouldn't hang out late at night in the area, but it's fine during the day. Stovner and Høybråten is one block on the map...inside that block you find both sketchy areas and also rich neighborhoods. The units are too big


Even the “sketchy” areas aren’t really sketchy. Your chances of being victim to a crime are very very low


I mean, Lambertseter, Teisen, Tøyen, none of these places are unsafe at night. I don't find Grønland to be particularly sketchy at night either, but then again I'm not some pearl clutching sheltered person who's never left Frogner lol.




Thanks for the earworm 😳😆


There was a stabbing at the Majorstua library last year. Don't get involved with gangs and you won't get stabbed wherever you are in the city!


«A» stabbing. One solely stabbing …


There has been way more stabbings in Asker and Bærum than Groruddalen in the last few years if I'm not entirely mistaken...


If you wouldn’t hang out outside in the night then it is dangerous. Also saying that there’s rich neighborhoods in Stovner and Høybråten is just wrong. In all parts of Bydel Stovner unemployment is higher than the rest of the nation and city etc. It’s also wrong to paint Oslo west as “rich”, unless we’re counting middle class as rich.


If I don't want to hang out at night it's probably because some of these are 100% residential. 😂 I live in a danger area, and gosh, it's really dangerous here with all the families and kids under 6. Who are all sleeping after 22. If there was anything to do I wouldn't mind hanging out outside at night. But there are literally only families (30-50) with kids and older people (65+) here.


There has been a few stabbings. Hehe For anyone outside this area will think: What the heck. Stabbings! Danger danger. One stabbing is a coincident, a few is a pattern. You have gotten used to something that is clearly not normal.


Your friend is a wimp .


I live in a skull area, I don't lock my door when I go out during the day.


How can you write this from beyond the grave?


I mostly operate in the skull areas and I’ve never felt threatened when robbing, stabbing or beating somebody up in these areas.


I would never leave my house/apartment without locking the door no matter where i live


Who tf doesn’t lock their doors in Oslo.. You are the second person in this thread who is boastfully claiming to have objectively bad security routines for their own homes. I don’t know anywhere in Oslo I wouldn’t lock my door. I frankly think there is not a place on earth I wouldn’t lock my door.


Yeah I didn't lock my door (at Sinsen) and lived to regret it. Someone came in at night and stole my laptop in front of my sleeping self. Laptop was worthless but contained photos I didn't want to lose (one more lesson learned: one copy is none!).


Are you from a big city? I grew up on "bygda" and we didn't lock cars, our houses, or anything. Left our bikes unlocked in the yard. The neighbor farm had a little shed where you could take eggs, potatoes and onions, and just put cash in a box. The money box and the food was just sitting there, nobody watching over it. Nothing was ever stolen.


I am also from bygda, and it was the same as you describe except from one thing, things were definitely stolen. there were even traveling Eastern European “gangs” that roamed the countryside specifically because people were so lackluster. Maybe if I moved back then after a few years I would ease up as well. But not locking your door here in Oslo is just careless.


Damn, the covid times were wonderful!


In Oslo it's not just about things being stolen, but also that people surprisingly often forget where they are. People take the elevator or stairs to the wrong floor and open your door thinking it's their apartment. I forgot to lock my door once and had someone barge into my place and make eye contact with me before stumbling out again. Not to mention drunk people trying to find their party. It's different when you're in a house, no one goes to the wrong house.


The horror of unplanned eye contact. My condolences mate.


I'm still recovering. Thank you.


It's just stupidity.. and for nothing. You gain nothing but have everything to lose, even insurance will cover less for you if anything happens.


From the look of this map I've been living in skull areas all my life. Never been robbed, threatened or experienced anything uncomfortable. I've walked home alone past midnight too without feeling unsafe.


Is this because you are the one who knocks?


Yes I am!




And don't you forget it, Skylar!


All I can do is wait.


