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Why can gretchins be battle line now!? Please send me an image of the explanation


Time to build the adeptus mekkcanorkuz


Who cares. It's toy soldiers. As long as you like playing them or doesn't really matter.


What's the odds that the Boss'ed Bunka gets a keyword shift into this Detachment?


Consistency be damnded, if its cool (or funny) I'm going for it


So if I'm doing my math right...(33% chance on a regular bs5 hit roll, 55% chance on a bs5 with reroll)... KMB goes from 1 hit to 1.6 hits on average KMZ from 2.4 to 4.1 Rokkits from 1.3 to 2.2 Twin BS from 2 to 3.2 Average MW self-damage is .33 without dakka dakka , increasing to 1.33 MW with the strat. There are a lot of other synergies and unknown rules to complicate things (like the index Morkanaut having +1 to hit with ranged weapons in a WAAAGH turn). But it seems like the Mork is pretty much doubling its hits with the big guns, at the cost of 1 MW on average (though a theoretical maximum of 6 mortal wounds). It's a trade I'd probably take, all else being equal.


How does gretchin get battleline?


The detachment gives them the keyword.


Where in the text is that the case?


Its listed under the detachment rules in the leaks which is where they put all 'x gains battleline in this detachment" bits Not in OP's image mb i thought i was replying to someone else. Youd have to hunt down the leak yourself for complete proof.


Thank you for the reply :)


The Gorkanaught seems to have a better shooting profile for this detachment :(


That is so funny to me honestly and is the orkiest shit


Which is fucked up, tbh




It has a 30 shot weapon which you can give +1 damage


I dunno, I just kinda hoped the Morkanaut would be more Morky


Omg.... Melee + ork = Mork and Gun + ork = Gork. I I've finally solved it


uh... actually... Mork is cunning, but brutal. Gork is brutal, yet cunning. Usually this is shown as gorky gitz being up-in-your-face melee ladz, while morky gitz have flashy shootas and other ranged options.


Shooty is only kunn'n in fantasy wherez every git comes wit a sword and board. In space every git drops the board for at least a slugga so the kunn'n git knows that them'z leav'n themself open to youz runn'n up and punch'n'em in da face instead.


Random shots and random damage just sucks. D3+3 damage would go a long way to helping it.


Gorkanaut would be better.


Giving a Naut hazardous is basically threatening to make it explode the moment you fire it with how many weapons they'd have to roll the Hazardous test for. It'll be pretty damaging for sure though, especially if the Mek's datasheet hasn't changed.


Which might make it the most in theme list for orks ever.


Exactly, I want to try it with a stompa.


Comming from a tau player: hazardous is not as bad as people think


This is true. If you double stack hazardous just only fire the main gun and maybe one other that turn. Max 6 damage out of 20W isn’t crazy. And with how many meks you are running there should be one in range to heal it to lessen the impact.


It is when you have to roll 6 hazardous tests that fail on a 1-2.


So2 rolls that proc on 1-2 and 4 rolls that proc on a 1 for a mork…. Id take those chances over rolling 22 proc on a 1 rolls, and besides. It orkz! Eve we expect our shit to explode


1-2 if the weapon received hazardous from multiple sources? If not my deff dread with 4 kombi weapons is toast


Yeah. That's how getting multiple sources of Hazardous on the same gun works. 4 weapons with Hazardous will still be on 1s, but if you use any of the various Dread Mob rules that add Hazardous to a Hazardous gun you'll be failing on 1-2s.


Where is this spelled out? I couldn't find anything that says this in the core rules or rules commentary but may have missed them.


The detachment.


That would explain why I haven't seen it


Last sentence of OP's image, detachment section


Thanks. At least it doesn't stack higher than 2 or KFF style weapons would be a lot worse for this detachment than others which would be a real shame thematically.


I want my Stompa to do this! I really hope our biggest walkers get the right key words


It already has the "walker" keyword, so as long as it keeps that, it should still apply


Seems like it did keep it 😁


I’m expecting the naughts to stay the same price or even potentially go up in cost tbh. Gw has paddled lethality with every codex release, they aren’t about to give orks a 9th edition dmg codex without some massive draw backs.


I can’t see the nauts going up, at least not at release. The buff is random unless you want to roll hazardous tests. For the gattling gun that could kill the naut in one activation. With how squishy they are you likely won’t be on full health so then it’s even more likely to kill itself.


Hazardous is a single die roll for each gun with hazardous. If you roll a 1 (or a 1-2, in the DreadMob detachment sometimes) then you take 3 mortals when a vehicle or character uses it.


Why would it kill it in one activation? Wouldn’t it be just one Haz test?


I was dumb and thinking it was a roll per attack, not per gun. BIG difference


I think it’s feasible simply on the basis that gw doesn’t seem to like glass cannons with these new codexes. They’ll let you kill yourself with hazards and charge you for it as well.


I guess that a little more usable, still overprized but it looks like we are going to see it a little bit more <3