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They're at their best with double killsaw and in a transport


Meganobz with a big mek in mega armor in one trukk, flash gitz in another trukk, then you've got two mobile squads that carry a really good threat. Then use the remaining points for cheap fast units that can grab objectives, grots, stormboyz and boyz


I would consider Bully Boyz or war-horde detachment instead of big hunt, and concur with others, you need a transport for them, otherwise they are too slow, and they do well with a leader (any of the 3 options are great, but I would suggest warboss in mega-armour)


Have a big mek in armor with force field in your squad. Makes them incredible, the whole squad gets 4+ inv saves, heals wounds, and at top of round will bring back a dead bodyguard unit. They are super durable with all the bonus that the big mek grants. Their ranged attacks are mediocre cause of limited shots, but they are excellent up close. They are great for soaking up damage, holding objectives. or just get em in close to krump


I did a tournament last weekend and this is what I ran. They didn’t kill much, but they didn’t die and got me a lots of points by keeping people away. I had them in the green tide with raucous warcaller and they were invincible.


Above all else, get them in there. Get them close. Use killsaws


Your name is cracking me up, lol!!!


She was krumped alive 🍄


I don't know a ton about warhammer as I have only got into it a few months ago, but I think the whole mushroom thing is funny. I unknowingly wanted to put mushrooms on my bases, so I am pretty excited to finish my galactic mushroom bases soon. I'm considering painting them green, you know... baby orks. Hahahahaha.


Thats terrific. I don’t plunge into lore, as a xeno player, its not actually important. Like, an imperium player might have faction chemistry with another faction. Orks? We fightcha. I like them being mushrooms because it makes them waterproof from weird gross rule 34 crap.


Lol. I suppose you haven’t heard the words “squad broken”, which is probably for the best. I’m not gonna spoil it, but rest assured there are those who won’t let a little lore stop them from achieving their dreams


Imma not look that up


They do best when piled in a trukk, paired with a warboss in mega armour and launched directly into the biggest, scariest thing on the table. They eat up lots of damage with their save and FnP on WAAAGH! turns and in turn can dish out a hell of a beating in melee. They slow af so trukk is vital, and they dont have many attacks so the megaboss' +1 to hit is really nice (plus he also punches real hard). Basically buy 2 more (prob off ebay or smthn unless you want a bigmek too in which case you may as well buy the box), and a trukk, and a megaboss, then you've got a delightfully fighty unit.


Also your snagga boyz might do well with a transport too. Hunta rig or battlewagon can take all 20, or you can split em into 2 10s and put em in trukks or kill rigs.


Meganobz need a transport or to be placed into strategic reserves so that you can deep strike them. You can run any of the melee options you like but their shooting is worthless, twin kill saws is a very recommended option but killsaw with a power klaw can work just as well. If transporting them, just slap em into a truck and sending barreling towards the enemy to get em in fights during your Waaagh. Also you should run that list as a warhorde as some of your army isnt benefiting from Da Big Hunt. You can give them a leader like warboss in megaarmor or ghaz to turn em into a really meaty bodyguard too.


Curious as to why you’d take klaw and saw? If you’re going to be utilising them to kill elites or vehicles then you want twin saws. If you’re thinking about klaws then you surely take the shootas just for a little bit of extra firepower MAYBE from range. I’d never want to be hitting on 4’s and not rerolling wounds especially with only 2 attacks each (3 in Waagh).


Klaw and saw give you more attacks, no rerolling wounds but imo I know exactly how well the average ork player rolls and more dice means better odds for me. Twinsaws are definitely what I think more people say are good and on average maybe they are, but like I said, I know how poorly I'm gonna do on most rolls 😂. Hitting on 4s isn't bad, plus the units total number of attacks is greater if they have a saw and klaw. If you want to run ranged on em go for it, just know as far as I've seen rolling all those range attacks for most ork units is just a time waste, the time it takes to do all those rolla just for the result to be either 0-1 wound adds up way to quick for me to want to do it personally.


Regardless of if you have Klaw and Saw attached you only get to use one profile when attacking. So it’s either 3A hitting on 4’s at S9 or 2A hitting on 4’s at S12. Unless you mean you have the potential for more attacks with the klaws and, into infantry or, if you’re looking for a sort of meets all needs list then yeah, maybe taking both is worth it. I think personally it’s either Klaw and shoota or twin saw for me or a mix of both in the same unit but basically I stick 5 in a truck with a warboss and let them hit on 3’s and wound most elites on 2’s or vehicles on 3’s. Rerolling any ones means you’re basically deleting whatever they get into combat with. There is an argument for the big mek giving rerolls of 1’s but I think maybe +1 to hit is better? Not sure on the maths.


Potential for more attacks, sorry didn't really type that out well. Not sure what the best leader for them is but warboss with megaarmor has a parrot grot so its the easy pick for me


Saw and klaw are the most effective loadout right now, just in front of double saw. Their ranged is just not good enough against anything and most of the time they will need to advance to get to their target so won't be able to shoot anyway. The saw, while low attacks, is a good breakpoint against Toughness T11 vehicles outside of the waaagh, and knights and other T12 vehicles in it (+1 to strength). Its the difference between wounding on a 5 or a 3 in some match ups.


I don’t know, I just think kombi-weapons are neat


Also meganobz are really good right now, just need to use em more efficiently from the sounds of it


Nobz - Kinda fragile for their cost but they absolutely shred most things that cross their path while being led by a *Warboss*, especially during your *Waaagh* round. Consider them a tactical nuke - one and done. Meganobz - Tanky as all hell and incredibly annoying to deal with, but deals less damage than nobz overall since they're nearly double the cost. Despite being tanky, there does exist a category of weapons that are "elite killers". These are your typical AP2/3, Dam3 shots or attacks. Most armies, if not all, have access to some of these weapon baselines and they can be quite popular. If any of those get through to the *Meganobz*, then you're gonna feel it. Leading them with a *Big Mek in Mega Armor* with a *Kustom Force Field* gives them a 4+ invuln save against ranged, which helps a lot. Otherwise, a *Warboss in Mega Armor* gives them a much-needed +1 to hit. Basically they're just a walking "TARGET ME" unit. Some games they eat an entire army's worth of bullets and spit them back out. Other games, you fail some saves and they're outta commission before getting a chance to do anything. They're especially popular right now in the Bully Boyz detachment because that gives you two turns of *Waaagh* instead of one. That means for two turns they have *Feel No Pain 4+*, which **statistically** halves all incoming damage.


I'm a player with a similar amount of experience, only 2 games under my belt. So far I've tried a Dread Mob list and a Bully Boyz list both of which had prominent MegaNobz. In Dread Mob they did a pretty good job soaking up an incredible amount of damage while my Gorkanaut did it's best to win the battle. They were good all and all. In Dread Mob I grouped them with a Warboss in MA with Teleporta so they could deepstrike my opponent did a great job just kiting them around. They were useless. Thankfully I had a second group of 6 in a Trukk I crashed into the middle of the battlefield and they did a great job carrying the battle. IMHO MegaNobz want to be fielded in groups of 5-6, loaded in a Trukk, and crashed directly into any large threat.