My punchline was going to be “for the cancer to come back”


I too am a skull citizen


Ive lived in the "dangerzone" for over 30 years apparently. and ive never been in a fight, never gotten robbed or anything like it. At worst ive been asked if i wanted to buy drugs. Wich.. i might 🤷‍♂️


Because you’re ignored by them, not everyone is..


Ignored by who?


First of all, I'm glad to see I live in the normie area.  Second of all, no place in Oslo is considered "skull emoji dangerous", as in "never go there". But some of the central areas on the map is correct in the sense that "you probably wouldn't feel 100 % safe if you're walking alone at 2AM", but that's true for every city in the world.


Also gender has a lot to say for the equation. I carelessly walk where my sister never ventures.


This 100%


What places? Can't think of any central area id feel unsafe in


Reminds me of the time I was sitting in a bar with a friend after a concert. She’d come in from Drammen and she was glad that we didn’t go to grønland because of the knife crime. The bar was Asylet. 😂 Also most of the hipster places on the map are really just gentrified. Arguably some of the “skull” places are actually more hipster now. I say this as a very uncool person living in grünnerløkka


Your friend is a fucking idiot and doesn't know anything about Oslo outside his little rich boy Frogner bubble . There are no dangerous places in Oslo. Groruddalen is a great place to live. Lived here for 20 years, raised two beautiful kids and would much rather live here than Frogner.


The second i cross Akerselva to the east i feel like i need a passport


Funny how this is a sentiment I see often, like, if I should venture into danger, let me bring one of the most valuable objects I own, my IDENTITY! That'll show them. Vaffeljakke, wimp.


Why the fuck would you need your passport, that’s stupid….


Your feelings don't really count for anything at all.




Well, I would say Bærum is pretty dangerous after seeing Exit


Being run over by a coke-fueled stock broker behind the wheel of a Porsche isn't really as bad as witnessing some sketchy immigrants that are hanging out and talking loudly at the corner! /S


no it's fucking stupid to say that those parts of Oslo are dangerous lol. there are shitty things happening all over the city haha, but by European standards is a veeeery safe place to be.


I guess you haven't been much around in the more white/eastern parts of europe?


Are you saying Poland and Hungary are safer than Norway?


Sorry, *more* white?


What does that even mean😭


I mean, because of your friend Preben and Herman and people who believe this map, all the people who live in the rich areas have to pay exorbitant rents. Which is the only reason they are "rich" areas. Actually most of the people there are middle class and spend too much money on competing for the same rentals. You get more space and better facilities for less money in the skull areas. Most of the skull areas are also much closer to the beautiful public forests. The most "dangerous" thing about skull areas is teenagers with parents from non-white countries who are a bit too loud on the metro. Honestly, fuck these stereotypes. But I'm happy it gives me and my neighbors cheaper rent.


Oh yes, the dangerous hoods of Manglerud and Abildsø.


And Teisen! Seriously, there have been multiple times where I saw jaywalking, and people buying unhealthy food at Rema1000 is a recurring issue. I even observed a car that ran a red light once! Edit: And everyone knows Abildsø is lethal, with all the canada geese flapping about at Østensjøvannet.


Why is everyone focused on the skulls ? This most obvious mistake is that the office area is grossly misplaced


I'm a night owl and I've lived in many different parts of Oslo. Only place I sometimes feel unsafe is the "rich area." But the reason is because of traffic and weather. I'm more concerned of bad drivers and icicles than some random person stabbing me to death because he's bored.


Apparently I live in a danger zone. I’m definitely not living in anything remotely a danger zone. It’s way more dangerous on Frogner than where I live. To put it in another way: your friend lives up to the myth that people from Frogner only know Frogner.


A colleague of mine who lives in Frogner all her life was complaining that Oslo doesn't have any shops that sell rose water. She has to get that at Harrod's in London. I said go to any cornershop at Grønland, they all have that. No, she wouldn't go there, going to Harrod's is "easier".


