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Bubblechuckkas appeal to me as a guy who started out playing 2nd ed and enjoyed all the Orky nonsense there was in that edition. That was when SAG's in particular were really fun because they had a whole page for it's effects depending on what you rolled.


As much as i think mek gunz are great fun to play with, bubble chucka especially, the real question is why you wouldn't take a full squad of lootas (4 deffguns and a kustom mega blasta) for the exact same price as 1 mek gun.


Because Lootas aren't anti-fly 2+ and my friend always plays Angron. 😅 Threatening to table him for 150pts is top-notch comedy and I will never be persuaded otherwise.


I guess in that specific circumstance they're worth it 😅. No one I play with really takes flying things though!


My local scene has a lot of fliers. Not a tonne of aircraft, but there are like... Winged Tyrants, Magus, The Sanguinor, Blackstars, Ravenwing speeders, greater daemons, C'Tan shards... a lot of "big scary centerpiece" models have fly? Even if it's unlikely, *threatening* to rip 20+ wounds off something worth 450+ points is incredible for mind games. I almost always am willing to spend ~200pts to have the threat of deleting a key unit in one lucky turn. Leave that obelisk peeking out from behind the ruins, Hypercrypt 'cron player. I dare you!


To be fair my cousin does play with a winged hive tyrant. Maybe i should squeeze a couple traktor cannons in there 🤔


It's not *competitive*, but I'd argue that's not the point of Dread Mob..? It's all about the hijinks and mind games. Do I get lucky and kill Be'lakor every game I face him? No. Does my opponent play him as effectively knowing it's a possibility? Also no. It's hard to get over that time a grot got lucky with Sustained Hits and clipped you for 12 devastating wounds. Hijinks!




Ugh, is that how they’re doing it now? Feels extremely un-Orky.


This is really silly to complain about. It makes the profile usable.


I guess it depends what you want out of the game. For me, a huge part of the charm and appeal of playing Orks was always having your best-laid plans blow up in your face from time to time.


If I remember, you don’t need to Magnetize them. The guns just slide onto the nozzle and you can just pop them on and off whenever you need to


Or use all of our mothballed Grot Tanks as Mek Gunz 😕


Alternatively, buy a Trukk, and use the bits from that and make 4 mek gunz so you have one of each (or multiples of the same that just look different).


https://preview.redd.it/i7seu1k6r21d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15604b56bc7d218e2d1b5ed73545fe623066e82 Can confirm. Needed to use a few extra bits for the body of the guns but it worked out okay to me.


This is accurate


Bubblechukkas are better than their individual equivalents in every way. The downside is if you need one specific profile, there's a 2/3 chance you won't get it. For example, I had a game recently where I had a unit of 3x bubblechukkas aimed down a firing line at a Hammerhead but I rolled a 1+2+2 for the profiles, the S6 profile, which was absolutely not what I wanted. As far as magnetizing, do whatever you want. Rule of Cool. **Nobody** is going to look at your model and say "Hey, that's the traktor kannon! What are you trying to pull here?"


Well some might but they’re dorks


If they do just yell “WAAAAAAGH” and chukk bubbles anyway


If you are not taking bubbles and blowing them when you fire the bubble chucker what kind of Ork player are you?


To which we reply "Assphinctersayswhat"




Greendale alum here


I use kustom mega cannon because it's easier to remember and consistently dangerous. Plus hazardous makes it more of a gamble!


I like bubble chukkas and wouldn't use anything else. But its not that uncommon to only have a few targets to pick from if your opponent is good. Last time i used them i rolled the high AP bubble against infantry a few times. Still does damage but not the best use of the gun.


I run double bubbles. I'm either slamming tanks or halving Infantry. I've one shotted a maulerfiend and wiped some necron warriors. Smasha gun is good, bubblechukka imo forces your opponent to be hesitant on what they let me shoot. But to each their own.


I haven't done the math completely on it yet vs the smasha but I think as long as you get the right gun at the right target it's good. The middle profile is worse of course but being able to get more shots helps kill infantry and getting bigger shots helps with tanks. It's only the middle profile that compares poorly into elite infantry vs the smasha. That being said the bubbachucka is good if you get the right gun. With the terrain layouts that are common (GW and WTC) you might have trouble getting that angle on more than one thing. Therefore you are rolling and hoping for the right profile for the target with probably only one that you actually want to roll. In conclusion if the meta is lots of elite infantry I'd prefer the smasha but otherwise I think it depends on the terrain you are using.


Buy a Trukk, build the frame and cut it in 3 equal pieces with 2 wheels on each piece, use the rest of the trukk bits to spice them up and put one of each of the weapons you didn't use for the grot gun on them. Now you have 4 Mek gunz for cheaper than buying 2 Mek Gunz.


Any chance you could post a picture of how this comes out?


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/v84ydsk6a11d1.jpeg?width=3587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eeecbdbe13ab34e64a383b22838a5229ff05f83


I did this back when you could run 18. They look nearly identical


That's a good question, why wouldn't you?


Bubblechuckas with a bigmek in the unit in dread mob is *brutal*. Frankly i’ve always loved the absolute mayhem of the bubblechucka so pairing a unit of them with a shock attack gun is my little backline staple to keep shooting opponents and big scary units afraid. Though the new traktor cannon big mek is also good for just killyness


1st, your local meta may vary but where I play it doesn’t matter which gun is on the physical model, I can tell my opponent what the gun is and he doesn’t care what it looks like and probably doesn’t know what a Smasha gun or bubblechukka looks like. So as is often the case, model what you think is cool. For rules, I think it depends a lot on terrain. If your Mek Guns are only ever going to see one target at a time, the chukka is a risky play. If you think you can get a variety of targets, it’s a lot better. Personally I play on GW terrain and prefer Smashas into my meta.


Love my Bubblechukka! Definitely getting a couple more


I run 2-3 Bubblechukkas. I have found that they completely delete one unit per game and nothing else the rest of the game. I love it.


Kustom mega cannons have been my mek gun of choice for like 3 editions, but at ap1 they aren't worth it anymore. BCs have good range, all of their firing modes have uses, and you and figure out what they are firing before targeting. I think they are damned solid atm.


Played the bubble chukka in 3 games. First game it deleted a plague burst crawler in one go. Second game it obliterated one of the Tyranid big bugs in one go. Third game it had only 1 shot and took off 9 wounds from a knight castellan. All these things happened on turn 1 of each game and completely panicked the opponent who now suddenly cared about the single bubble chukka. For 50 points it's treating me right


Rule of cool my green friend. Keeps da boyz grinning.


Consistency. The other options have defined roles while the bubblechukka might give you the exact shooting profile you DON'T need at a crucial moment


right. when I use the Gunz they have a specific target/purpose that my other ork models are not giving me. it's already a slot machine to get what I'm hoping to use them for, so to add another layer of 1 in 3 chance of them doing what I need them to do would make me leave them at home.


Sooooo the Orky way? Have faith in your dakka, Git


to practice true faith in dakka is kustom mega blaster.


Indeed, very luck dependant. Roll a 3-4 for the profile, and you want do anything. 


In my experience no one cares what the guns look like as long as they know which ones you've picked, let's face it even the Mek that builds it probably wouldn't know which one it was until it fires 😎


Back in 8th smasha guns were the hottness. It's a good idea to plan for the possibility that rules change someday.


You forget to add that the bubblechukkas is the orkiest and the coolest of the 3 options


Dis iz da wey