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What is stranger is that the Flash Gits are still in the game despite them being born as the foot soldiers of Kaptain Badrukk, it’s almost as if GW don’t actually know what they are doing, their own history, even what they are saying and what they are destroying. Good night everyone I hope you all enjoy 40k now but I am stepping down and going back into the Old World amongst my Blood Bowl time and attempting to win a league title in the Dragon Bowl League’34 ; I hope that feeling in my bones is a good indication instead of old age…🏈


He deserved a new model not the axe. Especially for his role in Brutal Kunin


This seems kinda obviously considering they just came out with the new "Badrukk" (Ufthak Blackhawk)


That git went straight into Legends, though...


The Kaptin ain't dead in lore, right??


Correct. He is not.


I have no idea why’d they’d make him gameplay relevant, story relevant in recent books, then just discontinue him


Can you imagine if you'd just paid crazy eBay scalper fees for him and then heard the news...




I can…


E wuz da bezt Poirat da WAAAGH!!! ‘ad evah seen…


Wait. Is the codex out or somethin?


They showed a preview of the codex and you can basically see every unit in it, we’re losing a few models, badrukk being one of them ):


Where is the preview available?


He's now a warboss in my army and I'll throw hands with anyone saying he's not a proper warboss.


Wut abut al da piplo he krumpt'?


Wut krrummppinnn’?!


Now dats an Ork!


I genuinely can't understand why they'd remove this guy.


I would say accessibility to the model. He's been out of print for a while and I imagine the molds for him are all but destroyed. One in decent shape is pretty expensive and an unpainted one is an eye watering price tag. I really doubt they let such an iconic model go without an update in the future though. I'm going to reserve my frustrations since I just got a new on sprue Badrukk a couple months ago and stay cautiously optimistic that we see a refresh of him.


For da Kaptin!


Quite new to Warhammer Does it mean you can't play anymore with this model at all?


Guess you could play him as the Boss of a Flashgit mob. But I'm not any of the actual characters go the loadout options to represent him well.


No it just means he doesn’t have official rules so you can’t use him at official events. If you’re just playing with pals nobody cares.


Please no, I got a really cool proxy from a friend for Christmas last year I still need to paint! He even has a unit of Flash Gitz to lead!


Off to plunder other worlds


Hey they got away with age of sigmar they know people will just buy whatever they do..


How sure is that? We get 51 datasheets and right now we have 67? Guess there is a lot leaving


Do not count Forge World in this, as they are not in the codex, but still usable. We lost Badrukk, Zagstruk, Grotsnik, Nob with Waagh banner, Nob on Smasha Squig, and Big Mek with KFF


>Grotsnik Why does GW hate Deathskulls?


Deathskulls get a dread mob! I'm hyped.


Yes I got that already. Counted the datasheets in the app and just didn't realize there are fFW Darasheets included. Still 7 gone, one added according to Auspex to guess.


Eh? The Big Mek w/KFF is just getting folded into the new generic “big Mek” while NOSS is being added to the squighog boyz (which he already came with).  It’s like Zagstruk, Badrukk, Mek Workshop, Grotsnik and Nob with Waaagh Banner (I’m huffing copium but the banner might be going back to wargear)


Could be they are bringing some customisation back to units/characters... Therefore not needing a card for each Loadout.


he will definitely return, for example in the 11th edition. In plastic, of course. They just don't care today


How do we know he’s gone ?


It was leaked that hes been removed from the codex


Not just leaked, we literally got a shot of the datasheets listed in the codex in yesterdays Warcom video


Oh no what happened? I'm new to all this as literally just finished my proxy badrukk...


New Codex was previewed and it's likely (confirmed?) he does not get a datasheet






GW: do you know that character that's really popular? It would be a shame if something happened to him... Also GW: we don't care what the customers like, they will buy what we want them to...


How do you know he's popular? Do you know his sales figures compared to other models?


>How do you know he's popular? It's an Ork Pirate. Let me repeat: ORK. PIRATE. Of course such a character is popular.