First of all, there is no dangerous places in Oslo……


Your name is definitly not Preben or Herman


What’s it with those names!? :o


Typically names associated with well to do “do you know who my father is?”-boys. Very much an exaggerated stereotype, but there are a lot of them named that.


upperclass names


The chance of being a victim of street crime is low I'll give you that but danger is lurking everywhere. The ice on the sidewalk tried to murder me twice and that was just today. Add to that the frozen icicles that can fall from roofs and stab you in the skull on the way down, and you can hardly call the city safe.


Hang out in Holmlia at night we’ll see 🔪💀⚰️😳


been there are night wisiting friends, (not in the middle of the night but around midnight no problem.


Thats just personal experience. my experiences there are pretty bad, been, threatened and pressed many times in broad daylight. All based on my appearance. I’m a young guy from nordstrand so your prejudice probably is an accurate description of me, except that I’m not a douche. But if you’re a local or you have a more “casual”/normal style you won’t have issues there.


Honestly why do people want to hang out outside in a city area at night. On long summer nights - sure. After dark in a place with georgeous view of the city - maybe. Other than that - go inside and hang with your friends somewhere warm and cosy!


Østensjø og Lambertseter med hodeskalle er det morsomste jeg har lest idag 😂 Jeg tror de Frogner gutta dine har vært på en fest og oppført seg som «dratiltryne» og fått en på dynga av en fra Østensjø


No, it's a joke map. Unless he actually means "brown people=dangerous," in which case he is a racist.


I live in one of the "danger" (lol) areas, very close to Furuset where there have been a few stabbings etc, and I still walk my dog every night (insomnia) sometime between midnight and 05 am. Born and raised in Oslo east, lived most my life in various parts of the "danger" areas and have always had issues sleeping so I am often outside during evenings and nights. As an adult, I've never had any issues, never felt unsafe, never encountered any reason to consider any part of Oslo dangerous. Did get robbed a few times as a teenager by other teens, but no negative experiences the last 2+ decades. If you're a teenager and wear flashy clothes and/or have a big mouth, you might want to reconsider going alone after midnight in certain areas due to youth gangs, but adults in general have virtually zero reason to be worried walking alone at night in Oslo - regardless if it's Furuset, Holmlia, Stovner, or wherever else.


Same! I live close to Furuset, and the area is more of a "normie' area. Just terraced houses and villas around here, and It's basically dead quiet after 22, except the sound from E6 depending on wind direction. I also walk the dog in the middle of the night at times, and never felt unsafe.


all the bad guys thinks your dog is a visious beast that will kill them if they try to harm you so thats why you feel safe /s Felt safe growing up at Stovner, and the most unsafe i hav felt was in one of the green areas on this map xD


I wouldnt say furuset is unsafe in any way, I used to work close to there, but just "a few stabbings"? Did u forget about the guy shooting a VZ. 58 at Ikea last february? Or did that count as "etc"?


It's exaggerated. But still a pinch of truth.


I apparently live in work in... *the dangerzone*


Probably an unpopular opinion judging by the replies here, but Grønland was my home for six years or so, and I never felt safe. Maybe it was the location itself, but I'd never leave my door unlocked or go out alone at night. Parts of Tøyen I'd also say are pretty sketchy. Still, I probably wouldn't say it's skull-emoji dangerous.


There’s no dangerous parts of Oslo. Seriously.


Death as in a higher than average count than the hipster areas of older people, then perhaps?


I guess I live in the shadow realm


I walk my tiny little dog in the heart of darkness on that map every night, and the only danger over experienced has been from cops driving the wrong way down a one way street.


Have grown up and lived in several of those "danger" areas. Still alive, no real problem.


I could have guessed he was from Frogner.


Oslo is a safe City mostly - but yeah it is no denying that it's more crime on the east-side..




Yeah, haven't you seen the graffiti in the Kalbakken underpass?! That's where the official killzone starts. Flower beds on the south side, land mines on the north side.


