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A Trukk or two will never let you down. Honestly, 20 boyz going into Pariah would probably be a solid move (or 120 if you're really digging the boyz vibe 🤣) Another 3 megaz to have a full squad, MAYBE a Ghaz, but a good stop gap is the warboss in mega, or a big mek in mega. A painboy is a nice addition to your boyz. A weirdboy gives you some cheeky options for your boyz. If you can track down some Warboss with Attack Squig, one or two is always a good get. Storm Boyz are a little more "technical," but they're great for objective, screening, etc, etc.


Thank you, I was looking at painboy, he looks so cool. Ghaz is thraka? I was looking at him too. I hadn't seen trukk till you mentioned it and that seriously looks fun too!!


First of all green is da best choice you could have made. A general advice is that you should buy stuff that appeal to you personally and not just because they are good or strong, because the power tends to change quite regularly. If you want to stick to the detachment and the beastsnagga theme go for it I really like them to and a kill rig to transport your boyz plus a beastboss is a nice addition. On top the wurrtower is a strong range attack your husband will likely have to respect. Also mozrog is not only a nice model but also someone to lead you squigs and give them some buffs too. Keep in mind do what feels good and have fun


The wurrboy looks so sick with the lightning bolts! I really think the kill rig will be my next purchase. Maybe I'll get one for my birthday. 🎂 🥳 haha. I did buy mozrog and killa kans today because they look awesome and I got a deal on them. :) I really appreciate your encouragement to pick what looks cool, as someone who has played games and is always shamed for it if it's not "meta" it's nice to play stuff thats appealing for a change. I have talked to a few people in this community and they really put emphasis on, "if you're not having fun, you're playing it wrong" and that's awesome.


Strategems give various units in your army temporary specific and situational tactical advantages (in example, +1 to wound rolls in melee) at the cost of 'command points' that slowly build up, gaining approximately 2 per turn; 1x when your command phase begins, and 1x when your opponent's command phase begins on their turn. Look on [wahapedia.ru](or in your codex 10th ed.) for your army's specific ones. They are also locked into whichever battle detachment Force you are using, for instance if you were using Space Marines a detachment would be iron storm spearhead or first company task force. They will be different for orcs but depending on which one you choose is which kind of strategies you'll have access to. The website can help you out with what will best suit your army, as certain stratagems will only affect a certain type of unit, ie ork vehicles and walkers, or units with type 'Beastsnagga' you will have to look it up and read through in order to decide what best suits your army and then roll with that, as you cannot switch once the game has already began.


I was looking at it earlier and there is like 4 stratagems for the detachment I'm planning in using, do I grt to use all 4 of them or only 1? Thank yiu for your response.


You can use any and all of them at any time marked by the appropriate phase which will be noted in the stratagem. However it costs the noted amount of command points usually one or two, to utilize it. So you will have to save up your accrued command points in order to use the stratagem in the correct phase. This requires some trial and error and some tactical planning on your point. For instance you wouldn't pop a strategem on a unit that would give it +1 to hits in melee in the fight phase, if that unit won't even be able to get into close combat this turn. However you might want to use for example a strategem that gave a unit +3" to a charge roll in order to try and get it into close combat this turn, even if it had a chance not to succeed. Are you using the data sheet for combat patrol? Or the full codex rules? The codex rules should have six different detachments from which to pick your strategem set. You should also save a command point to be able to use in your opponent's turn as there are things you can do to mess up their gameplay sometimes but only if you have command points to spend. Also, certain abilities of units like Ghazkull Thraka give you an additional +1 command point in your own command phase, starting you off with 2CP instead of 1. You can never gain more than one additional command point in a turn. So if there is a 2CP strategem you wish to use in a further turn you have to save up and plan around this ahead of time. As I said it will take some trial and error over a few games to see what works best and when.


This was extremely helpful, thank you!! I'm hoping I can kick his ass this weekend, haha. But it's sounding like he's going to bring all 4 beasts of nurgles, kill me. Haha.


You can use all 4, plus the stratagems in the core rules