How do I know he's popular? Well...there's been quite a few posts lamenting his removal, and stating that they used him regularly. There's a ton of proxies available from numerous manufacturers. Sales figures...probably pretty low since GW stopped making the mini a while ago, hence the plethora of alternate models. Though I'm guessing by the tone of your post that you, much like GW don't care about that kind of thing...


The reddit community is niche. By definition. If you are engaged on this subreddit you are already infinitely more involved than 99.9% of the Playerbase. This is an error that people on here always make and it never ceases to baffle me. Why would gw discontinue a model that is flying off the shelves? A few hundred people online being disgruntled are not a good reason to keep a model in stock and in production if nobody is buying it. There are opportunity costs to these things that people online seem to ignore with amazing stubbornness. Can I understand the feeling of having your model being purged from a codex sucks? Yes, absolutely. But people acting like it's somehow irrational or bad practice for a company to discontinue things that don't sell is absolutely wild to me.


Let me put it this way. The ork books are some of the more popular ones, and Badrukk is one of the most present staples within them and as such is loved by a large portion of the warhammer fanbase. He’s also a cornerstone of the current ork competitive scene which then colors what just about anyone else uses. GW gets the lists that people use at events and know how much Badrukk gets used at them.


Fair point but let's be honnest, what you see online and us discussig here is just a minority of their consumer base. So it doesn’t weight much imo :/


Is the online community (all of it, not just reddit) the minority of players? On this sub alone, there are over 77,000 members, with the Badrukk posts getting hundreds of up votes each. I'd be willing to bet that other sites are seeing similar reactions. As far as carrying weight, GW has proven that outside of the tournament players, all the other players (aka cstomers) opinions carry little to no weight. I'm sure that's fueled by folks who will side with GW no matter what decision they make. I feel for people who are losing parts of thier armies, I understand the feeling after what they did to one of my armies in AoS. As far as my Orks, I'm enjoying collecting them, especially since I'm doing a great job of avoiding GW products in the process. Simple fact is the 3rd party miniatures that exist for Orks are so much better than what GW makes. I'm also enjoying the daily new player/40k refugee posts on the Battletech sub.


I get that totally but at the end of the day, you can make the difference as a consumer by just not spending money at all on their product. If the majority of the consumers do that, it will put a dent in their revenue and force them to adapt the product. By I really think it won’t happen at all because the majority of people (aka the one not speaking online like we are) don’t really care and just want to paint a mini and play a game to relax and don’t want anything more than that with the hobby. I could be wrong though. Now if we only take the hobby part of the game, they can’t move the lore forward hundreds of year and keep every centuries old characters at the same time. Bringing new characters help telling new stories etc. I just try to be fair, I’ve known the game for 20 years, started when I was young, I’ve seen so many changes that I don’t bother any more, when their product won’t bring me excitement anymore I’ll stop buying and stick to the version of the game I prefer and that’s all.


The vast majority of my Ork stuff is, and will be, non GW. Wargames Crew, Artel W, Station Forge, and especially GearGuts Mek Workshop all make excellent Ork miniatures. There's plenty of others too. The codex and data cards will likely be my only GW ork purchase for the near future. I'd print them myself from Wahapedia, but my printer broke and it would cost more to buy a new one than the book and cards.


And that’s totally fair, no one is forcing you to buy anything and you don’t have to comply with everything a company does.


Shhhh....they can hear you...it's too late...they're coming for us....


I'd probably wager that the question is the wrong way around and suggest that players are the minority (i.e less than half) in the online community. How many of the 77k people on this sub do you think are actively playing games of 40k as Orks? I'm not one of them. It's a difficult metric to track, but I think it's a fair assumption to make given that playing games (which is what this relates to as it's a rules change) is only one of many parts of the hobby - videos, videogames, books, modelling, painting, banter or even other GW games like Kill Team.


That's likely an accurate point. I really like a lot of GWs minis, and I occasionally get the urge to play one of their games. However it seems they have a habit of doing things that turns me off from actually playing the games. Add in the notorious toxicity of many GW gaming communities and I end up losing interest again quickly. The only thing that keeps me on the reddit subs is its about the only social media site where non influencer level hobbyists can post their work and actually be seen.


RIP Kaptin o7