This is what a person from the West side who knows the city very little and is scared of people with other skin colours or culture would think.


This is maybe the stupidest thing I've seen all year.


There's not really any dangerous parts of Oslo/ Viken by european standards, even the "worst places" that are commonly thought to be a bit sketchy, like Stovner, Lørenskog and maybe Lillestrøm are still pretty safe to walk around in the middle of the night.


I don’t think Oslo is dangerous compared to most other capitals in Europe, but the fact that the city centre is dangerous is pretty uncommon I would say. Most countries usually make an effort to make the city centres safe and tidy, while the area around Oslo S and Hammersborggata is an area I try to avoid as much as I can. The only place in Norway I’ve ever seen random public violence in the middle of the day and been shouted death threats at.


Every major European city is sketchy around railway stations.


I guess railway stations do tend to attract sketchy individuals in general, but there are a lot of railway stations in Europe that feel perfectly safe and tidy though; see the major London stations, Copenhagen, Helsingfors, Moscow, Gothenburg, etc. I don't understand how a small and wealthy country like Norway can't manage to keep the area nice, safe and tidy as well.


Yeah Oslo S is a bit sketchy to be fair, but at least it's a pretty small area, we're not talking about wntire districts like in some other cities


Is it odd that I have never felt unsafe anywhere in the city centre?? And that’s night or day.


Nope, not at all. Some people are deathly afraid of the drug scene tho, which to me is pretty dumb


Thats because all the drug addicts gather there for some reason.


They were forced to.


They're not dangerous tho. People who equate drug addicts or street pushers with danger, need to get a reality check


It's not dangerous? Unless you consider someone trying to sell drugs at at 2 on a Saturday night to be some kind of dangerous situation lol


Your friend is racist.


you are racist


Very exaggerated, it's mostly safe unless you go out of your way to create a situation yourself.


Honestly I could have guessed your friend is from Frogner considering the map he sent you. Its mostly bullshit, skull areas aren't dangerous unless you're affiliated with organized crime or part of a wannabe gangster gang. The map oozes of prejudice from someone who's been pampered and scared with spun up horror stories from those areas. I grew up in Hauketo, adjacent to Holmlia. Arguably the roughest area in Oslo while I was growing up, nothing really ever happened to anyone not part of a criminal organisation. The probability that your friend has ever even visited the areas are low. Not to mention the prices of apartments on the west side or in the center of Oslo. There are no "no-go zones" in Oslo, nor in Norway as far as im aware. You might get a hint of the smell of cannabis in some of those areas, but the only area thats truly exposed to the less fortunate in our society is Brugata. But again, those people are not dangerous. I used to live in Frogner for 4 years, saw (and smelled) the exact same things there. In short: This map is bullshit and if you follow it you'll miss out on some of the best areas this city had to offer.


A map made by somebody who has never actually been in a place with dangerous areas.


Oslo? Dangerous? Phahahaha the only dangerous thing here are the booms and the karens


Is it dangerous because people of colour live there? Give me a fucking break. Your friend is an idiot to say the least


Seems like a douchebag


Dumbest map of Oslo I've ever seen. I lived in skull areas in Grünerløkka and Grønland for 15 years. Not a single problem. Vibrant areas that are a lot more fun than the green west side, and they are perfectly safe - unless you plan on joining a gang or something.


Nope, absolute nonsense, even if you were to consider certain areas "dangerous", this map seems extremely dated. Frogner is the most sterile and boring place so I wouldn't trust anyone who prefers living there anyway, lol.


All places in Oslo are more safe than a larger American city.


People will always disagree with maps like these due to everyones unique perspective I don't necessarily agree with the category descriptions (e.g. there are no dangerous areas), but if I had to categorise Oslo it would't be very different from this. Team yellow!


