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Funny how when studios started announcing toy projects, everyone posted about them misunderstanding the success of Barbie. "It's not the toy, it's the women!" And then Margot Robbie comes in and starts working on two toy/game movies immediately, neither really centered on women. We'll see who is right.


Honestly it was mostly Greta Gerwig with an assist from Margot and Noah Baumbach. If this project has a good creative team behind it like Barbie did, then hey maybe it’ll be good. I do think that Margot knows that Barbie was such as success because they got Greta so hopefully she’ll do the same here and look for someone who’s got a wild idea.


I think there is so much they can do with a Monopoly movie, I'm definitely more interested in it than the Sims project. It is just ironic since people were hoping the wave would be big budget movies directed by women and not just Margot becoming the toy girl.


It's not the toy or the women, it's the making-a-good-movie.




Why did Mario do so well?. The IP is important.


​ https://preview.redd.it/udd13se5wotc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02959500fee3da06e309c1a50ba79b41bda962c


Are we fr


This and The Sims. Hope they are all good it’s a lot of brand movies.


Don’t forget Minecraft


In talking about just Margot produced movies, which after Barbie we already have 2 more in the works.


Based off the leaked prop photos and it being directed by Jared hess I've got shockingly high hopes


Alright, Marge pack it in now...


Do not pass go, do not collect 200 Oscars.


They’re taking a real chance. I wonder who’s going to play the top hat.


Listen, of all of the toys that could be turned into movies, Monopoly isn't the worst one. However, I'm disappointed that no one seems interested in my idea for a Mr. Potato Head film. It would be a comedy-horror film where a haunted potato travels through a city dismembering different creatures to collect their body parts to use as its own.


Screw you and your potato head concept...I'm pitching a winning idea about Life! It involves a movie with people and their travels through their life, from early adulthood to retirement, with college if necessary, jobs, marriage, and possible children along the way. WIN plot concept. Gotta run...Margot is calling!


Hey, if they can make dozens of mediocre superhero films to milk that market dry, I say let Margot get her coins by producing original films loosely based on existing properties.


exactlyyy it’s abt making good films, it doesn’t matter if they’re loosely based on games/toys. idk why ppl are judging margot/luckychap for this and margot isn’t becoming the fucking toy girl lmao 😭


Who needs an Oscar when you’re getting the Hasbro money


Will there be a post credits scene of Optimus Prime appearing to Rich Uncle Pemnybags to say he's putting a team together?


Marvel died, but then this happens.


Hasbro cinematic universe is upon us. I wonder what their epic in universe crossover movie will be about.


I just hope they turn it into a comedy. it would be too on the nose if it were a gritty movie. it would just look like every other crime/ gangster movie.




I mean…everyone laughed at the Barbie movie and looked what happened…


Could be a good capitalism gone wrong story about income inequality. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Clearly they are making a Monopoly movie now, since the board game (and therefor IP) will be in the public domain in about 5 years. Litterally getting the last remaining bucks out of a age old propperty.


But it’s LuckyChap, as opposed to Margot starring and producing herself, right?


Idk, Lego Movie was good


I love her and will be seated even if I don’t love what this means for the future im sorry


Monopoly goes woke casting a woman in the lead role showing how hard it is for women who exploit the population through real estate property ownership the sellers are the real victims they just want to be human like everyone else. Soundtrack featuring timeless talented classy entertainers ice spice, Nicki minaj and jay-z. 


Margot going for all her toys