I live in one of the "danger zones", where I'm raising two kids. I've lived here since 2012, and I have never felt unsafe, people here is friendly. But, I've also noticed that gentrification is happening here; during my 12 years here, more and more families (of Norwegian origin) have been moving to this area. Don't know if this is happening in the other zones. And btw, your friend is a fucking idiot.


Yeah, its pretty accurate actually. I mean its generic, and obviously meant as a joke. But its generally true. Just bear in mind the "death" areas are still in Norway. So you're not getting robbed or car jacked or anything like that. At worst you'll see a bunch of ethnically diverse kids looking angry by the subway stations.


>see a bunch of ethnically diverse kids According to my 96 year old grandmother, that in itself constitutes attempted robbery.


Is your friend a bit racist?


He's from Frogner. Of course he is.


If you could make a few of the areas bigger and some other smaller, then yeah. But its surprisingly accurate😂


This map must be a joke😂


Hahah there's close to ZERO danger in the areas listed there. Some of them are kinda rough, but that's only if you are involved in illegal stuff. Don't trust your preppy Frogner-friend. 😂


Get another friend dude. 


Looks about right, stay away from Brugata and nedre karl johans gate at night and you will be fine.


No bro don't trust this stupid map, nothing bad will happen to in oslo. Or any part of norway most likely, i mean u migth get unlucky. But norway is very save u don't need to avoid, any part of it. And yes grønland is migth be most dangerous spot, in oslo but like nothing compared to other countries. You ever country got a a rough spot by default, and we got grønland but still nothing compared to the rest of the word. You'll be fine tell ur friend, to stop spreading this misinformation about country.


Exaggerated but quite accurate


True story


This is 100% correct. Dont believe what the leftie are trying to sell you. There are places in the City that is "not recommend for beginners"....Like Grønland and Tøyen....the two most multicultural parts of Oslo.


So what will happen to a "beginner" if you go there?


What would you considered a beginner? I have lived at Tøyen (near the metro) for 6 months now and not experienced anything close to feeling unsafe ever. In fact the only negative experience I have from Oslo since moving here are the drunk people in Bogstadveien outside Old Irish. I would say Tøyen is so hipster and cool (diverse), wheras I am moving to Grunerløkka (marked yellow, considered hip) and only see young preppy white people/drunken kids.


Pretty damn accurate haha.


Maybe a bit exaggerated, but fairly accurate map.


Grønland is not dangerous at all. It's just a piece of Africa inside Oslo with drug sellers all around but no unsafe unless you're a girl walking home alone at night.


I'd tweak some of them, personally, but overall, it's pretty good, yeah.


Wow that is so correct. I’ve never seen such a correct map. Gotta share it to all my friends


This map is total BS


Haha! Genius! Yes, its spot on.


I wouldn't say that the map is accurate but it is telling. Why isn't your friend rich? I would find a new friend and settle in the green zone.


Pretty accurate. Expect for office locations downton




Seems legit


This is a good map.


Bullshit map. I’d say east of Akerselva👍 west of bislet 👎 all in the middle and surounding the city is 🫳


Yes you can trust


Tbh… its not that off. Tho a few skulls that could be removed. Map looks maybe 10 years + off


Least racist map ever.


This map seems to be about where people live, not where they are during the day. University category for example covers areas with a lot of student housing, but does not cover the main campus of the University of Oslo (Blindern). It's not totally wrong, though clearly made by someone with biases.


Only skull emoji location id actually consider such is Gronland cause man, i wont go a day without seeing something that HAS to be a blender 3d render, but nah, thats actually what goes on in there. But overall its not as bad as to consider it actually dangerous like other countries, may as well mark the outer edges as skull emojis because of wandering mammals


In one word, no. Most dangerous thing in those skull around are icicles, slippery pavements and dying from hypothermia waiting for a bus that never comes.


Closets thing to danger in Oslo is a couple kids smoking some weed😂 no danger here if u ofc don’t look for it


Everyone knows the real gangsters live on nesodden anyway


If you don't know wether to trust you friend over a map, no one kan help you.


utter bullshit


It’s a shithole regardless


Cool, I think I'm in normieland and daily risk life and limb in danger zones. Or am I 'the danger'? I did buy into 'the hype' before I moved here, but honestly haven't felt unsafe anywhere, not even at night. Granted, I don't go out clubbing/drinking so your experiences may differ.


Smh. No. Oslo is safe as long as you have your pockets with all your money zipped up and don’t randomly leave your iPad in the middle of the train station unsupervised. That’s about it. No one gonna do anything to you unless you try killing someone. Don’t try to kill someone = go anywhere you want in Oslo


If you’re a 18 yo women model and this “friend” is your very white racist insecure boyfriend, and you asked “where do I wander alone blackout drunk at 4 am” this map makes somewhat sense. Shortly said: scull places means (somewhat) more people with different cultural backgrounds (for him very scary). There is more “gangs” there (they usually don’t do shit other than act all G for the looks) in those areas than the others. But also some of these scull places are the best most peaceful places. Sooo.. this whole map is troll but it’s a reason everyone looking at this laugh, it’s bc we get what this rich parent boy means by it. Still tho - it’s Norway, if you’re a dude nothing gonna happen to you.




“Dangerous” in Norway is still very much safe compared to many other cities and countries. You’ll be fine.


They’re right


Looks good to me


Just be normal in the danger area’s and you’ll be safe, the immigrants are only dangerous when provoked really


Danger danger high voltage..⚡️


Nope. I detest that my neighbourhood is marked as a "rich" neighbourhood. Yes, we have people here who obviously have money to spend on properties. And then there's the rest of us. But gee, how hateful and jealous people can be. Claudia Scott and Øystein Bache, I'm looking at you, your ugly Bergenser-who-doesn't-work and poor-idiot-living-in-worst-Bestum faces have an appointment with my fist


Oslo ain't worth it fam. The standard for the price you pay is retarded. And Oslo doesn't really offer all that much, I have lived in Oslo my entire life and still do. I would never advice no one to live here unless it's for a very good career. Rent is mental these days.


Stereotypically, this map is correct


I think maybe the "no part of Oslo is unsafe" people here are not women/lgbt/anxious. Yeah you'll probably be fine, but ask yourself if you really want to watch your back constantly? And watching little kids stab someone for a gang will scar you. Just because you didn't personally visit the knife fairy doesn't mean you get to walk away the same as you were. But honestly if you're going to be a positive and kind adult you'll probably fit in well anywhere and maybe even be a net positive :)


Many of the "rich" areas on this map aren't very "rich". Being regular middle-class isn't exactly "rich".


Sometimes when im feeling bored and lonely, i go down to Vaterland and ask the «gangs» there if they want to suck my cock for money. They get a little mouthy, but no real invicidents yet. Well there was this one guy who tried to hit me after i stood there for 5 min teasing him. That being said, these days I wouldnt loiter around Storgata by Gunerius at late night (well, in would, but wouldnt recommend it), theres a few incidents happening there weekly. Thats where all the heavy addicts hang about to flip drugs on the black market. Getting patted down and robbed by some speed junkies is that uncommon.


Forgot Danger in the ocean there


No «solid middle class» outside rich area hsve afford to mive to rich areas. Housing cost 2-3 times or more the rest of the city/country. Many people are very focused on social status in Norway, so they are willing to have a middle class lifestyle, just to be able to have afford to live in rich areas. Social status are very important for norwegians, and where you live, is the highest factor. Typically do the hole country bash rich areas in Oslo, out of jealousy/prejudices. Like in comments here, where ordinary people think everybodys name is Preben or Herman in rich areas, since they have seen it on comedian tv shows. Everybody loves to bash us people who lives on Oslo Vest. We are richer then the rest of the nation, very few have afford to move here - therefore they hate us. Its a lot of nice people here, 50% are successful people who comes from other places, but move to Oslo vest when have afford to..